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All Episodes Talk: TRMS 2020 Season

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I was thinking the same thing.

Americans have come to trust, for the most part, our gov't to take care of us, tell us when a hurricane is going to hit, get flu shots out every year, take care of infrastructure, etc. 

 I know it fucks up sometimes, and a lot,  but I think part of the complacency is we believe the people in charge are doing the right thing. 

Now we see how easy it is for a group of people whose only agenda is to enrich themselves at the risk of our lives, to take over and almost bring down a democracy. 

Michael Lewis' The Fifth Risk barely scratched the surface of what damage is being done to our institutions. 

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It is hard to take this stuff, but it’s vital Rach stays on top of all of it — from the dreadful way he’s ignoring Covid & climate change, to showing the effects of his non-action on these.  Jeez, there’s so much that he’s handling in such a fatally ineffective way, it is overwhelming.  

What can we do, other than hope a majority of voters ultimately realize what a terrible President he is?  At least Rachel is making the case in a reasonable & logical way.  Of course that’s no guarantee she’ll have an effect, but I’m glad she’s persistently trying.

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I started watching Rachel tonight and I just could not do it, forced hysterectomies?  This is what we have regressed to as a nation. Black women in the south were sterilized and given abortions against their will in order to curb the Black population not too long ago during the Jim crow era. The world sucks... Tears started to flow from my eyes, when that Black whistleblower was telling the truth about the horrors that are going on in the facilities and I just had to change the channel.. I love Rachel but not tonight..

Edited by Pearson80
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8 hours ago, Calvada said:

What was the doctor's name?  Was it Mengele?  FFS!  The uterus collector? What has this country become?  I may have to stop watching Rachel, because I really think I'm becoming clinically depressed.  I can't even summon up anger anymore.  I find myself weeping on an almost daily basis.  

Not on Rachel's show, but Saturday when I turned on NPR to hear that the Current Occupant had ordered government agencies to end employee training sessions on fighting racism, I just had to stop what I was doing and have a little cry.

I actually wound up seeing Jacob Soboroff on Colbert before I watched my recording of Rachel tonight, so I thought it was interesting (albeit horrifying -- you couldn't make this stuff up, no one would believe you) that the same story was covered on both shows.

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15 hours ago, Calvada said:

I may have to stop watching Rachel, because I really think I'm becoming clinically depressed.  I can't even summon up anger anymore.  I find myself weeping on an almost daily basis.  

Calvada many of us feel the exact same way, I know that is very, very small comfort, but you are not alone in these feelings.  I have had to go on breaks from the news\Rachael a few times during the last year - don't feel bad, or that you are not an informed citizen, if you need to stop watching.  The news and Rachael will be there when you feel like coming back.  Take care of yourself.  

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8 hours ago, Xena said:

Calvada many of us feel the exact same way, I know that is very, very small comfort, but you are not alone in these feelings.  I have had to go on breaks from the news\Rachael a few times during the last year - don't feel bad, or that you are not an informed citizen, if you need to stop watching.  The news and Rachael will be there when you feel like coming back.  Take care of yourself.  

Thank you.  I have good days and bad days, as we all do.  The abuse of children and violence against women (which is how I interpret forced hysterectomies) makes me almost physically ill.  A lot of the other stuff just makes me angry, but kids in cages etc. sickens me.   I'll probably still watch Rachel if only to have one small bit of intelligent discussion in my life.  I sure as hell don't get that during the day at my job.  But some nights I have to turn it off after the first 20 minutes of so.  

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7 hours ago, M. Darcy said:

I do hope that Rachel is right about something she said last night - that what is happening is going to be in the history books. I hope it’s never forgotten - or else it could happen again. 

This shriveled sorry excuse for a person will be studied and analyzed far beyond our understanding, especially once the backstories start to emerge and the full financial picture is assembled.  It is a question of either how close he came to destroying our governance institutions, or how he did destroy those institutions.  

And Rachel's theory tonight makes perfect sense, in that he doesn't care how many Americans have to die to prove his point of "herd mentality".  Has he ever acknowledged that his rally killed Herman Cain? 

