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S07.E04: Friends with Benefits

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9 hours ago, Eme said:

Yes, the sports bra and leggings were so out of place at lunch.  She should have tossed on a cute dress over what she had on- it’s like she stopped dressing before she was done.... She will never be accused of having too much class, but SOMEONE -a Director? Stylist?  Should have told her to put on something more appropriate for lunch with friends.  Also, do they ever show her eating?  

Someone mentioned before Whitney doesn’t want them really showing her eating or she’s more conscious of the camera so doesnt.....maybe after Cakegate.   Also didn’t want them to show her smoking.    I read this online maybe on here.  I don’t really notice if she eats,  I’m too distracted by the outfit or lack there of or the braying.

Edited by Irate Panda
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1 hour ago, Lovecat said:

I spent too much of this episode marveling about how Hat!Ryan is cute in a dudebro kind of way, but Hatless!Ryan looks like a complete dork.  How is that possible?

I have been obsessed with it since the first episode 😄. I think it’s because hatless Ryan is wearing his hair in sort of a hair-hat.  It would be a combover if he were bald 😂

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5 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

Honestly, I think this was more of Ryan maximizing his camera time.  If this were just a bar I’d think Ryan’s probably trying to get laid, but here I think he was like NOPE I’m getting into at least 48 mins of this hour episode. Yet again, I feel like Heather has drawn the short stick in storylines.  I don’t think Ryan is unattractive, but again not my type....way too short, but physically miles ahead of Buddy, and at least seems to want to work.  Both have unattractive personalities. 

Yes! All of this! From now on, if anyone in this forum asks why I think Ryan is a camera-hogging, opportunistic, pompous jerk, I'm gonna point them to your post. It's said so much better than I have managed.

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1 hour ago, Eme said:

Yes, the sports bra and leggings were so out of place at lunch.  She should have tossed on a cute dress over what she had on- it’s like she stopped dressing before she was done.... She will never be accused of having too much class, but SOMEONE -a Director? Stylist?  Should have told her to put on something more appropriate for lunch with friends.  Also, do they ever show her eating?  

That's exactly what I thought. She looked like she put on a bra and leggings with the intent of putting a dress on over it, but then forgot to put on the dress before leaving the house.

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2 hours ago, Lovecat said:

I spent too much of this episode marveling about how Hat!Ryan is cute in a dudebro kind of way, but Hatless!Ryan looks like a complete dork.  How is that possible?

Noticed it, too. It's because he has a dorky haircut. 

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“Ryan is NOT my trainer!”

Followed by a montage of Ryan TRAINING her. She is so godda*n delusional.

Also - the stump on the wall was so cringeworthy. Her parents infantilize and enable her so much. It’s one of the main reasons she’s such an spoiled, entitled turd. They treat her like she’s 8.

Edited by Tipsymcstagger
I can spell curse words...I swear
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I usually dont watch this show but I did catch a few minutes last night. This woman is truly delusional if she thinks she could be a personal trainer! She could barely go through the baby workout without getting winded. And I was not impressed with her "upper abs"! Now if she could work off the 60 lbs of fat underneath her "upper abs" that would be impressive. On a lighter note, I wanted a tomato sandwich too! We can only  have them in the summer but boy are they tasty!

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4 hours ago, Lovecat said:

I spent too much of this episode marveling about how Hat!Ryan is cute in a dudebro kind of way, but Hatless!Ryan looks like a complete dork.  How is that possible?

His hair game is a big fail. Looks like a cheap toupee that is put on lopsided.

3 hours ago, Eme said:

 Also, do they ever show her eating?  

How about that tomato and Wonder Bread sandwich on a paper plate? Speaking of, why do the people on these shows always seem to use disposable dishes and plastic cutlery in their own homes???

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7 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

Whitney probably thought that was formal wear lol.   Actually Buddy is probably an old millennial if he’s around Whitney’s age.  I’m a little younger than these folks and I’m a millennial. It runs from 1981-1995 or 1996

There is differing opinion re generational groups. Boomers born 1945 to 1965. Gen Xers 1965 to 1985. Millennials 1985 to 2005. Gen Z 2005 to now. I  realize these all overlap and intertwine but I still think Buddy is more of a Gen Xer than a millennial. 35ish would make him on the cusp, way too old to return to parents nest.

