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The thing I don't like about Heather this year is the way she is pandering to public opinion. Last year I always loved her blogs because she would not make excuses for doing or saying what she did. She might explain it, but she clearly read the blogs and she basically told the commentators that they could kiss her ass if they didn't like it.

This year she seems to be trying to drive public perception in a certain way. Last year she was absolutely hammered for not giving Terry onion rings. To some people this apparently meant that she was a lousy wife. I was astounded that so many people thought that a guy who brought home a paycheck should basically get whatever he wanted and that was just fucking that. I loved the way she kind of mocked that assumption and people that held such views in her blogs. This year she makes a big deal out of the fact that he gets onion rings if he wants. There was lots of talk on the blogs last year about her not being honest about having help with the kids during the silly arguments with Terry about who would drive the kids to school when she was filming her TV show. This year she makes every attempt to not hide it and again looks like she is pandering.

I agree that she should have never even brought up the rescue dog deal, but it is another example of her trying to portray herself in a certain light so that she is not hammered away at. I would say that no one really gives a rats ass if she gets a dog with papers or one from a shelter, but clearly that is not the case and she knows it (I didn't see WWHL but understand she was judged for this). She was well aware that some folks would have harsh words, but who cares? Someone is always going to not like something that she does. I wish she would stop with this.

  • Love 4

I get the feeling that David just doesn't like the fancy lifestyle they live. He grew up blue collar. She has old money. He has talked about the kids and their lessons and cotillion etc. Just seems he is uncomfortable in his own life. And on top of that he has a wife that nags him every chance she gets. 


I disagree.  /i think David does like the lifestyle very much,  What he dislikes is the trade he has made to enjoy it.  I suspect that much of it depends more on Shannon's wealth and that David has surrendered some power in the marriage because of that.  I think what he was trying to articulate is that he regrets letting the lifestyle take precedent over the actual workings of their marriage and that he hates saying it because he is just as guilty for letting this happen.    I also think what he was trying to say is that he has resentment towards Shannon because of that.   He has let the marriage fall to the side just as much as she has in her way.


I think much of David's issue involve power.  He seems to have some out of date gender ideas in terms of the marriage politic.  I wonder how much of his own business came to fruition thanks to Shannon's money and family connections.  I think that is the main dysfunction he brings to the marriage.  He seems normal around others and in compare to Shannnon because his issues are solely with Shannon.  She gets the hidden resentment and that triggers her own raging insecurities and bitterness.  Actually I can see this marriage going down this same path for decades simply because the mutual dysfunction works even as it injures.  I've seen similar marriages where both members simply need some kind of stimulus in their relationship even if it seems to raging toxic loathing for one another. 


I think David is flexing his power behind the scenes off the camera.  I put full responsibility for Shannon's emotional displaying 'roller coaster ride with Sybil at the switch' on her.  But I think like many other types of abusive relationships there are those rare cases when the one knows exactly what triggers the other and does so willingly.  If only to look the better as the victim.    For all that Shannon strikes me as someone who scarily seems the future part of a murder suicide she acts so crazy I just cannot sympathize much with David since I think he is smart enough to know by know not only where the door is but what triggers to pull and then react to to further whatever agenda he has in this sick marriage.


I do think David would be happier if he had more say (or perhaps even the only say) in how they lived their lives.  I suspect he makes a very very nice living.  And it hurts his pride that is not enough.  His attempted effort to express those regrets included his own complicity in taking the path of least resistance and sitting back to enjoy the view he knows he could live without but has grown to like rather well despite that.

  • Love 3

Eddie looked so done with it all during that argument with Ryan. If Ryan doesn't like having mommy as a boss perhaps Ryan should get off his ass and find a real job. I doubt he does anything there anyway.   I did not understand the Shannon/David talk at all. It seemed like they had a great night with Shannon letting loose and dancing on the table and may have even made Vicki's bed squeak by the looks of them cuddled up the next morning. Shannon was all smiles, David was all touchy feely with her, and even when they were riding horses they were shown holding hands. Then they sit down to that lunch and all hell breaks loose. David was being gentle,  you could tell, but he is SO done with their marriage. I thought he was going to whip out divorce papers or confess to a mistress waiting for him when he gets home. He is just miserable and tired of it. And Shannon kept saying she wants to be happy with HIM and he didn't return the sentiment.  Seems like he's showing her the door or he's going to take off running himself soon. That was painful to watch. But David is such a "young" vibrant very attractive guy (saw that pic of them in Hawaii and WOW he looks fantastic for his age and sorry Shannon you better start cooking up a storm and never snip at him again, because if you don't take care of him someone much younger and more fun will be happy to step in) 


I felt bad for Shannon but she brought this upon herself. David is right, she needs to make herself happy. The more time she and David spend together the more she snaps and bitches at him.  They make Vicki and Brooks seem normal and happy. Scary!


I laughed so hard at Terry poking fun at Heather wanting to make a donation to a shelter and then get a pedigreed dog. I don't care what she does but it was hilarious to see Terry calling her out while laughing at the absurdity  that is Heather.  And wow Heather, I am normally not one to criticize how people raise their children- I didn't open my mouth about Lizzie's diaper wearing 4 year old- but for as uptight and proper as Heather appears to be, she sure did a shitty job of raising her children. Isn't Collette like 4 years old? And she was crawling around under the table and running around the restaurant and Heather said oh we still cant' take Collette to a restaurant? Huh? My 2 year knows exactly how to behave in a restaurant. She would NEVER run around, crawl under the table ect. I bring plenty to entertain her but she knows better. My10  month old is better behaved than Heathers kids were. Just kind of shocked me. Maybe they were tired, maybe they were acting up for the cameras. But Heather- who can't seem to control her own 4 kids with the help of her husband, sends all four kids off with the nanny to deal with. Pathetic.  And Heather saying she's a working mom. Please! Working a few days a year and  having a nanny , cook etc every day, she doesn't "do it all" She barely does anything.


Vicki surprised me. She seems like a fun person to go on vacation with. I would have loved to play in the ocean, go out to dinner and have fun and then go horseback riding. I understand  Shannon wanting a nap but geez lighten up and enjoy yourself.

Edited by kira28
  • Love 3

Something must have happened, got that feeling when Shannon said that she has to forget the past.

I was reminded of the rumors of domestic violence here, but yeah, it sounded like something happened that they didn't want to discuss with the cameras there.


Only Tamra would think that lugging around a screaming plastic baby would make Eddie long for a kid of his own. She is so dumb. I am surprised she didn't drive that piece of plastic over to her mom to take care of.

There's always this season's "lost footage" special, along with the footage of her shoving it under the couch cushions.

  • Love 1

Mexico again saved this episode from being a 5 alarm snoozer.


I feel bad for Shannon because it seems like her emotions are so out of control but she can't reign it in. Even if she knows deep down that she should stop.


