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All Episodes Talk: TRMS 2020 Season

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Her opening was so sweet, and a poem to Susan, but interrupted by the little "pings" offscreen.  It was just as heartfelt when she managed to hook herself up again.  Yes, she was clearly still raw from the experience, and I thought she was about to lose it when David Kessler said he was sorry for what she and Susan have been through.  We all wish both of you the best, Rachel.

And I noticed that she wore a purple jacket, the first color I can remember since she accidentally wore navy blue one evening two years ago and apologized for it.  I have to think she must have a black blazer at home, so maybe this is her way to work her way out of the black-blazer mourning of the past four years and back into the bright.  Or at least to the deep jewel tones.  In Victorian mourning clothes for widows, dark purple was one of the first colors allowed after a year or two of total black, so Rachel is historically, colorfully on target for finding her way out of the black jackets.  

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I can understand why Rachel was so distraught about Susan having covid but it surprised me that she was so open about her emotions and how much Susan meant to her. This must have been a terrible couple of weeks for her (as it is for other victims of this plague) and I just hope Susan recovers quickly and well and doesn't suffer from any long term complications as so many others are. We need you right now Rachel so please be well.

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With Rachel not working for several days I started to wonder if she had COVID and, not just been in close contact with someone else. It never occurred to me that Susan might have had it. I'm glad she's on the mend. They're both young and healthy which goes to show COVID doesn't care.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Once Rachel wasn't appearing on air, and they kept saying she didn't have COVID but was quarantining due to a close contact with some who did have it, I assumed it was Susan.  If it had been someone else, perhaps someone on her staff, I thought she would have been doing the show remotely.  

I wish everyone in America could see those first few minutes.  It was from the heart - if you love someone, don't put them at risk. This is a horrible, terrible disease and do everything you can not to get it and not give it to others.  The simple statement that there is no room for you at the hospitals was so meaningful.

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I love Michael Beschloss; he seems such a kind, caring person.  And I love the view of his home --- and a fire in the fireplace!  What a comfort he is to me.   I hope on Inauguration Day, they put Rachel and Michael together (at least 6 feet apart!) and let them geek out on presidential trivia for the entire day.  

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The handoff to Lawrence was full of more of Rachel's journey for the past two weeks; they had not "met" yesterday because of the special in his hour.  And it was one of the longest handoffs they have had at just eight minutes.  Lawrence did say that Rachel had changed his mind about having one of his staffers to his home for Thanksgiving -- and admitted well into the conversation that the staffer was way ahead of him, and already did not want to visit for the holiday.   Rachel seemed touched that she had made that difference. 

At least three daytime MSNBC shows ran parts of Rachel's Thursday introduction -- both as news of a colleague and as a warning about the need for caution right now.  All hosts expressed true concern and well wishes for Rachel and Susan.  (I am sure more shows ran this than I saw today.)  

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In that great hand-off between Rachel and Lawrence tonight, it's clear again how much respect he has for her and she does for him. I honestly get the impression that he enjoys that nightly hand-off more than doing his actual show always saying to take however long you need. He mentioned how well she handled the technical difficulties with her microphone. There's video of him having a meltdown during a commercial break due to difficulties and distractions. 


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1 hour ago, DrScottie said:

In that great hand-off between Rachel and Lawrence tonight, it's clear again how much respect he has for her and she does for him. I honestly get the impression that he enjoys that nightly hand-off more than doing his actual show always saying to take however long you need. He mentioned how well she handled the technical difficulties with her microphone. There's video of him having a meltdown during a commercial break due to difficulties and distractions. 


"Staaawp the hammering!!!!!!"  🙂  Classic.


I thought the handoff tonight was lovely.  They clearly like each other.  I thought it was interesting earlier when Ali was hosting and Lawrence would try to chat for a moment and it seemed Ali was having none of it.  Then, a few nights later, had to explain that he wasn't opposed to chatting, but wasn't really versed on how it worked.  I thought it was charming. 

I'm so glad Rachel is back.  I hope Susan is fully recovered soon and Rachel can get back to a studio with better lighting.  That's the only thing that's bugging me - the lighting is pretty terrible. 

