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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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2 hours ago, floridamom said:

I didn't like seeing that Evan called Layla once again to compete with him in that stupid sock game. I feel badly for that little girl. Does anyone know if she has been toilet trained yet?

C&E haven’t mentioned potty training in a while so who knows. It does look like Layla has a diaper or pull up on in some of their posts. It seems like they are just ignoring it and are relying on Layla to just train herself??? Carlin already did the SM posts asking for “advice” but I guess no one volunteered to take care of it.

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Wow this family is a hot mess. 

Carlin feels sooooo bad with a sinus infection/cold/allergies that she can't speak and is walking around miserable in her PJs and doesn't want her viewing audience to see her, but oh yeah earlier she went out to go get a facial and Evan sat in the car with the kids. WTF yep go breathe in the face of the service worker who has to service your stupid face when you don't know what you have. Bc covid is over - am I right 🙄.  It's just rude and not very Jesus like to go in when sick - you don't NEED a facial anymore than I need a private jet.

And uh btw Evan and Carlin if she's sick and needs tea, it doesn't NEED to be medicine ball tea from Sbux. You know the grocery store you went to to get her cold meds, they have tea - an aisle of it usually, maybe grownups should keep some in the home?

Notice how Evan slipped in that the 5 day EEG is still happening and the place called to get more info bc they'd do a CT scan before the 5 day. But alas, no date yet so maybe Evan will call them back.

And Layla continues to be a hot mess, thru no fault of her own. I get that she calls herself sissy but when Evan asks her her real name - she doesn't come up with it - even when prompted with L, Lay . . . . Call me crazy but I am positive most 3.5 year olds can say clear as day - my name is Buddy, but my real name is William Michael Jones, but I like Buddy . . . . But hey while she can't do that she can spit out "living my best life" and "we're out Stew Crew" for the cameras.

And Carlin I know you were too holier than thou to look around in Vegas but  but being on your knees twirling Evan's sock above your head . . . um honey strippers do that when they're doing a strip tease removing clothing, so maybe that isn't the look you're going for.

Alyssa looked ROUGH. That chick isn't handling 5 kids well though maybe it's just that they all apply makeup with paint rollers so if we see them without makeup they look awful.

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Evan and Carlin, I called at the end of May to schedule my mammogram.  I can't get in until November.  Guess what?? I scheduled it for November and they told me if there are any cancellations they will get me in sooner.  I didn't complain and not schedule it because they couldn't get me in immediately.  

Evan and Carlin seem like the type to me that would have dated in high school and then after graduation one would go to college in one state and the other in another state and they would have realized that they didn't really want to get married. They just wanted to have fun enjoying life. Instead, they got married because they were desperate to spend time alone (sex) and had a honeymoon baby.  Now going to Starbucks and Target is living a wonderful life to them. Oh, yeah, and buying/leasing a Tesla.  I could feel sorry for them if they hadn't had two children (and probably trying for a third).  I'll save my sympathy for the kids.  

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Their finances still don't make any sense to me. Buying or leasing that Tesla, Carlin wants "her pool", inground, I'm sure...how much does that cost? That dress shop just can't net that much profit especially since Carlin has a partner, Whitney and they are splitting the profits.....so less for each of them to take home. I'd like to know what their secret is in paying for all of this stuff. I also was amazed at the lack of basic groceries in that kitchen. They were going to cook breakfast? No eggs in the house? Evan knows nothing about cooking a simple meal...that ginormous skillet for 2 little sausage patties? Why did they waste the money for a set of pots and pans in the first place and purchase a "dinning" table that they never sit down together as a family and eat on? Their house seems to empty and cold...everything is white; no curtains to cozy it up, nothing. Do fundies have an aversion to covering their windows at night? None of them seem to do so. If anyone knows, it would be much appreciated. I'll never understand these people. This had to be one of the worse videos they have put out there.

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Kelly is also a partner in the Boutique. I imagine she gets less of a cut since she's not as heavily involved, but still, it's a slice of the pie. 

With regards to a pool, how much do you want to bet Zach and Whit mentioned the idea first and now Carlin has to have one? With all the acreage Z&W have, I can see them toying with the idea of adding a pool, even if it's just an aboveground, and of course C&E can't be left out. 

