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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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16 hours ago, Sake614 said:

So I guess I’ve been living under a rock for years…I just found out that MB auditioned for Tony Soprano! No way that show would have been a success with him in that role. If anything, Tony would have been laughed off the screen. But I’d love to have been a fly on the wall during that audition lol!

 MB isn’t in the same class of dramatic actor as Gandolfini was.  And David Chase’s writing was often subtle and nuanced.

Can you imagine what GH would be like if Chase wrote the show for a year?

Edited by Suicidy
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On 9/7/2024 at 8:33 PM, YaddaYadda said:

I think it has a lot to do with airtime. Jason used to be in our face like all the freakin' time. You turned left, there he was. Right? There too. Stared in front? Well look elsewhere. Nope he's there too.

Female characters aren't treated very well on this show. Whatever woman ended up with Jason, she too ended up everywhere.

That's it exactly. Being paired with Jason or Sonny meant air time; it meant being one of the female leads. Being paired with just about anyone else, even legacy characters, was a ticket to the "B" or "C" list starting around the late 1990s/early 2000s.  

That's why, for example, Alexis fans overwhelmingly supported her pairing with Sonny, and Liz fans overwhelmingly supported her pairing with Jason. It was a combination of fans who really did like those guys, and fans who didn't, but knew that, for example, Alexis + Ned meant they'd see their girl two days a week (unless she was getting Jason out of jail or helping Sonny get custody of a baby), and Alexis + Sonny meant they'd see her four or five.  

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14 hours ago, Suicidy said:

When it would far more sense to melt it down somewhere.  

That's exactly what he did.

Molly, Kristina is definitely not the only problem you and TJ have/have ever had. D-e-n-i-a-l. And regardless of what you want your mom to believe, you don't actually have any memories of your daughter because you and TJ wanted to control Kristina rather than bond with the baby in utero.

Holly, those words did not describe Luke, Lucky is not just like him, and you suck for leaving him behind in handcuffs to not get killed on his own because you want diamonds. Robert deserves way better than that B.

How many people can suck in one episode. Rhetorical question. 

I guess the action scene was to give Jordan something to do?

Best moment was Isaiah regaining consciousness and grabbing head nurse Elizabeth's arm/hand as he said "Lucky!" 

Favorite moment was the preview of Elizabeth asking him how he knows Lucky Spencer. 



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Is TJ related to Portia by blood? Because both of them are obsessing with hatred about things which may not ever happen. As far as I"m concerned, TJ is worse than Carly right now. "Irene" is still a possession to him, not once did he ever refer to the baby as a person.

Are Curtis and Portia really that stupid to think that no one will take the case against the medical company if Ric doesn't?

Even in that brief exchange, it's obvious that the day player playing the thug is a better actor than Jordan.

How dare Chase address an attorney as "Alexis" just because he thinks he has right on his side. Get some professionalism.

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Where is the Aurora wellness center located?

LOL at Sonny's "Diane, the commissioner thinks I'm dumb enough to shoot a federal agent." Because that's exactly how dumb Sonny is. He's an infant with no impulse control.

So bored with Lucky's death poker game.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda, TJ. Talk to a therapist for your anger, but stop with the pointless speculation. You're wasting a lot of energy.

19 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

you don't actually have any memories of your daughter because you and TJ wanted to control Kristina rather than bond with the baby in utero.

Kristina didn't give them much opportunity to bond with the baby in utero.

Edited by dubbel zout
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12 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Holly, those words did not describe Luke, Lucky is not just like him, and you suck for leaving him behind in handcuffs to not get killed on his own because you want diamonds. Robert deserves way better than that B.

UGH. Why do they keep making her worse and worse? She clearly learned NOTHING after Robert saved her ASS the last time. Who Lucky is also comes from Laura. A HUGE part. He isn't Luke's clone.

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19 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Kristina didn't give them much opportunity to bond with the baby in utero.

