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S01.E13: Drink Me


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I think we got a glimpse into the future tonight. Alice and Kate worked well together so I have to think this is the goal for them. Alice needs to stop targeting  my Mary and stop killing people first but I think they’re on the way to hero and anti-hero. 

Mary playing wingman for Sophie at the bar was fun. The actors work well together so hopefully this is a sign they’ll have more scenes. 

Mary knows!! Now we’re talking! 

Hoping Sophie kissed Batwoman knowing she’s Kate. 

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Ruby Rose's delivery continues to improve. I especially liked "I've always wanted to slay a vampire" and the "Nobody wants to study property law sober" conversation with Mary.

I like that Alice saved Mary and sold her out to Nocturna. It's a pretty fair balance of the character. I also enjoy any time we get to see Kate and Mary together, so that's fun. And Mary liked Luke's tie, so I'm shipping them even more now.

I'm happy Mary knows. Here's hoping we get an Oliver/Thea reaction to that reveal instead of a Kara/Lena reaction. 

I hope Sophie knows. I wouldn't mind a Sophie and Mary "she doesn't know we know" conversation with wacky hijinks either. I'll also be amused by her still not knowing, so either way I win.

Also, whose bright idea was it to premiere Katy Keene and a show about Kate Kane in the same season on the same network? I keep hearing commercials while doing other things and getting confused.

Edited by bettername2come
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33 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

I think we got a glimpse into the future tonight. Alice and Kate worked well together so I have to think this is the goal for them. Alice needs to stop targeting  my Mary and stop killing people first but I think they’re on the way to hero and anti-hero. 

Mary playing wingman for Sophie at the bar was fun. The actors work well together so hopefully this is a sign they’ll have more scenes. 

Mary knows!! Now we’re talking! 

Hoping Sophie kissed Batwoman knowing she’s Kate. 

I have a bad feeling they will have Sophie NOT know so they can have a stupid triangle of sorts and cause Mary FINALLY figured it out. God forbid 2 people figure it out at once 

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I really, really liked this episode. I felt like every aspect really worked well.

I think the Alice/Kate scenes worked well, especially now that we're establishing more of an even ground between the two. Alice still is looking for Kate's approval and love, and even with Kate not saving her last episode hasn't stopped her from seeking Kate out at every opportunity. And Kate's getting more fiesty with her interactions. What she told Alice after Nocturna was stopped was...not what I expected from Kate at ALL. It was actually kind of cold, which was a total surprise.

Mary knows! And she got to figure it out on her own. She didn't seem angry, so that's a plus. I am glad that they had her figure it out this quickly. I would have expected them to drag it out longer, but I guess there's still Sophie (who should still at least suspect that Kate is Batwoman, right? That's still a thing, from what I recall) and Jacob.

I will say that Batwoman not letting people know about Alice being alive and the whole doppelganger situation is questionable, especially if she suspects that Alice will retaliate against her. I get why Alice is maintaining a low profile, but I'm not fully sure why Kate thinks that not telling anyone about Alice is a good idea. I just expect Alice to spring up with some evil plan against her family, at some point.

Batwoman and Sophie kiss. Alrighty, then. Some shows would go the route of Sophie recognizing Batwoman's kiss as familiar. 

Some nice character moments from everyone. Mary/Luke seems to be on its way. Kate got some pretty funny moments herself. 

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Somebody please tell me it wasn't just my TV, and that this episode was just TOO dark - literally. Thank goodness for promo photos or I wouldn't know how everyone was supposed to look.

Glad that Mary figured it out! We already know she'll be a good addition to the team. I don't want her stuck in the Batcave like Luke, though.

But speaking of Luke; it was good to see him outside the Batcave/Wayne offices, but I still need to see more of him outside of Batwoman stuff. Just about all his scenes are him assisting Kate. Yes, I know he's her version of Alfred, but he still needs fleshing out as a main character that we see every episode.

So they've stopped the 'Letters to Bruce' bit?

Wow, the two person love triangle is in full effect now! Sophie is going to have to learn the Secret soon, and I hope Kate actually tells her, for a change of pace.

Kate & Alice continue to have the most interesting and compelling hero/villain dynamic. I even felt a little bad for Alice in her last scene with Kate. I know Alice is a psycho murderer who you wish were dead, but you don't have to be mean about Kate! LOL!

Um - can they actually declare "Alice"(Beth) at Jane Doe? Or should I just assume that this was an illegal coverup by Jacob? Law enforcement (or whoever) can still take fingerprints, DNA, etc. from the corpse and find out she was long, lost Beth Kane, right?

