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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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3 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I thought Lucy was unnecessarily cruel to Tracy, but that could be my bias showing, as I haven't had much use for Lucy the past few years.  

No, she was.  I've  never been much of a fan of Lucy OR Tracy, but you never use someone's dead husband as an insult against them. Never ever ever.  That's just a line you don't cross.

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Lois can go back to Brooklyn now. Insider trading is illegal, not tipping off the SEC. Why does this show insist on glorifying illegal behavior and punishing the characters that do the right thing? Regardless of Nina’s motives, she did Nothing Wrong!!!  

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15 minutes ago, jqdeco said:

Lois can go back to Brooklyn now. Insider trading is illegal, not tipping off the SEC. Why does this show insist on glorifying illegal behavior and punishing the characters that do the right thing? Regardless of Nina’s motives, she did Nothing Wrong!!!  

I have to add: I understand Carly and Michael being pissed at Nina for not telling anyone about Sonny having amnesia.  I would never forgive someone for letting me mourn the death of a family member and keep the fact they were alive to themselves out of spite. I can even understand Michael trying to blackmail Nina over the SEC thing because he wants to punish her over the amnesia thing. But Lois has zero connection to any of this. She and Carly are not friends. She doesn’t know Drew. She should have zero opinion about this other than being a supportive friend to Olivia. I hate this storyline and we all know when it finally comes out that Nina was the “snitch “ the writers will screw it up and it will be incredibly anticlimactic. At this point the worst that can happen is Sonny leaves Nina and she becomes to town pariah, again. Big freaking deal.

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Why is Finn, an infectious disease doctor, doing surgery?

I was tired of the Lois/Olivia team-up anti Tracy/Quartermaines weeks ago. Lois' Best Before date is long past.


l need Liesl  to come back and take Scott away, saving me from this horrible plot to bamboozle Tracy. Even if Tracy falls for Scott, what are the odds that Tracy will not insist on a pre-nup?

On a shallow note, I liked Alexis' blouse and Kristina's outfit.

5 hours ago, Katy M said:

Well, to be fair, it's not like Nina was there to see what happened.  Carly's hatred of Nelle was public knowledge and even Jax who saw part of it and said he believed Carly couldn't with absolute certainty say that she didn't push her.  And, she did lock her out overnight on the freezing hospital roof overnight.

I had forgotten about that scene. (When is Nelle going to show up alive on the Pennsylvania side of the river?)

I was thinking about that fact that Carly knew that Nina was desperate to find the child who had been stolen from her and knew that Nelle was that child but refused to tell Nina. Then later, knowing how Nina reacted to losing Nelle, Carly took it upon herself to withhold the information from Nina that Willow was also her daughter.  If Willow had not needed a stem cell donation, Carly would never have told. That's something that I don't think that I could forgive,especially since Carly has zero regrets for doing it and said that she would do it again.

2 hours ago, nilyank said:

Which is weird because when CW was cast as Nina, I was expecting the same energy that she had as Annie Dutton on Guiding Light where she got her Emmy. A couple of years later, I am still waiting for the full crazy to come out from Nina and taking some people down along the way. Even the things that she has done is still weaksauce and not as soapy as it can be (keeping quiet about Sonny being alive and spending 6 tedious months at the emptiest bar, dropping a dime to SEC on Carly).

No one can win against Carly and so other characters are neutered for her. The worst is a temporary setback so the CarlyBrave&Strong&LovesWithHerWholeHeart can come out.

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12 minutes ago, statsgirl said:


It's gaslighting, plain and simple.  They think if they keep reiterating this a portion of the audience will just think "oh, yeah, Carly and Drew did nothing wrong, burn Nina!"

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GF's daughter is back. I wouldn't immediately think they were related, but now that I know, I see a lot of GF in her.

Bored with Finn's malpractice suit. Bored with Cody's hair shirt about being Mac's son.

Ned and Lois were divorced for years before Olivia married him. Why would Lois care at this point? Ugh. Stupid manufactured drama just to let Olivia and Lois slag on Tracy again.

Doesn't Lois have a bunch of brothers? I'm pretty sure they would have had her back growing up. Ugh, these Bensonhurst reminisces are never consistent.