That's not something I blame Kristina for, considering how awful they were to her. Especially TJ, he radiated hostility and suppressed rage towards her for months.

Edited by tessaray
Added the bit about TJ.
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Did Alexis really think Molly and Kristina would resolve their issues just because she wants them to? Alexis's guilt and grief over her sister is understandable, but she can't force Molly and Kristina to reconcile just because she wants them to.

1 minute ago, tessaray said:
17 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Kristina didn't give them much opportunity to bond with the baby in utero.

That's not something I blame Kristina for, considering how awful they were to her. 

The writing accentuated the worst things on both sides, so I can't blame one more than the other. Everyone was awful—and still is.

Luke was not endlessly entertaining, Holly. He could be a royal pain in the ass  a lot of the time.

Portia's ethical flexibility is hilarious. She's totally going to change the lab results if they're clean. 

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16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Luke was not endlessly entertaining, Holly. He could be a royal pain in the ass  a lot of the time.


Or how vindictive he could be. She's clearly forgotten how he treated her and the things he said to her when he learned that she'd married Robert and forgotten all about him when everyone thought he'd died in that avalanche.

Aside from the Monkey Virus storyline (I still haven't forgiven her for holding the vaccine hostage knowing Robin was sick and needed it), I don't remember Holly being so avaricious. If it had been her dahling Teethan held handcuffed, would she have abandoned him for the sparklies?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Is TJ related to Portia by blood? Because both of them are obsessing with hatred about things which may not ever happen. As far as I"m concerned, TJ is worse than Carly right now. "Irene" is still a possession to him, not once did he ever refer to the baby as a person.

I wondered this as well! 

I also thought that if TJ used the wellness center workout to address his anger and frustration, it clearly didn't work. He seemed very upset after working out. Of course, maybe this was him being wound down - if so, yikes! 

Why does everyone in PC think that a lawyer has to believe or agree with a client when they represent them. They need to be sure that everything legally is done to advocate for them, not be their friend and ally.

Why is Kristina lying about taking the gun? Is she still under charges, or otherwise precluded from having a gun? Michael, the legal genius, answers the question about whether either of them took the gun with "why would we take the gun?" - and for some reason Anna doesn't smack him down with "Just answer - yes or no".

Diane, for some reason, decides to question the basis for the search warrant, although it was (apparently) lawfully obtained and executed. 

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oh i'm lucky because Alexis's intervention is on YT. hurrah. 

Okay. Show. Molly could have been a mom 98 million ways. so you can miss me with the "this was my only chance speech."  though I did like Molly's verbal slaps about Kristina was making it all about her loss that she didn't once ask or consider TJ [regardless of the storyline crap - Daddy Blues really don't get considered much in media a lot when it comes to the loss of the child since most times people do focus on the mother. so that is a very valid point there]. 

Kristina did have some massive clapbacks too - that Tolly thinking Kristina was the only issue is a big issue there. But (and i defended this before). Kristina you've got to stop calling Irene, Adella. that's your secret name, that's what you would have called your child, but every time you do it you're proving Molly's point and she's not wrong. 

I am also going to say. the fact that Molly can't see how/why that this is hard for Kristina [and no one is even mentioning post partrum ANYTHING] makes me not want to side with Molly even though she had some good points. 


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10 minutes ago, Daisy said:

I am also going to say. the fact that Molly can't see how/why that this is hard for Kristina [and no one is even mentioning post partrum ANYTHING] makes me not want to side with Molly even though she had some good points.

I think Molly can see that it's hard for Kristina, but as you mentioned, Kristina keeps calling the baby Adela. Right now the anger over Kristina possibly keeping the baby is overriding any concern Molly might have for Kristina's physical well-being. They had those nice moments at GH when Kristina first lost the baby, so it's not as if Molly has had no concern whatsoever. 

I wish someone would very gently tell everyone that any custody plans they had for the baby are now moot, and it's not going to do anyone any good to keep those wounds so open. I know it's still early days, and it's going to take time for the immediate anger to subside.