1 hour ago, Trini said:

Somebody please tell me it wasn't just my TV, and that this episode was just TOO dark - literally. Thank goodness for promo photos or I wouldn't know how everyone was supposed to look.

I appreciate all of the Fun New Things We Can Do With Digital Cameras, really, I do, but I rather wish fewer directors responded to this with How Dark Can We Make These Scenes? Which is to say, yeah, this episode was genuinely dark. Literally. I realize Batwoman is supposed to be the Arrow replacement, but even Arrow turned the lights on every so often.

That said, Mary knows! And she figured it out on her own, without needing the typical huge reveal from the protagonist! Awesome! Really looking forward to seeing how Mary handles this.


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Luke, dude, shoot your shot.  Mary's into you, you're into her, go for it.

I was chuckling at Luke needling Kate about Sophie talking to the woman.  I took it as friendly jabbing due to Kate's comment about working alone.

Glad that Mary finally knows.  Kate's little Bat Family is gonna grow to include Kate, Luke, and Mary.  With possibly Alfred's daughter popping up from time to time.

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Mary know! And she figured it out on her own and doesn't seem to be Lena about it! That was my number 1 want for the season so I'm happy. 

The episode was pretty good. I liked Nocturna as a villain - creepy with those images of victims dangling whilst she drains their blood. When they mentioned Elle was a vet or whatever so she had access to Ketamine I rolled my eyes, that's very TV to assume it's the easiest way to get it. Even in Gotham you'd think there was an easier way to get treatment for porphyria than becoming a serial killer. Though it used to be considered a condition that meant a deterioration in mental health so it worked here. Very Victorian. 

Luke is growing on me. His actual partnership with Kate is growing and they're settling into a more teasing relationship. I also like his scenes with Mary and the horrific lying. Glow in the dark tie! 

So Jacob is out and we're back to his Crows are the city's best defence storyline and his pushing Kate and Sophie together. Kind of. I'm still not at all interested in that, even with so many characters commenting on it and an episode set up to show jealousy, characters commenting on them and "forbidden" helping of Batwoman  and the kiss it's still meh IMHO. I wish I liked it more but it still comes with too much baggage and too little chemistry for me. 

Alice and Kate were pretty good tonight, their first confrontation was a lot quieter than I thought and sad more than anything. Alice won't die but keeps telling Kate any version of her that is good is dead/will die and still wants Kate to save her psychopathic self. Kate was pretty harsh but considering all the people Alice has killed in her quest to get love/attention from her family it's fair. RS is really good with her reactions though. Her talking to fake Mouse just before she got surprised by Nocturna was crazy and OTT but it worked. So now she know August Cartwright is alive and has Mouse....

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I wish they had switched the two last scenes and ended the episode with Mary finding out since the follow-up should have been the big cliffhanger. As for templates on handling this: let it be Thea from Arrow. (The best reaction to a superhero's secret identity revealed was still on Daredevil but such a high stakes emotional drama hour does not fit this show's mood.)

Sophie is still this show's Laurel for me and I'm waiting for feeling more chemistry.

Kate's look for the bar opening was killer.

Edited by MissLucas
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14 hours ago, Trini said:

Somebody please tell me it wasn't just my TV, and that this episode was just TOO dark - literally. Thank goodness for promo photos or I wouldn't know how everyone was supposed to look.

I was going to mention this. I couldn't tell what was going on during the fight scenes.

I hate how much Sophie is such a kiss ass to Kate's dad. I just don't like the character at all.

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I enjoyed the episode.

Mary figured it out all by herself. And the shipping vibes with Luke were strong in this one. Loved it.

I think they are rushing the relationship between Sophie and Batwoman. I enjoy their chemistry and always thought the show should give Kate and Sophie a chance but they could have built up to it a bit more. This could also have disastrous consequences as Kate could be viewed as taking advantage of the situation. She keeps proving she's quite territorial when it comes to Sophie.

I wanted Sophie to choose Batwoman over her career as a parallel/contrast to what happened between her and Kate back at the academy and I was disappointed when she decided to cut ties with her but then the kiss happened so maybe I won?

Alice was brilliant in her manipulation but she's also very needy when it comes to Kate. It seems she's now going to be busy with Mouse and the Caterpillar. Can't wait for their confrontation.

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Between Batwoman and Supergirl, it was a night of heroines letting go of guilt. Also, Mary seems to have finally put two and two together.

And Sophie has to know by now, right? Also: am I naive for thinking that last bit of heavy kissing on a rooftop wasn't that gratuitous?

Nocturna was fun as VOTW go. Of course, Alice continues to go the extra mile in her crazy. The team-up with her sister was sweet, though, even if she did point out Mary to Nocturna.