This here is why I never was on board with the comparisons between Shannon and Heather. Just because they both try to direct a X-Mas family picture doesn't mean they are just alike or the same person. Shannon is an emotional ball of emotions. She is raw and unfiltered. Heather is very controlled, aware and is all about appearances - Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet). Heather would rather slit her own throat than divulge that her husband doesn't sleep in the same bed with her or that she isn't loved and adored unconditionally by Terry.


Chiming in with all the comments on how raw the scenes between David and Shannon have been. Just damn. This it the HWs of yesteryear.  I am almost ashamed to admit that I watch their scene a few times because it was riveting. Yet I also feel bad about that. I feel like a dragon feasting on the ashes of their failing marriage. Yeah, I am also going through Games of Thrones withdrawal. Don't judge me. LOL! I digress. I am still left with a burning desire to know what sin needs to be forgiven.


My  thoughts on what happened? Shit went down probably cheating by David. Shannon lost her shit; confrontation ensued; domestic altercation followed soon thereafter; forgiveness was given lip service but never actually granted and they have each been exacting punishment by whittling each other down to a nub ever since in their own unique ways. The woman David cheating with was probably a looker with silicone tits of steel which maybe why she is extra sensitive about David commenting and wanting her to get a boob job. At the end of the day (tm Apollo), this all just feels like the patented love each other but not in love scenario to me. I feel like David was right about Shannon not be happy and need to find her own happy but it wasn't apparent that David saw a future with Shannon, happy or otherwise. 


Seriously, the man comes home after a day in construction and helps prepare dinner for his daughters? Did I hear that right? David take me here. Take me now! This is unheard of in HW history. Why isn't this seen as spending time together? I really want to know what Shannon expects. Marriage is about 90% (being generous) routine and boredom. Don't expect McMillan and Wife or to be going around in a van solving mysteries having adventures.  It always sounds like she wants David to do all the heavy lifting and she just stands around like an ivory statue being worshipped. 


Side note (a vain one), David has a glorious head of hair. I found it mesmerizing at the lunch with Shannon. All wavy with just the perfect salt to pepper ratio.


Shannon doing her stiff shoulder shimmy on top of the bar was my everything. She is a 87 year in a 48 years old's body.


Everyone once in a while Terry does something that just makes me love his drama queen ass. Putting Heather's ass on front scene at dinner was one of those such times. Her ass was fuming that Terry called her out on camera about that shit. Loved it!  I know Terry got the business when he got home. Seriously, Heather just should've got her dogs and not justified going with a pedigreed pouch to the audience. Again, keeping up appearances.  This kills me because this is the same type of shit she would've called out Alexis about.  Heather, if everybody says you're dead lay down. The worst is that it kinda reminded me of Taylor of RHOBH and her whole pedigree/allergy situation. Ugh!


After watching Tamra and Eddie with Robo-baby, I have to serious question the producers for not showing some of 'friend of' housewives Danielle's personal life.  It can't be any more boring then Tamra's day to day stuff.


For reals. But to be honest, I would be in that mostly for Danielle's husband. I would 100% prefer to watch Danielle's husband be hetero with his wife, who is a woman.  Let me stop.


Anyone else think that when Eddie was asking Ryan what other useless thing they could get rid of to cut costs he was thinking of Ryan? Just me? I just smelled the shade like I was watching smell-o-vision. 


Eddie seems about as checked out as David Beador. Not a good sign after less than a year of marriage.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 16

Tamra and Eddie, great advertisement for your business! Ryan and warped floors! Yea, I'm there.

Heather, getting 2 puppies at the same time requires lots of training time. Good thing you decided to do that at a rental. I'm sure the landlord appreciates your housebreaking plans.

Vicki, I will vacation with you anytime. I won't dance on any tables, but I do admire your sunny attitude when you're away from home. I think you should work in the travel field if you ever get tired of selling insurance.

Shannon, oh boy. Are we witnessing a nervous breakdown? This is hard to watch. I think he's hurt you at one time and you haven't forgiven him. Was it an affair? Those long hours make your mind wonder even more, if that's true. I think there is love between them, so I hope it works out.

Lizzie, sorry, I cleaned my dog's poop outside during your segment. Priorities!

  • Love 4
Heather and Terry take the kids out to dinner but the nanny shows up to whisk them away. How nice for them



I'm not going to criticise them for that. They have four children, they can afford a nanny and after having the family meal, they then get to have some grown-up time while the kids go off and have dessert.  Coco is only little still and Heather did comment that she's not yet ready for the restaurant. This seemed to me to be an ideal way of getting the children used to eating in nice places, but with a cut-off point and the reward of frozen yoghurt somewhere else.


Those artichokes looked amazing. I remember driving through California years ago and going past the artichoke fields and a restaurant that had a giant artichoke outside - it must have been about 20ft tall. I've never eaten one but now I want to.


To me Heather and Terry seem to be the healthiest couple in the show. They actually appear to like one another, and their kids don't seem too bratty at all. Their son is a little clone of Terry! And maybe Terry came to the restaurant from filming 'Botched' where he wears a scrub top for his consultations.


I feel very sad for Shannon & David. Other people upthread have said it all about these two so there's not much else I can add. This seemed all too real and a world away from the fake Tamra/Eddie storyline. I almost puked when Eddie said "Are you going to breastfeed me?" and then the camera cut to the outside and you could hear him making a sucking noise.  Revolting.


And they want $149 a month for that tatty studio? Looking at the website, the pricing is $149 for a 30-day unlimited membership, but if you auto-renew on a contract, it's $125 a month, but you are stuck with cancellation charges if you want to bail on it. That's probably standard for gym memberships. I remember reading somewhere that the large gym chains (LA Fitness, Fitness First, etc.) make more money from people who sign a 1-year contract in January and then never show up after the first week than they do from people who use the gym all year round.


Brooks and Vicki were nice in this episode. I can't believe I just typed that. I need to sniff some brain bleach or something now.

Edited by essexjan
  • Love 4

I disagree. /i think David does like the lifestyle very much, What he dislikes is the trade he has made to enjoy it. I suspect that much of it depends more on Shannon's wealth and that David has surrendered some power in the marriage because of that. I think what he was trying to articulate is that he regrets letting the lifestyle take precedent over the actual workings of their marriage and that he hates saying it because he is just as guilty for letting this happen. I also think what he was trying to say is that he has resentment towards Shannon because of that. He has let the marriage fall to the side just as much as she has in her way.

I think much of David's issue involve power. He seems to have some out of date gender ideas in terms of the marriage politic. I wonder how much of his own business came to fruition thanks to Shannon's money and family connections. I think that is the main dysfunction he brings to the marriage. He seems normal around others and in compare to Shannnon because his issues are solely with Shannon. She gets the hidden resentment and that triggers her own raging insecurities and bitterness. Actually I can see this marriage going down this same path for decades simply because the mutual dysfunction works even as it injures. I've seen similar marriages where both members simply need some kind of stimulus in their relationship even if it seems to raging toxic loathing for one another.

