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S15.E10: The Heroes' Journey

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Good grief, this sounds bad!  Are the Js so desperate to finish and start something new they didn't say something about this complete retcon?  In reality, how much power would they actually have to say "this is crap, I ain't playing"?

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2 minutes ago, ukgirl71 said:

Good grief, this sounds bad!  Are the Js so desperate to finish and start something new they didn't say something about this complete retcon?  In reality, how much power would they actually have to say "this is crap, I ain't playing"?

None, their power was in signing new contracts every second year. 

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9 hours ago, Castiels Cat said:

He has issues with JA it seems based on the baby name scene in this episode.

Yeah, issues like the nerdy boy in high school who hates the handsome jock because he's also smart and talented.  I think his maturity was stunted in his teen years and he's in a position to make someone who is lightyears better looking, more talented and successful than he, jump through humiliating hoops.  The jokes on him though.  Jensen will jump, it's his job and he'll do it;  but he'll walk away with this small blip on resume, still talented, handsome and successful. Dabb should be lucky to get a job writing warning messages on electronic highway signs.  

SueB I love your enthusiasm, always enjoy reading your posts.  But on this episode, I think your rose colored glasses are blurry.  Agree to disagree on this one, it's a heartbreaking episode that I don't think will grow better with age. 

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I am so relieved to come here and see that the awfulness that stunk up my tv screen last night wasn't just my sadly clear-headed imagination. Seriously, a drug-induced haze would had to have made this abomination somewhat tolerable only because the amount of not giving a shit would have been off the charts.

Yes, Drabb despises this show, to a level even I had not anticipated. And we know he hates pretty popular people, which just makes it that much weirder that he chose a profession where he will always be surrounded by pretty popular people.

I think we know for certain now what the season 15 theme is - sabotage of an entire series.  For those of us who have been here since the beginning, it's heartbreaking to realize what a terrible decision the Js made to give Drabb one more season to do the amount of damage he's doing from week to week, especially to their characters.

People learn to fight - John taught them to fight from childhood. That's not a magical skill FFS.

People become amazing mechanics. Dean is an amazing mechanic. It's a real job, it's a real thing. It's not a magical skill FFS!

I could go on and on and on and on, but what's the point. The bottom line is that the show was originally conceived as regular blue collar guys fighting gods and monsters. They were never superheroes.

Garth's brats' names was just one more arrow in Drabb's quiver of pettiness. I can't even care anymore. It's simply another day ending in a "y".

The one highlight out of this dreck was more evidence of how talented Jensen Ackles really is, what a quick study the man is. Someone on twitter thinks this sequence was probably not originally intended to go off like that, and that Jensen probably stood up and asked for it to fleshed out to put on his sizzle reel. And that makes sense because Drabb wouldn't have wanted Dean or Jensen to look good here, given how the entire rest of the episode played out where the guys looking stupid and horrible was the point. So the dance number feels like it really doesn't fit, probably because it doesn't.

But the best revenge is how amazing Jensen was in this sequence, how much the crew enjoyed watching him perform it, the amount of wildly positive attention it got last night, and how good it's going to look on his resume.

Aside from that, the biggest crime of this episode was that it just wasn't even a little funny.

Edited by PAForrest
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11 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I'd like that hour of my life back. 

Seriously,  screw Dabb for taking away their whole lives. Who would ever re-watch the show knowing it's all a big, cosmic joke?

I will. But I am NEVER EVER watching this season again.

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13 minutes ago, Bali said:

I will. But I am NEVER EVER watching this season again.

Yea, I’ll rewatch but I’m tempted to stop after 11. I’m just not going to allow Dabb to ruin my show. 

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I'm going to just put this out there before I read everyone's comments. I hate this episode. I hate this episode more than Bloodlines. That is really saying something because I hated that. 

This was just HORRIBLE! Thing is, better writers on THIS show have done GREAT comedy episodes. The actors can do it. I've SEEN THEM!

This was just awful. Twins Sam and Cass? WTF! I know that Garth and Cas have probably met, but their big significant moments are escaping me. 

I hate cage fighting episodes. It's been overdone. And it's been done SO much better than this crap. And to juxtapose a cage fight with Clair de Lune? No. Just No. I couldn't hit the FF button fast enough.