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Ahhhh... did I miss something in the previous episode? How was the always angry dad acquitted? They lost Mouse and the only "doctor", who could have testified for their case. I mean, that was their only option. What ze fak?

Also, what purpose was that scene with Alice in the abandoned church? You want revenge, so get revenge, don't save what's her name there, unless you wanted her blood with that antidote, but we did not see Alice in the end spinning some sort of vile. Seriously, what the fuck was all that about?


Edited by Rushmoras

Mary figures it out! Of course she did, Mary is the best! I am really glad she knows, I am really interested to see when/how she confronts Kate about it, and how she will feel. I am hoping she is more excited than freaked out or angry, she seemed mostly just shocked from what we saw of her. I am hoping she will be brought into the fold soon, Kate could really use her as a part of the team, and then Mary and Luke could keep this flirting going in a positive direction! 

I liked this episode, it had some good follow up to Beth dying and Kate choosing her over Alice, lots of good character moments, and Nocturne was a fun villain of the week. She was appropriately creepy, as were her victims being strung up and drained, and a person with a skin condition becoming a vampire themed supervillain is just so Gotham. I did laugh at Kate and Luke being all "vampires cant exist!" considering they live in the Arrowverse, a place where basically everything exists, I mean Kate just saw the multiverse being rearranged and then followed that by fighting a giant Beebo! Even if we haven't seen any vampires, they could very well be around somewhere. 

I liked Mary playing wingwoman for Sophie, in general I like Sophie best when she interacts with Mary. Possibly because Sophie kind of loosens up a bit, or possibly because Mary is The best and she makes every scene better by her presence. I also saw some more sparks between Mary and Luke, and I am liking them a lot. 

The scenes with Kate and Alice were really strong this week, especially the end where Alice told Kate she didnt want her to give up on her, and when Kate told Alice how stupid it was to think she was worthy of saving. Yeah Alice, when you push someone away for too long, they might get tired of the push, and then what? I definitely thought that Alice and Kate temporarily teaming up to save Mary and get Nocturne was a bit of a play test of Alice eventually turning good, further confirmed when Alice got upset at the idea that Kate was giving up on her. Hopefully if they do make her turn hero, they give her a solid redemption arc, and not a half assed "now they're a hero because we said so just ignore their evil deeds never mind that hero now" arc that the Arrowverse has given some other villains turned heroes *Cough Black Siren Cough*. 

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Finally got around to this!

Once Sophie let it slip to Mary that Batwoman had been attacked by Nocturna, I was hoping that she would piece things together, since she noticed Kate had Ketamine in her blood earlier.  Even then, I was still giddy that it actually happened and Mary knows!  Glad that they aren't going to drag it out any longer.  Also glad that Mary seemed excited about it.  Now, I didn't watch next week's previews, so I have no idea how Kate is going to handle it if/when Mary confronts her about it, but I hope she doesn't try and play coy.  Mary needs to officially join Team Batwoman stat!  Especially since she and Luke seem to be hitting it off, as well.  Yay, Mary!

Definitely isn't a huge surprise that there is some fallout over Kate picking Beth over Alice, with Kate feeling guilt (even though she probably made the right call, despite out it turned out), and Alice being angry as hell.  And, yet, Alice still can't seem to not want Kate's approval, with her whole "Sick Nocturna on Mary, but then use it to allow herself to save her" attempt.  I love that Alice seemed to think that proved she is capable of being supportive towards Kate, even though she was the only reason Mary was in peril in the first place.  Still, baby steps?  Maybe?!

Jacob is out of prison, but is jealous.. err, "concerned" over Batwoman's popularity and how she is making the Crows look like chumps.  And he now has found out Sophie has been assisting Batwoman, and she must pick a side.  Seems like an easy choice to me, but I guess her "loyalty" towards Jacob will end up making it more complicated than it needs to be.

Speaking of Sophie, she now has her "first" kiss with Batwoman, I see.  Unless she actually knows it is Kate and is just going to never say it out loud, it will be fun to try and believe that she doesn't notice Batwoman and Kate have similar kisses/lips.

Alice has already figured out that Dr. Campbell is actually August.  Uh oh!

I think I can officially say now that I like Ruby Rose as Kate.  She seems to have found a rhythm now, and feels natural both in and out of the suit.  She has established a fun rapport with Luke/Camrus Johnson, and is even holding her own opposite of Rachel Skarsten now (Kate last confrontation with Alice was probably Rose's best work yet.)  It might not have been an automatic one, but it looks like the Arrowverse casting directors have done it again. 

