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S07.E14: Witch-hunt


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23 minutes ago, AUJulia said:

I guess it’s that fourth wall thing but if he knows the truth will be broadcast later and the footage is top secret until then, what stops him from taking the time to do a typical HR investigation before he fires someone?  (Employment termination is my field.) What he needed to do was 

1. After hearing from Ashton, hear from Rhylee. Check.

2. Pay attention to what Rhylee said. She nodded her head in agreement when told that she might share some blame. Noted that he did not offer her any specific tips for interacting with Ashton and the other boys going forward. Instead, he later characterized her as not taking any of the blame.

3. after hearing from Ashton and Rhylee individually, he needed to tell Ashton to come prepared with specific concerns and specific examples of her behavior and what he had done to try to rectify it. He should have asked Ashton to explain what he had done to formally warn Rhylee that her job was in jeopardy, then he should have had Rhylee and Ashton meet with him to go over the specifics, item by item. That meeting should have begun with an admonition to both of them that they had to maintain decorum and respect. Based on what he learned during that meeting, he should have met individually with anyone who witnessed the behaviors involved.

4. At each of these stages, he should have warned anyone he spoke to that the footage everyone would see several months later would prove or disprove the veracity of their claims. He should have explained that, if the footage showed otherwise, they would face consequences primarily regarding their reputations and his willingness to work with him in the future.

Just generally speaking, I think the yachting industry operates very differently from a corporate office.  I mean, Captain Lee said they had six days left together.  He's not going to be spending his time doing anything more than what we saw him do.  I'd also note that Captain Lee has no control over what footage ends up being shown to the public, much less could he make claims that said footage will prove or disprove a claim.  If anything, the footage could just muddy the waters further.  

It's like I said before: Ashton is a poor leader and a jerk, but Rhylee is, at best, a very difficult employee.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, txhorns79 said:

Just generally speaking, I think the yachting industry operates very differently from a corporate office.  I mean, Captain Lee said they had six days left together.  He's not going to be spending his time doing anything more than what we saw him do.  I'd also note that Captain Lee has no control over what footage ends up being shown to the public, much less could he make claims that said footage will prove or disprove a claim.  If anything, the footage could just muddy the waters further.  

It's like I said before: Ashton is a poor leader and a jerk, but Rhylee is, at best, a very difficult employee.

I didn’t say he controlled the footage. And I don’t think there’s anything inappropriate about telling his employees that they might want to remember that footage shown later might expose untruthfulness. Yeah they have six days left but I thought he took his job seriously or he’d have told Ashton to bug off. Imo if you undertake to do something like figure out what’s going on, you don’t do it halfassed. And nothing I said challenged your opinion about a jerk manager and a difficult employee. 

  • Love 5
38 minutes ago, AUJulia said:

I didn’t say he controlled the footage.

I didn't say you did.  I noted that Captain Lee couldn't really threaten them with what the footage may show because he doesn't have control over what will eventually be shown, and the footage may not prove or disprove a claim.  


Having watched Rhylee from the first time she was on this show, its clear the problem is in her. Ashton has plenty of his own faults, but I can understand why he is so fed up with her.  Notice that when speaking to the captain, she does not act the way she does with the deck hands or Ashton.  This shows that she knows its wrong. 


I would agree she acts differently with the captain.  She respects his authority in a way she does not with Ashton. 


  • Love 4

Kate also pointedly told Simone that she's not a good second stew.

She didn't give her warnings, she didn't try to encourage her to do better with some of the things she needed to improve on.

Then she did that little scene with Courtney to throw it in her face.

So none of that is good management, if management of personnel was a real thing on this TV show.

It wasn't a real thing on The Apprentice either -- though I've never watched that mess.

  • Love 3

They really only had on people who are intimidated by the whole process and vainly hope for a call back for a new season. The only one with the balls to call out Kate was Rocky.  I notice they didn’t invite Leon or Bruno or Caroline or anyone from this season who might have a totally different attitude.