2 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Going to have nightmares tonight. Thanks, Rachel! 😕


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I'm getting to a point that when I see Jacob Soboroff & his cute puppy-dog concerned looks pop up, I tune out.  Yes, Rach you scared the fuck outta us tonite.  You know, I'm really worried that between Rachel's scary shtick (which is all horrifyingly true) & the onslaught of anti-Trump books, this may have an unintended effect of exhausting voters from turning out, rather than motivating them to vote.  Hope I'm wrong, but I'm getting a bad feeling the polls (like in 2016) don't mean jack shit -- and they're not a reliable indicator of who'll win.

Please tone down the scare stuff, Rach.  It's a big turnoff.  Yes, it's real, but it's overload . . . 

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Idk, I’m not sure I’m caring for Rachel’s general attitude.  Oh she’s right about everything being crazy now & nothing making sense.  But I think she’s living in her own little bubble & seems to have no comprehension of the vast number of people out there who still strongly support Trump, no matter how corrupt his administration is or whatever senseless shit he does.

I just wish Rachel would absolutely keep in mind Trump has a good chance of being re-elected.  Learn from 2016 & don’t be shocked if it happens, cuz it very well could.  This general attitude coming from all hosts on MSNBC (including Rachel) that anyone who supports Trump is “stupidly” not voting in their own self-interests?  It’s maddening to me cuz it’s so condescending.  This needs to stop cuz it will backfire & turn voters off.

Look, being informative is great — especially now.  Just keep that up, Rach — without scaring the piss outta us every nite, please!  Also, LOD had a fascinating interview with Woodward.  Why she chose sleazebag Michael Cohen over him is beyond me . . .

13 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I just wish Rachel would absolutely keep in mind Trump has a good chance of being re-elected.  Learn from 2016 & don’t be shocked if it happens, cuz it very well could.  This general attitude coming from all hosts on MSNBC (including Rachel) that anyone who supports Trump is “stupidly” not voting in their own self-interests?  It’s maddening to me cuz it’s so condescending.  This needs to stop cuz it will backfire & turn voters off.

Look, being informative is great — especially now.  Just keep that up, Rach — without scaring the piss outta us every nite, please!  Also, LOD had a fascinating interview with Woodward.  Why she chose sleazebag Michael Cohen over him is beyond me . . .

Bob Woodward made that exact point the next hour on LO'D, specifically that you can't just tell them that they're idiots, you have to ask them why they support Trump, and there are many different reasons.  

  • Love 1
21 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

 This general attitude coming from all hosts on MSNBC (including Rachel) that anyone who supports Trump is “stupidly” not voting in their own self-interests?  It’s maddening to me cuz it’s so condescending.  This needs to stop cuz it will backfire & turn voters off.

 All due respect I doubt Trump supporters are watching Rachel.  She knows her audience. Yes she can get a little professorial at times, and keeps hammering one point over and over, but sometimes these matters are complicated and they need to be spelled out. 

It's necessary so that we all understand what is at risk. 


  • Love 11
16 hours ago, freddi said:

Amid all the sadness and politics, I had to smile at the image HRC described of Bill Clinton and RBG excitedly getting into the weeds of constitutional law in her initial interview.  A golden age.  

Ruth held on for us as long as she could, we will mourn this great woman and now it is up to us to continue her fight for equality.. May she rest in power!

Edited by Pearson80
  • Love 14
4 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

So is Rachel trying to scare the absolute fuck outta her audience so they will get off their asses & vote?  Looks like it to me.  And I'm all for it.  But she still skeered the absolute fuck outta me tonite . . . 

Yeah, and I'm Canadian and can't even vote in your election!!! But dammit, you guys better get things right in the next six weeks or I fear for the whole world.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

So is Rachel trying to scare the absolute fuck outta her audience so they will get off their asses & vote?  Looks like it to me.  And I'm all for it.  But she still skeered the absolute fuck outta me tonite . . . 

I’m listening to the podcast version at work and am about to start hyperventilating.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Mldyold said:

I couldn't sleep last night after her show, even after I had read most of the items online.  Between natural disasters, a pandemic and now the fragility of our democracy I feel helpless as a vote might not be a solution this time around.