Of course Sonny makes Molly and TJ's baby about him.

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Every time fans want to see a veteran return to the show and said vet returns, it becomes a complete dumpster fire. I can't remember why I was excited or looking forward to Lois' return. She can go back to Bensonhurst and Olivia can get lost on her way there. They're unbearable.

For the bagillionth time, insider trading is a crime. No amount of gaslighting will change that. These dumb as fuck writers would have showed up at Occupy Wall Street with a Rolex and Gucci loafers because that's how much they understand about what they write.

Kristina will not be able to let go of that baby. Or Kristina dies in childbirth leaving behind a devastated family. Whatever the storyline is, I'm sure it will be anti-climactic.

About Nina. What is it with the town lining up to blackmail her? I don't even understand that.

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Will Liz and Finn will be making the requisite couples excursion to Beecher's Falls?  If they find the other doctor, will that person be willing to become an additional target of Finn's malpractice lawsuit?

I will hate these writers if they demean Tracy into a relationship with Scott.  Let the poor woman mourn in peace.  I don't mind either of them individually, or in different relationships, but the scheming Lucy and Scott pairing has always been on my "GH worst" list. 

I like that Felicia is investigating whether Cody lied about his test results, but not a fan of the way Sasha (and the music director) make it look creepy.  There's no reason, except for bad writing and John York's temporary absence, that Cody couldn't tell Mac without making it official enough to negate his legal statement.

I've become a fan of Kate Mansi as Kristina, and she is now my favorite of the Davis sisters.  I hope she is able to rise above whatever the writers are about to give her.

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7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Julian is dead, and someone has to take his place as the town goat.

Yeah but everyone hated Julian including his family. Except for Carly, Michael and Joss, Nina is liked by people. She has friends, family and respect of people.

Julian had none of that.

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Good for pointing out the confusion Alexis,  The baby would be his grandchild he can't acknowledge as such but instead great uncle.  Rick would be grandfather instead. Alexis is the only one getting the issues here.  

Can't Molly and TJ just adopt the baby while Kristina terms her rights? 

Lois should have a problem with Olivia marrying Ned.  Lois and Ned were written as a supercouple now it's just nothing? Why is she still there? 

Lois really taking Michael and Carly and Drew's sides attacking Ned for turning them in? Ned has been saying it wasn't him, but Lois believes the others. This Lois writing is not Lois. 

Lois knows SEC law? They wouldn't care because there was no merger. 

KS is back already? 



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39 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Can't Molly and TJ just adopt the baby while Kristina terms her rights? 


TJ would be the father but Molly will need to be the one who adopts the baby. The issue that Alexis and others refuse to say out loud more forcefully, is that Kristina could change her mind and decide to keep the baby.


In NY, she would have to give birth before any paperwork could be signed that would be legal and even then there is a waiting period where she can change her mind after giving up the baby.

The best solution would be to find another egg donor and have Kristina be the surrogate or have Kristina donate an egg and find another surrogate. This way the surrogate contract could be signed before the baby is born. 

Of course, that would mean Molly and TJ would have to wait before getting started and they are not getting any younger.

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OMFG, shut up, Lois!  You've proven you know absolutely nothing about the law, so your argument about the SEC means absolutely nothing.  And of course--OF COURSE--Olivia had to open her big mouth and now Lois isn't letting it go.  BTW, with all this "is Lois staying in PC because of feelings for Ned" talk the question should be "doesn't she have a life to get back to in Brooklyn?  A job?" 

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I can't read the phrase "town pariah" (with regard to GH) without remembering that hilarious phase when Shelly and Jean were writing and Liz kept referring herself as that. I think it was because she had kept the sekrit about Jake Doe's Jason's Drew's identity...which ultimately turned out not really to be his identity? Or maybe she was referencing something further back, like cheating on Lucky with Nikolas? I just remember her having lines like "Take it from someone who has a lot of experience at being the town pariah..." and she really never had been. A few people yelled at her, just as many or more still supported her, and it all blew over.

If that writing team were still around, she'd probably have been calling herself "the town pariah" again when Liesl got mad at her.

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2 hours ago, Artsda said:

KS is back already? 

They tape out of order, so she might not be. (?)