At this point Kate is toxic and a drag on the show in the same way that Tamara and Jill Zarin and Vicki and Nene are to their shows. Some of them hang on for years and others are jettisoned. It’s time to put Kate over the side.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

They really only had on people who are intimidated by the whole process and vainly hope for a call back for a new season. The only one with the balls to call out Kate was Rocky.  I notice they didn’t invite Leon or Bruno or Caroline or anyone from this season who might have a totally different attitude.

At this point Kate is toxic and a drag on the show in the same way that Tamara and Jill Zarin and Vicki and Nene are to their shows. Some of them hang on for years and others are jettisoned. It’s time to put Kate over the side.

Well, I agree with you on the Real Hosewives, but I think Kate brings the best snark to this show. I don’t think I’d watch without her. She’s been bitchier this season but I think she also has a crew of schmoes, so I get how that would wear on someone season after season. 

  • Love 21

I'd fire Rhylee the second she raised her voice.  There are hundreds (if not thousands) of deckhands available, I guarantee production sent her in to stir the pot.  If production is forcing her on me, I'd have her on deck at 5 am.

Kate hasn't tried since her first season.  She's bored and going through the motions.

We've seen chefs plate FAR better meals in smaller kitchens than this clown.  It's barely medium-high chain restaurant food.  Does he even refer the the preference sheet? 

Why have a preference sheet meeting a few hours before the guests arrive?  Surely there's not enough time for planning.

Would you pay $15-25k a night for this experience?

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16 hours ago, AUJulia said:

While he states he’s not there to babysit, he still has a fairly new-to-the-position bosun who needs training, not babysitting. This was a teaching opportunity. He could’ve heard Rhylee out, modeled how he managed her personality, and told both of them how to correct the problems they were having. Example: The whole knot tying issue. Ashton had a legitimate need to ensure that his crew knows how to tie a particular knot. The footage didn’t show whether he gave Tanner and Rhylee any instruction going forward about demonstrating proficiency, so let’s assume he just dropped it once the conflict started. In my opinion he should have redirected their attention to the fact that he wanted the knots to be tied properly, and he should have told both of them that he would meet with them the next morning so they could demonstrate the ability to quickly tie the knot. If necessary, he could have asked Captain Lee to sit in on that demonstration. If he had focused on the work and the standards of performance instead of getting lost in the weeds of personality, then I’d have respect for his management. Instead, he practices testosterone fueled management. Every good manager knows that they need to adjust their management style somewhat for individual subordinates. That’s especially true in a setting like BD, where replacing an employee isn’t simple. In my opinion it was Captain Lee’s job to make sure his department heads weren’t making his job harder.


You're absolutely right.  Capt Lee should have considered that his brand new supervisor may need some help in managing people.  That's what happens in an effective workplace.  Instead, he wants the chief bosun and chief stew to run their departments and let him run the boat, only hearing about major issues or things that involve coordination on ship location and so forth.  That's fine if you have two experienced supervisors in whom you can have confidence.  Lee failed by placing confidence in Ashton when it hadn't yet been earned. 

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, gingerella said:

Simone lives a lie. She likes to say how excellent her skills & knowledge are, then shows us she’s sucks at her job, except for laundry and cleaning cabins. She likes to crow about what a strong woman’s she is, then shows us she’s  wuss who will happily kiss a drunk who just puked and respond to a drunk booty call and then consider it a a budding relationship. The calling her mommy to complain isn’t even on my radar with all the above shit. Yeah, Kate has nothing to do with my disgust with Simone. She’s a disaster as a yacht stew, an embarrassment to feminists, and appears completely lacking in self awareness. Three strikes and you’re out!


There's probably one or more excellent reasons that she isn't currently using her college education.  Primary among those, and related to her problems on the boat, is that she still has a whole lot of growing up to do.

  • Love 6
On 1/7/2020 at 7:36 PM, Mondrianyone said:

It's possible to bash Simone for being lousy at her job without being a "Kate fan."  People really can keep two opposing thoughts in their head at the same time.