Well then, you know what?  Maybe she needs to counter her now nightly scare-fest & nightmare scenarios by stating outright — that it is possible to stop this, but ONLY by voting this administration out.

Rachel should consider she may be making viewers of her show so terrified, depressed & hopeless, they may feel voting is pointless — and then she’d be inciting the exact opposite of her intentions.

Idk, her show last nite was so damn depressing & scary & hopeless, it’s motivating me to watch her less.  Look, Rach, I certainly don’t want happy-talk bullshit & would never expect it from you, but this scary shit is overload.

Aww, I felt for Rachel tonight when she collapsed on her desk after Michael Beschloss told her to stay well because she was needed. She's been under so much pressure for so many months as she reports stuff other media avoids. We could see the strain of the responsibility she feels to inform her audience.

Hang in there Rach! We all love you.

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Jeez, Rach, why all the drama over the Andrew Weissman interview?  He works for MSNBC & he’s only rehashing stuff we’ve heard before.  More dramatic audio-book?  Thankfully, that wasn’t too long. 

The short Mary Trump interview was good.  And Rach did seem to enjoy detailing the Trump tax stuff & that was OK to watch — even if those details are soooo nauseating.

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Jeez, Rach, why all the drama over the Andrew Weissman interview?  He works for MSNBC & he’s only rehashing stuff we’ve heard before.  More dramatic audio-book?  Thankfully, that wasn’t too long. 

The short Mary Trump interview was good.  And Rach did seem to enjoy detailing the Trump tax stuff & that was OK to watch — even if those details are soooo nauseating.

Based on his interview tonight, it is obvious that Mueller for whatever reason did not do his job and did not allow others to do the same.. It is so disappointing!

Edited by Pearson80
  • Love 6
On 9/28/2020 at 10:05 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Jeez, Rach, why all the drama over the Andrew Weissman interview?  He works for MSNBC & he’s only rehashing stuff we’ve heard before.  More dramatic audio-book?  Thankfully, that wasn’t too long. 

The short Mary Trump interview was good.  And Rach did seem to enjoy detailing the Trump tax stuff & that was OK to watch — even if those details are soooo nauseating.

I freaking LOVE Mary Trump.  She is so smart, and I just love listening to her talk.  I know she's a clinical psychologist, but I'd love for her to have a show or podcast.  She is the best. I wonder if the Ladies (Nicolle, Joy or Rachel) will have her on today/tonight to discuss her uncle's "performance".  

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As Rachel talked about the shit show that my beloved state of Wisconsin has become, I did have to smile at her decision not to attempt to pronounce some of our city names.  I really wanted her to try to say Shawano.  It was probably a relief to Rachel that the Trump rallies are planned for Green Bay and La Crosse, and not Weyauwega and Oconomowoc.

When the hospitals create their waiting lists, I think attending a political rally while not wearing a mask, in an identified hot spot with uncontrolled spread of COVID-19, should put you at the bottom of the list.  

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I wonder if the Ladies (Nicolle, Joy or Rachel) will have her on today/tonight to discuss her uncle's "performance".  

Mary T is on The Last Word with LOD tonight.

I took Rachel's advice and looked up how Electors are chosen in my state and also found this site that says how all the states do it: https://electoralvotemap.com/how-are-electors-chosen/


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  • Love 5
13 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I freaking LOVE Mary Trump.  She is so smart, and I just love listening to her talk.  I know she's a clinical psychologist, but I'd love for her to have a show or podcast.  She is the best. I wonder if the Ladies (Nicolle, Joy or Rachel) will have her on today/tonight to discuss her uncle's "performance".  

Yeah, Rach smiled & snickered slightly when LOD said he was having her as a guest.  She is popping up a lot all over CNN & MSNBC.  You know, for the last debate "the ladies" had on Hillary & she made zero impact.  Hey, MSNBC, how about adding Mary Trump to the next debate coverage?  Her insight has been so great . . . 

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, possibilities said:

Mary T is on The Last Word with LOD tonight.

I took Rachel's advice and looked up how Electors are chosen in my state and also found this site that says how all the states do it: https://electoralvotemap.com/how-are-electors-chosen/


Thanks Possibilities!  I'm gonna pass this along to everyone I know!