Re: Felicia and the hair sample and courier-summoning to the TV show set.

I haven't seen a P.I. this subtle with her investigating since Sam McCall.


Edited by ciarra
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1 minute ago, ciarra said:

I haven't seen a P.I. this subtle with her investigating since Sam McCall.


That reminds me, is Curtis still investigating who was responsible for shooting him? Does he know that the guy WSB and Pikeman were arrested over aging paper that Anna had tucked away in her chest? Did Jordan let him know after she gave him full access to the investigation into his shooting?

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It does not surprise me that so many people see the SEC tipster as the problem and not the crime itself. Half this town --including the Mayor, WSB agents, hospital staff, and many at the police department-- think the local mob kingpin is a good guy and have no problem fraternizing with him. Their referring to the person who called the SEC as a "rat" and "snitch" speaks volumes about their moral compass. 

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I was a huge Sexis booster back in the day. I wouldn't want that relationship rekindled 20+ years later, and it would never happen, but that scene Thursday showed they've still got it. Nobody wakes up Mo like NLG.  

I know they tape out of order, but I wonder how long the Maxie recast will be around when she comes back. I haven't enjoyed watching KSt for years, so I'll take any break I can get.  

7 hours ago, ciarra said:

Re: Felicia and the hair sample and courier-summoning to the TV show set.

I haven't seen a P.I. this subtle with her investigating since Sam McCall.

Our Flea was ineptly investigating before Sam was ever a gleam in Brian Frons's eye. 😀 It cracked me up when Sasha told Cody that Felicia was a great private investigator. I was thinking, "If she's so great at it, why isn't she still doing that instead on her new plot-point career?" 

Edited by NotMySekrit2Tell
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3 hours ago, NotMySekrit2Tell said:

It cracked me up when Sasha told Cody that Felicia was a great private investigator. I was thinking, "If she's so great at it, why isn't she still doing that instead on her new plot-point career?" 

You've got to remember who she's being compared to -- Sam? Curtis? Spinelli? "Great" in Port Chuck has no relationship to "great" in the rest of the universe. 😉

Edited by rur
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11 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I can't read the phrase "town pariah" (with regard to GH) without remembering that hilarious phase when Shelly and Jean were writing and Liz kept referring herself as that. I think it was because she had kept the sekrit about Jake Doe's Jason's Drew's identity...

And she has now be ~forgiven.  Isn't what she did with Jakeson Doegan the same thing Nina did with Sonny/Mike?  

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4 hours ago, NotMySekrit2Tell said:

I was a huge Sexis booster back in the day. I wouldn't want that relationship rekindled 20+ years later, and it would never happen, but that scene Thursday showed they've still got it. Nobody wakes up Mo like NLG.

I found myself unexpectedly glued to those scenes.  Chemistry takes many forms, and they certainly have it.  I also appreciate that Alexis is being written with a little more subtlety/layering (or maybe that’s just how NLG is playing it).  It feels like Alexis knows in her head that she’s crossed a line but as a parent just can’t help herself.  

“Unexpectedly glued to” is the polar opposite of how I’d describe the malpractice drama.  Zzzzzz.  At least we have some potential progress with Elizabeth’s PI work and the Beecher’s Corners nurses violating confidentiality.

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5 hours ago, NotMySekrit2Tell said:


I was a huge Sexis booster back in the day. I wouldn't want that relationship rekindled 20+ years later, and it would never happen, but that scene Thursday showed they've still got it. Nobody wakes up Mo like NLG.  


I thought those scenes were surprisingly well written, with Alexis knowing this will be a disaster but wishing Sonny would tell her she’s overreacting and Sonny telling her that he has the same concerns but they can’t talk them out of it so they can only hope for the best. I think MB and NLG do a decent job of selling their characters’ connection and that they understand each other despite the fact that they only share scenes once a year. Compared to the show trying to sell Sonny/Anna being super close, it’s like night and day for me. 

9 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

While I want the dumb malpractice story over ASAP, it's aggravating it's likely to end in a whimper like every other story on this fakakta show does. It's always big overture, little show. 