4 hours ago, Totally said:

I saw one of Carlin’s stories with Layla asleep on their couch and that couch was filthy, it looked like the leather was stained 

That couch was disgusting. Between the crumbs and stains, I wonder if that thing has ever been vacuumed or wiped down.

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Yes that couch was icky. It seems to be a soft leather that scuffs easily. The dog gets up on it all the time. I wondered how it would age when they bought it but I assumed they would care for it given that it looks pretty pricey.  Silly me.

Josie and Alyssa have similar couches. I’m guessing Alyssa’s is the most pristine .

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BTW did anyone notice that when they pulled out eggs to make for YT, they pulled out a SIX PACK?? Last time I - a single person - bought a 6 pack was when I lived in an NYC studio and worked 18 hrs/day so I ate nothing at home. But for a family of 4? Tell us you don't cook for kids without telling us without you don't cook for your kids . . . . So much for all our suggestions of - can't you make Layla eggs and toast if nothing else? Apparently - no.

Cue IGs this week - a HUGE grocery haul + Layla with eggs/toast at home.

When they bought that couch it was sooo expensive, it was their Christmas gift to each other blah blah. Fast forward 2-3 yrs - trashed. But they are lazy and fancy themselves sooooo rich that taking care of their things is a non issue; they'll just get a new one. 

Doesn't help that they live their lives on that damn couch. We've def seen Carlin say - time for dinner - and settle into the couch with her soda and chips. Layla snacks there all damn day and naps there. When Zade was a newborn Carlin was changing his diaper on the sofa - like his dirty butt directly on the sofa with nothing underneath. Of course he goes to the bathroom right on it as Carlin is like NBD I "cleaned" it up. Uh we knew you were gross but really who puts a child's dirty butt on the sofa at all, let alone with nothing underneath? 

But I mean G&K's home is a pig sty - this is the type of living they're used to. Recently they were all hanging out at G&K's house for some occasion, Josie let Hazel run around - the child's feet were BLACK at the end of the evening . . . so yeah these girls aren't fussy re letting their kids eat food off of doormats, changing diapers on the sofa, or stacking clean laundry on the floors where they walk with shoes on. 

While I'm not a fan of Alyssa, she def keeps a clean home and seems to really value her stuff - probably being deprived of new things for years. We've never seen her kids hanging on sofas with snacks. We've only seen them eating in the dining room, at the stools on the kitchen counter, or outside at a patio table.

C&E do own a "dinning table" - they paid $$$ for it as I recall. Carlin occasionally shows it - every inch covered with Evan's laptops, cords and cameras as she proudly shows how hard HER man works - exploiting his fam by videoing every time they take a pee. 

The pool thing prob is a combo of - Z&W (and prob Trav & Katie) likely having pool plans + our pastor besties have a pool so why shouldn't we + Evan's dream was a Tesla and he got his so why shouldn't I get mine? But a mom with unspecified episodes, kids who have not have and will not have any formal swimming lessons, and parents who are so irresponsible that kids wander around aimless all day and making eggs for these kids is a BIG deal - yep these are people who should have a pool. And no way Carlin is going with a chintzy above ground. It's going to be in ground with the nice paving/patio around it + maybe even an outdoor kitchen. Not that they need an outdoor kitchen as lazy Evan in this last YT was all hahahhah I sold my grill bc I never used it once. But chances are Z&W will prob get an outdoor kitchen at some point - and use it since Z cooks - so C&E gotta have it . . . .

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Kelly is also a partner in the Boutique. I imagine she gets less of a cut since she's not as heavily involved, but still, it's a slice of the pie. 

With regards to a pool, how much do you want to bet Zach and Whit mentioned the idea first and now Carlin has to have one? With all the acreage Z&W have, I can see them toying with the idea of adding a pool, even if it's just an aboveground, and of course C&E can't be left out. 

That couch was disgusting. Between the crumbs and stains, I wonder if that thing has ever been vacuumed or wiped down.

Kelly has said that she is NOT a partner in the boutique. She just likes to "help" on occasion (I guess between her jet setting all up and down the eastern seaboard). So, more profit for Whit and Carlin. 

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I had forgotten about Carlin changing Zade’s diaper on the couch. 🤢

Never did that with my kids.

Now that I’m taking care of my grandson  I still don’t do it. Despite having some impressively stain proof upholstery on my couch I still put a towel under him when he sits with us because he still has the occasional spit up episode.