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, ebk57 said:

I thought the handoff tonight was lovely.  They clearly like each other.

Yes, and unlike many of the handoffs where Rachel's facial expression and body language say, "Get me the fck outta here," this time she seemed eager and grateful for the chance to talk with her friend.  Isolation and being away from Susan have obviously taken a toll on her.

9 hours ago, ebk57 said:

I hope Susan is fully recovered soon and Rachel can get back to a studio with better lighting.

I'd love it if they'd green-screen her wall to be her new backdrop at the studio.  And I wish she'd stop apologizing for how she looks.  I vastly prefer the unvarnished Rachel to the glossed-up Rachel.  Much more real.

11 hours ago, freddi said:

At least three daytime MSNBC shows ran parts of Rachel's Thursday introduction -- both as news of a colleague and as a warning about the need for caution right now. 

She made national news in a lot of media.  And, sadly, I saw some snark about how did Susan get exposed in the first place.  You can do everything right, short of locking yourself in a hermetically sealed bubble, and be exposed, perhaps through someone else's irresponsibility.  That maskless person who encroaches on your six foot space, for one.  Or just random bad luck.

17 hours ago, Moose135 said:

I turned 60 this year, and I'm still coming to grips with being an adult, never mind being "old"! 😄

I'm 63, so I'm on the cusp of elderly.  I live in a retirement town and I am on Social Security, but if you call me old, I'll run you over with my bicycle that I ride an hour a day.

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8 minutes ago, ebk57 said:

This is a great idea!  Room Rater agrees.

Ooh, it's been a few months since I read Room Rater (I don't do Twitter).  But the comments on their post about Rachel warm the heart.


your comment last night when you said I’m just not pretty made me so sad. I personally think you are beautiful from the inside out Thank you always for bringing us the truth.

Made me tear up a little, for all of us girls who heard since childhood that no matter how smart or talented or accomplished we are, if we don't look like a centerfold, we're not good enough.  I don't know what Rachel's life was like, but somewhere along the way, she must have felt that hurt, too.  And she really is very pretty -- but it would be ok if she wasn't.

  • Love 10
12 hours ago, DrScottie said:

In that great hand-off between Rachel and Lawrence tonight, it's clear again how much respect he has for her and she does for him. I honestly get the impression that he enjoys that nightly hand-off more than doing his actual show always saying to take however long you need. He mentioned how well she handled the technical difficulties with her microphone. There's video of him having a meltdown during a commercial break due to difficulties and distractions. 


I always got the impression that Rachel went to bat for Lawrence a couple years ago when there was some question about whether MSNBC would renew his contract.  He's always seemed not just friendly and warm with her, but there's an underlying sense of gratitude.  Maybe that's just me reading too much into it!  

I also think makeup-free Rachel is fine.  I agree with Cher that perhaps just a bit of base to even out her skin tone is all that is necessary, especially as Rachel might be reaching an age where she can become flushed in an instance.  I assume they preferred her not to wear glasses because of the reflection that can occur, as we are seeing now.  But no one talks about how the men who connect from home don't have a makeup artist on standby; why should we care what Rachel looks like?  It's her brain and her voice that brings me to MSNBC every night, not whether she's got eyeliner on.  



  • Love 15
28 minutes ago, Calvada said:

I assume they preferred her not to wear glasses because of the reflection that can occur, as we are seeing now. 

And yet Chris Hayes and Anderson Cooper, just to name two, wear glasses every single night of their shows.  Can't help but see a little sexism by TPTB.  Women are supposed to look glam, not nerdy.

  • Love 13
48 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

And yet Chris Hayes and Anderson Cooper, just to name two, wear glasses every single night of their shows.  Can't help but see a little sexism by TPTB.  Women are supposed to look glam, not nerdy.

I have non-reflecting glasses, and I assume that hosts who wear glasses have the same.  

I did like that Rachel said last night that she was really talking to herself while she was hooking up her equipment again that first night -- it did seem like it was for our benefit, but now I can totally hear that she was talking herself through the steps.  

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, freddi said:

I did like that Rachel said last night that she was really talking to herself while she was hooking up her equipment again that first night -- it did seem like it was for our benefit, but now I can totally hear that she was talking herself through the steps.  

