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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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1 hour ago, SMama said:

They are both lazy and whiny. Leisure Boy is about to become Whiny Boy. They went to run errands at the mall and forgot the strollers. They rented one at the mall (cute car) for Layla. Evan complained that Zade was the one that was difficult to carry. Idiots, then rent two strollers, you blow plenty of money on unnecessary crap daily. Spend a few bucks on your kids.

There is no good reason why they didn’t have the strollers in the car. What used they have for them in the house? They take walks with the kids, but once they get home the strollers should be returned to their vehicle. They should also keep one of their many baby carriers in the car. Are these two ever going to grow up?

Um. No. 

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43 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

They forget strollers and then put the one who can walk in the rented stroller.

Dumb and dumber. 

Did they forget the cameras?

They're about as likely to do that as they are to forget their hair and makeup. 

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4 minutes ago, ginger90 said:


So? I have an annual exam and pap in a couple of weeks. Am I supposed to take a pic for the masses? I just put in a fresh trash bag in the trash can. Should I have taken a pic of that too? 

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They've def taken the criticism to heart that we view them as lazy asses who don't roll out of bed until 10 am bc BAM - cue IG video driving to work at 6:35 am and they're soooo tired that they're just holding hands and not even talking to each other. Oh booohoooo. None of us have ever gotten up at 6 am and gotten ourselves out the door. Oh wait the rest of us do it day after day for YEARS - it was called high school; it's called having a job. But kudos Carlin & Evan for doing it ONCE to show us.

But fear not, they made it to First Watch. They didn't note the time on that but my guess is this was a - show everyone we are going to work sooo early and by 9-10 am, let's bounce and get breakfast but don't post anything until late in the day so people think we worked ALL day. I highly doubt they're eating breakfast food and Evan is drinking a giant coffee at 3-4 pm. And C&E we realize First Watch is a breakfast place that closes by 2 pm, so you're not tricking anyone that you worked ALL day.

They've really been trying to show us and probably Z&W that they're working HARD. Yet Monday was - eh we're gonna use the 2nd part of our day to go shopping bc Carlin NEEDS a new phone. Yesterday was lab work and whatever else and today - out to breakfast. C&E - I don't think Z&W are buying your work ethic either.

I'm guessing they're going to be sooooo stressed after working ALL week, they they'll be running off to Nashville for some R&R by this weekend - w the weekend then stretching to like next Thursday.

And am I the only one that thinks that they'd be 1000% on board to show Carlin lying there all draped at the gyno . . . I mean think of the YT hits . . . it's likely that they need to prove they're sooooo modest, esp since their only friend appears to be the creepy pastor and his wife, that prevents them from doing this.

EDITED - WOW a full day, a drs appt for her toe. Yep she's complaining about getting up while it was still dark out, but fear not she's doing it so she can go to the pool later this wk (uh you hardly work why wait - just go during work hours)??

And why are these girls all so effing dirty. She takes off that black boot, you can SEE the dirt on the bottom of it, sticks it right on the exam table. Like in what universe do you not put shoes ON THE GROUND. IDK where they go but the place also doesn't use that tissue paper on the exam tables - hope they Lysol off the table before the next person has to lie down on it right where Carlin's shoe was after walking the aisles of Target and walking her damn dog.

Edited by cereality
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Oh FFS.  I broke ( and dislocated) my big toe a few years back. Guess what? I followed all instructions and yes, my toe now points up slightly.

Admittedly Carlin did not follow her doctor’s orders to the letter, but you know she’s going to milk this all she can.

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She had a follow-up for her toe?  I was given the Velcro shoe and sent on my way and told to call if I had any further issues. I didn't.

Carlin's toe is going to get as must attention as her "episodes".

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3 minutes ago, ranchgirl said:

And so far only one day at work, even with W&Z gone.  Today is SWIM day! 

I saw that, lol. Man, Carlin's FOMO is kicking in hard! Josie's in tony Greenwich, chilling at the Langdons' pool, so of course Carlin has to do a pool day today! But don't worry, she made sure to mention they got up early to get work done! (Uh-huh, right 🙄). Evan was off getting a haircut and she posted three hours ago, so are we supposed to believe they were up and out at the crack of dawn? Although I should keep in mind this is the Stewarts we're talking about. Their version of work is rolling out of bed at ten, picking up Starbucks and unlocking the warehouse doors for the employees before they call it a day at eleven and take off to do errands. 

