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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Drew was right back at work at Aurora, with his stellar business qualifications of once being a Navy Seal.  Working side by side with Michael, whose business qualifications are one semester of business ed. at Port Charles University. 

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Carly:  "In some ways, the Kelly's is a better fit for me than the Metro Court."  A rare moment of insight from Carly.

Esme telling Spencer that the four of them (him, her, Ace and Trina) should get a little house together was funny. Spencer naturally calls Trina but he really should be talking to Kevin.

I'm glad that the Charlotte story is moving along.

I thought that Finn being sued was more realistic than this show usually gets.

16 hours ago, susannah said:

I didn't think Chase was being self centered at all when he and Gregory were talking. He was just letting Gregory know that he wasn't alone in his pain and his fear, that the were all in it together.

As someone who has been sick, this hit a nerve for me.

I understand Chase wanting Gregory to protect himself as much as possible, in a way it's like Spencer wanting to be there for Ace.  But if Gregory wants to deny his ALS for as long as possible, that's his choice to make and Chase shouldn't be pushing him to use a cane so that Chase can feel better for taking care of his father. When your time is coming due, it's the quality of life you have left that's important. I can see Chase objecting to items on Gregory's bucket list because there is too great a chance of him getting hurt.

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Oh, Cyrus. We don't want Mason redeemed, we want him dead.

It cracks me up that Carly is so suspicious of why Nina wants to sell her back her half of the MetroCourt. Is this supposed to make Carly look shrewd? Who cares what the reason is? 

As always, the Ava/Trina scenes were really good.

1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

Esme telling Spencer that the four of them (him, her, Ace and Trina) should get a little house together was funny.

I liked that Esmé is holding her ground about moving out.

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2 hours ago, Daisy said:

this would have been much better. so much better. if you know this was something nina framed them for. vs. you know. Drew and Carly committing an actual crime.

This storyline needs to die a thousand painful deaths. 

Carly: I will figure out why Nina wants to sell me the MC back.

Bitch, you keep failing upward. Just take your hotel back and STFU.

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For the love of God, will the producers just fooking admit they do not now, nor have they ever, known what to do with Austin and kill him already. They can bring RoHo back as Steven Lars or something. That way Esme could have a brother! 

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Nina doesn’t own Crimson, Drew does, so Carly’s question about how Crimson is doing makes no sense. We saw Drew try to sell Nina Crimson last year when he was trying to play hero and buy Carly back the MC only for her to say no because it’s a bad investment. 

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So Spencer's plan is to live with Esme and play daddy until Ace is 18? Good for Esme for her reaction,  she has somehow come out being the sane one. 

Trina's version of the fight to Ava seems a tad different. " They were talking about Esme and Ace and how there's no room for their relationship?"  That's quite a spin on Spencer being a raging screaming obsessed lunatic with no boundaries regarding his brother. 

Ava should have told Trina to run for the hills. 

Good for Valentine bringing in Nina to hear from Laura. He and Charlotte need her.

Charlotte wants Anna arrested, can't Anna just do reverse to Charlotte? 

Carly gets offered the hotel back again and of course she needs to attack. I did like Sonny telling Carly how money is not an issue with Nina. Why would Nina need to put her money in a magazine she doesn't own? 

So Sonny who is married to the hotel owner selling offers to give Carly the money to give Nina, his wife? 

Finn being sued over some off screen patient? Not sure point of that. 

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5 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Carly: I will figure out why Nina wants to sell me the MC back.

Bitch, you keep failing upward. Just take your hotel back and STFU.

At this point, I'm expecting Nina to end up paying Carly to take it back, because Carlys gotta Carly.

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Valentin, you can search a bedroom without ransacking it.  Pull Charlotte's clothes out of the dresser, and leave all the drawers open. 

That bedroom looked more like somewhere a granny would stay, not a teenage girl.   Decorated in Sears curtains and bedspread. 

And how odd that Valentin invites people over, then leaves them sitting there while he goes on his search.