  • Love 1
42 minutes ago, Robert Lynch said:

The Rose Garden! That should clue you about community spread. I felt Rachel's anger as she was reporting this. Nearly everyone maskless and shoulder to shoulder, what could go wrong? Total disregard of safety procedures.

And the hugging, shaking hands, etc.  WTF?   All the things many, many Americans have avoided since late February or early March.  I am surprised it took this long for Trump and his inner circle to get COVID-19 with their utter disregard for all precautions.  I worry about those who they may infect, such as the Secret Service agents, the staff of the White House (I'm not talking West Wing political people, but those who cook, clean and maintain the building), the families of these people, and anyone else they come into contact with.  It's like that Maine wedding that Rachel spoke about a couple weeks ago - 62 people attended (in violation of local rules limiting number who could be together) and 170 cases resulted with 7 deaths, and none of the 7 people who died attended the wedding.  Just this morning Sen. Ron Johnson announced he had it; he did not attend the Rose Garden event, but it's believed he was in contact with either Sen. Lee or Sen. Tillis.  And this, boys and girls, is what we call community spread and a superspreader event.  


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6 hours ago, Calvada said:

And the hugging, shaking hands, etc.  WTF?   All the things many, many Americans have avoided since late February or early March.  I am surprised it took this long for Trump and his inner circle to get COVID-19 with their utter disregard for all precautions.  I worry about those who they may infect, such as the Secret Service agents, the staff of the White House (I'm not talking West Wing political people, but those who cook, clean and maintain the building), the families of these people, and anyone else they come into contact with.  It's like that Maine wedding that Rachel spoke about a couple weeks ago - 62 people attended (in violation of local rules limiting number who could be together) and 170 cases resulted with 7 deaths, and none of the 7 people who died attended the wedding.  Just this morning Sen. Ron Johnson announced he had it; he did not attend the Rose Garden event, but it's believed he was in contact with either Sen. Lee or Sen. Tillis.  And this, boys and girls, is what we call community spread and a superspreader event.  


Were they not encouraging herd immunity, encouraging people to get themselves infected on purpose to what end.. Even if you do survive corona, it leaves a parting gift. Why take that chance?

The secret service agents have been suffering for months and many have been relieved of their duties and being replaced with other agents. It is always the innocents that pay for the  actions of the guilty.



  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Were they not encouraging herd immunity, encouraging people to get themselves infected on purpose to what end.. Even if you do survive corona, it leaves a parting gift. Why take that chance?

The secret service agents have been suffering for months and many have been relieved of their duties and being replaced with other agents. It is always the innocents that pay for the  actions of the guilty.



I wonder why he was taking this unproven cocktail on such a higher dosage. That is very suspicious. It reminded me of MJ's cocktail drugs from the doctor that administered him in the later years of his life. So many questions and so little explanation.

Edited by Robert Lynch
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Eh, sorry, but I’m daring to criticize Rach here & if I get zero likes, then so be it.  Rachel, I’ve had enough with your audio-book routine when you have the author right there.  Seriously, Rach, enough with this shit!  She spent more time reading Brennan’s book than interviewing him.  

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Robert Lynch said:

Man, three drugs to fight Covid! What could go wrong?

It's more like, "what DID go wrong?", as Rachel implied.

I am glad she had Dr. Vin Gupta on the show -- I do not recall seeing him on Rachel's show previously, although he is all over the other MSNBC evening shows (and some morning ones, this past week).  He really is in the middle of ICU patient care, and to me that gives him a very real perspective on this.  

  • Love 4
On 10/6/2020 at 9:22 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Eh, sorry, but I’m daring to criticize Rach here & if I get zero likes, then so be it.  Rachel, I’ve had enough with your audio-book routine when you have the author right there.  Seriously, Rach, enough with this shit!  She spent more time reading Brennan’s book than interviewing him.  

I'd give you a thousand likes.  I almost went back with a stopwatch to count how much time she spent reading the book vs. how much time she spent talking to Director Brennan.  Again, someone must have told her she's good at bedtime stories and it's gone to her head.  She's ok at it.  Not great.  Certainly not great enough to keep doing this.

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