Edited by jacksgirl
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3 hours ago, Eme said:

Yes, the sports bra and leggings were so out of place at lunch.  She should have tossed on a cute dress over what she had on- it’s like she stopped dressing before she was done.... She will never be accused of having too much class, but SOMEONE -a Director? Stylist?  Should have told her to put on something more appropriate for lunch with friends.  Also, do they ever show her eating?  

I think it's hard to get a shot of her eating because she eats so rarely.  Isn't that what she keeps telling everyone, that her problem is that she doesn't eat at all during the day?


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That “kiss” bw Ryan and Heather was sooooo gross. And Ryan acting like he was throwing her a bone was funny af. She’s no prize pig but he’s a flaming dork. Not sure how his head got so big but dude’s a 5 at best. Maybe a 7 if you’re drunk and your ex is Buddy Bell.

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It's pretty obvious that Ashley and Whitney have spent years of their lives jealous of Heather and her dating life. I felt awful for her last night while they were picking on her for not having a boyfriend. When all is said and done and the show is over,  Heather will have no problem finding love and Whitney will be going to visit Dr. Now.

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1 hour ago, lizajane said:

His hair game is a big fail. Looks like a cheap toupee that is put on lopsided.

How about that tomato and Wonder Bread sandwich on a paper plate? Speaking of, why do the people on these shows always seem to use disposable dishes and plastic cutlery in their own homes???

Well, in Whitney's case,  it's  because  she's  lazy af. If she used real  dishes and real cutlery, she'd have to  wash them. I'm  sure  her personal  assistant  would  draw the  line at that. 

Welcome to your  future, Chase. You get to  do all the cooking and  cleaning,  dishwashing,  wiping your wife's  ass, shaving her  legs (and probably  her face, too), all while she sleeps  all day and you work a fulltime job at  night. 

And cod help you  if you knock her up. You don't  think SHE'S going to  interrupt her  nap to change a diaper or  feed a baby,  do you?

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9 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

Whitney probably thought that was formal wear lol.   Actually Buddy is probably an old millennial if he’s around Whitney’s age.  I’m a little younger than these folks and I’m a millennial. It runs from 1981-1995 or 1996 I think.  

I can’t believe that she wore that workout outfit to brunch.  She is a gross, repulsive pig and no one wants to see that big jelly belly and floppy ass in public.  Her one friend is obese and she always is dressed appropriately.  What is wrong with Whitney?

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24 minutes ago, puppytoes said:

I can’t believe that she wore that workout outfit to brunch.  She is a gross, repulsive pig and no one wants to see that big jelly belly and floppy ass in public.  Her one friend is obese and she always is dressed appropriately.  What is wrong with Whitney?

There is a thread of 224 pages answering this question 😄 

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I thought Whitney didn't do stairs? Her new place has lots of stairs..inside and out. Remember when she had to have her mother at her house because she couldn't take care of her at her own home due to the stairs she said? When she had her stoke I think?

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3 hours ago, lizajane said:

His hair game is a big fail. Looks like a cheap toupee that is put on lopsided.

It does, I hate it.  Speaking of hair what the hell was Heather doing to hers?  She kept running her hands through it like she was trying to get out a bug.  


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3 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

There is differing opinion re generational groups. Boomers born 1945 to 1965. Gen Xers 1965 to 1985. Millennials 1985 to 2005. Gen Z 2005 to now. I  realize these all overlap and intertwine but I still think Buddy is more of a Gen Xer than a millennial. 35ish would make him on the cusp, way too old to return to parents nest.

Well I do think he is too old to live back at home, but was just commenting why he thought of himself as a millennial.  There’s a microgenerational they call Xennials I believe that runs 1977-1983 that I feel more a part of because my friends were older.  Either way, I’m no Buddy fan and think he wasn’t even looking for a place when he can continue to sponge off Whitney.