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I don't have a ton of any sympathy with Tolly's accusation of baby stealing. If Kristina had kept her, TJ would still have equal parental rights and Molly would have been Irene's aunt/stepmother.  It would have been awkward (for everyone) and galling (for Molly) but not even all that messy for a soap. After a lot of family court shenanigans, it would have worked out. And who knows, in time the kid may have decided she wanted to live with Daddy and Aunt Molly, giving Molly the last laugh.

Sure, it would have been a tad predictable but still better than what we have now - considering how much I hate seeing any and all of the people in this story on my screen. 

Eta: my apologies for the extra crankiness. JMO and YMMV.

Edited by tessaray
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27 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I wish someone would very gently tell everyone that any custody plans they had for the baby are now moot, and it's not going to do anyone any good to keep those wounds so open. I know it's still early days, and it's going to take time for the immediate anger to subside.

i think that's what Alexis is trying to do in a "BUT SHE'S YOUR SISTER!!!" heavy footted way. 

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15 minutes ago, tessaray said:

If Kristina had kept her, TJ would still have equal parental rights

It's kind of weird no one has mentioned that; it's all been how Molly would be deprived of her child. Though given the grotesque emphasis this fakakta show puts on motherhood, I probably shouldn't be surprised.

15 minutes ago, Daisy said:

i think that's what Alexis is trying to do in a "BUT SHE'S YOUR SISTER!!!" heavy footted way. 

That sounds about right. Alexis hasn't shown very good judgement lately. She really is Kristina's mother, heh.

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I don't know what's amused me more, the 9 foot high rock clmbing wall sitting a couple feet from the single weight bench in the amazing new wellness center, or Jordan subduing that huge guy in heels in a stairwell. 

Lucky's captor can't be all bad, he allowed him to shampoo. 

I don't hate the Molly actress, but when she starts shrieking, my tinnitus acts up. 

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Kristina didn't give them much opportunity to bond with the baby in utero.

Did they ask for any? Did they ask to go to the medical appointments, for a copy of the ultrasound, bring Kristina a special pregnancy pillow so she could sleep more comfortably?  Make a recording of Molly and/or TJ reading or singing to the baby so she could get used to their voices?

As far as I can tell, TJ was planning to cut Kristina out of the baby's life after they had possession of her so watch those baby-stealing allegations there TJ.

2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Portia's ethical flexibility is hilarious. She's totally going to change the lab results if they're clean. 

Ethically if Portia is not treating Heather, she should not have access to her results.

But what's the point of looking at the results at all? If there is still cobalt in Heather's system, what would that prove? If there is none, then the surgery worked.

1 hour ago, KittyQ said:

Why is Kristina lying about taking the gun? Is she still under charges, or otherwise precluded from having a gun?

She may not be precluded now (we don't know if the charges were dropped) but she was when she was out on bail. And Kristina is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

It's another stupid plot point.

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18 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

I don't know what's amused me more, the 9 foot high rock clmbing wall sitting a couple feet from the single weight bench in the amazing new wellness center, or Jordan subduing that huge guy in heels in a stairwell. 

Hard to believe a one room wellness center needs a manager.  On the plus side, I appreciated Ric just fast-walking on the treadmill, instead of pretending to run a five minute mile.  

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I missed a lot of teen Kristina and Molly, so maybe what's happening now is just a reversion to form. Is it?

Not knowing another version of her, I thought pregnant Kristina seemed so much more mature and thoughtful than the one we're seeing now.  That Kristina would still mourn the loss, but would be sensitive about the name.  Then again, the early pregnancy Kristina wouldn't have gotten herself twisted in a knot over TJ and Molly having an argument.  Will all of this be attributed to a peri-partum initial presentation of bipolar illness?  

Alexis needs to step back and let time do its thing.  Let the embers cool a little.  The only real time pressure comes from the show runner, who is about to kill off the oldest sibling, but the people on screen aren't supposed to know that.