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Something is mentally wrong with this chick. She walked out of the drs office GIDDY that the toe is healing slightly incorrectly and if it bothers her then the dr has to reset it. I mean you could almost hear the conversation that's going to happen between C&E - well is it REALLY bothering you, how much, maybe we get a follow up appt just to discuss it and film it of course . . . .

I realize she grew up without parental attention blah blah, but you've supposedly been the apple of Evan's eye since fall 2016 between that and your adoring leghumpers - is that STILL not enough attention for you?

Her FOMO has to be killing her right now with all her sisters' vacations and poor her stuck "working" -- you know going in EVERY day this week for prob 2 hrs a day, OF COURSE they deserve a pool day at creepy pastor's house.

At some level she has to be pissed/mystified that bestie Whit does NOT invite her on vacation. You know if Z&W invited, these two would be there with bells on. But Whit - after her initial phase of dumping her kids to act like a college kid out to dinner and midnight ice cream runs with C&E all the time - appears to have pulled away from C&E HARD. Sure they "work" together but after that, seems like Whit 100% wants to be with Zach and her kids WITHOUT C&E. And with Whit it doesn't seem like she's convincing herself that "these are the best days" when she's with her kids, the way Carlin has to while posting videos with requisite sappy music re how much she'll miss this.

I mean Z&W's vacation to SC has been entirely kid centric - up early w/ the kids and at the beach at 7-8 am; then lunch on the boardwalk; back to the hotel for naps/playing in the pool; and then dinner and walking around the beach in the evening. You know woohoooo Carlin and Evan would be like back to the hotel for naps -- nooooo; back to the hotel after dinner -- nooooo we need to party party, screw the 7 kids in tow.

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7 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I saw that, lol. Man, Carlin's FOMO is kicking in hard! Josie's in tony Greenwich, chilling at the Langdons' pool, so of course Carlin has to do a pool day today! But don't worry, she made sure to mention they got up early to get work done! (Uh-huh, right 🙄). Evan was off getting a haircut and she posted three hours ago, so are we supposed to believe they were up and out at the crack of dawn? Although I should keep in mind this is the Stewarts we're talking about. Their version of work is rolling out of bed at ten, picking up Starbucks and unlocking the warehouse doors for the employees before they call it a day at eleven and take off to do errands. 

Why are they paying employees for work they could be doing themselves?

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1 hour ago, AstridM said:

Why are they paying employees for work they could be doing themselves?

Because they are lazy.  Carlin cannot possibly risk her manicure stocking shelves.  How would they be able to take their daily 2 hour lunches if one of them had to pack boxes to ship?  Evan has always got his own phone in his hand, you cannot expect him to answer the business phone with the other.

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Not a bruise in sight, and her foot carefully turned so that we can't see the rest of it. The cynic in me says Carlin's lying about her toe like she lies about her "seizures." 

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6 hours ago, Heathen said:

Not a bruise in sight, and her foot carefully turned so that we can't see the rest of it. The cynic in me says Carlin's lying about her toe like she lies about her "seizures." 

She's probably at a nail salon posing on a waxing table.

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I think that Z&W want a bit of time and space away from C&E. They are at the store together, they have to communicate with each other in business related matters too, perhaps away from the store..Nothing wrong with wanting some time away from them. I don't think C&E understand that. They are like 2 kids who don't know enough is enough.

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It will be interesting to see if (and a big IF) either Carlin or Evan do start to grow up. At different places. Or just one. Which will change their dynamic. They seem to be forcing their lives now. What if for example Carlin said "you know what? I want to stay home and learn to cook and have quiet time in the evenings". For example.  And what if for example Evan said "our finances are tight. I'm going to look for at least a part time job". For example. Or Carlin says you are better with the kids so I'll look for a part time Job. Now that will be interesting to see play out. Or - status quo forever. 

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The only way that they will grow up is if the money runs out from social media and from BSB. I don't see them being able to keep up with Z&W or with Josie and Kelton or Katie and Travis much longer. And that has to be really eating at them. I have a feeling that Evan never wanted to be an electrician. Don't blame him for that. But he could look for a job in an area that he is interested in.  It will have to hit them right between the eyes before they wake up and realize that they are adults with 2 children they have to support and raise. 