The Finn lawsuit is just another diversion from the boring Fiz relationship.  Liz and Finn must work together to get this lawsuit dropped.

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6 hours ago, ciarra said:

Drew was right back at work at Aurora, with his stellar business qualifications of once being a Navy Seal.  Working side by side with Michael, whose business qualifications are one semester of business ed. at Port Charles University. 

We all know one semester at PCU is better than an MBA from the London School of Economics. Cam hasn't been able to show his face in PC since washing out of PCU and having to transfer to Stanford. 

Maybe Finn pronounced someone dead and the body made it all the way to the morgue when they woke up and that person is now traumatized over the experience so they are suing Finn for emotional distress and malpractice. 

Edited by Mirabelle
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I thought Carly wanted to make enough money on her own to buy the MC back. Multiple people, including Nina, tried to gift her the damn thing last year and she said no. What’s changed? She still doesn’t have enough money to buy it back at its real value 

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13 hours ago, Artsda said:

So Sonny who is married to the hotel owner selling offers to give Carly the money to give Nina, his wife? 

I didn't understand that, either. Carly has so many other people falling over themselves to help her that Sonny is the last person who should be offering.

13 hours ago, Artsda said:

Finn being sued over some off screen patient? Not sure point of that. 

And this. Who cares? We should have seen Elizabeth and Finn work together on a patient who died and then the lawsuit happens. Oh, Show. You never get the right end of the stick when it comes to stories.

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IMO, the writers are trying to honor the desires from some fans to go back to hospital related storylines but they have no idea how to do that or what people liked about them, hence why we’re getting Felicia deciding to be a patient advocate and the supposed drama with a patient’s insurance and Finn’s malpractice suit. 

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It's been so long since we've seen or heard of Andrea I had to stop and think who she is.

Andrea went to that death trap, Mercy, for medical care?! And who didn't see the miscarriage coming? I know I should feel terrible for everyone, but Molly and TJ were so obnoxious about the whole thing I can't. Even though it was Molly 2.0 (or 3.0? I've lost track) and not CurrentMolly.

Curtis, meditation has been around for millennia. Just because you've discovered it recently doesn't mean no one else has. His astonishment that Marshall meditates cracked me up. It's not as if Marshall is dancing naked in the rain under a full moon.

Shouldn't Cody have his eyes closed while the Deceptor is on? I don't think blinding your customers is going to help Deception, heh.

It was fun to watch RoHo and JK together, but wow, this story is a snore.

Isn't Gordon Stevens the name of the patient who died under Finn's watch? I guess we're to presume Austin/Cyrus had something to do with his death instead? I don't care.

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So I guess Molly's other 180 and her feelings about Kristina suddenly changed offscreen because Kristina is about to be her surrogate since Andrea is donzo with the experience altogether?

This show skips from A to B, goes straight to Z without catching a breath. I could care less about this storyline or how it was handled from the go, with Molly's uber quick diagnosis of infertility and her Kristina hate for saying something she was never meant to hear in the first place, or for TJ's contemptible sneering at Kristina because he has no mind of his own and resented Kristina because Molly was just being a complete enraged cow at her sister for being able to have children because said sister basically sucks at life, according to her.

I get why Lexi decided to write her own thing. They took her pitch and turned it into some really bad and obnoxious fanfic because that's what they do. 

I can't stand Curtis. Or Portia. Thank you for our daughter. I doubt we will ever see Taggert on this show again. Talk about another undeserved outcome where they handed Curtis a daughter on a silver platter, while the man who raised her got completely iced out of her life. I actually FFed most of those scenes which felt great.

I was actually bored with the Austin/Cyrus scenes. For someone who had a massive heart attack and almost died, Cyrus sure is very spry as he goes around PC, darkening everyone's doorstep.

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9 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Thank you for our daughter.

This show's fixation on pregnancy, babies, and children completely creeps me out. It's possible to live a rich, fulfilling life without that, and I really wish the show would acknowledge that. But it would probably be in the most patronizing way possible, so maybe not.