I'm not sure what Dabb's ultimate goal is, but it is making me want to rewatch the early seasons just to spite his stupid face!

The dancing was good. Even that wasn't comedy though. He's a good dancer. I could even handle a dream sequence. If it were in a different episode. 

I didn't laugh one time. I didn't even smile. If it weren't for you guys, I seriously wouldn't make it to the end of this show. I've been with this show since the first ever episode. Now, I have to force myself. 

If I ever see the name Dabb associated with a show again, I ain't watching.

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OK- I do have more. Do not add me to the list of people who are angry. I am not angry. I'm BORED! This yuck from last night wasn't funny, it wasn't anything at all. I was bored during the episode. 

Actually- I take it back. Add me to angry. I'm angry that I'm so bored. I don't believe there are stakes anymore. And I'm angry that Chuck or luck or whatever messed this all up so bad that they even made the Impala a broken down piece of craptastic on a plate. 

And- yes. In my head, the babies are named Robert and William. Bobby because its obvious. And William because it starts with "W" and the Garth I know and love wouldn't choose one brother over the other. 


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7 hours ago, Jediknight said:

Some people like different things.

Me, I was entertained by the episode.  And I took all the goofiness, the music, and sound effects, to be a sign that it's Chuck screwing with them.  They almost put him down in the previous episode, so now he's really mad.  Killing them would be too easy, he wants to cause them pain, he wants them to question everything, he wants to completely break them.  And then, he'll kill them.  Chuck's a petty asshole, and I saw this episode as Chuck continuing to be petty.

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insult those who liked the episode. I’m surprised by it but shouldn’t judge people who liked it. And now SuperWiki blocked me on Twitter bc I replied to their tweet, haha. Oh, well. 

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8 hours ago, SueB said:

Bolded for highlights.

First, their luck was AGGRESSIVELY bad.  They were not 'normal', they really were cursed.  Chuck may have not been directly pulling all the strings, but things like picking a lock is a skill.  They could do it in their sleep.  

Enjoyable moments:
- J2 comic timing was spot-on throughout the episode. For Jared I particularly liked his facial reaction to "the giant is crying" and his "I think you may be lactose intolerant".  For Jensen it's hard to downselect but I'll go with the 'tap out' moment (actually clever of him IMO) and the quiet freakout before sitting in the dentist chair.
- Everything Garth.  Very satisfying to see him doing so well.  He's overcome his PTSD about the tooth fairy ('she had it coming'). And he's still got that goodness in him. 

and then we come to the "Pink Elephants On Parade" moment (i.e. when Dean is hallucinating on dental drugs).  At first I just screamed.  I don't know if it was laughter or shock but I was just sitting there, mouth gaping as the scene unfolded. Then I watched in awe as Jensen just threw himself into the bit. And of COURSE he's an excellent dancer.  

I'm definitely watching again.  I think there are moments to savor.  And I am curious to see how I feel about the episode after the next few episodes air and after the series is over. Personally I have no doubt that Sam and Dean are Big Damn Heroes and that while Chuck may be trying to convince them they have no free will or skills, that's gonna fail. 

I agree they're cursed into bad luck, no hero, common man status.  That isn't their real status and neither is their "regular" life of being the full on hero of everything goes right for them because it's been written that way not because of any skills they have.  To me the biggest clue is what was our biggest complaint and topic of discussion in the early seasons (maybe up to S8 or so?)........Which is Sam's incredibly poor fighting skills.  He was always the first to be disarmed, knocked out or thrown across the room.  He was rusty after walking away and going to Stanford.  They built up skills over time they didn't just have it all handed to them by cosmic force.  

If you take the episode at face value the boys have been written as extra lucky do no wrong hero's from the start.  If you take it as Chuck screwing with them or a curse or both the boys have skills that have been added to or improved over the years (cue voice of Liam Neeson having a particular set of skills speech) and whatever has affected them has not only pulled that ability but aggressively negated it.  I'm standing on Door #2, boys have skills all on their own.