I was wondering if they are wrapping it up because it was a scab storyline that the regular writers aren’t interested in continuing because while they have a tendency to end SLs disappointedly, they also drag them out for eternity. I also felt the same way with the Pikeman reveal. It felt like that SL was supposed to go on for way longer and it ended so abruptly the moment the writers returned. 

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15 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

That's possible. A malpractice story in and of itself isn't a bad idea, but this one had no stakes, which happens all the time.

Yeah IA. It could have been decent if the patient was someone we knew or at least related to someone who was a bigger character so we’d have people taking sides. Instead, they went the poor Finn route by telling us over and and over again that he did nothing wrong and the patient was not only someone we didn’t know, we never even saw him handling this case. 

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Finn doesn't have enough of a story line, with his ALS dad, his blending his family with Lizzy's, his pre-teen-like dating of Liz.  So the malpractice suit was necessary.  It did bring a few other hospital characters in (Amy, Monica, Hospital lawyer, Board member Tracy), but it wasn't much of an umbrella story.

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Guess we know how NAC is exiting.  At least they're keeping the door open for him to return.

Despite the Nina/Cyrus/everybody else insider trading drama (Lois actually thought that through much more than Nina did), I am most intrigued by the storyline surrounding Esme.  I will give the different sets of writers credit for having the patience to hold off on her recovering her memories until she was decorating her tree--it was appropriate and very soapy.  Her consciousness of having dual personalities is interesting, and reminiscent of the Ryan/Kevin origin story---except both aspects reside in the same person.  If they are going to bring Kevin into the equation, it could provide some really rich material for both AP and JL.  I can see Kevin struggling to help her, maybe realizing there are some aspects of Ryan in him, and vice versa.  And now I realize I'm half-way to a fan fiction.

Not sure what to make of Alexis/Gregory, but I'm glad whatever happens is in the hands of two very capable actors.  I trust NLG to make sure the story doesn't go off the rails.

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4 hours ago, ffwbe said:
4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

That's possible. A malpractice story in and of itself isn't a bad idea, but this one had no stakes, which happens all the time.

Yeah IA. It could have been decent if the patient was someone we knew or at least related to someone who was a bigger character so we’d have people taking sides

should have been Marshall....

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"Port Charles Heliport," LOL. Alexis should have taken a Xanax or five before sky-diving. Yeesh. And news flash, Alexis: You will die one day and your daughters will have to live without you.

We get it, Show. Lois and Olivia hit the clubs all the time. They were wild and crazy teenagers. Sweet Jasus, I'm tired of hearing about it. 

Oh, Ned. You had a chance to blow Michael out of the water and you didn't take it. And Carly saying Ned was looking out for himself and wanted power. So was she! 

Olivia only has herself to blame for Lois's super annoying haranguing about the secret. Don't get drunk and blab, you dingdong. I hope Lois is the one to finally let the SEC secret out. It's way past time, and it's ridiculous how many people other than Carly and Drew know.

Spencer has been in Europe more than once, Show. And have him dream about something less clichéd than crepes. He's supposed to be a bit more sophisticated than that.

I knew Drew would show up at the last-minute. Carly never loses. 

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Michael, the supposed lead of the non middle aged adult age group, is on a date with his mother for NYE. That says it all. 

I’m ready for Lois to back to Bensonhurst. What a useless return and I’m starting to suspect that they are writing her the way they are to make Olivia seem more likable. 

Shoot me but I thought Alexis/Gregory were kinda cute and fun today, though I side eye them doing anything romantic with them considering her last LO dying caused her to spiral. 

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28 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

We get it, Show. Lois and Olivia hit the clubs all the time. They were wild and crazy teenagers.

Were they doing it at 13 or 14 yrs of age because the backstory is that Olivia got pregnant with Dante at 15 and I don't see her mother letting her run out to clubs and leaving a baby behind after that. 


30 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I hope Lois is the one to finally let the SEC secret out.

i'm pretty sure Nina will get there in time to stop Lois and tell him herself. 


1 hour ago, JMO said:

Guess we know how NAC is exiting.

But if he's going to France with Trina, how is Emse going to get her hooks into him?  Would make more sense if he got a job and work sent him to Europe for a bit.    

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33 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:


Oh, Ned. You had a chance to blow Michael out of the water and you didn't take it. 