I think David is flexing his power behind the scenes off the camera. I put full responsibility for Shannon's emotional displaying 'roller coaster ride with Sybil at the switch' on her. But I think like many other types of abusive relationships there are those rare cases when the one knows exactly what triggers the other and does so willingly. If only to look the better as the victim. For all that Shannon strikes me as someone who scarily seems the future part of a murder suicide she acts so crazy I just cannot sympathize much with David since I think he is smart enough to know by know not only where the door is but what triggers to pull and then react to to further whatever agenda he has in this sick marriage.

I do think David would be happier if he had more say (or perhaps even the only say) in how they lived their lives. I suspect he makes a very very nice living. And it hurts his pride that is not enough. His attempted effort to express those regrets included his own complicity in taking the path of least resistance and sitting back to enjoy the view he knows he could live without but has grown to like rather well despite that.

What can answer that?

People are so complicated; these people go on nit picking fests and so do we all. But the complexities that are revealed when you examine a person over years as these shows do don't lend themselves to easy conclusions about character and situation.

These largely privileged and generally well-turned people have problems that they have made for themselves. They are in the main able, as affluent adults, to remove themselves from situations that don't suit their needs. They are neither helpless nor completely contemptible.

People in cages, that's all.

  • Love 1

Wow, that's expensive.   Here in NYC you can get a year's membership in a place like NY Sports Club (a large chain) for $60 a month.  You can get a non-limited membership at Planet Fitness for $10 a month!


Equinox, the fancy chain, charges over $150 a month, but they really have a luxe atmosphere, unlike Cut Fitness, with its buckling floors.  Eddie seemed to think they just had to do a better job of selling to get people to join.  Nuh-uh.  Delusional. 

Edited by GussieK
  • Love 4


And they want $149 a month for that tatty studio? Looking at the website, the pricing is $149 for a 30-day unlimited membership, but if you auto-renew on a contract, it's $125 a month, but you are stuck with cancellation charges if you want to bail on it. That's probably standard for gym memberships. I remember reading somewhere that the large gym chains (LA Fitness, Fitness First, etc.) make more money from people who sign a 1-year contract in January and then never show up after the first week than they do from people who use the gym all year round.

How checked out am I during the Tamra/Eddie scene that I didn't realize that the $149 figure was for a monthly membership fee? I thought this might have been some kind of 2 or 3 month promo fee. Who would pay that much for that rinky dinky place? Again not paying much attention but it seems like a small gym with limited hours, not a lot of equipment and focuses a lot on classes, which again might not be a fit for people with a tough schedule. Aren't they in a corporate park? 

My local gym charges £90 per month (about USD $150) and aside from nine different workout areas/weight rooms, etc (including the TRX Cut Fitness offers), you also get this.  It seems to me that if you're charging top prices, you need to be providing top facilities, and looking at what's on offer at Cut Fitness, it seems they're definitely towards the lower end of the market.

  • Love 1

Brianna had her baby a week early 4th of July.  Apparently, Vicki wasn't there for the delivery.



Not sure when this was written, but according to Vicki's Bravo blog posted today, she is in OK awaiting the delivery:


Lastly, I'm in Oklahoma right now counting down the days for my second grandson to be born. I flew my mother out here from Chicago to experience the birth of Briana's new baby boy. He is expected to arrive in this world on Wednesday by C-section assuming she doesn't go into labor prior to that. Let's just say Briana is counting down the hours as she is READY to get this baby out of her. I'll keep everyone posted on the name and weight once he's born. Thank you all for keeping Briana is your prayers for a healthy delivery


Shannon doing her stiff shoulder shimmy on top of the bar was my everything. She is a 87 year in a 48 years old's body.



YES! Sometimes she looks attractive, but she really does seem like she's 20 years older than David.  I can't help but wonder if she is much older than she admits to?  Or is she just one of those people that will always seem more older than she?  And who needs a nap in Mexico?  Everything she does makes her seem like an old lady.

  • Love 4

I'd find it easier to have an interest in the Beadors if their tense  and repetitive chats were at all coherent.  They repeat the same phrases to each other over and over again -- as if speaking in code.  I don't really get the crux of the problem, because for all their so-called raw and real quality, they insist on hiding what the central problems are.  Not that I blame them for that.  It's their business, tv show or not, and I really don't care.


I find them dull, dumb, and annoying.  They both looked terrible under the sunlight during their horseback riding lunch scene -- haggard, bleary-eyed, and checked out.  For my small money, they add nothing to the show beyond tension, confusion, and unhappiness.  Whatever their problems are, I wish they would simply go away.

  • Love 3

And who needs a nap in Mexico?



I love napping on vaca (and just in general) so I won't give her grief over that. Plus, it seems she got semi-wasted the night before, and topped off with not too much sleep? Yeah that would equal naptime for moi. 


But OOOOF, I was cringing from 2nd hand embarrassment when she was attempting to "sexy dance" atop the bar.  That was the *opposite* of sexy.  She did not bring sexy back.  She put sexy away.  Or perhaps even killed it.

  • Love 14

I love napping on vaca (and just in general) so I won't give her grief over that. Plus, it seems she got semi-wasted the night before, and topped off with not too much sleep? Yeah that would equal naptime for moi. 


But OOOOF, I was cringing from 2nd hand embarrassment when she was attempting to "sexy dance" atop the bar.  That was the *opposite* of sexy.  She did not bring sexy back.  She put sexy away.  Or perhaps even killed it.


Good point about the wasted the night before.  It is just that she doesn't seem to be the most active person anyway,  

On the fee for Cut, I wouldn't b'e surprised if those two morons convinced themselves that their celebrity justified the high cost and people would flock to join because they might get a sighting of Tamra and Eddie.

  • Love 1

I get the feeling that David just doesn't like the fancy lifestyle they live. He grew up blue collar. She has old money. He has talked about the kids and their lessons and cotillion etc. Just seems he is uncomfortable in his own life. And on top of that he has a wife that nags him every chance she gets.

I totally agree. They have different money values. What David sees as frivolous and perks (his word), Shannon sees as necessities and basics.

Poor David even the girls join in to correct his grammars and manners. He's got to be very tired of working hard to support a life that mocks him.

  • Love 9

Agree, David and Shannon issues very "real." Also real: the look of death that Heather shot Terry when he teased her about making a donation to rescue and then getting a pedigree dog. Not only did she shoot him a look, but the atmosphere completely changed. Terry knew he was in trouble, he kept trying to make additional comments and pull her back in but she was having none of it. That is the issue I have with Heather - she refuses to show any part of her that is not "perfect." Terry called her out - in a playful way - and she was pissed.

  • Love 12

I'd find it easier to have an interest in the Beadors if their tense  and repetitive chats were at all coherent.  They repeat the same phrases to each other over and over again -- as if speaking in code.  I don't really get the crux of the problem, because for all their so-called raw and real quality, they insist on hiding what the central problems are.  Not that I blame them for that.  It's their business, tv show or not, and I really don't care.


I find them dull, dumb, and annoying.  They both looked terrible under the sunlight during their horseback riding lunch scene -- haggard, bleary-eyed, and checked out.  For my small money, they add nothing to the show beyond tension, confusion, and unhappiness.  Whatever their problems are, I wish they would simply go away.