I don't really understand the gun drama.  Even if they find  the one Kristina took from her father, the bullets won't match to the ones that killed Jagger.

Lastly, and because of my lengthy absences----has Sonny truly never been convicted of anything?  Seems like a convicted felon wouldn't be a "legal gun owner". 

Edited by JMO
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11 minutes ago, JMO said:

I missed a lot of teen Kristina and Molly, so maybe what's happening now is just a reversion to form. Is it?

No. They were very close as preteens and teenagers. There was never any rivalry or jealousy between them. This is a retcon that they did for this FAKAKTA surrogate story.

11 minutes ago, JMO said:

has Sonny truly never been convicted of anything?  Seems like a convicted felon wouldn't be a "legal gun owner". 

He was-for AJ’s murder. But then the stupid mayor pardoned him because he save Port Charles -though I’m blanking on what he did. 

SHUT UP, Holly. And just FUCK OFF and Die.

Luke was a lot of things, but handsome he was NOT.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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21 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

But what's the point of looking at the results at all? If there is still cobalt in Heather's system, what would that prove? If there is none, then the surgery worked.

I was trying to figure that out, too. I guess Portia thinks that if Heather still has elevated levels of cobalt in her system the original replacement hip wasn't responsible for making her crazy, so there's no basis to retry her?

13 minutes ago, JMO said:

Then again, the early pregnancy Kristina wouldn't have gotten herself twisted in a knot over TJ and Molly having an argument.  Will all of this be attributed to a peri-partum initial presentation of bipolar illness? 

Maybe Kristina has cobalt poisoning.

7 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

the stupid mayor pardoned him because he save Port Charles -though I’m blanking on what he did. 

There was a bomb on the Haunted Star and Sonny tossed it overboard and saved the mayor's daughter. Or something equally ridiculous.

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I guess we now know why we saw Brad ask Terry for his job in the lab back. So when it is discovered that the blood results had been changed, he can be blamed instead of Portia.

Did Heather ever actually try to kill Trina? I know she went after people around Trina, but I don't recall Trina herself being attacked.

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Holly, we can agree that in his heyday Luke had his share of sex appeal -- but "handsome" is a bit of a stretch. Also, could you bump up your talking speed by about 25%? 

I hope Genie isn't on her long vacation, because I do not want to waste several weeks' more time in this stupid prison camp situation. 

I don't know anything about gun forensics, but can't they potentially rule out Sonny's legal gun in absentia? They can't fire it, obviously, but can't they get the model he has registered and see if it is even close to the 9 mm pistol that shot Cates?  


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6 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I hope Genie isn't on her long vacation, because I do not want to waste several weeks' more time in this stupid prison camp situation. 

In my fantasies, Laura shows up with a machine gun, sans evening dress a la Ice Princess story, to save Lucky! Icing if we get a flashback.

Diane, please DIAL BACK THE SMUG, you mob mouthpiece. The point of the warrant is to look for evidence-you, as an officer of the court as you so often spout, knows this. So please STFU.

And you too, Anna.

AGAIN with addressing Molly this time by her job title. It just gives me second, third, and fourth hand embarrassment. Calling her Molly doesn’t mean you’re unprofessional. After all, you guys bonded!

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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Aside from the Monkey Virus storyline (I still haven't forgiven her for holding the vaccine hostage knowing Robin was sick and needed it), I don't remember Holly being so avaricious.

Neither do I, it didn’t ring true to me. It does feel like we’re waiting for GF to come back from vacation with the never ending poker game from hell.

3 hours ago, tessaray said:

I don't have a ton of any sympathy with Tolly's accusation of baby stealing. If Kristina had kept her, TJ would still have equal parental rights and Molly would have been Irene's aunt/stepmother.  It would have been awkward (for everyone) and galling (for Molly) but not even all that messy for a soap. After a lot of family court shenanigans, it would have worked out. And who knows, in time the kid may have decided she wanted to live with Daddy and Aunt Molly, giving Molly the last laugh.