Dean Dancing - worth a re-watch.  And I really, really want to know how much of that footwork was his and what was a double.  I thought some of the tap dancing must have been a pro double except for that ending on the table seemed to be him unless they CG'd someones feet into the shot.  But even if he only did half of it....<clap>, <clap>, <clap> well done Jensen

Also Jared has that potential Walker Texas Ranger re-make gig lined up after the show ends.  I'm starting to think Jensen should look into a romantic comedy movie or a sitcom.  He's been stuck in drama land a long time but he really does do great with comedy, the timing, the physicality, the facial expressions; I'd love to see him in something light and funny.

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3 minutes ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Dean Dancing - worth a re-watch.  And I really, really want to know how much of that footwork was his and what was a double.  I thought some of the tap dancing must have been a pro double except for that ending on the table seemed to be him unless they CG'd someones feet into the shot.  But even if he only did half of it....<clap>, <clap>, <clap> well done Jensen

He did it all.  It was confirmed by the crew. 

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8 hours ago, Jediknight said:

Some people like different things.

Me, I was entertained by the episode.  And I took all the goofiness, the music, and sound effects, to be a sign that it's Chuck screwing with them.  They almost put him down in the previous episode, so now he's really mad.  Killing them would be too easy, he wants to cause them pain, he wants them to question everything, he wants to completely break them.  And then, he'll kill them.  Chuck's a petty asshole, and I saw this episode as Chuck continuing to be petty.

Except they had Garth pretty explicitly state that it was not them being screwed with, it was 'normal'. (God save me from a 'normal' trip to the dentist for cavities that leaves me with a mouth full of bloody gauze.) If Dabb was trying to 'fool' us into believing it was real with this 'clever' writing, he failed. At this point, the ha-ha-bad-writing-is-bad meta is failing on all levels and there is not much track left to stop this train from crashing and burning into ashes. It doesn't even feel like he wants to.

Of course next week can and will bring us some more 'new canon', so, yay?

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I saw this online and it is helping me with this episode:

The argument is the boys worked hard to learn lore, fighting schools and be badass hunters. And they did that themselves. It's not that God "gave" them those skills. It's that now he is throwing in obstacles and taking skills away.

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52 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

So I can never find the ratings thread but it looks like we lost viewers in the second half.

I think it will adjust down to below 1million in the finals


This is just so sad and everything I feared if they kept it going too long with Dabb at the helm.😥

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9 minutes ago, Bobcatkitten said:

I saw this online and it is helping me with this episode:

The argument is the boys worked hard to learn lore, fighting schools and be badass hunters. And they did that themselves. It's not that God "gave" them those skills. It's that now he is throwing in obstacles and taking skills away.

That’s the only thing keeping me invested for next week, that we might find out that this was Chuck messing with them rather than “they had plot armor from the beginning.”

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2 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

Never doubted for a second that Jensen especially would pick up this new skill like a champ. DJ was good too for his brief appearance. This is literally the only scene I can stand to watch more than once.

The rest of it is too pathetic or outright gross. I mean, talk about juvenile locker room humor, and that's just not my thing even if I try to look past the character bashing - which I can't.

It's way past time for Drabb to grow up.

Of course, Jensen kills at OTT humor, and even Jared was giving it his all. In this one instance I wish they wouldn't have. Seriously, the episode is one long embarrassment squick. I don't think I'll ever rewatch it.

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This was just bad.  The only only only part I liked was when Sam said they should be prepared for anything and Dean gleefully announced that they needed the grenade launcher.  I was hoping that it was going to be some weird dream or something.  I hated the concept. To be clear, I mean the concept that apparently Sam and Dean now know how to do nothing. The monster extreme fight club concept could have some potential

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1 hour ago, ukgirl71 said:

I put in “dean dancing supernatural” on YouTube and found it - damn, that boy is GOOD!

whoo hoo!  I've now watched this more times than I'm going to admit.  Seriously although it was very entertaining and I'm glad Jensen has it for his highlights reel, it makes absolutely no sense for Dean to hallucinate this.   Of all the directions his untethered mind would go, a thirties B&W dance routine with Garth seems unlikely.

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5 minutes ago, Frost said:

whoo hoo!  I've now watched this more times than I'm going to admit.  Seriously although it was very entertaining and I'm glad Jensen has it for his highlights reel, it makes absolutely no sense for Dean to hallucinate this.   Of all the directions his untethered mind would go, a thirties B&W dance routine with Garth seems unlikely.