I feel like I totally get what is happening with them. He is not the type of guy who constantly expresses his love to her so she feels unloved. She feels insecure so she constantly nags and picks at him in an attempt to gain control. She somehow believes that if she rips him down he won't feel confident enough to leave her. This is all subconscious on her part but what really happens is she pushes him away and he is now done. He has no desire for her anymore because she has killed his feelings of intimacy for her. I don't know if there was infidelity but, there doesn't have to have been for this dynamic to occur. This is textbook marital dysfunction. I don't think he is totally out the door and I believe this marriage can definitely be saved.

Edited by psychnurse
  • Love 8

I did try to muster up some sympathy for Shannon. It's just difficult for me to support her rich girl problems though. Her husband is up at an ungodly hour, works all day, coaches his daughters' sports teams, and then helps Shannon make dinner for the girls. That sounds like a dream husband to me. Obviously, there are some deeper issues than they are willing to discuss on camera happening, but because they won't discuss them, I just want to tell her to quit her bitching and get a freaking hobby that doesn't involve spiritualists and crystals.


Maybe if she volunteered at a youth shelter, or food bank, or hell set up her own charity for something, she would realize that she actually has it really well and gets to see much more of her husband than a lot of people in much lower economic circumstances.

It's not that I think she is solely to blame for their problems, but her complaints against him seem so petty. How much time is enough time spent together for her to feel loved? It's like Vicki and her love tank. If she had just told Donn, I need you to bombard me with cheesy affirmations, would it have saved her marriage?

  • Love 1

There's an interesting interview, or rearticulation of an interview given to another outlet, with Heather on RealityTea. To me, it telegraphs she knows either she or Tamra could be on the chopping block. She's already alluding to being unsure if she really wants to return for another season and even refers to "behind-the-scenes stuff" that troubled her during filming this past year. Full of shit much? No way she and/or Terry would voluntarily relinquish their Bravo platform. This is the site that inaccurately reported David's DV charge as being dismissed, which is why I assume the quotes could be from somewhere else. But props to Heather for recognizing the fact that her salary is probably getting costly compared to a hypothetical newbie's and that the OC doesn't seem to dispense redemption arcs- the formula seems to be whoever's in the hot seat for the season gets the pile-on as their farewell (Alexis only got her positive edit thanks to kismet and the fact that Jim Edmonds' wife is apparently smarter than the average Bravolebrity) . . . Tamra is really reaching for storylines, but I'd guess she saves herself with the freakout we see in the previews and her transparent gameness to do whatever production tells her (see: the constant flip-flopping on Heather and her latest round of runtelldat). But $150 for a membership in her dilapidated space? To quote Gretchen, "really?" Why would anyone pay that much for a business that only provides fixed-schedule classes? It's not very convenient if, say, one needs to perform one's own workout at different times contingent on when one's work day ends. Also: Heather is a working mother?

  • Love 5

Let me second (or third, or whatever) others' views that Eddie is checked out on Tamra.  Wow.  Clearly he was implying Ryan - - and maybe even Tamra - - sucks and isn't worth the money.  I'm glad the Robot Baby storyline is over.  Ridiculous. 


As far as CUT goes, I live in the area and I think regardless of the floor situation, Ryan and/or the monthly fee, the location is going to kill it.  They are in a fairly industrial type area, with nothing else around to draw in traffic.  The local 24 Hour Fitness and OrangeTheory are both in shopping centers with grocery stores, restaurants, Starbucks, etc. to bring traffic in.  I think Tamra and Eddie should have considered opening their business in the Foothill Ranch area by the Market Place, where there are tons of stores, including a huge WalMart, restaurants and a movie theater.  With those businesses pulling people in, they are doing a good portion of your marketing work for you.  Plus, Saddleback Church is right down the road.  I would have given members of the church a sign-up special or something like that to get people in the door.  I do think CUT is different from 24 Hour Fitness in that it seems you work out solely in classes, so it's not a do-it-yourself type of deal and it's probably good, in theory, for people who haven't worked out before.  Just my two cents on that.


Shannon and David were painful to watch because it's very clear to me that David has one foot out the door.  His statements of wanting to be happy, getting older and not wanting to do this anymore all scream to me of someone who is done with the relationship and wants their freedom.  I can't say that I blame him from what we've seen but it's still hard to watch as clearly Shannon is not on the same page.  I hope that she listened very carefully to what he said and goes home to make some changes.  Both need counseling, whether their marriage survives or not.  And Shannon needs a purpose besides just her marriage and motherhood.  Her children are old enough for her to be working part-time or volunteering - - she needs to do one or the other.  She's very into the green/clean living thing so maybe she should be doing something with that?  In any event, it could help to improve her marriage at best and at worst, it will help her get on her feet and get through it should the marriage end. 


Damn it, I actually liked Brooks and Vicki.  Damn you, show.  But I would definitely enjoy vacaying with the Vicki we saw last night.  She looked happy and was clearly having a good time.  I would have loved the horseback riding and then the nice lunch.  I understand that Shannon was tired but you can nap later, girl! 


Lizzie's bathing suits are cute - - if you're between the ages of 18 and 21.  And getting a $100,000 gift from your father, or anyone, does not equal you did it alone in my book. 


Heather's new puppies were super cute but I do agree with earlier posters who said she shouldn't have to explain rescue/pedigreed to anyone. 


I look forward to next week.  I hope it becomes clear to Shannon at least that she's transferring a lot of anger, resentment, whatever to Heather.  And I hope that Tamra gets her stupid, illiterate ass chewed for starting this in the first place.  Yes, Heather was gossiping but she would have had nothing to gossip about if Tamra hadn't opened her big fat piehole.

lunastartron, you made another point about CUT Fitness that I forgot (probably because there are SO MANY issues).  Most gyms or fitness centers open early so people can go work out before they head into the office.  CUT does not, from what I've seen.  They also aren't always open "after hours" either.  So not very convenient.


If Tamra has claimed that she is in the black on this business, she's full of shit.  I don't see how.

  • Love 3

David is not depending Shannen's family wealth. He owns with his father a multi-million-dollar construction firm. I think he's just damn tired of her sucking what little energy he has left after working all day and helping with the kids. Agree totally with everyone who has said she needs something to do outside of the home that doesn't involve holistic healing. I get the impression that David did something bad years ago and she has been grinding him down about it ever since. Now he's at the point where he's just bloody fed up with her; she's gone too far,


I pay $114 for my gym but in addition to tons of equipment and all kinds of classes, not just strength training/cardio, the locker room has fancy soap, scrub, lotion, deodorant, mouthwash, q-tips; there are saunas and steam rooms and a small indoor  lap pool; there are 5 facilities around D.C. that I can visit, two have a penthouse pool/bar/cabanas. there's a separate membership for everyday access to the pool, but on friday and saturday after 7 regular gym members can go up and hang/swim/drink. 