Edited by 65mickey
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6 hours ago, 65mickey said:

The only way that they will grow up is if the money runs out from social media and from BSB. I don't see them being to keep up with Z&W or with Josie and Kelton or Katie and Travis much longer. And that has to be really eating at them. I have a feeling that Evan never wanted to be an electrician. Don't blame him for that. But he could look for a job in an area that he is interested in. I between  it will have to hit them right between the eyes before the wake up and realize that they are adults with 2 children they have to support and raise. 

  Reveal spoiler



Two kids and counting. I expect a pregnancy announcement before the fall. 

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Carlin and her toe.  I wonder when or if she will get it reset.  I fractured my foot and because I wore the velcro shoe, it healed just fine.  No resetting or walking on the side of my foot needed.  I'm beginning to wonder if she really does have factitious disorder.  She seems to purposely do the opposite of whatever the doctors tell her to make her condition worse.  Girl needs therapy because this is getting to the point where it is going to affect the kids.

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Had Carlin be raised in a more moderate family instead of the family she was raised in... she would most likely be working in a company at 25, getting her career going, partying with her girlfriends...and maybe dating Evan seriously.

She most likely wouldn't have married at 21, nor had 2 kids by 25.  Not judging by her maturity level and wanting to be social and go out all the time.


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34 minutes ago, Meow Mix said:

 She seems to purposely do the opposite of whatever the doctors tell her to make her condition worse.  

 My mother is the exact same way. If the doctor says "Do a/b/c and you'll be 100% healed," she does x/y/z instead. Like Carlin, she's extremely emotionally immature. Unlike Carlin, her litany of health issues are real, but she does everything in her power to make things difficult. I don't get it. 

12 hours ago, Heathen said:

Two kids and counting. I expect a pregnancy announcement before the fall. 

I do too. Especially if the YouTube numbers keep tanking. 

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The rationale being, it will be safe for Carlin to drive if she should have an episode while driving. 🤦‍♀️ He said they were told she could be driving some time this summer.

Edited by ginger90
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31 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

The rationale being, it will be safe for Carlin to drive if she should have an episode while driving. 🤦‍♀️ He said they were told she could be driving some time this summer.

Oh please. That's Evan's car. 

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1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

Guessing they did the dreaded financing. Math not my thing. What would a lease payment or monthly purchase payment be?

It hurts my head to even think what the interest alone might be on those monthly payments let alone the principal!

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C&E buy a car that is a mystery to most of us how they can afford it. On their drive to pick up the car Carlin asks if she’s going to get her pool now. 🤦🏽‍♀️

These two have no idea how regular life works. They drove Gil’s SUV, hauling a trailer with kayaks. They are whooping it up yelling about how wild they are. I had no idea 16 month old SBaby was oh so WILD when we took her kayaking. 🙄

Then the morons proceed to tie the PFDs to the back of the kayak, in case they need them. By the time you need them it’s too late. 

And of course they chose the white interior. 

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1 hour ago, SMama said:

C&E buy a car that is a mystery to most of us how they can afford it. On their drive to pick up the car Carlin asks if she’s going to get her pool now. 🤦🏽‍♀️

These two have no idea how regular life works. They drove Gil’s SUV, hauling a trailer with kayaks. They are whooping it up yelling about how wild they are. I had no idea 16 month old SBaby was oh so WILD when we took her kayaking. 🙄

Then the morons proceed to tie the PFDs to the back of the kayak, in case they need them. By the time you need them it’s too late. 

And of course they chose the white interior. 

If....Carlin gets a pool...I'm done!  Lol

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I bet a pool is next, that talk is starting as they seem to be pumping Layla all the time - what do you want a Tesla or a pool . . . . Dumb idiots who can't even feed or potty train their kids, with a pool, with a mother having episodes [though maybe that's over if she can drive soon?] . . . .

Wonder what year their Tesla is. Assuming it's a 6 seater/SUV - 2023, is like 98-120k. But even just a 2021 drops that back to ~75-80k. I'm not watching the video but I do wonder if it's pre owned bc Whit screamed NEW NEW in her IG MANY times, to let people know it was a 100k Denali not a 50k Denali. If they didn't scream NEW, I wonder . . . .