You would think that after growing up with nothing and wanting all the “best things” now Carlin would be more careful with her purchases. But no worries, if the couch gets too gross they will just get another one.

I have not seen the money tree in their yard. I do wonder where they keep it?

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1 hour ago, cereality said:Not that they need an outdoor kitchen as lazy Evan in this last YT was all hahahhah I sold my grill bc I never used it once. But chances are Z&W will prob get an outdoor kitchen at some point - and use it since Z cooks - so C&E gotta have it . . . .

I hope they go with more concrete than wood on the patio/deck they will surely get so that when Evan sets his newly re-purchased grill on fire there’s less damage 

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They’ve visited A&J once - helped paint a few rooms. So yeah they’ve seen A&Js house for long enough to be jealous but haven’t gone back. Didn’t watch all of season 11 but their jealousy of siblings comes thru loud and clear — screaming about Lawson’s ring, saying clear as day in front of Trav’s parents - you’re not even married and you have a house?!

So yeah they’re 100% jealous of A&Js pool, K&Ts high end home furnishing/fixtures and just how they can spend, Z&Ws acreage which will eventually lead to a pool, outdoor kitchen etc. I mean they ran and bought a McMansion bc A&J did and a 100k car bc of Z&W - onto the next.

EDITED - can you imagine being 25-28 yrs old with 2 kids in the house and having to borrow eggs from the neighbors - absent any special circumstances like extreme poverty or you know there's 7 ft of snow on the ground so there's no way to get to the store but we've used up our provisions!? In the last wk or 2 they've made it to some camp ground for Josie's kid's bday, multiple lake days w Mama B, hanging out at BSB, facial, Sbux run for the medicine ball tea and prob a 1000 times other than that - yet the store to get groceries or an online delivery order - nope ain't no one got time for that.

Edited by cereality
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29 minutes ago, floridamom said:

Evan said in that awful video that they had to borrow those eggs from their neighbor. I caught that right away, oh my. I thought of Alyssa's pool in Florida as being the reason Carlin wanted one too. BTW, have these two world travelers ever visited Alyssa and John in Florida? I don't recall C & E visiting.

Speaking of, I really expected to see tons of videos of Erin, Alyssa, and their kids hanging out together now that they live so close to each other.   However, I've only noticed a few vids of Alyssa taking her kids to Erin's house, a couple mentions of visits that weren't filmed, apparently, and I don't remember ever seeing Erin and her kids at Alyssa's house.   Nor do I remember Carlin  visitng Erin in Florida.  I guess when you have that many kids in a family, some are going to be closer than others, but the seeming lack of interaction between Alyssa / Erin / Carlin stands out like a sore thumb, imo.

Edited by SabineElisabeth
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Erin and her kids went to Allie's and Zoey's birthday party, but since then I don't recall them being at Alyssa's. 

I imagine the one visit Carlin and Evan made when Layla was a baby was the last time they were invited down.  Sure, C&E helped with the painting, but that probably didn't offset the chaos they brought to Alyssa's tidy routine. 

I think the 10k couch Zach and Whit have is the LoveSac, which are those sectionals with all the rearrangeable pieces. Carlin's couch is different. 

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1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

Erin and her kids went to Allie's and Zoey's birthday party, but since then I don't recall them being at Alyssa's. 

I imagine the one visit Carlin and Evan made when Layla was a baby was the last time they were invited down.  Sure, C&E helped with the painting, but that probably didn't offset the chaos they brought to Alyssa's tidy routine. 

I think the 10k couch Zach and Whit have is the LoveSac, which are those sectionals with all the rearrangeable pieces. Carlin's couch is different. 

I thought Carlin did an #ad for the couch. I know Whitney did. 

19 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I thought Carlin did an #ad for the couch. I know Whitney did. 

She might have, I just wonder if we're talking about two different brands of couches. How much of a discount would they get in exchange for the advertising? Both Carlin and Whit have sizeable followings, but the fans at the cash and carry's don't strike me as the type who can drop five figures on a sofa. 

Edited by BitterApple
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The dirty couch was the downstairs leather one. The 10k Love Sac is upstairs. It has washable covers but I doubt they have (or will) ever bothered to wash them. Have not seen a close up photo of that couch lately but my guess is it is also kind of nasty. 
Of course it is newer and given the actual amount of time they have spent in that house since they moved in it may have escaped the fate of the downstairs couch.