I'm really disappointed that he didn't say, out loud, where everyone could hear it, what we've been saying: that Insider Trading is illegal, and that was why Drew went to prison.

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9 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

But if he's going to France with Trina, how is Emse going to get her hooks into him?  Would make more sense if he got a job and work sent him to Europe for a bit.    

Get a job?


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16 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Michael, the supposed lead of the non middle aged adult age group, is on a date with his mother for NYE. That says it all. 

The symbolism of that - and the writers’ actually acknowledging it in the dialog along with a trademarked Carly/LW laugh was really rich.  

This SEC nonsense horseshit cannot end soon enough.  I am fearing the Lois/Sonny setup will lead to another fakeout but am hoping against hope that they just rip the bandaid off, shift the focus of the show to Bobbie for a few days, and never speak of this mess again.  What was Carly’s FTC rant at Ned?  As with much in this storyline, it was a head-scratcher.  And for the first time in soap history, Lois and Olivia were discussing a big secret in public - close to screaming - and no one overhears.  🙄

The reference by Lois and Olivia to the Savoy reminding them of Area was UCG.


Edited by mbluecpa
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Cyrus and his stupid dialogue can go now. I guess everyone must fall in line and become a Carly apologist. The gall of these writers!

Are we sticking Alexis with a man who has had a death sentence pronounced upon him? That seems hardly fair after the murder of Dr. Neil.

Lois should join the PCPD. Save for the first episode she was back, the character has been useless and obnoxious. We already have Olivia. What do we need a second one for?

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On 12/29/2023 at 5:28 AM, NotMySekrit2Tell said:

Nobody wakes up Mo like NLG. 

He shared some scenes in an episode with Lois that had me wishing that she could stay as Lois had made both Olivia and Sonny more tolerable to watch.  Weeks later, she has been turned into a more obnoxious version of Olivia.  Both actresses seem to be enjoying themselves and are not mailing it in but their scenes seem limited to either railing on Tracy and/or making a Bensonhurst reference.  


1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Lois should join the PCPD. Save for the first episode she was back, the character has been useless and obnoxious. We already have Olivia. What do we need a second one for?

or this.   

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2 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Lois and Olivia being bffs has never made the slightest bit of sense to me because that would mean she knew about Dante’s existence and never suspected he was Sonny’s. 

What doesn't make sense about this is that Sonny has gone back to the old neighborhood before including for Ned and Lois wedding and the fact that Olivia became a teenage mother was never revealed as local news/gossip to him. That Olivia didn't go to her bestie's wedding and meet the groom or see Sonny.

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On the one hand, this SEC secret needs to come out before yet another person lines up to blackmail Nina.  On the other, fucking Lois Busybody needs to stand down and mind her own damned business.  The writers have really made her beyond obnoxious.  And, yes, the Olivia/Lois BFFs since they were partying teenagers only makes sense if Dante doesn't exist.  

19 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

knew Drew would show up at the last-minute. Carly never loses.

So predictable.  God forbid Carly have to spend NYE alone.  I mean, other than her sad sack son.  And I doubt she'll apologize to Ned once the SEC truth comes out.  I think it's against the writers' religion for Carly to ever take responsibility for anything she did wrong (or if she does it's immediately followed with her justifying it).

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Ugh, Carly.  Even if Ned did turn you in, it's over and done with.  Just ignore him.

And, Sonny acting like Ned attacked poor, defenseless Carly. She's the one who got in his face. He even tried told her he didn't have time for her nonsense.

Lois figures everything out in 5 seconds, yet months later, the rest of PC is still blaming Ned.

Much as I hate to agree with Cyrus about anything, Nina really should take his advice.  Just in this, though. I'm sure the rest of his advice, in general, should be ignored.

Did Trina and Spenser go to that party, or did Trina put on her dress just to immediately take it off?

I think they should have had Gregory chicken out at the last second, with Alexis jumping. That would have actually been kind of funny.  I thought they made a big deal of how they had to jump in the light, but then when they finished it was dark and Alexis was talking about how the stars looked on the way down.

