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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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15 minutes ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Just struck me that Kelly Monaco somewhat came out of her coma during the Davis Coven scenes this week. One day while the siblings were squabbling, Sam walked over to Alexis and they kind of locked arms, like a real-life mother and daughter. A nice, subtle touch that I wouldn't have thought Kelly capable of. Maybe if the show-runners allowed her to be more than St. Jasus's gun moll we'd get that kind of nuance more often.

Yeah she tends to be more alive when she’s around her mom or sisters but I think that’s more their real life relationships seeping through. 

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Flalshbacks to OldHolly and the shenanigans with Luke and Robert would have been the logical thing to do but maybe that would have required the show to actually pay out money.

6 hours ago, Katy M said:

But, what there should be proof of is Carly locking Nelle out on the roof.  Or at the very least that Carly was the last person to leave the roof before Elizabeth showed up and found the door locked.  There's no hospital in this country without security cameras on their doors.  Not in this day and age.

There are actually a number of things going on here. First, the hospital is legally required to have and secure all necessary paperwork for a patient. The lost of the consent form alone would be a big thing in real life.

Second the fact that the door to the roof was unocked during the day and then locked without someone checking and recording that there was no one locked out on the roof. This too should have liability. Maybe the security guard could testify that he/she didn't lock it, bolstering Nelle's case.

Third, the last person to see Nelle on the roof was Carly and it is only her word that Nelle signed the papers. This is the weakest because it is only Nelle's word against Carly's.

But all three added together makes a hellofa lawsuit for Nelle if the custody case goes against her.

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25 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

here are actually a number of things going on here. First, the hospital is legally required to have and secure all necessary paperwork for a patient. The lost of the consent form alone would be a big thing in real life.

Well, sure, but that wouldn't directly affect the custody case.  That's a hospital problem.

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The hospital has a serious legal problem no matter how the custody case goes.

But Martin should be bringing all this up in the custody case since it is possible that Nelle is right and it was a plot by Michael's family to keep her from her rights as Wylie's mother. Any unbiased judge should be giving serious consideration as to whether it's true if he's thinking of giving Michael sole custody.

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17 hours ago, Sake614 said:

I do love Cyrus though. He can stay as long as he continues to make Carly and sonny’s lives miserable 😀

I would like him to DO something. Things need to get moving, which I know now is unlikely, alas.

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47 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The hospital has a serious legal problem no matter how the custody case goes.

But Martin should be bringing all this up in the custody case since it is possible that Nelle is right and it was a plot by Michael's family to keep her from her rights as Wylie's mother. Any unbiased judge should be giving serious consideration as to whether it's true if he's thinking of giving Michael sole custody.

YES! Which again brings me back to my point that I made after the episode where Nelle offered Michael that compromise that included not only visitation and some holidays, but dropping the lawsuit and letting Monica/Bobbie and GH off the hook. That was a HUGE compromise on her part. Many pooh-poohed me about that here and tore me to shreds at another message board I visit, but it really was a huge compromise on her part.

She has them SO dead to rights on this, it's not even funny. Not only do the events of that evening/morning with the shenanigans of locking Nelle on the roof, almost killing her, forging the signature, (shredding), losing the forged document, ignoring Nelle's wishes involving ELECTIVE surgery regarding her infant child look bad for GH, but also! The fact that Michael lied about seeing Nelle down there with them all, giving consent--which no one else will be able to testify to EXCEPT for those team Corinthii!, but it also involved Bobbie/Monica--two SENIOR hospital staff--and they are Michael's family. And they are the ones involved with the missing consent form so they *know* better.

But wait! It gets worse. A cop was on the scene and didn't take her claims seriously despite her severe medical condition, which Elizabeth can attest to. This cop just happened to be Michael's best friend at the time, and at that time was the boyfriend of Wylie's current stepmother. That cop also convinced Nelle to NOT press charges against Carly.

It just looks so bad on every single front, custody-wise. Bad, bad, bad, bad.