I've decided that there was some special ingredient in Garth's sleeping gas.  Specific to tap dancing or something.  

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20 minutes ago, Katy M said:

This was just bad.  The only only only part I liked was when Sam said they should be prepared for anything and Dean gleefully announced that they needed the grenade launcher. 

This reminds me. They were playing that like Dean has never used the grenade launcher. I guess season 12 was a long time ago...


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Well I am certainly glad that I watch the episodes before ever coming on here.  It was a very enjoyable episode and Dean dancing was amazing.  Loved that we got to see Garth and Bess 1 more time. 

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The first act was pretty weird.  I liked the episode.  Very meta while still having meta-ness that was relevant to the plot.

But still nothing with Jack?

Also, they're going to some place in Alaska between Barrow and some other place I can't recall?  Barrow is completely inaccessible by ordinary motor vehicle, so I wonder how they're going to get to this place along the way.

I wonder how many miles that Impala has.

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It was not normal how many times they said the word normal.
The dancing scene was delightful. I don´t believe you can really control your dreams/hallucinations, so it didn´t bother me that the "dream sequence" was about tap dancing.

And Sam, next time use some tea towels, or oven mitts. 

Edited by starfishka
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1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

This reminds me. They were playing that like Dean has never used the grenade launcher. I guess season 12 was a long time ago...


I didn't really get that.  I just thought he wanted to use it again.  Not to defend this episode at all, but just because you've done something once 3 years ago, doesn't mean you won't get excited about getting to do it again.  Maybe he was hoping not to use it against a cement wall and hurt his leg this time.

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Last week I thought it wasn't possible to hate Dabb more than I already did. I was wrong. This was the biggest waste of 20 minutes I've ever had. Yes, 20 because I used the ff button that much. I also deleted it as soon as I finished. I agree that the entire episode probably belongs in the BvJ thread. The lengths this pissant Dabb will go to in order to insult Jensen is off the charts. Nothing was funny, the music was atrocious (with the exception of Werewolf of London), there weren't characters on screen - they were caricatures. Also, the only thing that kept me sane while watching it, was that I believed NOTHING WAS NORMAL. I believe that Chuck was manipulating everything, especially their normal fighting skills, lockpicking skills, Baby's smooth-running engine, their credit card, and hell, apparently even Sam's thinking skills or why the hell would he pickup that pot! What I don't understand is why the guys are accepting that Chuck gave them those hard-won skills, instead of thinking that he was taking them away as punishment for challenging him. I don't know or care what Dabb's purpose was in writing this, but as far as I'm concerned, he can shove it all up his ass.

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Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!! I LOVED this episode! I'm a sucker for anything meta, and I enjoyed the hell out of this examination and dissection of the hero's journey. 

Plus I just love the comedy episodes in general.

Now look; I hear what y'all are saying about the feelings of betrayal concerning the Winchesters' journey and self-empowerment. But I experienced that grief way back at last season's finale. I've been at the acceptance stage for awhile now.

Edited by KayCordingly
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Last night's episode didn't work, for me,  on any level. Ignoring the fact that it spit on Sam and Dean's legacy, Sam and Dean have never been lucky. They also are not superheros. They were ordinary, everyday brothers trying to get by and deal with life's tragic circumstances the way they know how.

We've seen them deal with so-called normal problems. They've had car trouble. They've had no money for hotels and had to sleep in the car. Dean's gone hungry. He had to steal. Sam has gotten sick. Dean's got drinking problem. They have nightmares, They've lost loved ones.

These are normal problems that  normal people face every day. So what exactly was this so called plot armour protecting them from? They're lives were never easy.

Also, fighting and being a mechanic are learned skills. John taught them both to fight and he taught Dean to fix the Impala. So God exposing them to normal problems they've had since the pilot, shouldn't take away their ability to fight and throw a punch. Also normal people don't trip over themselves ever minute of the day.   They would still retain their knowledge to cover their hands before picking up a hot object.

Even if it was God, being exposed to something you can still learn. This concept might have sounded funny in the writers room but it doesn't work on screen because Sam and Dear have been ordinary people with ordinary people problems coping with extraordinary circumstances. They've lived David vs Goliath since November 22, 1983.