I think it was also a matter of the number one rule of broadcasting:  Never have "dead air."

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, freddi said:

The handoff to Lawrence was full of more of Rachel's journey for the past two weeks; they had not "met" yesterday because of the special in his hour.  And it was one of the longest handoffs they have had at just eight minutes.  Lawrence did say that Rachel had changed his mind about having one of his staffers to his home for Thanksgiving -- and admitted well into the conversation that the staffer was way ahead of him, and already did not want to visit for the holiday.   Rachel seemed touched that she had made that difference. 

At least three daytime MSNBC shows ran parts of Rachel's Thursday introduction -- both as news of a colleague and as a warning about the need for caution right now.  All hosts expressed true concern and well wishes for Rachel and Susan.  (I am sure more shows ran this than I saw today.)  

There was an article on Yahoo stating that Rachel's plea to stay home inspired people to cancel their travel plans. I was surprised Shep Smith mentioned Rachel's situation on his news show. 

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1 hour ago, Medicine Crow said:

I'd rather have Rachel's glasses than Anderson Cooper's "ya know" three times in one sentence.  I really like him, but his brain has gone to mush since the baby.  Just sayin'!

OMG, that's driving me crazy, too.  I've had to cover my ears a few times.  This week's been worse than usual.  Between Anderson's "you know" and Chris Hayes's "like," I just want to flush my head in the toilet.  Don't these networks have dialogue coaches or diction experts they could consult?

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As a person who has lived alone for many years, and thus has gone semi-feral, I also talk to myself sometimes. Just be relieved when you don't develop an imaginary friend! I'm surprised she doesn't talk to her dogs, though. Ove the years, many cats have conversation directed their way.

MSNBC is really lax about hosts with messy verbal habits, especially since guests began to be interviewed via zoom. Some of my favorites evidently still have not gotten the hang of dealing with the few seconds of delay. Rachel is not one of them, but seeing her do her own tech and narrate the process was fun. LIVE TV! For once, the razor's edge tension was not due to the news itself!!

  • Love 15
17 hours ago, kathyk24 said:

There was an article on Yahoo stating that Rachel's plea to stay home inspired people to cancel their travel plans. I was surprised Shep Smith mentioned Rachel's situation on his news show. 

Yep. Even though the person I loved most in the world died last year, I've been living and primarily working from home alone this whole time and because I was grieving last year I skipped the holidays, so was really looking forward to having Thanksgiving with my aunt and cousin's family. Although, they might not even be having their usual Thanksgiving anyway, I haven't heard yet. But after listening to Rachel I stopped trying to reason that it would be okay to go if there is, and had small amounts of several Thanksgiving items delivered from the grocery store. I'll make my own....and have a Lord of the Rings extended edition trilogy marathon! Hoping to find someone to have a Zoom dinner with, though, so I don't feel completely alone. I'm not totally surprised that Rachel's plea also had an impact on so many others but am very glad it did! I put it up on my Facebook page to further get her message out.

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Other than Anderson Cooper and Chris Hayes, I think the worse one is Chris Coumo and sometimes when he invites the other guests from the current administration or those whose views are not reflected of my own. I have no problems with the doctors or medical professionals on his shows, but it is when both guest and host get into a shouting match, I changed the channel. My parents get upset, but I always don't want to listen to that garbage. Rachel is just a breath of fresh air compare to others. 

Edited by Robert Lynch
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Oh Rach, I don't even care how much awful shit you're throwing at us, describing all the awful shit Trump & his horribles are trying to get away with before he's finally thrown the fuck out.  I just sleep like an itty bitty baby, now that I know Rach will be ALL OVER whatever awful shit Trump tries to pull.  Thank you as always, Rach!

I did kinda like Rachel's nauseated, but clearly unsurprised look when LOD told her about Trump's plans to pardon Flynn.  Oh, I am so ready for a sane, uncorrupt administration, bursting with expertise & empathy -- and maybe NEVER a Trump clip played anywhere ever, ever again?  Well, I can dream, can't I? 😃

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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TRMS did a wonderful job with the montage of sentences from the introductions of the new members of the Biden Administration today -- it was just inspiring to hear about love of country, and the ideal of the United States of America.  It is like suddenly getting high-definition television after four years of carnival mirror distortions.   Rachel should take great pride in getting us all to this point, but I know she keeps shrugging it off.  