Edited by driver18
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Maybe the shenanigans will be what makes Anna finally realize that Fauxson has been lying  all along and the shock will let her return to her old self.


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4 hours ago, driver18 said:

It just looks so bad on every single front, custody-wise. Bad, bad, bad, bad.

On the other hand, this is General Hospital where Alexis had to dress up as a male butler to see her child because Ned had sole custody and Alexis wasn't even allowed visitation to her child.

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5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

It seems Holly is actually dead, but on Thursday Anna said there were shenanigans, so who knows? 

That's so bizarre, that they dropped in Holly here out of nowhere, either a red herring or for reals dead.

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12 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:
17 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

It seems Holly is actually dead, but on Thursday Anna said there were shenanigans, so who knows? 

That's so bizarre, that they dropped in Holly here out of nowhere, either a red herring or for reals dead.

I know. I'm sure it's the writers' idea of History!, but it's so dumb. TFGH.

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Why the hell would Sasha and Chase continue to go to Sonny's gym --like they would still be welcome there. 

Sonny: "Dad. Dad! DAD! C'mon! You gotta remember something! Just one thing! Can you do that for me?!" What a jerk! 

Sam can dish it out (to Alexis about Neil), but can't take it from Krissy about Jason. Hope they flashback to Krissy's tirade again and again! 


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15 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

Sam can dish it out (to Alexis about Neil), but can't take it from Krissy about Jason. Hope they flashback to Krissy's tirade again and again! 


That's a flashback I would gladly watch every day. Twice. Or maybe more.

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On 5/4/2020 at 4:03 PM, lala2 said:

I love Franco, but it's like Liz wants ppl to forget his past. As a Franco/Friz fan, I always agreed w/those who complained when Liz was always in Jason's face, singing Franco's praises and trying to get him to change his opinion. Jason feels how he feels. Get over it, Liz.  At the end of the day, you decided to marry a reformed serial killer, so you just have to accept that some ppl will never let him forget his past, esp. the art world.

I can't believe Sam is blaming Kristina for killing Shiloh. Last I checked, Kristina left the cult WAY BEFORE Sam murdered Shiloh, but I wasn't paying that much attention. Sam didn't kill Shiloh for Kristina. 

Elizabeth absolutely wants people to forget Franco's past. She does believe he has changed. For years she has been desperate to believe she  has/had good judgement, both as a responsible mother and as a woman who thinks people have really reformed deserve a second chance. Yet I think there's also the part of her that is bothered by the perception of her as "the nurse who married that serial killer - what a pathetic, naive woman she is."  I recall that back when she was involved with and in love with Jason, she would say stuff like "such an honest man" and that his job (killing people) didn't "touch his soul." She had a scene with Jason in the PCPD interrogation room after he killed Alcazar, where she basically said to his face she wanted to stay in denial about him killing people. It just comes down to that Elizabeth can't deal with acknowledging that men she has loved willingly hurt and/or kill people - e.g. Jason murdering Alcazar/whomever, post-tumor Franco putting Tom in a cage and shocking him with a collar to torture him.

Of course Sam blames Kristina, because she needs to see herself as a selfless, protective sister. She is delusional regarding her family - her sisters and mother, her ex and her kids.

On 5/4/2020 at 4:16 PM, statsgirl said:

The Davis coven was excellent soap and very realistic, flipping from from sisterly support to sister fights. It's also nice that Alexis' life parallels theirs, the 2 year separation like Sam and the sleeping with someone she shouldn't like Molly. Truth-telling #1.

 Franco is realistic about his past, that it's never going away and that he can monetize the stigma, while Liz wants to believe that it's all in the past and done with. The "You're not an artist" was a nice shot, something that could be said in a fight. I think that what bothered Liz so much, or at least what should, is that he right, she never became an artist as she dreamed of and I hope this leads to a storyline where she dives back into her painting. Truth-telling #2.