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16 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

It does, I hate it.  Speaking of hair what the hell was Heather doing to hers?  She kept running her hands through it like she was trying to get out a bug.  


When they were on the rooftop it looked like Heather was busying her hands with her hair to keep them from popping the shit out of Whitney. Whitney has had half a man in all the time we've known her and she has the nerve to call Heather with the two kids "stupid" because she's cautious about who she wants to date? Heather should have let her hands fly.

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Hey I’m an (older) white lady...but it fucking boils my blood to hear Buddy describe his felony as “splashed a little ice on a police officer”. Fuck you - you privileged fuck. If you were a POC you could be freaking dead. 
I'm so done with this freaking fat oaf whining. He’s not funny. He’s not attractive. He’s not educated. He deserves Whitney. 

Edited by Tipsymcstagger
ETA Ryan is also as gay as the day is long.
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9 hours ago, Tipsymcstagger said:

Also - the stump on the wall was so cringeworthy. Her parents infantilize and enable her so much. It’s one of the main reasons she’s such an spoiled, entitled turd. They treat her like she’s 8.

The Café Thore mannequin is no longer the most ridiculous thing in that kitchen. 

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8 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

There is differing opinion re generational groups. Boomers born 1945 to 1965. Gen Xers 1965 to 1985. Millennials 1985 to 2005. Gen Z 2005 to now. I  realize these all overlap and intertwine but I still think Buddy is more of a Gen Xer than a millennial. 35ish would make him on the cusp, way too old to return to parents nest.

I think the line on all these is kind of fuzzy because it can depend on how someone grew up. My husband and I seemed to have grown up in 2 different time periods, even though we're only about 4 years apart. For instance, we had an 8-track player in our car when I was a toddler, I was still buying records up until middle school, I didn't have a CD player until I was 16, we only got 4 channels on our TV, I didn't have a computer until I was 19 (and didn't know a heck of a lot of people who did), I played with Atari, and dial-up internet was a big thing until I was in college. The other people around me were more like me than not. My husband, on the other hand, had a totally different upbringing. He couldn't tell you what Atari, 8-track players, or "45s" are. He doesn't remember a time without internet or a computer in their house. He vaguely remembers dial-up, but technology in general was a huge thing in his household. 

It's interesting. 

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So is it just me or do Twit's "friends" seem to barely tolerate her now? She acts like they're soooo upset that she's moving and not around as much, but to me they looked one paper plate away from throwing a celebration. 

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On 1/28/2020 at 11:43 PM, Dot said:

Heather put up an IG story shortly after MBFFL played. No caption, just a gif that seemed to indicate she was embarrassed.

I'd have been more embarrassed about crying over Buddy than kissing Ryan. At least by kissing Ryan she got to ruffle Twit's feathers. 

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The real reason nobody will rent Buddy an apartment is because he’s a weapons-grade bum, with no job and no employment history.  Period, end of story.

And that’s *if* I believe he’s actually looking.  He’s embarrassingly pathetic.  

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So I was thinking.

We all realize Chase was written in to the script as Twit’s boyfriend and that he’s not actually her boyfriend.

However, if she wants to say that’s not true and he’s her “real boyfriend” I have something for Twit to think about.  If she didn’t have her own show, does she think Chase would pursue a 350lb woman?? Whether you watch the show or not, people have probably heard of the show due to advertisement on TLC and other networks. So when he has to tell people about her, he most likely says, I’m dating that girl from MBFFL.

 What would Chase say if she didn’t have her own show.  I’m dating this 350 pound girl that 35 and lives at home with her parents and has no job! Because that’s exactly what her life would be if she didn’t have her own show and any income derived from that!  

Separate note: TLC has been replaying old episodes of MBFFL.  Well, to my pleasure it was the Hawaii episodes. I wonder if Chase ever saw these episodes with her waddling, screaming and blubbering all thru the 8k.  OR

When she had “Chub Rub” and poor Todd had to put cream on it and he was literally Gagging because it was so gross!  

Edited by Kaia40
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Why is Whitney such a slut?  Did you catch the part where she told Ryan "everyone is invited who doesn't mind seeing me naked."  