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55 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

This show's fixation on pregnancy, babies, and children completely creeps me out. It's possible to live a rich, fulfilling life without that, and I really wish the show would acknowledge that. But it would probably be in the most patronizing way possible, so maybe not.

They will never go there. How else can they tell women they're worthless?

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I thought that it was a not-bad filler episode. I hate the Robert/Diane teasing the her conversation with Alexis was pleasant enough So was Molly and Kristina getting along.

I don't love Sasha/Cody but I don't mind it as long as it's not another adolescent relationship (e.g. Sasha can't work with Cody because she has feelings for him). Nice to see Maxie get a win as a businesswoman.

I think that Cyrus faked his heart attack to get out of jail, as Austin referred to when he said that he had lied for Cyrus.

Speaking of faking, I wonder if Andrea was faking the pregnancy. Otherwise why go to Mercy instead of GH where TJ and the OB who did the fertility treatment work?

I hope that Kristina won't be her surrogate now. The best reason for not using Kristina, that she won't be able to separate herself from the baby, still applies.

7 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I didn't understand that, either. Carly has so many other people falling over themselves to help her that Sonny is the last person who should be offering.

And this. Who cares? We should have seen Elizabeth and Finn work together on a patient who died and then the lawsuit happens. Oh, Show. You never get the right end of the stick when it comes to stories.


2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Curtis, meditation has been around for millennia. Just because you've discovered it recently doesn't mean no one else has. His astonishment that Marshall meditates cracked me up. It's not as if Marshall is dancing naked in the rain under a full moon.

And if Curtis had done his research, he would have known that meditation is a recommended therapy for psychosis, which Marshal believed he had.

2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

This show skips from A to B, goes straight to Z without catching a breath.

For the characters it doesn't are about. For those it does, like Carly and Michael, their vendetta against Nina will go on forever.

Today I was thinking that they give good moments to those unvalued characters, like Curtis musing on losing the ability to walk or TJ mourning to loss of his baby, but they are not built up well enough and often lost because of how terrible the characters were in previous moments. Cognitively I understand but he was such a bastard to Kristina for no reason, I can't feel for him now.

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@statsgirl, I don't think Cyrus faked his heart attack, because we saw him have it. Remember how while he was unconscious and Drew was working on him, he went to some kind of in-between place and talked to Angel Laura and so forth?

The lying on Austin's part was just saying Cyrus was too frail for prison, I believe.

Edited by Auntie Velvet
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34 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I don't love Sasha/Cody but I don't mind it as long as it's not another adolescent relationship (e.g. Sasha can't work with Cody because she has feelings for him). Nice to see Maxie get a win as a businesswoman.

I don’t mind them together but I do think Maxie’s line about how they have so much chemistry that you can’t fake or something to that effect was the writers trolling fans who’ve commented about finding them lukewarm since they started regularly sharing scenes. I think the show misfired by not building them up onscreen properly. They shared like 3 scenes over 6 months together before  Cody broke her out of that mental institution while he was constantly on with Sam.

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I’m all for women making whatever choices they want to make but Molly’s dialogue about how she was thinking about leaving her job once the baby was born because she would rather focus on the baby and her relationship with TJ goes completely the character we’ve seen growing up. Like she was raised by a single mother who was in the same profession and had 2 kids and she used to be proud of that. They’d never write TJ say he wants to put his career on the back burner to spend more time at home.  

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15 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

I’m all for women making whatever choices they want to make but Molly’s dialogue about how she was thinking about leaving her job once the baby was born because she would rather focus on the baby and her relationship with TJ goes completely the character we’ve seen growing up. Like she was raised by a single mother who was in the same profession and had 2 kids and she used to be proud of that. They’d never write TJ say he wants to put his career on the back burner to spend more time at home.  

I think that may have been deliberate because Kristina followed up with a line about how she never thought she would ever hear those words from Molly.  I can't really remember whether they elaborated on it or not.