Just because they might not have had a cavity or a parking ticket doesn't mean they didn't experience ordinary people problems repeatedly. If God was protecting them he did a crappy job just Andrew Dabb did with this episode.

The only redeeming quality is that once again Jensen Ackles made lemonade out of those lemons Dabb Chuck handed him.

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7 hours ago, Ray Adverb said:

The first act was pretty weird.  I liked the episode.  Very meta while still having meta-ness that was relevant to the plot.

But still nothing with Jack?

Also, they're going to some place in Alaska between Barrow and some other place I can't recall?  Barrow is completely inaccessible by ordinary motor vehicle, so I wonder how they're going to get to this place along the way.

I wonder how many miles that Impala has.

Barrow was the setting of the film Thirty Days of Night 

Edited by Castiels Cat
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21 hours ago, SueB said:

Bolded for highlights.

First, their luck was AGGRESSIVELY bad.  They were not 'normal', they really were cursed.  Chuck may have not been directly pulling all the strings, but things like picking a lock is a skill.  They could do it in their sleep.  The rest of the season is NOT a comedy so they'll be a fix.  And I don't think there's any magic that'll gives them skills.  I think if they get Supernatural help, it'll be to prevent being messed with.

Second, I did like that there was no question in either of their minds -- this is a challenge to overcome. They could live with 'normal' if that's all it was.  But with Chuck as their enemy, they don't have time to just work on their skills.  They need to level up quickly.  But their attitude was spot on - hunting is what they do, they aren't just going to give up.  They didn't want to put Garth at risk. They didn't want to die as monster entertainment but they'd do it if that's what had to be done.  There's this great line in Harry Potter that I is essentially, 'it's one thing to be dragged into the arena, it's another to walk in yourself, knowing you are not likely to survive.  And the difference makes all the difference.' Our boys would still walk into the arena, even with zero hope.  Glad Garth rescued them before that happened.

Lastly (at the summary level), I think this episode will play better AFTER the show is over.  I get the anger. And I'm almost panicked with how little time is left to tell the story.  But once the story is over, I think this will be far more entertaining.  Despite my panic over time remaining, however, I did find myself enjoying several bits.  

Enjoyable moments:
- At LAST we have the explanation for their funding - as many speculated, Charlie set them up with a never-fail credit card.  Hopefully there are backup funds.
- J2 comic timing was spot-on throughout the episode. For Jared I particularly liked his facial reaction to "the giant is crying" and his "I think you may be lactose intolerant".  For Jensen it's hard to downselect but I'll go with the 'tap out' moment (actually clever of him IMO) and the quiet freakout before sitting in the dentist chair.
- Everything Garth.  Very satisfying to see him doing so well.  He's overcome his PTSD about the tooth fairy ('she had it coming'). And he's still got that goodness in him. 
- I got a kick out of Bess being so sassy with her brother.  She's got a little bite to her (*rimshot*).
- The commercial for the cage fight was great.

and then we come to the "Pink Elephants On Parade" moment (i.e. when Dean is hallucinating on dental drugs).  At first I just screamed.  I don't know if it was laughter or shock but I was just sitting there, mouth gaping as the scene unfolded. Then I watched in awe as Jensen just threw himself into the bit. And of COURSE he's an excellent dancer.  This is the guy who learned how to do a reverse 180 in the Impala over a lunch break.  He brings new meaning to the phrase 'quick study'.  But in spite of the intended humor, I didn't find it actually funny.  I know I'm probably reading too much into it, but it seems to me that a reasonable interpretation is that Dean is feeling like he's the 'dancing monkey' in the Chuck show.   I think his subconscious is ruminating on the existential crisis and it's not a pretty picture.

I'm definitely watching again.  I think there are moments to savor.  And I am curious to see how I feel about the episode after the next few episodes air and after the series is over. Personally I have no doubt that Sam and Dean are Big Damn Heroes and that while Chuck may be trying to convince them they have no free will or skills, that's gonna fail. 

I definitely thought that Chuck was trying to convince them that they are nothing without his machinations. Also he was messing with them big time much like he had Eileen poke Sam with the scalpel. He saw how effective he was at causing Ssm to lose hope. He needs Dean to lose hope too because Dean scares him. Dean is the wildcard. Dean is Mr. Team Free Will.