I'm so over her wearing that sports bra.  If it's called a "sports" bra, shouldn't she just be wearing it when she's pretending to do sports?

She moved to Charlotte because of her business with Ryan?  What happens when that falls through and Chase dumps her?  Are these two men the only reason why she uprooted herself to Charlotte?  Her dad was right, very impulsive indeed.

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3 minutes ago, blue bonnets2020 said:

Her dad was right, very impulsive indeed.

That's  part of her weight  problem.  Sees it, impulsively  wants  it, eats it. Gives zero fucks about whether  she's  actually  hungry, or whether the food is healthy or  loaded with  sugar and  fat. She's  on the see food diet. 

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There are some laws that may help protect people who are struggling to get housing, if they have a criminal record, but, it's not worth posting.  I don't think that's Buddy's real problem.  I think he might not be able to find some where that is almost free. lol  I suspect that is the real issue.  Plus, I think him being homeless is a part of the storyline.

I do kind of like the show moving to Charlotte though.  I think it needed a change.  And, as much as I don't want to like Ryan, I do.  I don't think he's good for Heather. I hope that stuff is fake, but, I do find him attractive.  Chase too!  I think the show needed some new energy.   Oh well, it'll run its course.  I do not think they will be around for the long haul.  

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12 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

There are some laws that may help protect people who are struggling to get housing, if they have a criminal record, but, it's not worth posting.  I don't think that's Buddy's real problem.  I think he might not be able to find some where that is almost free. lol  I suspect that is the real issue.  Plus, I think him being homeless is a part of the storyline.

I do kind of like the show moving to Charlotte though.  I think it needed a change.  And, as much as I don't want to like Ryan, I do.  I don't think he's good for Heather. I hope that stuff is fake, but, I do find him attractive.  Chase too!  I think the show needed some new energy.   Oh well, it'll run its course.  I do not think they will be around for the long haul.  

Considering that they will be around this year so Whit can get "engaged" and then next year for wedding planning shenanigans that's at least 2 years.  How long can this show go on?  

PS I agree about Buddy's homelessness being storyline.  So is Ryan and Heather, and as someone said previously Heather is probably enjoying it just as a way to bug Whit.

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Random thoughts
📌 There was an up-thread discussion about Twit's relationship to her G'boro renters. She tells Buddy they're "Handy Andy and his girl," so it's apparent the renters are known to both.
📌 When Heather sits next to Twit & later in Twit's bed, there are long conversations about how much Twit loves her BFF. Yet at the same time you can see an expression pass over Twit's face of malevolent triumph. Twit obviously thinks she has bested Heather in the game of life.
📌 And why did Heather allow herself to be so belittled by the PMG scriptwriter? None of the ways she is shown in these first episodes, the "bitter, single identity she has cultivated for herself," as Twit sez, is borne out by her SM pages.
📌 Best quote of the episode is from Heather: "It's funny to me, Whitney considering herself a dating expert now that she has a new boy friend."  (The answer, of course, is that Twit considers herself an expert in everything, with little to no experience, including now, personal trainer.)

📌 I'm one walker away from a wheelchair. Would you hire me to train you for a marathon run? But Twit thinks she can find clients after obtaining a trainer's certificate. (Only if they are blind.)
📌 The kind of hug Buddy gives Twit, when she demands one, is an A-frame hug. (That's when you only hug with your upper torso & pull away from the waist down.) No way is Buddy gonna pretend he has any designs on Twit.
📌 Buddy was pissed at an early Skinny reunion show when he was perceived by the moderator as a mooch. I wonder how he likes the way he's being scripted now?