It looks like Eddie and Tamara offer just hand towels, equipment and the classes and the opportunity to buy workout gear with their logo. Not worth $150.

  • Love 2

Man, you people are on fire today. So many great posts. Islandgirl and MatildaMoody especially cracked me up.

Sorry if I already missed this discussion, but did anyone catch David say to Shannon "we just have to forgive each other" when they were having lunch? I think he had an affair and she reciprocated in some way. Maybe made more of the Domestic abuse situation than was warranted? I hate to speculate on such a thing and hate myself a little bit. I just cringed when he said "I just want to be happy". I cannot imagine hearing that from my husband. It sounded very raw and wounded to me. He is telling her how he feels inside at his core. Not just saying something random like "I want to spend more time with you". Doing what? How would their time together be spent? What does Shannon want specifically from him? I am with Copacabana - it would easier to really care if we understood what was actually going on. I cannot stand the way they talk in code.

I caught a clip of Heather on WWHL last night and a caller scolded her for being so hard on Shannon when she came to her house. Heather said she wished she would have handled it differently, but that she didn't understand the depth of what Shannon was going through. She made an interesting point, however, when she said that it was just confusing as to why Shannon would come on this show when she was clearly going through so much and in such pain. Why put your family through all of this? I agree with others who have said that Shannon is a bit refreshing because she is not trying to sell us anything and seemingly has nothing to promote, but that begs the question as to why you would do it at all if your life is such a mess?

  • Love 2

I'm still trying to figure out why David sticks around with this nagging, unpleasant, maddening, depressing woman.  To say she's unaware of who she is & what she's about is a mild understatement.  I actually do believe Shannon when she said she wanted to be on the show so she could see herself & understand herself better.  Now that I can believe.  But I really doubt after watching herself she'd understand herself better -- or at all.  Would therapy help her?  Well, she desperately needs it, so she should at least give it a shot.


So -- why in the fuckety fuck does an attractive, hard-working, successful guy like David stay with Shannon, when he could get another woman -- younger, better looking & without Shannon's lunacy -- in about 2 seconds?  I thought maybe he's hooked on the rich lifestyle (even tho he's maybe feeling guilty abut it).  But I'm not so sure that's it.  I think, as someone suggested in the thread on the last ep, it's about the kids.  David is an extremely devoted father & maybe he's stuck on the idea of trying to make the marriage work.


David doesn't seem like a player type or a guy on the prowl, and being in construction, I doubt he meets too many women at work.  But lemme tell ya, Shannon, this man is a catch.  And women WILL (and I'm sure do) absolutely notice that.  Oh, Shannon, honey, continue to treat him like shit & berate him for every & any stupid little thing & it'll drive him right out your door.  Cuz I'm convinced what will finally bust up this horrible marriage is him meeting another woman -- not just someone younger & better looking -- but someone thoughtful & nice, who'll treat him with kindness.  As for Shannon?  She's a cold fish.  I see her growing into a bitter lonely old woman -- still completely & totally UN-self-aware.


Man, Eds can't even fake the tiniest bit of interest in Tams anymore.  I'd say Tams better come up with another storyline -- quick.  She in trouble.


Another ep -- it feels like the 600th -- where I ask -- what the fuckety fuck is Lizzie doing on this show?  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


Anyone catch Heather on WWHL?  I really hated the way she still downplayed telling her friends (and strangers) about what Tams told her on Shannon's marriage troubles.  She said it was only a minute & still implied it was no biggie.  Um, fuck off, Heather!  It was wrong & she knows it was wrong, but she gave a lame non-apology (Ramona-style) & still didn't admit it was wrong.  Ick.  She really didn't need to backtrack on not wanting a rescue dog.  That's a personal choice, nobody needs to justify.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

Man, you people are on fire today. So many great posts. Islandgirl and MatildaMoody especially cracked me up.

Sorry if I already missed this discussion, but did anyone catch David say to Shannon "we just have to forgive each other" when they were having lunch? I think he had an affair and she reciprocated in some way. Maybe made more of the Domestic abuse situation than was warranted? I hate to speculate on such a thing and hate myself a little bit. I just cringed when he said "I just want to be happy". I cannot imagine hearing that from my husband. It sounded very raw and wounded to me. He is telling her how he feels inside at his core. Not just saying something random like "I want to spend more time with you". Doing what? How would their time together be spent? What does Shannon want specifically from him? I am with Copacabana - it would easier to really care if we understood what was actually going on. I cannot stand the way they talk in code.

I caught a clip of Heather on WWHL last night and a caller scolded her for being so hard on Shannon when she came to her house. Heather said she wished she would have handled it differently, but that she didn't understand the depth of what Shannon was going through. She made an interesting point, however, when she said that it was just confusing as to why Shannon would come on this show when she was clearly going through so much and in such pain. Why put your family through all of this? I agree with others who have said that Shannon is a bit refreshing because she is not trying to sell us anything and seemingly has nothing to promote, but that begs the question as to why you would do it at all if your life is such a mess?

There is a part of me that thinks that Shannon and David wanted the exposure to sell their home.  In addition to that I think Shannon believed with cameras rolling, David would want to put his best foot forward and realize their time together was sparse.  As we have seen the cameras brought out the worst in Shannon, "you need to tend to our guests, "don't chew with your mouth open', "salsa and chips before dinner".  I don't think Shannon thought of her life as being a mess only a life where if she filmed her husband would be forced to spend more time with her.  The infamous e-mail Shannon has alluded to-David wanting to move out for awhile-was her quote, I believe was David wanting to move out during filming. I do believe Shannon was mortified at David's behavior during the Hoedown and his comments to Heather telling her to "spead them".  I am not a man but I think if a woman arranged for a mechanical bull and then wore a short skirt to the event she really didn't give too many thoughts about modesty.  I don't think Shannon ever really realized how unhappy David was at the time and her disapproval with his drinking behavior at the Hoedown was the cincher.


I read the Reality Tea article the other day and thought hmmm....what went on behind the scenes that made Heather unhappy?  My guess is Tamra stirring things up between she and Shannon and Heather getting the 'bad edit'.  Heather and Terry are in the unique position that the same production company produces both Botched and Real Housewives of Orange County.   I think they expect more and are given a wide latitude to rewrite history and up the insult behavior.


I don't think Heather would have treated Shannon any differently had she arrived on Heather's doorstep with a black eye.  Heather was busted for gossiping about David and Shannon and she was not prepared to take responsibility for it.  Heather continues to minimize what she did.  The fact it was filmed does not lessen Heather's culpability.   

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 2

Speaking as a proud rescue mom, I think its Heather's business what type of dog she gets. She's under no obligation to get a rescue dog if that isn't what she and her family want.

I can't believe she was getting shit about it on Watch What Happens. Its nobodies business but her own where she gets her dogs.

I prefer Border Collies so I adopt from the rescue in my area and as somebody above pointed out, it can be risky to bring an adult dog into your home if you don't know their history. I only started rescuing after my kids were grown and moved out because I wouldn't take the chance on them being bitten by an unknown older dog. But I do have to point out that I've had only positive outcomes with my rescue dogs.