Elizabeth was an artist way before she ever met Franco, but when the Show put her with Franco he became the Star, the Artist in their relationship. I believe the set location that used to be her studio became Franco's Art Space (and where he locked up/hid Tom in the cage). She should remember that she loved to paint and could try to do so professionally. Also, if Elizabeth got some more education she would be well qualified to be an art therapist at GH. Franco as so-called art therapist is a joke. Someone with his criminal history and post-tumor behavior should never get that sort of position in a hospital. But of course this is a soap, where a criminal who helped hold a GH doctor prisoner and tortured her with electric shock, and who shot a nurse in that nurse's own home, got to be chief of staff.

I know it's not going to happen, but I really want Willow alone to get justice for what Nelle has done. Michael's own behavior has a lot to do with why he and Nelle are where they are now re: Wiley. But Willow was correct when she said to Nelle, 'you used my baby as a prop.' Nelle did in fact used a deceased newborn as a prop to hurt Michael. She willingly married Willow's rapist (not knowing he would end up dead), in an effort to get her hands on ELQ shares. She also forced her way into Willow and Chase's home and assaulted Willow, then got away with it. She has verbally tried to taunt her and insult her on various occasions, whether it's 'you're so selfish that you gave your baby up and that's why we're here in court" or 'your baby is dead, deal with it, Wiley is mine and I'll do as I please." I would like to see Nelle lose her battle for custody, and then spend time behind bars specifically for the assault on Willow. 

I then want to see Michael holding Wiley in the hospital, Lucas happens to walk by and Wiley yells out "Daddy" as he reaches his arms out, straining away from Michael. And I also want a horsie.  

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I had no issues with anything Kristina had to say to Sam except for when she said Sam is making sure Danny is eating his broccoli and getting Scout to sleep. As if.

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7 minutes ago, nilyank said:


I had no issues with anything Kristina had to say to Sam except for when she said Sam is making sure Danny is eating his broccoli and getting Scout to sleep. As if.

IMO that line should have been "...getting Scout to sleep through the night [since she lost her father]." Scout is no longer an infant or even a toddler, but waking up repeatedly through the night would make total sense for a little kid missing/feeling insecure without the father who was so devoted to her. I feel sorry for Scout having to accept Jason as her new/replacement father. 

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Lately, I have noticed a greater willingness on behalf of the writers to let characters call out some of the hypocrisy/ delusional behavior exhibited by Carly, Sonny, et al. Krissy’s rant to Sam is a prime example and perhaps the most satisfying to date. I’m wondering what brought all this on.

A few months in, and still the writers seem to have no idea what to do with Brook Lynn. Why was Amanda Sutton hired again?

Nelle remains a real bright spot in the show to me, and I like that they’re softening her a bit, allowing her to show a little vulnerability. I know it’s just in preparation for the Nina daughter reveal, but a 3-D character is much more interesting than a cartoon villain, which is pretty much what Nelle had become. (Although Chloe Lanier has always managed to sell the hell out of whatever she’s given.)

Holly is definitely alive. Otherwise, why so much focus on a character that has been off the canvas for so many years?

On 5/7/2020 at 2:59 PM, dubbel zout said:

Do we know if there will be a Nurses Ball episode?

It would be fun if they did a coronavirus version of the NB, with everyone performing from home (in character, of course). Lucy could introduce the acts and there could still be a comedic camera malfunction, like she goes to change gowns while not realizing her feed is on and ends up on TV in her underwear, oops! It could even have a real-life charity component, such as asking viewers to contribute to a fund for actual nurses and other healthcare workers.

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10 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Lately, I have noticed a greater willingness on behalf of the writers to let characters call out some of the hypocrisy/ delusional behavior exhibited by Carly, Sonny, et al. Krissy’s rant to Sam is a prime example and perhaps the most satisfying to date. I’m wondering what brought all this on.

A few months in, and still the writers seem to have no idea what to do with Brook Lynn. Why was Amanda Sutton hired again?

Nelle remains a real bright spot in the show to me, and I like that they’re softening her a bit, allowing her to show a little vulnerability. I know it’s just in preparation for the Nina daughter reveal, but a 3-D character is much more interesting than a cartoon villain, which is pretty much what Nelle had become. (Although Chloe Lanier has always managed to sell the hell out of whatever she’s given.)