I  can't find a thread for the 100th-episode special, but after watching it I was thinking that if BD fans had some recurring show-themed nightmares, two of them could easily involve eating a meal prepared by Rocky and getting a massage from Rocky--and they're both real life!  Run!!!!

Speaking of Rocky, I really enjoyed seeing that awesome twisty dive she performed then seeing her swim away from the yacht. Damn that was nice! As Kate said, Rocky is really talented.

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13 hours ago, Jack Sampson said:


Would you pay $15-25k a night for this experience?

I thought we've determined that they pay far less than that.

Or maybe Bravo pays them, especially the return guests, to appear on the show.

In the first season of BDM, they repeat $200k to charter.

Have any of the guests who've appeared on both shows come close to paying anywhere near that?

1 hour ago, scrb said:

I thought we've determined that they pay far less than that.

Or maybe Bravo pays them, especially the return guests, to appear on the show.

In the first season of BDM, they repeat $200k to charter.

Have any of the guests who've appeared on both shows come close to paying anywhere near that?

I meant, if this is at all representative of chartering a yacht apart from the show.

On 1/8/2020 at 5:53 PM, scrb said:

Kate also pointedly told Simone that she's not a good second stew.

She didn't give her warnings, she didn't try to encourage her to do better with some of the things she needed to improve on.

Then she did that little scene with Courtney to throw it in her face.

Kate is a terrible boss, I think she's a terrible person too, maybe it's the overdone plastic surgery/lip fillers that makes her so nasty.

When I was on the QM2 this past summer, I was surprised and happy to see many black people actually serving in the dining room, also there were black women working in the spa.  The first time I was on that ship was 2006 and have never seen black people actually serving the guests.  Maybe that's what happened to Simone, maybe she was regulated to the laundry room, where she would not be seen.  This doesn't surprise me I mean look at this 2011 article about Panera Bread.

Edited by Neurochick
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4 minutes ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

I see where Kate is hooking up with Tanner next episode.

Could that have played a part in her treatment of Simone? After all the season started with Tanner all hot for Kate which I am sure was very satisfying to her since he is the only male (Except for Ben) who didn’t scieve her.

Kate is the one who initially turned Tanner down which made him go after Simone so probably not.

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On 1/6/2020 at 6:59 PM, Mindthinkr said:

I think that Kate telling Rhylie about Ashton telling the Capt he wanted her fired is only going to exacerbate the problem. 

I think it is important that Kate tell Rhylee what is coming given they are roommates, have history, and are being equally disrespected by the deck crew. I realize this boat is nothing like a regular job site, but there should still be some basic guidelines followed when having someone fired. For example, Ashton should have been specific to Rhylee about what she is doing 'wrong' throughout each charter. As well, he should have documented these work disruptions so that the final outcome isn't a surprise. I am tired of hearing that she has a 'bad attitude'. WTF does that even mean? If anyone remembers 'Chris', who was not into 'working' especially when hungover ,and he too was accused of having a bad attitude (but never to his face). We could all see the writing on the wall when it finally came time to fire him. There was another deckhand fired (I just remember him stating he was once a hair model). Both of these deckhands were warned, a couple of times, they were getting close to being fired. Rhylee is straightforward, honest, and you know where you stand with her. As well, she is very forgiving to arseholes, which has always impressed me. So Kate telling Rhylee what to expect is no different than Rhylee doing the same for Kate (which I am positive she would do). Ashton is new at being a boatswain (or as any type of leader) and has no inkling of general procedure. I truly think this is personal for Ashton and he would love to fire Rhylee simply because she doesn't respect his leadership, despite following his every command, and he wants to punish her.

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6 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

which I am sure was very satisfying to her since he is the only male (Except for Ben) who didn’t scieve her.

What does 'scieve' mean? I appreciate Kate's clear signals to any and all guys she works with - she is not interested in a 'boat romance'. She is truly a 'professional' when it comes to not playing flirt games. She has never given an indication that she would entertain anything beyond a friendly kiss. She has enough relationships to keep her occupied while not working charters, and I have never gotten the impression that she is needing to be locked down and spoken for. Whereas I've always wished Hannah had a special fella as that is clearly important to her. Kate reminds me of the older sister who plays chaperone while inwardly wishing to be home with a book and a glass of wine. 