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45 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

The lying on Austin's part was just saying Cyrus was too frail for prison, I believe.

Austin testified that Cyrus was unable to physically attack another person so they let him out.

Which was stupid because while Cyrus is an older man, he's still a mob boss who can order any hit that he wants.

8 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

I’m all for women making whatever choices they want to make but Molly’s dialogue about how she was thinking about leaving her job once the baby was born because she would rather focus on the baby and her relationship with TJ goes completely the character we’ve seen growing up.

I think that she said that she was going to look for a job that isn't 80 hours a week because working so much she wouldn't have time for TJ and the baby. Still, TJ's job is 80 hours a week or more and he's not going to step back. 

I knew a couple where she was a medical student and he was a psychology PhD candidate. When they wanted to have children, they worked out that they would alternate taking a year's leave of absence to take care of the kids and both managed to complete their degrees.

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Molly was hating Kristina and then suddenly they are bffs again off screen, the baby gone and Kristina will be stuck in this again.  

Conversation about mediation then Diane still whining over Robert. This is horrible.

Good scene today was TJ going to Portia and their talk.  Nice he went to her, built in family at hospital. 

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3 hours ago, jacourt said:

Maybe Andrea really didn’t have a miscarriage. Down the road the baby will show up. 

It was suspicious that she said she went to Mercy, rather than GH.  It prevents TJ from accessing her records.

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5 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Speaking of faking, I wonder if Andrea was faking the pregnancy. Otherwise why go to Mercy instead of GH where TJ and the OB who did the fertility treatment work?

I was actually thinking Andrea was faking the miscarriage.  It just seemed so sudden, I thought maybe she decided she wanted to keep the baby for herself?

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3 hours ago, ffwbe said:

I’m all for women making whatever choices they want to make but Molly’s dialogue about how she was thinking about leaving her job once the baby was born because she would rather focus on the baby and her relationship with TJ goes completely the character we’ve seen growing up. Like she was raised by a single mother who was in the same profession and had 2 kids and she used to be proud of that. They’d never write TJ say he wants to put his career on the back burner to spend more time at home.  

I agree with you but sometimes when a woman has fertility issues and doesn’t just get pregnant the “normal” way, sometimes priorities change.  It took me many years and fertility treatments to finally be able to have my one and only child.  I decided to become a stay at home mom after all that, something I never thought I’d do after having worked and been on my own since I was 17.  But this was going to be my one chance at being a mom and having a kid so after all that hardship I really wanted to enjoy it fully.

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Bearing in mind that I have no knowledge of Molly history, I really do not like her, no matter who plays her. As soon as I saw her and Kristina together, I knew that she will blame Kristina for the miscarriage and hate her again for existing. There was never one logical reason for Molly to go off on Kristina about anything, in the first place. Also, when Alexis and Diane were commenting on them together, Alexis said that "Andrea was past the first trimester now," so therefore Molly can stop being the spawn of Satan to Kristina? I wish K would tell Molly and Alexis to go pound sand.

I really don't like Diane. She is a shark, and I wish she would leave Robert alone.

I am wondering if Hair and Wardrobe have big problems with making Maxie look good? Her hair, and Sasha's too, looks perpetually unwashed, and that orange dress was not flattering to Sasha, who is gorgeous. OMG, where did they dig up Morgan Fairchild? She seemed to barely be able to walk, and her face and eyes don't move at all. She could barely move her lips to talk.

I agree that I think Andrea is lying about the miscarriage, though I don't know why. Why would she go to a different hospital? Why did she have no records of her visit to show TJ? Why would she not call them when she started having problems? I also thought it was so weird that Molly allowed that she should work less to "make time for the baby." A child is not something you "make time" to raise.

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11 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Shouldn't Cody have his eyes closed while the Deceptor is on? I don't think blinding your customers is going to help Deception, heh.

I thought the exact same thing. At a minimum he should have been wearing those special goggles used in tanning chambers.