Holly is definitely alive. Otherwise, why so much focus on a character that has been off the canvas for so many years?

It would be fun if they did a coronavirus version of the NB, with everyone performing from home (in character, of course). Lucy could introduce the acts and there could still be a comedic camera malfunction, like she goes to change gowns while not realizing her feed is on and ends up on TV in her underwear, oops! It could even have a real-life charity component, such as asking viewers to contribute to a fund for actual nurses and other healthcare workers.

Love your NB idea! Some of the actors are quite talented and I think it would be a better Ball all around. 

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10 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Holly is definitely alive. Otherwise, why so much focus on a character that has been off the canvas for so many years?

If his were classic, old school GH circa 1977-1995, Holly's "death" would be a Master-class fake-out by Robert to finally get the good on Henrik. But that version of Robert hasn't been around for quite some time now, other than occasional glimpses here and there.

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Laura Wright hosted an online chat this weekend and Tristan Rogers said Emma Samms was supposed to tape before they stopped.

Edited by ulkis
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I kept wondering why the show would have Brooklynn call Julian to get her out of lockup when she has her precious "Uncle Sonny" that she keeps blabblering about.  Call your favorite mysoginistic mobster if you want your stupid handsy ass out of jail.  But then, we couldn't have had Nelle overhear the BL/Julian conversation and get her blackmail information.  And how stupid was that.  BL has been claiming she knows Julian was behind the Brucas car accident for months but he's always been denying it but today, while Nelle's eavesdropping he doesnt.  Guh.  

Excellent scene between Finn and Chase.  That hug at the end where you could see Chase start to cry, yikes.  

The logic of the Millow marriage, as presented today, was less idiotic than I was expecting.  


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20 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

kept wondering why the show would have Brooklynn call Julian to get her out of lockup when she has her precious "Uncle Sonny" that she keeps blabblering about.  Call your favorite mysoginistic mobster if you want your stupid handsy ass out of jail. 

Because the last time she saw Sonny (to the best of my incomplete knowledge) was when he was visiting Mike and he was pretty upset.  Probably figured not the best time to bug him.

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Nelle vs Julian was a lot of fun. Bring on the good villains!

Michael, nice try at making the Quartermaines equivalent to the Corinthos mob. One is arrogant but legal, the other is a mob family. I really hope the judge sees through this bad manipulation.

Reginald call-back! But Brooklyn is still awful; it's very weak to keep threatening Julian with Sonny when he's helping you out without it.

The montage setting up Michael and Willow made me long for a Gravol. Even the Willow/Chase montages were awful. I hate this storyline.

13 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

It would be fun if they did a coronavirus version of the NB, with everyone performing from home (in character, of course). Lucy could introduce the acts and there could still be a comedic camera malfunction, like she goes to change gowns while not realizing her feed is on and ends up on TV in her underwear, oops! It could even have a real-life charity component, such as asking viewers to contribute to a fund for actual nurses and other healthcare workers.

I think that would be great fun. The actors might appreciate it too, they must be getting bored with no audience and nothing to interpret.


Because the last time she saw Sonny (to the best of my incomplete knowledge) was when he was visiting Mike and he was pretty upset.  Probably figured not the best time to bug him.

Call Auntie Carly then They've got the best lawyer evah on speed-dial.

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29 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

The logic of the Millow marriage, as presented today, was less idiotic than I was expecting.  

Points awarded for a rational discussion being held before entering into a marriage of convenience.

Points lost for the flashbacks that 1)ended up emphasizing Willow's unhealthy attachment to a child that is not hers, and 2) made it clear that Michael has already expected Willow  to do him a number of favors, perhaps without much appreciation on his part. 

And did that description of his two families end up sounding like more of a threat than the writers intended? 

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Why has Lucas completely disappeared from this Wiley story? How much more logical and soapier it would have been for Lucas to be the one fighting Michael for custody, and Nelle on Lucas' side?