Having worked in these bankruptcy/business/tax spaces for years as a lawyer, I guarantee that C&E and Z&W are writing off $$$ purchases like this as a business expense - no different from business meetings at Ruth Chris or CFA being brought in daily. All of it - the initial purchase + gas for Z&W + a portion of the electric bill for C&E - bc ooohhh we use these cars for work ALL the time, we have to load them up and go to the post office to mail our t shirts you know. And just like that the already anemic revenue of BSB is reduced even further and bam look what we take home is below the poverty line for a family of 4 or 8 in Tenn -- so voila Medicaid, food stamps (I have no doubt they'd use them - these days they look like a credit card so it isn't even super obvious at a grocery store).

All I'll say is they may want to look into how the Joe and Teresa Giudice empire on Real Housewives of NJ fell. An IRS agent/his wife used to watch the show for fun. IRS agent thought it was super interesting that people who largely did nothing and/or ran tiny tiny suburban pizza shops were moving into $2 mil mansions, and buying 20k of furniture pulling out wads of cash to pay. To add to the suspicion there was another dad on the show talking to his 17 yr old son about what he wants to do - college, business etc. - and son goes - a business, you don't have to worry about working for anyone or taxes. While that father doth protested really hard on camera about how in his family businesses are run on the up and up, it def set the tone re these peoples view of taxes/finances. Cue indictment. And all of this was in 2009 - BEFORE you HAD to show your Tesla, 10k sofa, 8k stove etc. on social media to earn a living.

Tubi has some episodes of the unaired season up and having watched just half of them it's amazing how jealous/competitive C&E are. They go to Trav's parents' house for Katie's bridal shower and Carlin announces how the Clarks have been "introducing Katie to their LIFESTYLE - they're showing the sisters what all we need for our houses." WTF!?! Yeah they have a nice house and threw your sister a classy party not catered by Chick Fil A - unlike G&K. Yet the gifts were normal things like comforters and ironing boards, and they weren't exactly scoffing - oh you don't drink out of diamond encrusted glasses, poor you. Similarly they show up at K&T's house under construction and Carlin says to Evan - we need a house and Evan announces to Trav IN FRONT OF Trav's parents - you aren't even married and you already have a house!? It screamed JEALOUS.

Similarly Carlin tags along when Law is getting Tiff's ring and goes ON AND ON about how it's SOOOO big and you can totally tell she's jealous that Law is getting her a 1.7 carat ring and at one point screams - are you made of money!?! Whit - while she obv likes the nicer things at least has some manners. She acted perfectly appropriate at Trav's parents' house and with Law ring's she just said it was beautiful and very impressive; and then in the interview when Z&W are talking about the ring, she again says she's impressed and as Z is saying he sold his truck back when he bought W's ring - she very appropriately says - I love my ring, I'd never want another ring. Carlin would probably be like - babe how about an upgrade on my ring??

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Someone here on this board called it a bit ago when Z & W announced their new, expensive vehicle that C & E would be next with the Tesla. Evan  and Carlin can't be outdone by their "business partners". I agree that the numbers do not add up here. Carlin's priority should be to finally toilet train Layla. That girl is way too old to be pooping in her pants. It's disgusting to me at this point.

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I was one of the ones who said last weekend that they were frantically on the phone with the Tesla dealership once Z&W introduced the 100k Denali. Lol. But lots of us called it.

So many things to focus on - potty training Layla if that isn't done yet; feeding Layla; enrolling Layla in some kind of damn school. I'm sorry but that child is behind in every way. Yeah she has petite parents. Neither Z&W nor J&K are huge, yet both of their same aged kids are a head taller than Layla. I think Z&W are MAYBE 1-2 inches taller than C&E, and I think Josie is about Carlin's size - and Kelton isn't super tall either as Bobby towers over Kelton. Sure she may have short genes but I don't think that stuffing a child with chips and cake pops and handfuls of white sugar [gingerbread house - anyone] has helped things. 

IDK why but Friday Carlin posts some IG making a cake with Layla - like for Strawberry Shortcake's bday!?? SS cake can be done somewhat healthily as you can load it with berries and only put a bit of whipped cream on top, but nope this cake had a hollowed out center loaded with M&Ms in the middle and then full on butter cream iced?? WTF do these kids NEED more sugar? If you want to make something with the kids on a Friday, why not make dinner? A 3 yr old can help with pre made pizza crust and throwing sauce and cheese and a ton of veggies on top. [Cue IG from Carlin - homemade pizza - see we cook.]