2 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Oh Rach, I don't even care how much awful shit you're throwing at us, describing the all awful shit Trump & his horribles are trying to get away with before he's finally thrown the fuck out.  I just sleep like an itty bitty baby, now that I know Rach will be ALL OVER whatever awful shit Trump tries to pull.  Thank you as always, Rach!


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Wow, the first segment tonight was chock full of history and fun and tragedy and Sissy freakin' Spacek.  She told the Lamar Alexander/"Marie" Tennessee pardon corruption story very well, then of course explained that we should not expect an early inauguration for the President-Elect.  And at the end -- of the thirty-minute opening -- showed how very rapidly the daily death rate is rising, and provided the newest instructions to local health officials to "go rogue" in order to warn vulnerable segments of the population not to be anyplace where unmasked people are found.  

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I wonder if Melania’s ex-friend got bumped cuz Rach was getting into the new deets on the pardon story.  I know it involved gross sleazebag Broidy, but man, that was involved & overly complicated.  I hope Rach gets into it again cuz I was totally lost.

Actually, I am a bit curious to hear from Stephanie cuz Melania has been subpoenaed & I’d like to know what she thinks of it.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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18 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I wonder if Melania’s ex-friend got bumped cuz Rach was getting into the new deets on the pardon story.  I know it involved gross sleazebag Broidy, but man, that was involved & overly complicated.  I hope Rach gets into it again cuz I was totally lost.

Actually, I am a bit curious to hear from Stephanie cuz Melania has been subpoenaed & I’d like to know what she thinks of it.

Ha -- when Rachel said she would "come back to this story" about the mystery payola for pardons, I went to WaPo and the NYT to see what was going on.  I could not make sense of the NYT story, so I was counting on Rachel to make it clear.  I still don't understand it!   Of course it will come back again.  

Edited by freddi
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Idk, Rach was making such a dramatic big deal over having Fareed on, I tuned out cuz I can see him anytime.  Who's next, Rach?  Chris Cuomo, Anderson Cooper & the whole CNN lineup?  I wasn't thrilled she showed a needless, annoying & way too long Trump clip, but I did like that she was all over the crap happening at the Pentagon.  Sheesh, will we ever stop hearing about that wormy Lewandowski creep?

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13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Idk, Rach was making such a dramatic big deal over having Fareed on, I tuned out cuz I can see him anytime.  Who's next, Rach?  Chris Cuomo, Anderson Cooper & the whole CNN lineup? 

Aw, I kinda liked her joking about Coke entertaining Pepsi.  But it's a guarantee that when you see someone from CNN on MSNBC, it's because they have a book to plug, and this of course was no exception.  And a guarantee that when there's a book, Rachel will drone on from it instead of letting the author talk about the content.

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2 minutes ago, Calvada said:

Rachel is scheduled to be the Late Show with Stephen Colbert this week - I think it's Wednesday - to promote the book. 

I love how when she goes on that show, she always is back in her nerdy look with the black glasses.  Doesn't bother to get dolled up like she does for MSNBC.  And looks naturally fabulous.

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I'm sure that the first time I heard about the new book was on her show in the handoff on Friday -- had she mentioned it earlier?  She had really promoted the podcast on her show when it was being released.  (Her enthusiasm was justified, this is not a criticism!)

The book was reviewed in the New York Times today, positively:  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/06/books/review/bagman-rachel-maddow-michael-yarvitz.html   


Edited by freddi
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9 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Hanging my head in shame as a Texan, with Rachel putting Ken Paxton on blast.  He’s awful. 

Hanging my head right there with you, TexasGal. I think we get inured to Paxton -- he's just part of the background noise here -- so it was helpful (in a weird way) to get Rachel's 30,000-foot perspective. Happy Safe Harbor Day, everybody! (like anyone even knew that was a thing before this year 🙄)

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