Edited by LexieLily
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It felt like they ran out of flashbacks to show with Willow. I'm certain they showed the same flashback of her in her car twice.

I can't stand BL. And the actress has this tic that she does with her jaw that makes her look really weird. Julian should have just hung up on her friendless, idiot ass.

And now Nelle knows what Julian did. So great.

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"After all the trauma that poor little boy has gone through." LOL. Every time we see Wiley he's absolutely fine.

I think Brook Lynn probably could have Chase cited for harassment if she wanted to pursue it, but she won't.

Ned telling BL "I told you so" is kind of dumb, but it's not unwarranted. BL treats people terribly until she need something from them; of course they aren't going to jump to help her. It'd be nice if she had some self-awareness. Make her an exception instead of a rule here! 

I get that Julian has formed an attachment to Wiley, but what makes him think Nelle will let him (Julian) see him? It's also a bit optimistic to think Michael will let Julian have anything to do with Wiley.

8 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

The logic of the Millow marriage, as presented today, was less idiotic than I was expecting.  

Same, but it's still completely ridiculous. And seriously, they think the court won't see right through it? /rhetorical; the court won't care, it's Michael 

2 minutes ago, rur said:

And did that description of his two families end up sounding like more of a threat than the writers intended? 

It always sounds like a threat to me, regardless of what the writers intend, heh. It's the Qs and Corinthii. Neither family is known for not interfering. 

5 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

And now Nelle knows what Julian did. So great.

Where exactly was she when she was eavesdropping? Does she have bat hearing and hears through walls?

51 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Excellent scene between Finn and Chase.  That hug at the end where you could see Chase start to cry, yikes.  

The writers got off to a very rocky start with these two, but they've settled down and are writing them well these days.

I'd feel more sorry for Chase if he weren't being such a knucklehead. All he has to do is talk to Willow. GOD. I hate that trope.

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Brook Lynn got money for selling her ELQ shares. She use some of it to get a lawyer on retainer so she can them the next time that Chase has arrested her. I think this is the 4th time.

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16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

BL treats people terribly until she need something from them; of course they aren't going to jump to help her. It'd be nice if she had some self-awareness.

Are we sure she's not related in some way to Sam? 



I'd feel more sorry for Chase if he weren't being such a knucklehead. All he has to do is talk to Willow. GOD.

That neither Michael nor Willow, separately or together, have been able to figure out the Scooby gang's adolescent plan speaks poorly for the whole dang bunch of them. Chase's blather today about what was good for Wiley and Willow truly sounded like the logic of a 15-year-old.

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26 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Where exactly was she when she was eavesdropping? Does she have bat hearing and hears through walls?


I think she was standing in that tiny hallway that leads to where Julian sleeps. She probably went to the restroom and came out at the most convenient moment.

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2 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Why has Lucas completely disappeared from this Wiley story? How much more logical and soapier it would have been for Lucas to be the one fighting Michael for custody, and Nelle on Lucas' side?

Because he and Brad were never the focus of the story. As a Brad/Brucas fan, that was my major issue w/the baby switch. It was clear Brad was being thrown under the bus b/c the story needed a villain and CL was leaving the show. We never saw Brucas discussing adoption or deciding btw using a surrogate and adopting. We barely saw them after the regime changed. We saw no developing friendship btw Nelle and Brad. They (and mostly Brad) were used as plot points and props for Michael. 

To this day, I still say nothing really came of Brad knowing about the switch. He lost Lucas - a character that is NEVER shown - and that's about it. Brad was never friendly w/Michael or any of the Corinthos clan, so them hating him meant nothing, and Brucas was so rarely shown, the breakdown of their relationship fell flat too! Heck, I'm a fan, and I didn't even care! Brad's involvement in the switch had no huge impact on the story. If the show were actually interested in Brucas, then it could have been more explosive for Lucas and even Bobbie, but the story was never really about them. 