I'm with you 100% on DogGate, I'm a proud rescue mom myself but the hubby and I have also gone to a breeder because we wanted a Siamese to add to our rescue family and I see nothing wrong with it at all. My husband grew up with Siamese cats and he wanted one so we went to a breeder and added a Siamese kitten (who lived for 23 years RIP) to our 3 rescue cats.

We also had a Border Collie we got from a breeder, after he passed away we rescued 2 dogs, one of which we were told was a Border Collie mix who turned out to be Border Collie in color only, he grew up to be a Beagle.

The other dog we rescued from another state and the poor thing is still unable to trust us after 3 years. My guess is she must have been beaten because she's afraid of everything from the stove to a broom, even a loud noise causes her to run and hide, I love her to death but she's knocked me over at least 3 or 4 times in a mad scramble to get away.

I will continue to rescue animals but hubby wants a Siamese and we will go to a breeder if that's what it takes.

Having worked at a Veterinary Hospital I've seen so many animals rescued only to be returned, I guess my point is rescue animals sometimes need a special kind of person to adopt them. 


I don't see anything wrong with what Heather did, believe me, shelters need donations as much as they need owners and I'd imagine her donation was pretty hefty.

They all get on my nerves but I don't hate Heather, I just think it's her turn for the Evil Edit. JMHO of course.

  • Love 5

There are too many variables to speculate with any accuracy about the seeds of the Beadors' discontent and enduring marriage. Like, David built upon a company started by his father, but he's also referred to himself as having blue-collar origins; maybe Shannon invested in the business and afforded him the opportunity to expand, thus complicating the financial fallout of ending their union. He seems to markedly change when he drinks, but no one scolds more sanctimoniously about liquor than a reformed drunk or someone in denial with the same problem; Shannon also does seem to like her drinky. And why was there no wine in the house prior to the group dinner? She actually seemed possibly inebriated when on her crying jag after her tete-a-tete with Heather. I could see the DV situation being something like she attacked first and he responded with excessive force. That the DA refused to drop the charges without Shannon's cooperation suggests physical evidence or a third-party witness. And this would have been not too long before the twins' conception. Confusing all the way around.

  • Love 4

Granted, I don't know the ins and outs of the domestic violence charge and I know this is victim blaming, but given Shannon's fragile emotional state, ability to lash out, her drinking and her exaggerations, I'm inclined to think they were in a bag argument and she exaggerated to the cops what happened.  I think when the issue came to light, she said she just wanted the argument to end.  From what we've seen, it would not surprise me if in a drunken stupor and argument ensued and maybe some physicality happened with Shannon the aggressor.  Again, I don't know what happened but Shannon certainly seems to be someone that could be capable of doing that in the heat of the moment whereas David hasn't really shown us anything other than annoyance at Shannon.  I don't see someone that gets easily unglued.  

  • Love 5

My local gym charges £90 per month (about USD $150) and aside from nine different workout areas/weight rooms, etc (including the TRX Cut Fitness offers), you also get this.  It seems to me that if you're charging top prices, you need to be providing top facilities, and looking at what's on offer at Cut Fitness, it seems they're definitely towards the lower end of the market.



essexjan, that pool is beautiful. I'm sure their gym doesn't come close to yours, and Ryan hanging around would make me think twice about membership at Cut Fitness.


And speaking of Tam-RAH (tm Gretchen Rossi), she is looking very weird lately. Her face seems to be getting square in addition to being immobile. She has an odd pallor, which could be makeup. I don't know, but it's not good. And the ladies really, really need to lay off the very heavy dark eyeliner and mascara. It is aging them besides making their eyes seem small. I don't understand the need to pile that crap on.  

Edited by jennylauren123
  • Love 1

I was annoyed by Heather going on and on about how she is the fairy godmother of shelter dogs, but it was just impossible for them to get one. Umm, you can find hypoallergenic dogs at shelters and rescue groups if you really want to adopt. Just own the fact that you want a dog with papers.

This. I am officially done with Heather. A caller on WWHL called her out on it too. She did her usual tapdance-Miss know everything "didn't realize you could get a hypoallergenic dog from rescue". Bull. She knew. She wanted two cute little puppies of the specific breed (which isn't even an actual fricken breed, One of  my rescued dogs is a full blooded Shih Tzu, the other two are mutts. Heathers are mutts too, they just have a designer name) 


Are they actually passing out "papers" for these designer dogs now?


Don't get me wrong I love all dogs, and obviously have no problem with whether they are mixed or not  and don't give a flying fig about papers I just hate phonies like Heather. 


Oh and what a great time to get puppies while they are renting, so they can pee on the landlords floor. I hope the landlord was watching and evicts her fancy ass.


The David/Shannnon scene was raw and sad. However, if that man is not cheating I am the next Queen of England. Either that, or the whole damn thing is staged. I did think he hit the nail on the head though. She needs to learn to like herself.  She seems to be drifting and searching, but not really finding anything. Meantime she is a nagging, annoying bitch. I don't believe in cheating, but there are times when you almost understand..... 


Tamra is a moron. The fake baby story should signal the producers to the fact that no one really cares about watching her any more.  


Lizzie still bores me.


Who is that woman with Brooks and what have they done with Vicki? That woman is centered, reflective, calm and, dare I say, actually sounds almost.........well almost wise.  

  • Love 4

Mexico definitely agrees with Vicki or else Bravo is giving her a good edit. Why not leave her down there. She seems happy enough.  I think (as much as I like David) he may be putting on somewhat of an act for the cameras.  He is pretty self aware unlike Shannon and maybe he wants to be seen as the poor "abused" unappreciated husband with a shrew of a wife so when he does man up and leave her he won't be seen as the bad guy.  IMO Shannon doesn't like it when David drinks because he loses his inhibitions and becomes... not sure the word is flirtatious but more sexually aggressive toward other women. His comments to Heather at the hoedown were gross and Shannon was upset when she saw him talking to that woman at the bar. I think Shannon has a nice figure and a pretty face/hair etc but she reminds me of someone's grandmother.  Her mannerisms, her dancing lol, the way she carries herself just remind me of someone in their 70's or something. Meanwhile David is young and vibrant and hot as hell for an "old" guy.  I think that David probably did cheat on her years ago and she has never forgiven him. Because she expects him to make it up to her and in her eyes he never did. So she picks at him and expresses her displeasure with absolutely everything he says and does.  I think if David found a woman who appreciates him and had a sort of hero worship thing going on he would be out of there in a second.

As much as I have been enjoying "Happy Vicki," I was kind of disappointed in how she went from calling Tamra to task to allowing Tamra to wiggle out of it by blaming it all on Heather. Yes, Heather should have kept her mouth shut, but the onus should have been on Tamra to keep Shannon's issues discrete. 

If she truly wanted Heather to back off of Shannon, she should have left it at "Shannon is going through a really difficult time. I can't really go into detail. But, I think it would go along way if you just cut her a little slack and tried to start over." If she really wanted Heather to know the details, she should have at least prefaced it with, "Please keep this info to yourself."