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On 2/27/2020 at 2:05 AM, thuganomics85 said:

Definitely isn't a huge surprise that there is some fallout over Kate picking Beth over Alice, with Kate feeling guilt (even though she probably made the right call, despite out it turned out), and Alice being angry as hell.  And, yet, Alice still can't seem to not want Kate's approval, with her whole "Sick Nocturna on Mary, but then use it to allow herself to save her" attempt.  I love that Alice seemed to think that proved she is capable of being supportive towards Kate, even though she was the only reason Mary was in peril in the first place.  Still, baby steps?  Maybe?!

This is of course AFTER Alice spent most of the season trying to convince Kate to give up on her and giving Kate plenty of reasons to do so. Now that Kate finally has Alice is desperate for her approval and for Kate to not give up on her. At least Kate finally did what she should've done within the first few episodes of the season and told Alice to shove it where the sun don't shine.


Jacob is out of prison, but is jealous.. err, "concerned" over Batwoman's popularity and how she is making the Crows look like chumps. 

This is typical of media that has superheroes in it that aren't accepted by the law right off. The superhero makes the authorities look like chumps so instead of just letting the hero go about their business and they going theirs if not supporting them as best they can they try to actively undermine the heroes' efforts if not outright trying to capture and/or kill them. They may come up with some B.S. justification but it's really about jealousy and finger pointing because they can't or won't measure up.


And he now has found out Sophie has been assisting Batwoman, and she must pick a side.  Seems like an easy choice to me, but I guess her "loyalty" towards Jacob will end up making it more complicated than it needs to be.

I doubt it, but I'm hoping, praying almost, that Sophie will ultimately realize how full of it Jacob really is. That like Kate with Alice she'll tell Jacob where to stick it and point out that maybe Batwoman is so popular because she's actually effective while the Crows have been utterly useless at every turn (not to mention corrupt) and rather that using her as a example to aspire to and improving the Crows so that she's not needed Jacob would rather hunt her down.

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OK, have to say, killing your identical twin (from a parallel universe) is a pretty good way of evading justice. But did Kate not tell her dad (either as Kate or Bats) about alterna-Beth? And why wasn't she there to meet him when he got out of jail?

How did Nocturna manage to bite Batwoman? That's pretty sloppy of Kate - even if you don't have poisoned fangs, you can pick up some nasty infections from a simple human bite (and it's a weapon everyone has available to them). I get the need to have Kate get bitten, but the way it was staged made her look incompetent.

Love Kate just walking into Alice's lair (again)!

On 2/24/2020 at 3:03 AM, Trini said:

Um - can they actually declare "Alice"(Beth) at Jane Doe? Or should I just assume that this was an illegal coverup by Jacob?


On 2/24/2020 at 9:45 AM, Featherhat said:

So Jacob is out and we're back to his Crows are the city's best defence storyline

Given that they explicitly aren't cops, they can do all the things Batwoman does (including, say, illegal coverups). His complaint should be that she's undercutting them by working for free! Also, just because you don't like Batwoman, maybe prioritise "The serial killer you're looking for is tied up on the roof!" over chewing out your subordinate for dealing with Batwoman?

On 2/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, appositival said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the woman who couldn't stand the sight of blood is a veterinarian?

That was why I instantly assumed she was faking, that it was deliberate misdirection having already made Sophie as a Crow.

1. Nocturna, another canon minor villain from the comics. She's pretty good although where did she learn to fight so well?

2. Boy, isn't Alice clever, talking the villain out of killing her and then working out it's Mouse's dad?

3. She saves Mary? She doesn't have to, could this be the beginning of her redemption arc?

4. Like the club, seems a fun place, the interactions between Sophie, Kate and Mary are great. 

5. I take it the girl putting the moves on Sophie can't be a vet if she's a hemaphobe? But they just said she works in that field. I actually thought she was Nocturna and she was actually getting excited by her blood fetishism and pretending to be nauseous to cover?

6. Gotham Cathedral, just like in the 89 Batman movie. 

7. How come Jacob is out? Did they run tests on Mouse and reveal his abilities? Or just establish he was out of town so there must have been a double. 

8. We are going to have a funeral for Beth right?

9. Nice shout out to Youtube reactors (I watch Legends of Podcasting, Britsmash and Fandomreactions myself). 

10.  Looks like Luke is straight, I did wonder. 

11. Mary figures it out, about time. If I was her I'd be mad they didn't tell her sooner. 

12. Surely Sophie must know now too?   


2 hours ago, Joe Hellandback said:

11. Mary figures it out, about time. If I was her I'd be mad they didn't tell her sooner. 

12. Surely Sophie must know now too?

I thought they'd BOTH already worked it out! I figured it was more a case of "I can't officially know this, but so long as you don't actually TELL me I can maintain plausible deniability" (in Sophie's case at least)

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