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On 1/9/2020 at 4:36 PM, scrb said:

I thought we've determined that they pay far less than that.

Or maybe Bravo pays them, especially the return guests, to appear on the show.

In the first season of BDM, they repeat $200k to charter.

Have any of the guests who've appeared on both shows come close to paying anywhere near that?

I am positive that I read (who knows where...) that in exchange for being filmed, a 3 day charter was $60,000. I do know they have to pay something, but I thought it was a quarter of the usual, and I believe the tip could be deducted as well. Forgive me if this is off the mark, but I recall this info coming out at the same time that very nasty drunken client (who had a birthday and treated her girlfriends like garbage) was twittering about it.

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On 1/9/2020 at 2:58 AM, Jack Sampson said:

I'd fire Rhylee the second she raised her voice.  There are hundreds (if not thousands) of deckhands available, I guarantee production sent her in to stir the pot.  If production is forcing her on me, I'd have her on deck at 5 am.

Chandler did that to the crew when Ashton refused to leave the nightclub. He lost his shit further with Rhylee because she told him he was being an ass for punishing the entire deck crew for one person. Who was up and hosing down the boat at 6:00 am? Rhylee. She didn't complain or say a word. Chandler said her rant towards him/ disrespect of his rank in the cab ride didn't help matters. Yet he was also the one to tell her he "wasn't her boss when they were out clubbing" (unless, clearly, she had an opposing opinion). And no mention of Ross pointing out the exact same thing (in a nicer way) to Chandler. Rhylee knows when she's stepped in it and she doesn't disregard her duties.

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On 1/8/2020 at 2:53 PM, scrb said:

Kate also pointedly told Simone that she's not a good second stew.

She didn't give her warnings, she didn't try to encourage her to do better with some of the things she needed to improve on.

I would put money on the idea that Kate let Simone know on a daily basis that she was not an effective 2nd stew. I remember their first meeting when Simone said she loved doing laundry and was not looking forward to meal service or interacting with clients. I only remembered because I didn't understand how she was assigned 2nd stew given she had less experience than Courtney. Then again, who knows what was production driven? I was surprised that after Kate stopped asking her if she was sure she wanted to stay on laundry that she THEN no longer wanted to be stuck in the laundry room. Again, I believe there is a lot of footage left out with regards to interior crew's assigned duties.

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On 1/7/2020 at 3:26 PM, ChristmasJones said:

I stand by my opinion, as unpopular as it may be 🙂

I could never regard your opinion as 'unpopular' in the sense that if we all felt the same way, no one would post. This is my favourite forum on Primetimer because everyone seems talented in writing a post that makes me reconsider, or double down, or quickly respond. I agree completely that Rhylee would never talk to Captain the way she does Ashton, but she lost all respect for Ashton. And I am still puzzled as to what happened with their friendship from last year, to him trashing her prior to her arrival. Something must have happened during the break. 

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On 1/7/2020 at 4:10 PM, spunky said:

Because it’s mostly the Kate fans who are bashing Simone.

I really like Kate (over Hannah) and I couldn't help but see Simone's difficulties initially (especially when she would become so distracted if Tanner was about). It's all in how the show is edited. However, I think Simone is an absolute delight, and her personality and kindness far outweighed any discomfort she initially had while doing service with guests. To be fair, Simone was the one who initially pointed out her so-called 'flaws' and was reluctant to even interact with guests until Kate insisted. But we all saw her rise to the challenge, and given the history of various stews - she's fallen into the category of the well-liked stews. In spite of Kate's blunt appraisal, Simone didn't collapse and quit. And she looked so FINE when she went clubbing with no thoughts of Tanner.