11 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I can't stand Curtis. Or Portia. Thank you for our daughter. I doubt we will ever see Taggert on this show again. Talk about another undeserved outcome where they handed Curtis a daughter on a silver platter, while the man who raised her got completely iced out of her life. I actually FFed most of those scenes which felt great.

Re Curtis - the Actor has an annoying habit of delivering some of his lines with a certain amount of condescension, as when Drew talked about all the things he missed while in Prison, Curtis quickly and blithely replied, "yeah that must have been tough." It bugs.

6 hours ago, Artsda said:

Molly was hating Kristina and then suddenly they are bffs again off screen, the baby gone and Kristina will be stuck in this again.  

I hope this doesn't happen since Molly #47 is the best one since the original.

2 hours ago, susannah said:

Her hair, and Sasha's too, looks perpetually unwashed, and that orange dress was not flattering to Sasha, who is gorgeous.

It says a lot that I'm noticing women's fashion on this show. That dress made the actress look like she was pregnant.

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4 hours ago, susannah said:

I agree that I think Andrea is lying about the miscarriage, though I don't know why. Why would she go to a different hospital? Why did she have no records of her visit to show TJ

I wonder if she was a scam artist of sorts - like she just wanted a baby all along and her husband couldn’t conceive, so why not get paid to be a surrogate, ‘lose’ the baby, and disappear… sounds like a Lifetime movie I may have seen 😂 

2 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

t says a lot that I'm noticing women's fashion on this show. That dress made the actress look like she was pregnant

She did have a baby IRL but not sure exactly when as it doesn’t seem like the actress took an extended maternity leave

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3 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Re Curtis - the Actor has an annoying habit of delivering some of his lines with a certain amount of condescension, as when Drew talked about all the things he missed while in Prison, Curtis quickly and blithely replied, "yeah that must have been tough." It bugs.

I agree. But that sentence is so incomplete.

"Yeah, that must have been tough after you pled guilty to play hero to your girlfriend. You're dumber than a box of rocks."

Edited by YaddaYadda
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16 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Isn't Gordon Stevens the name of the patient who died under Finn's watch? I guess we're to presume Austin/Cyrus had something to do with his death instead? I don't care.

When I read that possibility, I briefly thought “damn, some clever writing.” Then I checked the DVR and Finn’s patient was a Dennis Muldoon. I assume poor Dennis will be a plot point for future Liz/Finn “drama” or a substance abuse relapse for Finn.

I certainly hope the writers don’t resurrect the Kristina/Molly feud. We have enough sniping and snotting on the show already and the two actresses have good chemistry.

Wednesday was pretty much filler. I actually dozed off during the meditation lesson. 

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5 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

That dress made the actress look like she was pregnant.

which led me to wonder if that scene was filmed while she was still pregnant? I can't think of any other reason to put her in something like that.

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I was thinking Molly would now want Christina to be the surrogate, but Christina, who is further into her community center and pondering a possible relationship with Blaze, would no longer feel it was right for her. Then Molly will resent her for that. I hope Christina doesn't agree to it, cuz I simply cannot bear another fraught pregnancy. 

Why do I fear Liz and Finn fighting this lawsuit will be as exciting as watching them take on maple trees. 

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7 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

That dress made the actress look like she was pregnant.

I thought the same. Also I wondered about just inserting Cody into the infomercial, without his prior knowledge...who does that? He would have to be offered the position, agree to a contract, etc.

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1 hour ago, susannah said:

I thought the same. Also I wondered about just inserting Cody into the infomercial, without his prior knowledge...who does that? He would have to be offered the position, agree to a contract, etc.

sign a waiver or some other such document to appear on the show.

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They could cut every Sam/Dante convo and we wouldn’t miss anything because all they do is recap other people’s storylines that are usually also talked about ad nauseam by the characters involved. Today’s case in point was talking about Anna/Charlotte while Anna is onscreen with Sonny talking about the same thing.