And since that's the case, I will never understand why Brad couldn't have been a victim too. Nothing about the ultimate story would have changed. Heck, I think it might have been more interesting seeing Brucas fight Michael for the kid they had been raising as their own. Maybe pit Bobbie and Carly against each other as Bobbie siding w/Brucas to keep Wiley and Carly fighting for Michael. I don't know. Anything would be more interesting than a lame custody battle that will ultimately end w/Michael winning b/c he's Michael and this is a GH where Corinthos men don't lose custody cases.  I don't even know why they are wasting our time w/this. Just give Michael the baby and move on. We all know that's what's eventually gonna happen anyway. 

Edited by lala2
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10 minutes ago, lala2 said:

I think it might have been more interesting seeing Brucas fight Michael for the kid they had been raising as their own.

We know MIchael would have won, but I'd have at least liked Lucas to say he won't turn over Wiley until the custody fight is resolved, so Wiley isn't uprooted more than he has to be. That would have been a lot more reasonable (and interesting) than him sadly handing over Wiley to Michael et al with no resistance whatsoever. That was one of the worst parts of this whole story for me.

And of course Lucas and Brad are never seen or heard from again. 

As always, the show completely avoids or badly shortchanges the most dramatic and soapy parts of the story. Why even bother, then? This isn't even Emmy bait for anyone, it's so anemically written.

Edited by dubbel zout
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2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

We know MIchael would have won, but I'd have at least liked Lucas to say he won't turn over Wiley until the custody fight is resolved, so Wiley isn't uprooted more than he has to be. That would have been a lot more reasonable (and interesting) than him sadly handing over Wiley to Michael et al with no resistance whatsoever. That was one of the worst parts of this whole story for me.

I would have liked that too, and Lucas might have had some sort of legal claim, but Carly and the rest of the Corinthos Crew would have lined up to scream at him just like they did to Nelle.

The most irritating part of the baby swap fallout to me was that Michael at least vocalized wanting to do the right thing by keeping Wiley with Lucas and working out joint custody (Michael/Lucas) but got steamrolled by Carly and Sasha. I don't even know why Sasha or Willow get votes on a kid that isn't theirs.

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1 minute ago, dubbel zout said:

We know MIchael would have won, but I'd have at least liked Lucas to say he won't turn over Wiley until the custody fight is resolved, so Wiley isn't uprooted more than he has to be. That would have been a lot more reasonable (and interesting) than him sadly handing over Wiley to Michael et al with no resistance whatsoever. That was one of the worst parts of this whole story for me.

Oh, I agree. But, sadly, Lucas was never an important player in this story. Neither was Brad really. Brad was rarely shown throughout this arc, and Lucas was shown even less. Ryan Carnes is less than a day player at this point.  IMO, that's why Lucas hasn't been featured. He's not important.

I mean . . . it makes no sense that Wiley is missing Willow but not Brad AND Lucas. They were his parents. You'd think he'd be missing them more than Willow. You'd think Lucas might have fought harder for Brad (I know some hate that idea but why not - other characters don't just ditch their spouses and SOs when they've done something bad) and for Wiley. I certainly think that would have made the overall story more interesting, but Lucas, Brad, and Brucas were never important, so that's why they were all removed from the storyline. It's crappy writing if you ask me! 

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Since this show has become flashbackcity, there’s no need for us to watch anymore. I understand that they’re trying to extend the life of GH but it’s become too much.

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1 minute ago, lala2 said:

I mean . . . it makes no sense that Wiley is missing Willow but not Brad AND Lucas. They were his parents. You'd think he'd be missing them more than Willow.

It's really stupid.

Good soap would be for Lucas to fight for Wiley, putting Bobbie into the dilemma of whether she should support her son or her daughter and grandson because she herself kept a child from his birth parent.  Willow could also be torn between the person Wylie loves and the one who is biologically attached to him. Nelle could also get in, a three-way fight or maybe she could support Lucas who would allow her access to Wylie as opposed to Carly and Michael who wouldn't let her anywhere near him.

But because on this show the Corinthos clan always has to win, we get this pallid story where most of the time is spent on Chase moping about Willow.