It just irritates me that Tamra is on her way to getting a pass and it is all going to be Heather's fault. I'm still holding out hope that Heather and Shannon will team up against Tamra now that they both know that she can't be trusted. But, Heather still seems to adore Tamra for some reason and Shannon is more willing to project her feelings onto Heather than hold Tamra accountable.


Granted, I don't know the ins and outs of the domestic violence charge and I know this is victim blaming, but given Shannon's fragile emotional state, ability to lash out, her drinking and her exaggerations, I'm inclined to think they were in a bag argument and she exaggerated to the cops what happened.  I think when the issue came to light, she said she just wanted the argument to end.  From what we've seen, it would not surprise me if in a drunken stupor and argument ensued and maybe some physicality happened with Shannon the aggressor.  Again, I don't know what happened but Shannon certainly seems to be someone that could be capable of doing that in the heat of the moment whereas David hasn't really shown us anything other than annoyance at Shannon.  I don't see someone that gets easily unglued.  


This conjecture seems possible, and I'll add that it looks like Shannon's hysteria toward Heather in next week's episode is going to be based on Heather accusing Shannon of "yelling the whole time" at Heather's house the night of the confrontation. Shannon seems very sensitive to how she's perceived, and she becomes very defensive when anyone describes her as anything but calm and collected.  Maybe she tends to protest too much now because perhaps during the domestic violence incident with David she was too emotional and accused him of more than what he actually did, and she doesn't want him or anyone to think she isn't in control of her emotions now.

Edited by Miss February
  • Love 2

I agree that David is a looker and has a truly magnificent head of hair, but that high-pitched voice is a deal-breaker for me (not that he was offering). He seems like a devoted father and a very nice, hard-working guy, and I feel for him being married to queen of the whiny hen-peckers, but that voice? Oh, no no no no no.


Yes.  He is definitely treading in "high talker" territory. 


It really does all come back to Seinfeld!

  • Love 5


Yes.  He is definitely treading in "high talker" territory.

I need to be on the listen for this. To me his voice only seems high pitched when he is trying to placate Shannon. But, I haven't really paid much attention to how it sounds when he is talking to other people. 

I wonder if that is something he has picked up from being the only guy in his home or if he just has a naturally high pitched voice? I'm going to have to see if I can find distinctions now.

As much as I have been enjoying "Happy Vicki," I was kind of disappointed in how she went from calling Tamra to task to allowing Tamra to wiggle out of it by blaming it all on Heather. Yes, Heather should have kept her mouth shut, but the onus should have been on Tamra to keep Shannon's issues discrete. 

If she truly wanted Heather to back off of Shannon, she should have left it at "Shannon is going through a really difficult time. I can't really go into detail. But, I think it would go along way if you just cut her a little slack and tried to start over." If she really wanted Heather to know the details, she should have at least prefaced it with, "Please keep this info to yourself."


It just irritates me that Tamra is on her way to getting a pass and it is all going to be Heather's fault. I'm still holding out hope that Heather and Shannon will team up against Tamra now that they both know that she can't be trusted. But, Heather still seems to adore Tamra for some reason and Shannon is more willing to project her feelings onto Heather than hold Tamra accountable.

Amen to your whole post. I will be beyond pissed if Tamra ends up looking like the victim of Heather's betrayal in this whole deal.


The thing that stands out the most to me is that Heather has been such a good friend to Tamra and Vicki. Oh, Heather has a whole host of faults, but she has been good to them. When Shannon came to her house she wouldn't give her the information that she wanted, which would have been basically throwing Tamra under the bus. Tamra on the other hand has no issues talking badly about Heather to Shannon, who she had only just met at her home during Shannon's dinner party. She talked smack about her again at Shannon's Christmas Party to Shannon, Lizzie and Danielle. Vicki has also talked badly about Heather, and while she fessed up to this when then met for drinks, she basically did it again with Tamra this week. When Heather had the opportunity to badmouth Vicki when she was at the park with Lizzie, she didn't do it, even though Lizzie probably would have been up for it. She only said that they were having some issues, but that Vicki was a very good, loyal friend to her. Based on all of this, I can certainly understand why Heather would think that Shannon was getting in the way of her friendships, even if it is actually more about the fact that Tamra and Vicki are at their core terrible human beings.  


The thing that was so funny to me is that we also saw Vicki badmouthing Tamra with Shannon - telling her all about their past issues and that she would never be able to trust her again. Even funnier to me was the fact that the whole conversation was started by Brooks, who asked the Shannon and David if they had any favorites out of the group at this point. It looked like he was kind of probing to talk some shit about someone. 

  • Love 3

I'm with you 100% on DogGate, I'm a proud rescue mom myself but the hubby and I have also gone to a breeder because we wanted a Siamese to add to our rescue family and I see nothing wrong with it at all. My husband grew up with Siamese cats and he wanted one so we went to a breeder and added a Siamese kitten (who lived for 23 years RIP) to our 3 rescue cats.

We also had a Border Collie we got from a breeder, after he passed away we rescued 2 dogs, one of which we were told was a Border Collie mix who turned out to be Border Collie in color only, he grew up to be a Beagle.

The other dog we rescued from another state and the poor thing is still unable to trust us after 3 years. My guess is she must have been beaten because she's afraid of everything from the stove to a broom, even a loud noise causes her to run and hide, I love her to death but she's knocked me over at least 3 or 4 times in a mad scramble to get away.

I will continue to rescue animals but hubby wants a Siamese and we will go to a breeder if that's what it takes.

Having worked at a Veterinary Hospital I've seen so many animals rescued only to be returned, I guess my point is rescue animals sometimes need a special kind of person to adopt them. 


I don't see anything wrong with what Heather did, believe me, shelters need donations as much as they need owners and I'd imagine her donation was pretty hefty.

They all get on my nerves but I don't hate Heather, I just think it's her turn for the Evil Edit. JMHO of course.

I absolutely agree.  I think sometimes the general population gets reputable breeders confused with the abomination known as "puppy mills."


I used to breed, raise and show collies about a million years ago.  The puppies offered for sale by reputable breeders are very expensive and the breeders are very selective in to whom they sell the puppies in which they have so much time, money, and love invested.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a particular breed of animal and to obtain it from a reliable source, with an established blood line, and to be able to get it as a puppy when you raise it from a young age and know the ins and outs of its temperament.


I've had rescue dogs (my present love of my life is a rescue chihuahua who was about 8 weeks old when I adopted her) and I've had pedigreed purebred dogs.  All dogs deserve a good and loving home, whether it's as a rescue or purchased from a reputable breeder.


I've also been guilty of buying a Lhasa Apso and a Himalayan kitten from "mills" just to save them from their toxic environments.    


The difference between a reputable breeder and those despicable "mills" (be it kitten or puppy) is night and day.  Just no comparison.