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On 6/25/2023 at 9:32 PM, cereality said:

Wow this family is a hot mess. 

Carlin feels sooooo bad with a sinus infection/cold/allergies that she can't speak and is walking around miserable in her PJs and doesn't want her viewing audience to see her, but oh yeah earlier she went out to go get a facial and Evan sat in the car with the kids. WTF yep go breathe in the face of the service worker who has to service your stupid face when you don't know what you have. Bc covid is over - am I right 🙄.  It's just rude and not very Jesus like to go in when sick - you don't NEED a facial anymore than I need a private jet.

I googled "facials in Knoxville." This is the first website that came up. The cheapest facial is $90 for 60 minutes. For someone who does not have a job, whose husband does not have a job, but just bought a $100,000 car. https://www.downtownsmooth.com/facials 

I have had one facial in my life, and that was a gift from my mother for making the dean's list my very first semester of college. It was $50, plus the tip. Is it weird or bad that I'm actually jealous of these doofuses who don't have jobs but blow money like they're socialites? 

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7 hours ago, Heathen said:

I googled "facials in Knoxville." This is the first website that came up. The cheapest facial is $90 for 60 minutes. For someone who does not have a job, whose husband does not have a job, but just bought a $100,000 car. https://www.downtownsmooth.com/facials 

I have had one facial in my life, and that was a gift from my mother for making the dean's list my very first semester of college. It was $50, plus the tip. Is it weird or bad that I'm actually jealous of these doofuses who don't have jobs but blow money like they're socialites? 

I am guessing that there is big debt hidden from public view and that is nothing to be jealous of. We could all go down that path. But we are smarter 

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I looked up BSB on the Tennessee Department of Corporations website hoping to find some financials like perhaps inventory worth or yearly sales but no luck. They have 2 agents, which should be Carlin & Whitney. They modified from 3 (I think it's when Erin left.) Not much more info and no financial info listed. Does anyone know where else I might look on public records? Their finances just don't add up in my book. 

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25 minutes ago, floridamom said:

I looked up BSB on the Tennessee Department of Corporations website hoping to find some financials like perhaps inventory worth or yearly sales but no luck. They have 2 agents, which should be Carlin & Whitney. They modified from 3 (I think it's when Erin left.) Not much more info and no financial info listed. Does anyone know where else I might look on public records? Their finances just don't add up in my book. 

It's not a public company, they don't have to report financials.  -Signed Securities/bankruptcy atty

Edited by cereality
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10 hours ago, Heathen said:

 Is it weird or bad that I'm actually jealous of these doofuses who don't have jobs but blow money like they're socialites? 

I think it's normal to feel a tug of resentment watching two people flit through life, blowing money without a care in the world, but it will crash eventually. I believe they're actually doing well right now, however social media is cyclical. People get bored once kids grow out of their cute stage. Eventually fans will stop using Carlin's discount code for overpriced skincare and find a new Mommy Vlogger to worship. Their YouTube numbers are already down and they're resorting to the type of content that was a trend five years ago. I have zero doubts Carlin will get pregnant soon, but even that will only give them a temporary boost. 

The worst thing for the Stew Crew is that their entire livelihood depends on this. Contrast that to the Balkas and the Websters, where both Kelton and John have stable (well-paying) jobs. Josie does influencing, but she still works weddings on the weekends and has stylists working under her. If she and Alyssa quit social media, maybe there wouldn't be as much money for luxuries and extras, but they wouldn't be in danger of not making the mortgage payments. 

The Boutique will always baffle me. I do think there's a market for the types of dresses they sell, but you can find the same stuff on Amazon cheaper and with free shipping. Maybe their niche is the ultra conservative set who wants to support a like-minded business. 

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Tori Roloff is doing the same thing with social media. She doesn't have the same presence as the Bates girls but she has a large following.  She is trying hard to be an influencer.  I don't understand quitting their jobs to be a social influencer and basing their financial future on this. But to each their own.  

Edited by 65mickey
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Here we go on the vague booking - "tough few days but oh it's so beautiful to have a simple evening with my kids blah blah." Ok Carlin we know you're waiting for 8000 leghumpers to ask what happened and say they're praying for you - you may as well tell what the tough days are about.