📌 "When Buddy and I are together in the same room, one of us is getting naked or getting a massage or both." Yeah, Twit, you're such a temptress & Buddy's such a catch.
📌 If you haven't yet seen this episode, don't play a drinking game with either "trainer" or "boy friend" when you do.
📌 Ryan becomes more repugnant with each episode.  Given his kiss with Heather, he appears to be one of those males who spit-slobbers. Eww.
📌 Gee, Twit. The next time you want to tell us you didn't expect Ryan to butt into your party, don't leave 2 empty chairs at your table.
📌 As always, I am offended when Twit decides to show her fag-hag credentials. That drag brunch was beyond the pale.
📌 "Who's gonna tell Buddy [about Ryan & Heather kissing], 'cause someone's gonna," Twit asks. OMG. Why would Buddy care? Or is this the beginning of a new story arc: Buddy is too obsessed with his former GF, whom he dumped 2 years ago, to have the energy to house-hunt.

📌 I agree with the forum poster who said Buddy's rental problem has nothing to do with his felony charge which was dismissed. (How would a prospective landlord know about it anyway?) He is unkempt & has no real job except occasional Lyft driver. And he has a really unpleasant personality if you read his Instagram account, which a landlord might. Why would anyone take a risk with him?



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3 hours ago, Colleenna said:

That's  part of her weight  problem.  Sees it, impulsively  wants  it, eats it. Gives zero fucks about whether  she's  actually  hungry, or whether the food is healthy or  loaded with  sugar and  fat. She's  on the see food diet. 

SEE food diet......LMAO!!!

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9 hours ago, Kaia40 said:

So I was thinking.

We all realize Chase was written in to the script as Twit’s boyfriend and that he’s not actually her boyfriend.

However, if she wants to say that’s not true and he’s her “real boyfriend” I have something for Twit to think about.  If she didn’t have her own show, does she think Chase would pursue a 350lb woman?? Whether you watch the show or not, people have probably heard of the show due to advertisement on TLC and other networks. So when he has to tell people about her, he most likely says, I’m dating that girl from MBFFL.

 What would Chase say if she didn’t have her own show.  I’m dating this 350 pound girl that 35 and lives at home with her parents and has no job! Because that’s exactly what her life would be if she didn’t have her own show and any income derived from that!  

Separate note: TLC has been replaying old episodes of MBFFL.  Well, to my pleasure it was the Hawaii episodes. I wonder if Chase ever saw these episodes with her waddling, screaming and blubbering all thru the 8k.  OR

When she had “Chub Rub” and poor Todd had to put cream on it and he was literally Gagging because it was so gross!  

I think the relationship is fake, but after years of watching MY 600LB LIFE I am continually amazed at how some of these bedbound people are able to attract partners-even when those partners have to wipe their asses and clean their chub rub. 

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I'd have been embarrassed to go to a drag show in my sports bra. If ever a time called for dressing cute and fun...

Seriously, though, it's not just about feeling comfortable. I still kind of feel that when she dresses like that in public, it's kind of disrespectful to the people she's with-those who may have tried to put care into their appearance. I'm not saying that you have to impress anyone or not be yourself, but I think when you go out with friends for a nice brunch and you look like you just rolled out of bed and slicked some mayonnaise through your hair, you're not saying "I'm free to be me" as much as you're saying "I don't give a shit about what we're doing." (And this is coming from a girl who loves jeans and fluffy robes.)

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3 hours ago, blue bonnets2020 said:

Why is Whitney such a slut?  Did you catch the part where she told Ryan "everyone is invited who doesn't mind seeing me naked."  

I'm so over her wearing that sports bra.  If it's called a "sports" bra, shouldn't she just be wearing it when she's pretending to do sports?

She moved to Charlotte because of her business with Ryan?  What happens when that falls through and Chase dumps her?  Are these two men the only reason why she uprooted herself to Charlotte?  Her dad was right, very impulsive indeed.

Eh, I don't know. "Sluts" are generally just women who enjoy sex, aren't ashamed of their sexuality, and just happen to have had a number of partners in the past. Nothing wrong with that. That's not Whit's problem, though. Calling her a "slut" would imply that she gets around more than whatever magical number people pretend is average and that many people in her life find her sexually desirable and have acted upon that. She's just flat-out delusional. 

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1 hour ago, Dot said:

📌 And why did Heather allow herself to be so belittled by the PMG scriptwriter? None of the ways she is shown in these first episodes, the "bitter, single identity she has cultivated for herself," as Twit sez, is borne out by her SM pages.