Sure, it would have been a tad predictable but still better than what we have now - considering how much I hate seeing any and all of the people in this story on my screen. 

Eta: my apologies for the extra crankiness. JMO and YMMV.

Granted, I muted a lot of the Kristina/Molly/TJ convos because I hated the storyline, but I don’t get the baby stealing accusations either. Yes Kristina offered to be the surrogate (a dumb idea and it was even dumber of Molly to agree to it) and yes she changed her mind, but how can you force someone (your sister to boot) to give up the child they’ve been carrying over a verbal agreement?

4 hours ago, Daisy said:

Okay. Show. Molly could have been a mom 98 million ways. so you can miss me with the "this was my only chance speech." 


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So is Curtis done with the Savoy? I'm surprised the wellness center isn't on the Quatermaine estate since it seems like there are more people living there than at the Metro Court. Then again, the Quatermaine Home for Unhoused Children doesn't have faulty windows.

Dex as a cop does not work. Pepperidge Farm remembers when he was happily working for Sonny. 

I'm surprised the show hasn't decided to have Heather's cobalt hip manufactured by the same ELQ subsidiary that made the faulty condoms that resulted in Jake and Emma. 

Edited by Mirabelle
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Just because he’s played a mobster on a soap for 30 years doesn’t mean he actually has the gravitas to pull off a real life mob boss like Gotti or s made up one like Tony Soprano

But he hasn't really played a mobster for 30 years because GH insists he's allegedly a mobster with a heart of gold and is a good guy. He's a mobster who doesn't sell drugs and honestly does anyone knows what he does besides coffee and breaking glassware? This show has never understood the point of The Soprano's which is of course that Tony isn't a hero or a good person.

And why have Sonny commit murder in the first place? Then these dummies have to come up with some ridiculous way for him to not pay. It's just so dumb. Even if Jagger was wrong in his methods, it doesn't make Sonny right or not responsible for killing the guy. I realize GH law and order doesn't resemble anything in the real world but ffs.

How this character has eaten this show for all these years is the real crime.


UGH. Why do they keep making her worse and worse? She clearly learned NOTHING after Robert saved her ASS the last time. Who Lucky is also comes from Laura. A HUGE part. He isn't Luke's clone.

Sigh. I've always loved Robert and Holly. They are one of my very first ships and I can't quit them. I just can't. However, I don't understand what they've done to her the last few times she's come back to town. Not at all. I was looking forward to seeing her but these writers do these characters no favors.


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10 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

AGAIN with addressing Molly this time by her job title. It just gives me second, third, and fourth hand embarrassment. Calling her Molly doesn’t mean you’re unprofessional. After all, you guys bonded!

Or call her Ms. Lansing-Davis. There was no reason we had to hear her professional title.

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1 hour ago, Daisy said:


I'm straining my brain to think if on Law & Order people do that for their lawyers and I'm thinking no. not really. 

Nope. Cops, prosecutors, defense attorneys, all called each other by their first names, and if they hated the defense attorneys, just their last names. Only Claire Kincaid referred to the DA as "Mr. Schiff" until Jack joined the show, and then it was "Schiff" or "Adam".

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Anna sure is a complete hypocrite. I don't agree with what Agent Cates did, as someone in law enforcement, I'm ashamed of his behavior . . . blah blah blah.

Gee, Anna, let's see. We had justice for Dewk. We had your handling of the Petah situation. We had the whole burying Cyrus and Dex's files while you were commissioner. Lying to an FBI agent and interfered with his investigation from the word go instead of working with him, you also ran to your loser ex and told him all about he had to leave town with his mentally unstable daughter so that he wouldn't get arrested.

Good job, Commish! You should top the list of people to be ashamed of. 

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15 hours ago, Desperado said:

Granted, I muted a lot of the Kristina/Molly/TJ convos because I hated the storyline, but I don’t get the baby stealing accusations either. Yes Kristina offered to be the surrogate (a dumb idea and it was even dumber of Molly to agree to it) and yes she changed her mind, but how can you force someone (your sister to boot) to give up the child they’ve been carrying over a verbal agreement?