Is the boy sunburned or are his arms always so red? Red looking arms but the back of the neck, sides of the chest look white. I know some kids have red faces at this age, are red arms a thing? Or do the parents need to consider some sunscreen here!?

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1 hour ago, cereality said:

I know some kids have red faces at this age, are red arms a thing? Or do the parents need to consider some sunscreen here!?

Both Zade and Josie's girls always look burned. Their parents definitely need to be more diligent about applying sunscreen. 

Edited by BitterApple
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Can you really make a living as an "influencer" when you have less than 200k subscribers?  I just assumed whatever they make off social media is incidental, and that they must be actually living off the boutique.  In any case, either way, I certainly would never in a million years have imagined they're making the kind of money to drive a $100,000+ car.  (Nor do I have any idea how Katie and Travis afford their Tesla, either, for that matter).  

As far as being jealous, consider the long term, and I bet you'll be more horrified than envious.  You KNOW without a shadow of a doubt they aren't maxing out the amount they can contribute tax free to a retirement account each year (guessing they don't actually have retirement accounts). And I would also bet on the fact they aren't investing, saving . . .  you know, all that stuff that isn't as fun in the moment as trips to the spa and fancy cars but is awesome when you're old and don't have to try and survive on the pittance you get from social security,

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8 minutes ago, Heathen said:

I guess the third pregnancy isn't happening fast enough, so she might actually go through with the five-day EEG. Nice duck face, Carlin. 

You took the words out of my mouth! Wasn't that EEG supposed to be scheduled back during the time of Lawson's wedding? Why is Carlin trying to change the narrative, acting like she needs to do all this stuff before they make the appointment? Do they need to rerun tests because she blew it off for so long? 

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@BitterApple - that's my assumption too. They were told about the 5 day EEG around May/June last year and told to schedule it for 3 months later in Sept/Oct. Now all the testing that the hospital drs would look at to interpret the 5 day is a yr+ old and the person isn't having episodes/not having the same episode. What if this scan results in someone saying you know what - this test may have been needed a yr ago when things were a mess but it isn't needed now? Or what if insurance denies all this repeat testing which has already been done but now needs to be re-done because they sat on it? I guess they get down to business tonight then and make a baby and show us the stick by the weekend?

EDITED - the ridiculous cuddling of Hailey is setting up the OMG I have baby fever BS anyway, regardless of whether this test goes or not. I mean you freaking having a baby but sure go have another bc you take care of your existing two soooo well 🙄.

Edited by cereality
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16 minutes ago, cereality said:

@BitterApple - that's my assumption too. They were told about the 5 day EEG around May/June last year and told to schedule it for 3 months later in Sept/Oct. 🙄.


1 hour ago, floridamom said:

BitterApple, I believe this is so. I don't think you can go in for new testing with outdated bloodwork and outdated medical records. Why they waited so long if irresponsible IMO.

That makes sense. I keep forgetting it's been over a year since they were supposed to have the EEG scheduled. I think Heathen hit the nail on the head by saying the only reason they're proactive about it now is because they've run out of content. Their gimmicky videos aren't pulling in the big numbers, so it's back to the medical drama. 

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I stopped watching their Instagram feed, although I do still follow them on my Instagram. They are so boring now. It's like every day for them is Saturday. It's like watching my retired parents. But with way more fast food and more stylish clothing choices. 

I'm shocked she is finally going to do the EEG. If she was as sick as she once claimed, she would have been more insistent on getting it scheduled. I would have been calling every day trying to schedule it if I was having seizures and couldn't drive anywhere for months. 

Its sad how Layla and so many kids of Instagram "influencers" play up to the camera. 

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1 hour ago, Kellyee said:

I stopped watching their Instagram feed, although I do still follow them on my Instagram. They are so boring now. It's like every day for them is Saturday. It's like watching my retired parents. But with way more fast food and more stylish clothing choices. 

I'm shocked she is finally going to do the EEG. If she was as sick as she once claimed, she would have been more insistent on getting it scheduled. I would have been calling every day trying to schedule it if I was having seizures and couldn't drive anywhere for months. 

Its sad how Layla and so many kids of Instagram "influencers" play up to the camera. 

If you find these 2 particularly “stylish,”  I’m curious about your parents’ choices, lol. 

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