1 hour ago, rur said:

That neither Michael nor Willow, separately or together, have been able to figure out the Scooby gang's adolescent plan speaks poorly for the whole dang bunch of them. Chase's blather today about what was good for Wiley and Willow truly sounded like the logic of a 15-year-old.

When Willow figures this out, she should be furious at Chase and Sasha for manipulating her like that.  But she won't be, she'll be happy that they helped save Wylie from Evil Witch Nelle.

The fact that they are dragging this out because shooting has stopped just makes it so much worse.

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10 minutes ago, lala2 said:

Oh, I agree. But, sadly, Lucas was never an important player in this story. Neither was Brad really. Brad was rarely shown throughout this arc, and Lucas was shown even less. Ryan Carnes is less than a day player at this point.  IMO, that's why Lucas hasn't been featured. He's not important.

I mean . . . it makes no sense that Wiley is missing Willow but not Brad AND Lucas. They were his parents. You'd think he'd be missing them more than Willow. You'd think Lucas might have fought harder for Brad (I know some hate that idea but why not - other characters don't just ditch their spouses and SOs when they've done something bad) and for Wiley. I certainly think that would have made the overall story more interesting, but Lucas, Brad, and Brucas were never important, so that's why they were all removed from the storyline. It's crappy writing if you ask me! 

That is the other, more important part of this story that is so aggravating. Wiley is a toddler, old enough to have formed strong parental attachments to the two people that raised him for his entire short life. It makes absolutely no sense that a toddler is completely fine with being removed from his home, his room, his bed, everything that was familiar to him. Michael was at best an occasional babysitter to him, yet we never got scenes of Michael struggling to bond with his nephew-turned-son or of Wiley throwing tantrums or crying for Daddy and Michael having to call Lucas. I know all of this wasn't the point of the baby swap storyline, but it was a glaring point that needed to be addressed.

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2 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

That is the other, more important part of this story that is so aggravating. Wiley is a toddler, old enough to have formed strong parental attachments to the two people that raised him for his entire short life. It makes absolutely no sense that a toddler is completely fine with being removed from his home, his room, his bed, everything that was familiar to him. Michael was at best an occasional babysitter to him, yet we never got scenes of Michael struggling to bond with his nephew-turned-son or of Wiley throwing tantrums or crying for Daddy and Michael having to call Lucas. I know all of this wasn't the point of the baby swap storyline, but it was a glaring point that needed to be addressed.

Again, you're thinking of interesting stories, and GH just wants to do played out custody battles. They stop one, and then just start another! It's insane. Just stop w/the baby custody fights already. 

Yes, Wiley should be struggling to adapt. Michael should be complaining that every night he's calling out for his fathers. That would be interesting. I also think Michael struggling to adjust to parenthood would have been good.  They had him so involved w/Wiley that I'm not shocked he's not struggling in that way, but if the show were better written, that could have been a story too.  Unlike many, if I wrote the show, Michael wouldn't have been that sad about Nelle miscarrying. As a family lawyer, I think Michael not being sad about Nelle miscarrying is more realistic than him needing to be in grief classes over it. I'm just saying. 

Anyway, if I were ,Michael would have been leading an exciting, playboy life so when a child was just dropped on him, it would have called for an adjustment. Even if they did go the grief route, I wouldn't have had him as overly involved w/Wiley as he was. He would have just seen Wiley occasionally, so, again, when he was given the child, it would have called for him to struggle a bit. To me, that is more interesting. Wiley wouldn't want to be w/him, and he'd seriously consider letting Brucas keep Wiley. And, yes, in my world, Brad wouldn't have been involved in the baby switch. LOL! 

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1 hour ago, lala2 said:

Michael wouldn't have been that sad about Nelle miscarrying.

Nelle didn't miscarry, the baby was supposedly stillborn, I think, or died very shortly after being born.

And Michael was mourning for himself, not Nelle. They were on the outs at that point, weren't they?