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1 minute ago, Chalby said:

I really like Kate (over Hannah) and I couldn't help but see Simone's difficulties initially (especially when she would become so distracted if Tanner was about). It's all in how the show is edited. However, I think Simone is an absolute delight, and her personality and kindness far outweighed any discomfort she initially had while doing service with guests. To be fair, Simone was the one who initially pointed out her so-called 'flaws' and was reluctant to even interact with guests until Kate insisted. But we all saw her rise to the challenge, and given the history of various stews - she's fallen into the category of the well-liked stews. In spite of Kate's blunt appraisal, Simone didn't collapse and quit. And she looked so FINE when she went clubbing with no thoughts of Tanner.

I follow her on Instagram and she seems to be living her best yachting life.

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On 1/6/2020 at 8:18 PM, wheresmypizza said:

Aston is an asshole and Rhylee is a defensive, reactive, clenched bitch.

I will take whatever time I need to teach you how to do this. It will make us both and the boat better and safer. Now, if he had done this and she STILL acted like the white knuckle she is, then fire her. But he's a douche for not understanding that a good manager would have approached it that way.

We could also say... Ashton and Rhylee are assholes who refused to communicate professionally, and refused to see their individual contribution to the toxic exchange. Whoo Hoo for tv shows that will rub it in their faces forever, heh. (I do have to add that if Ashton just shut up for a moment, he would have seen Rhylee standing in front of him with the knot tied, while asking "what do you want me to do next?") I don't even think Tanner bothered. 

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On 1/6/2020 at 8:23 PM, PaperTree said:

Asston is the one exacerbating any problems.  eta: He's the biggest problem.

And to think, last year I LOVED Ashton and thought he was an amazing human being, with the best/wisest advice. He was kind to everyone, including Caroline. If someone had told me he was going to become this year's "Chandler" I would have accused them of jealousy. Rhylee annoyed the heck out of me last year, but I appreciated her work ethic and for the most part she seemed to work great with the boys especially during the last three charters. This season, there's no laughter, no positive interactions and my two stews have morphed into unrecognizable characters.

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On 1/7/2020 at 9:52 AM, The Ringo Kidd said:

 He should have welcomed Rhylee and praised her regardless of how shitty her work was. I mean Rhylee is always DTF and he could have scratched his itch easy peasy. What an idiot.

I am confused Ringo. Are you new to this series? Did you watch last season's where Rhylee was driving the boatswain crazy? I don't think I have heard anyone say she does shitty work. Am I missing some exchanges?

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56 minutes ago, Chalby said:

I am confused Ringo. Are you new to this series? Did you watch last season's where Rhylee was driving the boatswain crazy? I don't think I have heard anyone say she does shitty work. Am I missing some exchanges?

You are right I misspoke. Her work ethic was great. It was he personality that was monkey shit.

  • LOL 2

I would put money on the idea that Kate let Simone know on a daily basis that she was not an effective 2nd stew. 

I  don't know. Kate is no fan of Kevin but she compliments him every time he actually does a good job with the food. I don't see why it wouldn't be like that with Simone too. I don't think Kate is warm and friendly towards Simone, but I doubt she's openly criticizing her every day.

  • Love 12

Rhylee got on my last damn nerve last season in regards to her short fuse with a deck crew that was actually respectful & seemingly willing to help. I know editing is ALWAYS at play, but I just didn't see that this season. Every time I saw her snap on one of the douchebrus, it was completely justified from what I saw...she would very calmly ask a question, or make a suggestion & they would respond in a very short and/or condescending manner. Unfortunately as "the last man on the totem pole" she really needs to learn to suck it up A LOT more than she does, but as far as her behavior this season & what she was up against, I thought she did alright. 

  • Love 10
On 1/10/2020 at 11:20 PM, Chalby said:

We could also say... Ashton and Rhylee are assholes who refused to communicate professionally, and refused to see their individual contribution to the toxic exchange. Whoo Hoo for tv shows that will rub it in their faces forever, heh. (I do have to add that if Ashton just shut up for a moment, he would have seen Rhylee standing in front of him with the knot tied, while asking "what do you want me to do next?") I don't even think Tanner bothered. 