Is it an episode guarantee thing with them because other characters might spend part of the episode talking about the big storylines but they’ll also get into what’s going on with them.

Also, I know I’m nitpicking but Sam’s insistence that she can see through every con artist because she used to con people herself is tired, especially since the people she thinks she has some special insight into usually are fooling no one. 

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21 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Also, I know I’m nitpicking but Sam’s insistence that she can see through every con artist because she used to con people herself is tired, especially since the people she thinks she has some special insight into usually are fooling no one. 

Sam is never the one who cracks a case wide open, so any boasting she does about her skills is never persuasive.

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I thought NuMolly did well with the emotional scenes finding out about the miscarriage. 

I’m glad Ava figured out the connection between Austin and Cyrus and got to tell Austin off.

Adam’s story isn’t a bad one but it’s one you have to do with an established character whose parents are also characters we know in order for it to resonate with the audience. Giving it to Joss’ rando classmate so she can play hero while her and mini Jason pat themselves on the back about how well adjusted they are in comparison makes it ffw material. 

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Molly's initial hysterics doesn't touch my cold dead heart. One third of fetuses spontaneously abort which is why we didn't tell anyone about my pregnancy till five months. At the end of the episode, when she acknowledged that she went over the top, I liked her.

Maura and RoHo looked like they were having fun in their scenes.

"There are 100 kids in our organic chem class and 90% of them fail the first time around."  What kind of rinky dink university is PCU?

The words Joss is saying are right but there is an element of condescension in her voice that negates it all. Enough of the mutual Joss/Dex propping.

Adam's desk is so small, no wonder he can't get perfect marks on his exams.

Adam: "No dad, I promise that I'm not doing that any more."  Cue the Adderal abuse storyline.

Mo son is doing a good job, I think that he's a better actor than Joss and Dex.

Sasha/Cody is giving Liz/Finn a run for their money in the adolescent relationship stakes.

56 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Also, I know I’m nitpicking but Sam’s insistence that she can see through every con artist because she used to con people herself is tired, especially since the people she thinks she has some special insight into usually are fooling no one. 

And she doesn't get Charlotte wasn't conning them, she was conning Anna and her father.

Sam's explanation is pretty clueless because she is not factoring in Great Uncle Victor at all. As a Cassadine, she should know better.

Anna's documents on the old WSB agent being missing doesn't make sense. Either it's him, or it's Charlotte. Don't make it unnecessarily messy.

15 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

I was actually thinking Andrea was faking the miscarriage.  It just seemed so sudden, I thought maybe she decided she wanted to keep the baby for herself?

With TJ as the father, the baby will be biracial. Unless Andrea's husband is black  or biracial, there will be questions.

Edited by statsgirl
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10 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

"There are 100 kids in our organic chem class and 90% of them fail the first time around."  What kind of rinky dink university is PCU?

I heard that line and laughed. Whoever wrote that isn’t well versed in pre-med students. I took Organic Chemistry in college and while it’s known as being a tough class, most students pass after the grade is curved or drop the class if they think it’s hopeless. I do remember it being the toughest of the pre-med courses to get an A in but most did end up with Bs and Cs. With how low the acceptance rate is in US med schools, failing any college class, especially a pre-med one, all but guarantees you won’t be accepted into any medical school in the country. 

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2 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

I thought NuMolly did well with the emotional scenes finding out about the miscarriage. 

I was pleasantly surprised they had TJ tell her right away and not drag things out. That said, I'm still unmoved by this story. Molly, especially, had way too many unrealistic expectations.

14 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Adam’s story isn’t a bad one but it’s one you have to do with an established character whose parents are also characters we know in order for it to resonate with the audience.

All I could think was that the next step is Adam kidnapping Joss and forcing her to study organic chem with him: "I'm not letting you go until we finish Chapter 9!"

Sam, is Charlotte a smart kid or is she just a kid who sees things in black and white? You can't have it both ways.

"Where is this documented evidence?" It's in a trunk in Anna's living room for all to see, so it's highly secure. 

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