Molly and TJ decided they had to have a baby ASAP and she glazed over the fact that this baby was her sister's biological child. There was a flashback to her saying something about being so confident in her and Kristina's relationship that a written agreement was unnecessary. Even if they had a written agreement, the biological mother still has a window of time after giving birth to change her about giving the baby up for adoption. Molly is used to getting her way when she works hard, so she can't handle a situation where she can't rely on the law or something/someone is not within her control. That's why she is screaming about Kristina stealing the baby, Kristina not being a real mother and being incapable of love, etc. Yes, Kristina is not living in reality right now (for multiple reasons), but neither is Molly. Molly screaming about how they never should have trusted Kristina gives the impression they let Kristina babysit their infant or young child and the child died because Kristina was driving under the influence. 

It's easier to be angry at Kristina and her mother than own the fact that she made some poor choices when the law is her profession so she should have known better than to make these choices, and her mother warned her and her sister not to do this. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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I'm legitimately surprised that they didn't have Jason dump the gun by tossing it off the bridge. I was sure we were going to get a story where the police went to retrieve the gun Alexis got rid of, but they end up nabbing the gun Jason tossed instead, assuming it was the one Alexis tossed. Since that is the one that shot Jagger, they'd assume Alexis did it, and she'd assume Kristina did it, so she'd take the blame. 

Instead, I'm guessing they're not going to be able to find the gun Alexis got rid of, but they'll still charge her, and Sonny will sit back and let her take the blame, because he's a piece of shit. 

Can we please get to the part where Lucky comes home to Port Charles and interacts with people we care about? I get that they needed to build some suspense and all, but they're just kind of dragging it out. And poor Holly, every time they bring her back, they damage her character a little bit more for some reason. 

I love RH, but this go around with Ric is a miss for me. His over the top hatred for Alexis is annoying. And that line about her "so called family," when he's been gone for how much of Molly's life?  And he can just stay all the fuck away from Liz. 

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16 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Instead, I'm guessing they're not going to be able to find the gun Alexis got rid of, but they'll still charge her, and Sonny will sit back and let her take the blame, because he's a piece of shit. 

Wiz Khalifa Yep GIF by Complex

16 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Can we please get to the part where Lucky comes home to Port Charles and interacts with people we care about? I get that they needed to build some suspense and all, but they're just kind of dragging it out.

This Up Here GIF by Chord Overstreet

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54 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

It's easier to be angry at Kristina and her mother than own the fact that she made some poor choices when the law is her profession so she should have known better than to make these choices, and her mother warned her and her sister not to do this. 

and I think this is what it is. Molly has every right to be angry. This is the second child that she had lost in a span of a year (right). She is now realising that Kristina was contemplating to keep the child and share custody (which. i mean. forget how it looks. the worse case scenario would be as if Kristina and TJ were in a relationship, split and they shared custody so Molly would still be the parent. It was always going to be complicated).  But i think if she pushed past the anger etc, she would realize she's probably more angry at herself for not being more prepared as she usually would be. 


57 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

 Molly screaming about how they never should have trusted Kristina gives the impression they let Kristina babysit their infant or young child and the child died because Kristina was driving under the influence

and TJ. Like I am really needing the show to stop acting like Kristina decided to go flying out the window by choice. You could reenact that fight 100 times and the amount of times the result equals: Kristina crashing into the pool happens like what? once? it's driving me bananas. 

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

His over the top hatred for Alexis is annoying. And that line about her "so called family," when he's been gone for how much of Molly's life? 

Ugh, I know. The rancor between Ric and Alexis at this point—Molly is an adult (supposedly™ Silas Clay forever), and he's been out of town for ages—is ridiculous, especially since it came in hot from the start. At least give it a place to go. They're both at 11. And that "so-called family" crack was so dumb. Those people are Molly's family! Again, give the resentment some time to build before throwing shade.