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The show can't be honest about Lois and Ned because they don't know how to play it if they're not reuniting (which they aren't, for IRL reasons) given the fact that Olivia, despite my liking Lisa LoCicero, has essentially been a Lois clone for at least a decade if not longer. They don't know how to write those kind of relationship nuances because they're worried about audience response to complexity, and because they rarely write scenes longer than 90 seconds. See also: The lack of nuance in this forever thrilling SEC storyline, which inexplicably appears to have climaxed with Nina randomly confessing to an old mobster hiding in a confessional booth. What?

I do think Maurice and NLG still have chemistry, and I've wanted them to revisit a secret fling for many years. But I doubt it will happen.

In brighter news I was pleased to see they have finally acknowledged that Esme is still the same stone cold psycho she always was. That's where Pohl excels and anything else for the character is a waste of time.

Edited by jsbt
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15 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

On the one hand, this SEC secret needs to come out before yet another person lines up to blackmail Nina.

I don't know about that. I really feel like more or less everyone in town needs to be blackmailing her. Just for the ridiculousness factor. Honestly, if I were Nina, at this point, with Ned/Oliva, Michael, and Cyrus all knowing, I would know beyond a shadow of a doubt would come out and I would just rent a billboard and let the rest of the world know.


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On 12/28/2023 at 12:23 PM, statsgirl said:


This makes me crazy. Almost everyone, even Lois, is under the impression that if you didn't profit from it, it isn't a crime and whoever is "the rat" is the bad person. I think maybe one person pointed this out to someone, but they were immediately ignored. And reporting a crime (regardless of your motives) ISN'T a crime - in some cases, it is a crime NOT to report something you know happened. One of the (non-existent) officers of ELQ or Aurora should have noticed and reported any irregularities. Furthermore, once Drew put himself in prison, anything that happened there is on him, not on a) the judge, b) the lawyer, or c) the whistleblower. Unfortunate that he got beaten up, but it is prison, after all (have any of these people watched The Mayor of Kingstown?). 

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28 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

This makes me crazy. Almost everyone, even Lois, is under the impression that if you didn't profit from it, it isn't a crime and whoever is "the rat" is the bad person. I think maybe one person pointed this out to someone, but they were immediately ignored. 

I think the writers at some point finally read the Wiki on insider trading. During Lois’ light bulb moment, she specifically mentioned that Carly was the one who was guilty because she acted on the information. But yeah, this whole story makes my head explode and not just because of the usual inability to tell a reasonably realistic business story. 

I wasn’t watching during RS’s last run as Lois but feel like her current persona is how Olivia was written/acted when she first arrived in town. 

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12 minutes ago, mbluecpa said:

During Lois’ light bulb moment, she specifically mentioned that Carly was the one who was guilty because she acted on the information.

Nina is still the wrongdoer here, though. How dare she rat out Carly for revenge! 

I can't with the continued stupidity of this story.

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Honestly, I don't really have a problem with Carly/Michael/Drew etc being upset with whoever turned Drew in.  Obviously they're not going to be happy about that.  And since they think it's Ned, for whatever stupid reasons they have, I understand them not liking him.

However, where it all falls apart for me is the moral high horse that they think they are on.  And acting like Ned murdered somebody while they're hands on sparkly clean.  Especially when Carly was married to a mobster who actually was responsible for murders.

So, Carly confronting Ned like she did and threatening to send him to jail (loved Ned's befuddlement on that threat, btw) was just to over-the-top even for Carly, IMO.

And, Lois being worried that Sonny was going to kill Ned over this because he hurt Carly. It's been several months.  So, I would think if he were going to do it, he'd have done it by now.  Plus, I don't think he would hurt Olivia, Brooklyn, and Leo like that over something that's already happened.  sure, if he had reason to think Ned was a continued threat, then maybe.  Sonny took Eddie in when Ned lost his memory for cyring out loud. That does not scream "He Must Die," to me.

And, I'm sure she'll back out at the last second, or they'll get interrupted, but I really wish Lois does just tell Sonny.  I don't care if it's "none of her business."    Although to be fair, she's jsut assuming and has no more proof than Carly does that it's Ned.  So, on that premise, she should probably should just keep her mouth shut instead of making unwarrated accusations. But, why should she be the only one?

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