I’ve wondered about this for a while and not just with this season’s plot lines. She’s so clearly not the person they portray on the show which is basically a loser who does nothing but pine after Buddy. We know from her SM that she doesn’t give Buddy a second thought ever. That she has a nice life and adores her children. 

So I think she allows it for two reasons. First is that she feels stuck. She agreed to do this show with Whitney and they have been friends for a very long time. There is a certain commitment and loyalty to that beyond it being a job. Unfortunately for Heather, Whitney doesn’t have that same kind of commitment to friendship so it’s unlikely that even if Heather said she wanted to stop being the Buddy whiner that Whit would allow it. So Heather is stuck either having to tow the line and making the occasional passive aggressive comments like the one about Whit being a boyfriend expert, or she has to bail on her friend. While I would highly encourage her to bail on Whitney because it is a completely unnecessary relationship for Heather, I completely understand how difficult that is when you are a decent person and you have been friends for so long.

Secondly, and not inconsequentially, there is money involved. Heather is a single mom with 2 kids. I’m absolutely sure the extra income is welcome and needed. So if she’s already conflicted about bailing on Whitney, having the paycheck can help tip the scales toward not rocking the boat with the friendship. She’s probably thinking the same as us - this steaming pile of crap can’t go on much longer so I might as well stick it out a little while. 

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Was anyone else taken aback by Whitney's nasty "don't be salty!" reprimand to Heather?  I'd never let a friend -- a best friend no less -- talk to me like that.  Methinks the real Whitney made an appearance there for a moment.


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3 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

I’ve wondered about this for a while and not just with this season’s plot lines. [Heather's] so clearly not the person they portray on the show which is basically a loser who does nothing but pine after Buddy. We know from her SM that she doesn’t give Buddy a second thought ever. That she has a nice life and adores her children. 


Yeah, she has frequently indicated to fans who ask how annoyed she is that she is still captioned "Buddy's ex-girlfriend."

She makes no secret of the fact that she would like to be in an intimate, loving relationship. But she is equally clear it ain't gonna be Buddy again.

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5 hours ago, Dot said:

📌 "Who's gonna tell Buddy [about Ryan & Heather kissing], 'cause someone's gonna," Twit asks. OMG. Why would Buddy care? Or is this the beginning of a new story arc: Buddy is too obsessed with his former GF, whom he dumped 2 years ago, to have the energy to house-hunt.

Shouldn't Buddy be too busy dreaming about THE KISS he had with Whit to care about Heather?  😄 

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14 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

There are some laws that may help protect people who are struggling to get housing, if they have a criminal record, but, it's not worth posting.  I don't think that's Buddy's real problem.  I think he might not be able to find some where that is almost free. lol  I suspect that is the real issue.  Plus, I think him being homeless is a part of the storyline.

I do kind of like the show moving to Charlotte though.  I think it needed a change.  And, as much as I don't want to like Ryan, I do.  I don't think he's good for Heather. I hope that stuff is fake, but, I do find him attractive.  Chase too!  I think the show needed some new energy.   Oh well, it'll run its course.  I do not think they will be around for the long haul.  

I don’t mind the edition of Ryan and Chase.  Chase is more subtle about wanting to be on the show, but he is the Heather of the pair in that her got the shittier story line.  Ryan’s look at me! personality is more apparent.  I’m not sure if it is just because he’s on tv or that is his personality in general.  I will say he does seem highly motivate in real life, which isn’t a very big characteristic in this group.  Tal comes the closest out of the old barnacles.  Honestly, I don’t care if Ryan and Chase are using it to get a show or be on tv because that is what they are all doing.  I just think Ryan hides it the least.  