To be honest I think Rhylee did approach Ashton respectfully. She sat down across Ashton and began explaining what her issue was. The problem is that Ashton can't receive Rhylee's grievances without labeling them as being disrespectful or insubordinate. Also, his immediate response was to tell her that she was the problem but that she just doesn't want to admit it to herself. Rhylee came back with, no it's not based on insecurity and all Ashton did was come back with the same diagnosis. That's when Rhylee CORRECTLY assesses that Ashton isn't even listening to her. She continues to try to convey her point when Ashton decides he's had enough of the actual point behind the conversation and turns the exchange into a back and forth about tone and rank etc. etc. They spent no time hashing out a resolution, which is the word Rhylee actually used during the exchange. She asked him to look at it from her shoes and gave examples about why there is some tension on her end. She laid a good amount of valid concerns and explanations about why her energy is the way it is and asked for a way to for them ALL to work better together.

Sure Rhylee ended up losing it a bit (but honestly for Rhylee I felt it was still pretty mild) but she started off and stayed pretty calm and on point for most of that exchange. She voiced her concerns but Ashton chose to take the conversation to a completely different place and refused to address the conflicts professionally. All he wanted to do was place blame and force Rhylee to accept that blame simply because he said so. Ugggghhhh, the exchanges these people have with Rhylee makes me want to bitch slap the lot of them.

I get so triggered when I see the way they treat Rhylee. The way the guys go on and on and on and on over the slightest little thing Rhylee does. Hype up one comment to the point that they are fucking whining like little boys drives me bananas. They run to each other and recount the horrible interaction they just experienced with Rhylee meanwhile the retelling is so much more exaggerated than I don't know what. They are just such drama queens. Brian telling Tanner that Rhylee had such an attitude when they were dealing with unpacking the pool when all we saw was Rhylee look up, Brian tell her to go on and untie it and Rhylee just responding that she was just waiting for him to tell her where he wanted it placed before doing so then him being very flippant with the whole same place as always and her reminding him that she's never with them when they open it. That simple exchange annoyed Brian.. and then he runs to Tanner to cry about how "difficult" Rhylee is. 

Look, I get that the exchange was a bit tense and all that but what ALWAYS gets me is that they get pissed when Rhylee has ANYTHING to say. But then again Brian was being moody too cause his tone was bratty as well. It's a TWO WAY street. They resent the fact that she doesn't pretend that she doesn't hear the disrespectful/frustrated tone in their voices when they address her. But I don't see them trying to cater to her either so why is she expected to bend and put on a smiley happy face in order to counter their sour attitudes towards her? Why can't SHE expect them to put on a happy smiley face and approach HER with positivity? They both had attitudes so why is it more wrong that Rhylee has one and not wrong that Brian was being a dick as well? They KNOW they are giving off bad vibes to Rhylee but want to act like they have no idea why Rhylee is always on edge. The gaslighting is so infuriating. Then they run back to each other with "stories" and "verifiable data" that there's always "something" when working with Rhylee in order to reinforce the gaslighting so they have plenty of "examples" of Rhylee being "difficult".

The men are mad that she has the audacity to think she can call the shots about how she's spoken to. They take offense to her challenging their lack of professionalism and respect by throwing a little bit back at them. Brains energy and Tanner's energy around Rhylee is painfully obvious and absolutely contributes to how Rhylee feels and yet they want to pretend that it shouldn't have any affect on how she responds to them. They should have the right to make her feel uncomfortable, unwelcome and like an outsider without having to experience what comes with making someone feel that way? And it's not like she actually runs around yelling and screaming at them all the time. What bothers them is her little comments here and there and her responses to their little jabs and off putting behavior towards her. They don't like that she's doesn't let them get away with it. They want to be able to poke at her and for her to just take it with a smile and bite her tongue. THAT'S the main problem with the guys. Whenever you hear them speak on Rhylee there really isn't any one thing it's just her "energy" her "vibe" Nah, dudes ya'll just mad cause she checks your asses every time you step out of line with her. Well then stop being assholes towards her and ya'll can probably get through with day without any issues. But they can't do that. 