I'd have respected Heather a wee bit if she had simply owned the fact that she wanted a particular breed, wanted to raise them herself from puppyhood, located a breeder, and bought her puppies.  Instead, she tries to bullshit the audience into thinking she'd have done a rescue BUT, you know, allergy problems.  Yeah, right...She would like us to believe she didn't know there have breed-specific rescue organizations and a simple Google will tell the uninformed which breeds of dog are hypoallergenic.  And we're supposed to believe "all-knowing" Heather wasn't aware of this?  I call double bullshit on that one, Heather.  Stop trying to do preemptive damage control because you're not that good an actress.  Ugh.



There are too many variables to speculate with any accuracy about the seeds of the Beadors' discontent and enduring marriage. Like, David built upon a company started by his father, but he's also referred to himself as having blue-collar origins; maybe Shannon invested in the business and afforded him the opportunity to expand, thus complicating the financial fallout of ending their union. He seems to markedly change when he drinks, but no one scolds more sanctimoniously about liquor than a reformed drunk or someone in denial with the same problem; Shannon also does seem to like her drinky. And why was there no wine in the house prior to the group dinner? She actually seemed possibly inebriated when on her crying jag after her tete-a-tete with Heather. I could see the DV situation being something like she attacked first and he responded with excessive force. That the DA refused to drop the charges without Shannon's cooperation suggests physical evidence or a third-party witness. And this would have been not too long before the twins' conception. Confusing all the way around.


I wonder if her apparent aversion to David drinking is because perhaps he was inebriated during whatever the fuck went down during that DV charge, perhaps making him do something out of character for sober David.


I'm not jumping onto the Team David bandwagon.  The fact that the DA was going forward without Shannon's cooperation indicates to me that there had to something of substance involved with those charges. I would assume the courts are far too backlogged and resources not ample enough to pursue a "he said/she said" type of situation.  


The public will probably never know exactly what happened, but I'm not waving any Team David pom-poms with the circumstances of that DV charge floating around.    

  • Love 4

The preview of next weeks episode is fascinating to me.  I must have watched it about 15 times now.  I honestly don't understand Shannon.  Every time she confronts Heather about anything, I see Heather remaining, for the most part, fairly calm and collected.  Shannon on the other hand is, at least in this instance, flying off the handle.  Now there's some crazy eyes!  


I still love Heather.  That might be unpopular here now but I can't help it.  When my other choices are Tamra, Shannon, Vickie and Lizzie I'll take Heather happily.  Does she come off a little pretentious sometimes?  Yeah, a bit.  But I'd rather that than a woman so desperate to stay relevant on this show that she has a robot baby with her gay husband, a woman who's so desperate for a full love tank that she'll let any swindler bleed her dry, a woman who brings up repeatedly to women that she has just met that her marriage is in the shitter, and a woman who...I'm sorry what is Lizzie's storyline again?  I can't even be bothered to remember what she's here for.  


With Heather, I know what I'm going to get.  Yeah she's a bit snobbish and uptight but she's owned that from the beginning.  And she's always accepted the others for who they are (okay maybe not Alexis - but honestly I don't blame her there).  She's upfront about who she is, and until this year, has made no apologies for it (not that she had to, IMHO).  I don't know if she pissed off Andy or the editors but she is seriously getting one hell of an evil edit.

  • Love 11

I need to be on the listen for this. To me his voice only seems high pitched when he is trying to placate Shannon. But, I haven't really paid much attention to how it sounds when he is talking to other people.

I wonder if that is something he has picked up from being the only guy in his home or if he just has a naturally high pitched voice? I'm going to have to see if I can find distinctions now.



I mean, he's no whatserface's husband --- the one who is SNL's "Lyle the Effeminate Heterosexual" come to real life.  But yeah, his voice is definitely higher than the average man, I think.

  • Love 1
What was the point of the Dubrows having a "family supper" and then having them whisked away by the nanny in the middle of it?


Yes, but if I was one of the other patrons in the restaurant at that time, I would have cheered.


Regarding David and Shannon, I did hear him say during the lunch that they need to be able to forgive each other. That to me implies that they are both at fault for causing the other pain rather it was cheating or whatever, I won't speculate, but I'm not sure if they'll be able to move on from that without counseling. Some do, some don't, but I do believe forgiveness is an important quality in any long-lasting marriage. I feel it is impossible to spend a lifetime with another, and not to do something to cause harm to them; not necessarily cheating, but something. I don't care if he is no longer "in love" with her - big deal. He does seem to actually care and love her though, and she him. I believe they can work it out if they invest in their marriage.


Tamra and Eddie - I fast forward through most of their crap anymore. I just couldn't with that stupid robot baby. Tamra at Vicki's office was beyond cringe-worthy. What a two-faced shrew. I will have to re-watch that episode of her drinks with Heather to verify, but I don't recall her relaying that e-mail gossip to Heather as anything other than Tamra being a gossip. I feel like she is rewriting history now, trying to cover her exposed ass by saying she only mentioned it so that Heather would be kinder and gentler with Shannon. I know that she may have prefaced the gossip with, "Shannon's going through a really tough time now...", but it was just a lead-in for her to gossip about her to Heather, not any genuine concern for her "friend", IMO.


Heather and Terry - I did find the look that Heather shot Terry at dinner interesting after he called her out about the rescue donation/purebred issue. Then I watched WWHL, and Heather stated that she was surprised that Terry went there since they had discussed this at home earlier, and he knew they were getting the dogs from a breeder who was one of his patients. He totally threw her under the bus. And it's not the first time we seen or heard about this happening it this year; he did the same thing when he had the audacity to text Tamra, and take her side against his own wife regarding the Good Morning LA issue last year. IMO, husbands and wives can disagree as much as they like, and argue about it as much as they like, behind closed doors, but when out in public, or with friends, or parenting, etc. I expect a united front! Have my back, Jack. It's a cold and cruel world out there, and I want to know that I can count on my husband for public support, and I'll do the same. I think Terry's an absolute ass!

Edited by KicksandGiggles
  • Love 3

There's an interesting interview, or rearticulation of an interview given to another outlet, with Heather on RealityTea. To me, it telegraphs she knows either she or Tamra could be on the chopping block. She's already alluding to being unsure if she really wants to return for another season and even refers to "behind-the-scenes stuff" that troubled her during filming this past year. Full of shit much? No way she and/or Terry would voluntarily relinquish their Bravo platform.

I can totally see Heather and Terry bailing b/c they couldn't get away with potraying themselves as they wished.

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.  The fact that the DA was going forward without Shannon's cooperation indicates to me that there had to something of substance involved with those charges. I would assume the courts are far too backlogged and resources not ample enough to pursue a "he said/she said" type of situation. 


The public will probably never know exactly what happened, but I'm not waving any Team David pom-poms with the circumstances of that DV charge floating around.


Was he convicted of violence? If not, I don't think it is fair to jump to conclusions. People's lives have been ruined by crimes they were charged with yet not convicted of, so I am willing to give him the benefit of doubt on that. There is a reason there was no conviction.

Edited by psychnurse
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