I find it odd that Buddy can seemingly rent NOWHERE in the state of NC.  I mean I’m pretty sure murders and child molesters who were released aren’t all living in cardboard boxes.  He just wants to live rent-free or almost rent-free. This whole I spilled an ice cube on the police is another example of him never taking responsibility.  He’s lucky his ass didn’t get tased or worse.  The problem is Buddy acts like the world fucking owes him something.  WHY???  He has no real path in life, he looks a mess, he mumbles and if his comedic value is his selling point , well he should actually be funny, not pathetic.    It’s one more reason he and Whitney make the perfect match.  They are both coddled babies, the problem is if they got together one of them has to become the adult. I honestly don’t care if Ryan or Chase have ulterior motives because barring Tal and Ashley they all have exhibited a snotty or mean streak.  They only problem I’d have is if Chase really told Whitney he loved her, really got engaged acting as though it were about love, and Whitney knew nothing about it. I personally don’t think this is the case.  

P.S.  I love when Whitney tries to dole out love advice to Heather.  Whitney has dated her relative, a disguised crafts store employee, whom she had to call TEN TIMES ( YOU CALLED ME TEN TIMES!!!) because he would disappear, and and international scammer.  What the fuck she know about healthy normal relationships?  It’s like taking dating tips from fucking Ted Bundy! No thank you!



* I don’t think actually think Whitney’s a serial killer, it’s just the absurdity of her acting like she is some love guru now. Ted Bundy was evil, and as much as Whitney irritates me, she’s not evil, at best she annoys me.  I will refrain from any CEREAL killer jokes.

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14 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I still kind of feel that when she dresses like that in public, it's kind of disrespectful to the people she's with-

Since Season 1, Episode 1 Whitney has used the presence of the cameras as an excuse to embarrass, mistreat, and disrespect those around her.  Back then I compared her to a spoiled child who sassed their parents when company was over because they knew their parents wouldn't make a scene in front of other adults.

She really is just that emotionally and developmentally stunted.

32 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

What the fuck she know about healthy normal relationships?

Hey, cut her a break!  It must be tough finding eligible men to date in North Carolina when you're a single Jewish gal.  I mean, she did follow through on that conversion, didn't she?  She swore it wasn't just for the show.

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On 1/29/2020 at 11:32 AM, Eme said:

Yes, the sports bra and leggings were so out of place at lunch.  She should have tossed on a cute dress over what she had on- it’s like she stopped dressing before she was done.... She will never be accused of having too much class, but SOMEONE -a Director? Stylist?  Should have told her to put on something more appropriate for lunch with friends.  Also, do they ever show her eating?  

She doesn’t eat, remember?? 🙄

Whitney apparently thinks that showing more skin is sexy, so she must be the sexiest person on the planet! 

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This show is so boring.  I was trying to figure out if I thought Whitney was pretty in the face while I was watching, and I realized I don’t anymore.  I used to think she was pretty, but my opinion changed  She’s not a dog, but there is something porcine about her face that has nothing to do with her weight.  She just looks piggy to me.  

The Biggest Loser just started up again, and they have a legit very pretty contestant who is morbidly obese:


I think if this woman started acting like an ass, like Whitney, I might find something not to like about her looks too.  There is definitely an inside/outside correlation where I can find the best looking people physically ugly if they act in certain ways.

Whitney is ridiculous, but I am also not totally prepared to suspend disbelief on the others. If Heather signed up for this, as Heather, and not as an actress (which she did, because this is reality TV), I hold her accountable for the way she acts on the show.  She’s getting paid to show her “real” life, and she chose that path instead of pounding the pavement 9-5 like the rest of us, so I am not sure how I feel about Heather going on social media after the show airs and making subtle digs about this not being her real life.

My question in response to hearing this about Heather is:  are you a liar or are you pathetic?  Because it’s at least one of the two.  You don’t get to collect a paycheck for being yourself and then wink at the audience.  That’s cheating.

Buddy is another one who is in it for the money, for the most part.  Why are we all still trying to figure out whether he and Whitney ever had sex?  If it’s true, say it’s true, because this is reality TV, or say you don’t want to talk about it and take your chances that you’re going to be dropped from the show, or say “Whitney and I never had intercourse.”  We shouldn’t have to dissect every week whether they crossed the flesh hold.  I feel like this is the X Files over here!