The part with the babies was mean.

Edited by Castiels Cat
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WTF!!! For me this episode is at the top of the list along with the Scooby-doo episode as one of the worst. And who ever picked the music should go jump off a bridge.

The only thing that saved this episode was Dean dancing.

Maybe Sam/Jared should've tried to put Mual (sp) in a headlock ;-)

I did get excited when the cage match promoter went to get Sam and Dean and said "okay boys shirts off" lol.

I hate so much that they are destroying everything I've loved about Sam and Dean and this show :-(

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7 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

Even if it was God, being exposed to something you can still learn. This concept might have sounded funny in the writers room but it doesn't work on screen because Sam and Dear have been ordinary people with ordinary people problems coping with extraordinary circumstances. They've lived David vs Goliath since November 22, 1983.

Exactly.  The only way it would have worked for me (and I kept hoping this till the very tippy end), is if it had been a dream.  It could have been a Chuck-implanted dream to supposedly teach them that he was in charge or whateves.  That would have been fine.  But, otherwise, it was just ridiculous.  They have been Superman ever.  Closest would be when they're on demon blood, or mark of cain, or a demon, or something.  But, even then they still had weaknesses and problems.

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Why did Dean and Sam just take Garth's word for it that Chuck had basically charmed them their entire lives and that's why they were awesome before and they suck now?  Why would Garth know anything about it?  Do werewolf dentist's have special omniscience?

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I just realized that I completely missed something in my appreciation of Dean's glee.  I do so love it when he loves stuff.  Sam said they had to take extra bullets, dead man's blood, etc etc.  Like he was implying that they usually walk into places unprepared.  What's normally in their duffels?  I mean, sure, sometimes they don't have what they need because they think it's Monster A and it turns out to be Monster B.  But, when on earth would they ever go into a warehouse that they thought would be full of multiple monsters and not have everything they would need.  Even back in season 1, Shadow, Sam said he ransacked the trunk because he didn't know what they would need and they might need everything.  Are we supposed to believe that as the stakes have gotten higher and higher that they have grown more complacent?  

This episode was just such crap.  Again, I could have forgiven the entire thing if it had been a dream, or a story that Chuck was writing.

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When Dean returned from hell he mentioned to Sam that he’d been ‘rehyminated’, bent fingers straightened, etc.  So I’ve always liked to think that every time they’re cosmically healed for some reason, arteries are unblocked, cavities fixed, scars faded, Dean’s liver refreshed, etc. So I was ok with it.

This latest episode kind of drew attention to something I don’t want attention drawn to.  I can accept normal with a bit of destiny and cosmic influence. I don’t want it pointed out and explained.

I wish Chuck had remained Chuck Shirley prophet and writer. Making him god has spoiled a lot of storylines (for me, anyway). 

Edited by Pondlass1
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13 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

I wish Chuck had remained Chuck Shirley prophet and writer. Making him god has spoiled a lot of storylines (for me, anyway). 

You and me both.

1 minute ago, ILoveReading said:

I was just think, Dean who never had a cavity in his life, ends up on a case with a dentist just as he happens to get 17 (yeah right) of them.

I'd call that lucky.

Dabb can't even keep the plot consistent in this own episode.

Apparently it's not that they were unlucky.  They just weren't supernaturally protected from things like car breakdowns and cavities.  Have I mentioned how much I hate this episode?

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This was so dumb and not funny. I laughed twice.

My headcanon wrt to Dean not having one of Garth's  twins named after him is that Gertie has a middle name of Deanna. I've also decided to headcanon that Baby Sam and Baby Cas we're aptly named  because they were crying and whining.

I thought "The giant is crying " was funny even if the youth actor didn't quite nail it.

The tap dance scene was a big win for me because it looked liked Dean dancing, not Jensen. He still had slightly hunched shoulders throughout the moves whereas Jensen carries himself with his shoulders back.

Dean knew Garth went to dental school and they played the tooth fairy joke then.

This felt like it was trying to hard to be funny which made it not funny. And it didn't have enough heart to make any angst work.

It was a mess.

Edited by catrox14
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