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Loved Nelle/Chase today. I've said it before, I've always thought that Chase's hatred for "Janelle" ran pretty darn deep; it's just sooo passionate! And they always say there's a real thin line between love and hate. They're obviously going forth with Willow and Michael. While I do think they are doing chem-testing with Brooklyn and Chase, they also seem to be dangling her in Julian's direction... and more so there. I just honestly don't see anything with Chase and Sasha. And it does seem like the speculation about Nelle and Julian was all wrong.

If Chloe Lanier is sticking around longer--which I really hope happen, redeeming her to more of a vixen role seems to make the most sense. Nelle as Nina's daughter, possibly as Willow's sister definitely brings her more ties to the community. And they can easily retcon her killing her fiance, Zachary. Yes, she admitted to it but that was when she was desperate to get Michael to stop the car. At that point, she would have admitted to anything to get him to stop the car. And we know so little about what happened there that the story can be played around with.

I think that as long as these three things happen:

  1. She shows herself a good mother to Wiley.
  2. We find out that she didn't murder Zachary.
  3. She drops the lawsuit against GH, Bobbie/Monica.

Then that's enough to redeem her enough while still allowing her to be a vixen. Then a bad girl/good guy relationship between her and Chase is possible and would be very interesting. Plus, they two are so, so, soooo pretty together!

Edited by driver18
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31 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Nelle didn't miscarry, the baby was supposedly stillborn, I think, or died very shortly after being born.

And Michael was mourning for himself, not Nelle. They were on the outs at that point, weren't they?

Oh, yes, that's right. It was a stillborn. I forgot.

I'm sure Michael and Nelle were on the outs but I wasn't watching at the time so I don't know for sure!! LOL 🙂

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2 hours ago, driver18 said:

While I do think they are doing chem-testing with Brooklyn and Chase, they also seem to be dangling her in Julian's direction... and more so there. I just honestly don't see anything with Chase and Sasha. And it does seem like the speculation about Nelle and Julian was all wrong.

I don’t get the impression that they are doing anything with Brook Lynn and Julian anymore. Their scenes today were a plot point for Nelle to overhear them and have leverage over Julian after he turned her down. They are pushing BL towards Dustin and Chase right now. 

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4 hours ago, lala2 said:

Wiley should be struggling to adapt. Michael should be complaining that every night he's calling out for his fathers. That would be interesting. I also think Michael struggling to adjust to parenthood would have been good.  They had him so involved w/Wiley that I'm not shocked he's not struggling in that way,

Michael struggling because of something he did?  Never!

Michael is the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company but he says that he's taking months off for Wylie it's all okay., no problems with Wylie missing his fathers.

Between Michael and Willow, there is so much white bread in ths story that any taste is gone. They must have had to work really hard to make it this bland.

I agree @ffwbe that Brook Lynn is being pushed toward Dustin and Chase. Too bad she has more spark with Julian than with either of them.

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2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Between Michael and Willow, there is so much white bread in ths story that any taste is gone. They must have had to work really hard to make it this bland.

I wanted to both laugh and love your post for this comment!! 

You are absolutely correct. This story is bland and just plain boring. The parts that could be interesting were glossed over and ignored. It's ridiculous. GH is allergic to decent, compelling drama. 

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5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Nelle didn't miscarry, the baby was supposedly stillborn, I think, or died very shortly after being born.


Nelle placed the dead baby in Michael's arms and told him that the child was stillborn and it was all his fault that the baby was dead.


5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

And Michael was mourning for himself, not Nelle. They were on the outs at that point, weren't they?

Well, Nelle had just left him injured in a car that was about to blow up after Michael revealed that he faked their wedding and was in cahoots with Chase to get Nelle to confess to the murder of Zach, his attempted murder and gaslighting Carly.

So yep, definitely on the outs.

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It is the eve of the court hearing and Mikey and Willow are what, going to run out and get married overnight. Cuz that will look so convincing and genuine to the court. White bread is right. Those two are so vanilla it will be excruciating if they win custody and we are forced to watch their Leave It To Beaver life. 

FYI, I was watching a Two and Half Men rerun the other day (don't judge, the first couple seasons are actually funny) but anyway Charlie was dating an older woman and her 32 year old son was Shiloh! 

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