Buddy, if he is a real friend who actually cares about being around the group (doubtful), would have a real friend grievance from this episode.  There was supposed to be a “girls and gays” weekend in Charlotte, to which Buddy was specifically not invited, because he was “neither of those” things.  If Ryan and Chase wanted to “crash” the drag brunch—which, yeah right, I feel stupid even writing this—but if they did actually crash the weekend as two straight men, Whitney should have actually looked at that as a serious boundary issue, especially with her new boyfriend (she has a new boyfriend, y’all!).  Whitney told them not to come, that this was a special weekend for special friends for x,y,z reason and they just came.  How many of us would feel comfortable if our husbands said they were going out for a guys’ night and a bunch of single women crashed the party?  I would not be 1% ok with that.  I think there’s a little more flexibility for friendships, which is all Buddy is, but if he sees photos of them all yukking it up on social media, I would be on his side if he got pissed, and I am no Buddy fan.

(And count me in with the people who find him boiling down his assault on a police officer to throwing pieces of ice as horrendous.  Anything can be boiled down to a level of abstraction that makes it seem absurd.  If I choked a bunch of people to death, it would be technically accurate to say that all of my legal problems were a result of me clenching my fists very hard for five or six minutes straight.  But it would also show that I had no insight into what I had done, or whom I’d affected, which would make me far worse than the person who did the same thing, but accepted responsibility for it).  

And...what more did we have to the episode?  Jessica pretending to be mad at Will for telling her she wasn’t sawing the log right?  That was completely fake IMO.  Jessica knows Whitney has issues with Will, that she doesn’t trust him, that she thinks he made her “anorexic”, and I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jessica used this opportunity of Will encouraging her as a way to act annoyed and persecuted by Will (“my dad is calling me a loser”) so that she can bond more closely to Whitney, so that Jessica can gain more of Whitney’s trust, so that she can push her further, so that she can get better results, so that Jessica can get even more of a social media following, and perhaps eventually brand herself as The Fat Person Whisperer, and make mucho $$$ off of it.  

I really don’t know what else to comment on.  Nothing happened.  It was 44 minutes of Whitney stomping around in an appalling half-dressed state, talking about her boyfriennnnnnnd, talking about Buddy, lather, rinse, repeat.  I am like so many other viewers who tuned in season one to see what a Big, Fat Fabulous Life consisted of, and, yes, that is definitely good fodder for one season, or a multi-part documentary, but we’re in season freaking seven!  What possibly could there be more to see?  They mercifully reduced the episode to half its normal running time, and I’m still keenly bored.  Why can’t we see her eating?  I would watch that with morbid fascination. 

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@LibertarianSlut asks: "Why can’t we see her eating?  I would watch that with morbid fascination."

Me, too. That's a Q many of us have had for season after season. It's bad enuf that we didn't see her put a morsel of food in her mouth at brunch, but the tomato sandwich scene in the parents' kitchen was ridiculous. Twit asked Glenn for a sandwich, Glenn prepared one & put it in front of her. And there it sat, uneaten.

I agree with the poster who said she is scared of looking like she did when she hated cake so much that she could hardly finishing chewing one huge bite before cramming another in her mouth.

Here's a solution, Twit. Quit eating like a pig & then you won't have to fear being filmed while dining.

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The episode was boring.  Thank goodness it was only an hour.  I'm  probably in the minority when I say that the Ryan-Heather kiss was the only thing that was mildly interesting.

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2 hours ago, Dot said:

@LibertarianSlut asks: "Why can’t we see her eating?  I would watch that with morbid fascination."

Me, too. That's a Q many of us have had for season after season. It's bad enuf that we didn't see her put a morsel of food in her mouth at brunch, but the tomato sandwich scene in the parents' kitchen was ridiculous. Twit asked Glenn for a sandwich, Glenn prepared one & put it in front of her. And there it sat, uneaten.

I agree with the poster who said she is scared of looking like she did when she hated cake so much that she could hardly finishing chewing one huge bite before cramming another in her mouth.

Here's a solution, Twit. Quit eating like a pig & then you won't have to fear being filmed while dining.

Maybe  she's  afraid of  being  compared to the poundticipants on My 600 Lb. Life as they shovel mountains of  food in their  gobs. 

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