Looks like Brian, after all the chasing will try and dismiss Courtney now that the charter is almost done. Tanner has disrespected Simone and would love to use Kate. Kevin has condescended to the women on the boat and Ashton has demostrated some serious women issues.  These men don't like any suggestion that they can't just manuever through their interactions with women any ole way they want. Rhylee is a glaring mirror they don't like and they want her punished as a result. The nerve of Rhylee to think she shouldn't be subjected to their egos and the nerve of her not to like it. I just can't with the dripping sexism. 

Edited by Yours Truly
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On 1/11/2020 at 12:26 PM, CaliforniaLove said:

Rhylee got on my last damn nerve last season in regards to her short fuse with a deck crew that was actually respectful & seemingly willing to help. I know editing is ALWAYS at play, but I just didn't see that this season. Every time I saw her snap on one of the douchebrus, it was completely justified from what I saw...she would very calmly ask a question, or make a suggestion & they would respond in a very short and/or condescending manner. Unfortunately as "the last man on the totem pole" she really needs to learn to suck it up A LOT more than she does, but as far as her behavior this season & what she was up against, I thought she did alright. 

They had the same "could barely tolerate" energy toward Rhylee last season too. Both Ross and Ashton exhibited overeactions to her but it wasn't as frequent and Chandler was the truly grade A asshole toward her which in turn made her extra defensive with Ross and Ashton. Ashton was kinda the way Brian is now. Riding on the bad reputation vibe and automatically being short with her when dealing with her. Brian and Tanner are worse than Ross and Ashton originally were but even last season there was an air of do as your told, disrespectful tone that transpired among the crew. Ashton pulled the "calm down" move unecessarily last season just as Brian did this season. Ross, came close to being reasonable with her but faultered by allowing an air of disregard creep into some of his exchanges with her.

I agree that as the lowest man on the totem pole she needs to be able to suck some of the stuff up but at the same time I will never agree with the idea that working a job means you are expected to tolerate abusive behavior. I'm old school and I come from a place where "it comes with the territory" rings true but I'm also  not a fan of expecting people to live with that sort of logic. I think it's up to the person to decide how they chose to handle the amount of beratement and disrespect they tolerate at any job. Sure there may be consequences depending on the circumstances surrounding the discord but this blanket idea that people HAVE to tolerate disrespectful treatment is so unhealthy to me. Is it a reality? Sure but I don't think less of a person who decides that "nope, rolling with the punches and being condescended to is something I'll never be able to conform to". That's not a character flaw or a work ethic flaw. It's a shame that sometimes it's seen as such. 

It's just that it seems like the men are BOTHERED at the concept of trying to just be nice to her as if it's a requirement Rhylee has no right to demand of them. To me it seems like, and this goes for last season too, that proper treatment of Rhylee would be withheld until she's showed that she deserves proper treatment and since she never did fall into the typical female subdued role she never truly received the appropriate level of treatment starting from last season til now. I get that she's rough but what I have noticed is that she goes into every new situation, exchange and interaction ready and willing to do what she needs to do but the others automatically take a tone with her no matter what. They let the day before's dust ups dictate how they chose to approach her in any new situation and that's why I'm team Rhylee. Don't like her all you want but if she's coming into work in that moment and has her game face on ready to get to it don't start of with attitude in your voice and negative body language. They do that to her and turn around and say that's what SHE'S doing when it's clear as day that the guys STAY bitching about her, STAY in a bad mood about her, WON'T let shit go in order to work with her and get things done and have an ongoing bad attitude from day to day without any REAL provocation other than they are mad at her going back to her first day and first fight with Kevin. They've been piling on "grievances" since she opened the door for them with that first fight. (Which Kevin was the ridiculous antagoniser of in the first place)

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Ugggghhhh, the exchanges these people have with Rhylee makes me want to bitch slap the lot of them.