But they wrote Ric as a better absent father than Lucky. We've had more references to Molly being in contact with Ric than any of Lucky's kids being in contact with him.

Edited by dubbel zout
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WHY is Liz calling Carly about Gannon? Carly , in spite of her new last name, has no place in this story. Why is Carly contacting the WSB instead of Anna, the ex-WSB agent?  This is redunkulous.

I HATE TJ. "Doctors  are the worst patients." SHUT UP. You don't know anything about this man who very naturally wants to know the results of his tests.

"You're not going to believe what happened." "What did Kristina do?"  The only things that Molly and TJ seem to have in common are being workaholics and  judgemental about Kristina. They are both salivating at the idea of Kristina going to jail.

Are they teasing Anna/Jason?  Ewww. I know that she's not who she once was but still ewww.

I wouldn't vote for Drew just on the basis of that paisley tie and checked shirt combination.

I love seeing Carlo Rota but this whole "Lucky is captive and playing cards" is boooring.

Watching this show isn't enjoyable any more.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

We've had more references to Molly being in contact with Ric tha n any of Lucky's kids being in contact with him.

The Show has only acknowledged Aiden as Lucky's child since JJ left the last time. WL's Cam and others have only ever mentioned Zander as being Cam's father who died before he was born. HW's Cam has only ever considered Franco and Jason to be his dads.

There aren't enough eye rolls in the world for the Show using Carly to get info out of Isaiah about Lucky at Elizabeth's request, because she's on duty. Carly telling Lulu's arm this is the "answer to our prayers" made me lol because I don't buy for a second that she has prayed over/about Lulu. She never visited her in the long-term care facility as far as I know. The begging for Brennan's help after he told her he already helped Laura and acknowledging that people have a hard time saying no to her also is eye roll and vomit worthy.

The only good thing Molly has done since Kristina was in the hospital was shutting down and shutting out Michael as he tried to manage whatever Kristina said to her about the missing gun. But then she ruins the good vibes by telling TJ she's going to get Kristina to confess to murder and save their mother.

@GHScorpiosRule you'll want to watch the last few minutes! Isaiah tells Elizabeth that Lucky has mentioned she's "beautiful." 

But I want to know why this is the first time we're hearing that Aiden has been trying to get in touch with his dad for months. Aiden hasn't been seen on-screen since before Finn left and has never mentioned Lucky.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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12 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:


@GHScorpiosRule you'll want to watch the last few minutes! Isaiah tells Elizabeth that Lucky has mentioned she's "beautiful." 


In Love Hearts GIF by Looney Tunes World of Mayhem


13 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

But I want to know why this is the first time we're hearing that Aiden has been trying to get in touch with his dad for months. Aiden hasn't been seen on-screen since before Finn left and has never mentioned Lucky.

Because Frank, Korte, Van Etten and all the other "writers" are ASSHOLES.

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This show is special. Carly shouldn't be anywhere near this story. She is a Spencer only in name. So give me a break with her sitting by Lulu's bedside and all that jazz. And it sucks that the only character Brennan is allowed to interact with is Carly. 

"No one can say no to you."

Yeah, because people want her to STFU and get lost. That's why they don't say no to her.

Are we chem testing Anna and Jason, because let's not do that. Weepy Anna will look like a total schmuck with this one. Like the whole Petah and Valentin business haven't completely destroyed her character. Pairing her up with Jason will be the death of the character. I would however love to see Robert's head explode over it.

I hate TJ. He is looking for any reason to hang on to his anger at Kristina. He should give Kevin's admin assistant a call, schedule an appointment to address all these issues.

For some reason they're still teasing Drew and Jordan, which makes Drew even smarmier than he already is. I think Jordan and Isaiah are probably where things are headed and they will look very hot together, but the guy will have to do a lot of heavy lifting in his scenes. 

This Lucky return is a total miss. I think he's going to be back in PC for sweeps.

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Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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