And I'm sorry the kid is 3.5 and it's still REALLY hard to understand anything she says?? Whereas Josie's kid - 6 months ago was clearly telling stories etc. Also impressive that Layla when she does speak, she speaks about nothing other than makeup and dresses 🙄. We all know you can't handle it, so pony up on a SCHOOL with actual teachers who'll engage with your child at an age appropriate level on topics like Legos and coloring and running races. Oopsie can't do that - that'll cost $$ and we'd rather spend on a Tesla and a pool.

And maybe don't repeat with Zade the same dumbass mistakes as Layla. Katie posted a pic of Facetiming w Z - he is sitting there eating a half a glazed donut which was huge. Uh WHY?? He's 1. Did he ask for a donut? I'm thinking no. For a 1 yr old maybe save that stomach space on food with some nutritional value - glazed donuts ain't it; and don't give him a taste for super sweet foods so that like his sister a snack can only be a cake pop.

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Arrrghhhhh!!!! Can I just say how badly I am DYING to watch this season? We're having a party at our house today for my FIL and I haven't had time to sit and space out. 

Was Carlin really hating that badly on Tiff's ring? So much for women supporting women, lol. What's it to her, anyways? It's Law's money. If he wants to get his girl a nice rock, then so be it. IIRC, Carlin's wedding set is quite pretty. Evan certainly didn't get her a crap ring, not that it should matter. The marriage is more important, amirite? 🙄

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I think you're all raising really good points about C&E. If I had to guess, I'd say that Carlin was not happy with her upbringing, especially being deprived of things that she wanted. I think everything she does with/for/to Layla and Zade is about giving them HER dream childhood with loads of treats. The odd thing is, that doesn't make anyone happy. What C also craved was attention (I certainly remember her loudly acting out for attention on camera) and her kids will likely grow up craving attention too. C&E are too busy meeting their own material needs to pay the kind of attention their children need. It's easier to throw a cake pop or doughnut at them and try to get them excited about things like clothes and nail appointments, the things that really matter to the parents. 

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C&E are the only two morons who can't be introspective enough to discuss - what did we not like about our childhoods, what can we do differently but within reason? Carlin doesn't seem to get that a treat isn't a treat if you get it EVERY time you step out of the house. They can't go to a drs appt for 45 min without Layla eating cookies, Cheetos, or cake pops on the damn table - so when does the girl ever even crave them? Evan I think just doesn't give 2 $hits. He wants kids to the extent they can be trained seals for YT $$$ and to the extent his mommy is there to deal with them. Outside of that, he wants them to STFU and if handing them cheese curls does that, fine. I still believe that Layla spends most of her days zoned out in front of the TV with a snack in hand to keep her quiet.

Plenty of her siblings get their kids treats (Z; Josie; Erin does a lot of homemade baked goods) yet it's within reason - sure Zach and Josie show themselves taking kids out for the occasional ice cream, but day to day it's a lot of chicken and grilled meats and veggies at home. Plenty of her siblings have either said openly or implied that their parents had more kids than they paid attention to (Jackson says it; Katie implies it as she seems to really thrive with inlaws who pay attention to her), so they'll do things differently in terms of family size/kid centric families. 

Carlin OTOH is mentally not right. This is the chick who when pregnant and during her anxiety re OMG we'll never get a house was non stop harassing her TWO year old with "we're best friends, right?!" And like she wouldn't let Layla walk away until she said YES!? WTF babe, your 2 yr old is not there for your mental health. This is the same chick who 2 weeks ago had Evan bring Twizzlers, Reese's and whatever else to a 9 am church service. Like honey we know you were deprived of treats. You're effing 25 now with health problems and have been on your own for 4 yrs, grown ups would deprive themselves of that 9 am Milk Dud craving and grab a bowl of corn flakes or an apple!? But then hey she thought it was a good idea to fuel pregnancy and post partum #2 with Sonic corn dogs. 🙄

And Carlin managed to marry someone just as emotionally immature as herself. As the first boy in his family, I guarantee he never heard the word NO and got whatever he wanted. Difference is, he never realized his proper southern mama was standing behind him 24-7 to make sure he was raised right. Sure no one would say no to baby boy getting a daily ice cream from the truck, yet mama was also sure he was eating his chicken and spinach and rice dinners every night to balance it all out. 

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