YES!!! And fabulous post. I agree with it all. Last year, I found Rhylee to be obnoxious, but this season, it simply appears that the deck crew have turned into their own testosterone- fueled, mean girl group. I give her credit for hanging in there without complaining to Captain Lee. I would hope that Lee would view some footage prior to taking someone's word that Rhylee needs to be fired.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

These men don't like any suggestion that they can't just manuever through their interactions with women any ole way they want. Rhylee is a glaring mirror they don't like and they want her punished as a result. The nerve of Rhylee to think she shouldn't be subjected to their egos and the nerve of her not to like it. I just can't with the dripping sexism. 

And I want to give another million 'loves' to this part.

  • Love 2
On 1/8/2020 at 9:28 AM, Dance4Life said:

The most effortless chef I have seen on BD is Ben.

Yes, Ben can pull off some great meals especially when he's forced to mind annoying preferences. Adrian was my fave 'effortless' chef. I loved how nothing seemed to rile him, and he didn't allow any chaos surrounding him enter his kitchen 'zen-mind'.

  • Love 4
On 1/11/2020 at 8:12 AM, Jsage said:

I  don't know. Kate is no fan of Kevin but she compliments him every time he actually does a good job with the food. I don't see why it wouldn't be like that with Simone too. I don't think Kate is warm and friendly towards Simone, but I doubt she's openly criticizing her every day.

I agree with you. I only wrote this because Simone acted so surprised when Kate stated she wasn't performing well as a '2nd stew', whereas Kate has always seemed vocal when crew is doing well, and when they're messing up. Simone has probably been very aware of any discontent Kate may have had.

  • Love 1
On 1/11/2020 at 8:12 AM, Jsage said:

I  don't know. Kate is no fan of Kevin but she compliments him every time he actually does a good job with the food. I don't see why it wouldn't be like that with Simone too. I don't think Kate is warm and friendly towards Simone, but I doubt she's openly criticizing her every day.

As much as she hates Kevin, he outranks her.  Kate makes nice with people above her. 


Rhylee does too to some degree, but she only recognizes Lee's rank.  You won't see her mouthing off to the captain.  She, a deckhand (the lowest rank on board), thinks she's the first officer.

Edited by Jack Sampson
2 minutes ago, Jack Sampson said:

As much as she hates Kevin, he outranks her.  Kate makes nice with people above her.

All of them (Captain Lee, Kate and Kevin) have stated they are of equal rank in interviews. Private yachting isn’t the military configurations are what the charter company, boat owner or Captain decide.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

All of them (Captain Lee, Kate and Kevin) have stated they are of equal rank in interviews. Private yachting isn’t the military configurations are what the charter company, boat owner or Captain decide.

Ben repeatedly told her he outranks her and she never disagreed.

Technically, Kate outranks Ashton but I've never seen that exercised.

2 minutes ago, Jack Sampson said:

Ben repeatedly told her he outranks her and she never disagreed.

Actually Ben routinely said he outranks her when it comes to the food, which is different than position but even if that was the case in the past it appears it no longer is accurate. 
Kate has mentioned that she outranks Ashton.

Edited by biakbiak
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Just now, biakbiak said:

Actually Ben routinely said he outranks her when it comes to the food, which is different than position. 
Kate has mentioned that she outranks Ashton.

No, the first time he said it Kate was trying to impose a drinking/going out ban.  Nothing to do with food.  Ben literally said that he outranks her and will do whatever he wants.

32 minutes ago, Jack Sampson said:

No, the first time he said it Kate was trying to impose a drinking/going out ban.  Nothing to do with food.  Ben literally said that he outranks her and will do whatever he wants.

No, he said that to Adrienne not Kate and he said she couldn’t tell him what to do even though she wasn’t trying to tell him what to do what she was trying to get him and Alex to go along with her so she didn’t look like a bitch for not letting her team go out when everyone else did. As I modified it to say if it was the case in the past it no longer is, perhaps it was something negotiated because of the way Ben treated the Chief Stew and Ben frequently pulls shit out of his ass (see how he said he was just going to unilaterally get the stove replaced on Below Deck Med even though he couldn’t).

Edited by biakbiak
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