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S16.E03: Reunited

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6 hours ago, Biggie B said:

Here's something that stuck out as odd to me, with the Hal Linden ("Bird!") story. The lovely Korean woman explained that she saw that Bird was having his surgery and up and flew to the US to find him. Now...she must have been online on some social media platform (let's say Facebook, for argument's sake) to see Bird's posts and specific information about the date and location of where he was having his procedure. If she was able to see that information online, could she not have reached out to him on the same platform? Even not speaking/reading/writing English, she could still have either composed a message and had Google Translate pop it into English - or, just sent a message in Korean and hope that Bird would translate it on his end. That really jumped out at me - she knew a lot of information - the date, and the hospital - and was able to get herself from Korea to Seattle. How did she NOT make contact with him beforehand??? It was a a sweet story, sure, but the practical logistics bothered me. I know better than to expect any semblance of reality from this show, but that oddity took me right out of their reunion. 

Furthermore, why didn't she simply explain this to Nico instead of telling him (according to him) "I lost my bird?" 

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Ah geez. Is the show really going to set up Richard Webber to cheat on his wife? Well...he has a history of adultery and he's angry with his wife. This is going to end badly.

Wow. Who would have thought the only couple that seems to be acting like adults and having an adult conversation is Linc and Amerlia?

And double ugh for the show setting Bailey and Kurasic up in the heel role. Look maybe Qadri was over the line talking to Bailey but there has been seasons in the past that Bailey talked to Webber in a similar tone and wasn't a couple of episodes ago that she was yelling at Katherine and questioning Katherine's decision of putting Kurasic, Bailey's boss. Lately, every decision Bailey's been doing has been out of spite or being petty. Bailey was ruthless in previous seasons and she handled attacks and criticisms but this comes off as emotionally overreacting and petty and motivated by a personal vendetta. Okay, whether what Meredith did the right thing or wrong thing, the show is making it look like Bailey is completely wrong instead balancing out the argument. Ugh.

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1 hour ago, Jillybean said:

Furthermore, why didn't she simply explain this to Nico instead of telling him (according to him) "I lost my bird?" 

I thought maybe she didn't remember everything, but then seeing Bird triggered her memory. The fact that she had been on an IV for awhile at that point probably helped too. They didn't really explain that very well though, I may be giving them too much credit.

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I so wanted to high-five Bailey when she fired that moron! Yeah, I don't care how realistic it is to fire someone just like that (and honestly, on the list of all the unrealistic things that have happened on this show, this wouldn't even make the top 100), but she was literally acting like a 12 year old throwing a tantrum because her parents didn't let her go to Ariana Grande's concert or whatever. Good riddance. 

Also, wouldn't we all rather die than be operated by someone other than St. Meredith?

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18 hours ago, CheetaraThunder said:

Jo, Amelia and Link continue to be the best things on the show. Which means, but the end of the season, the writers will ruin them.

I agree Amelia and Link are really the best things; however, I can't stand Jo and wish she would go away.

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I thought they were trying to give Nico a storyline. Wouldn't care if Glasses dies in the next disaster episode. Linc and Amelia being the adults, who'd have thought it. Is a bit tired of Amelia changing her mind over having a child, but I like that she discussed why with Linc.

Is so over Maggie. Jackson may have moved on a bit fast, but she's such a better match.

During the early seasons, I was such a Bailey and Webber fan. Bailey has alway been arrogant, but took care of her interns. Can't disagree with decisions so far. Alex, I know he's had a lot of growth over the years, but when he goes low, he's such an asshole.

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Well, I didn't much care for this episode.  I hate what they're doing with Greg Germann's character, Qaadri was over-the-top irritating, and how could the sisters not tell that that wasn't their sister? On the plus side, I liked the old couple's storyline. 

I'm thinking that Caterina Scorsone(sp?) is pregnant IRL.

I am happy that Meredith wasn't allowed to perform the surgery.  If you do the crime, do the time.

Jackson and Vic have way more chemistry than he and Maggie ever had, which was none, but that's beside the point...

I feel like they are setting Richard up to either A: start drinking again, or B: have an affair. I hope I'm wrong.

Jo telling Qaadri to "shut up or get out" was awesome. Plus, did Qaadri really think that she could be that insubordinate to Bailey without repercussions?

On 10/10/2019 at 8:07 PM, Ohwell said:

Koracik just looks like a stupid dick.

I can't emphasize enough how much I hate what they' re doing with him right now!😡

Edited by marykat71702
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11 hours ago, BaseOps said:

I want a better story for Koracick, too. He was so great when he was introduced, but if they're only going to use him as a foil for Owen then I'm really disappointed. He's way too charming and funny to be just a thorn in Owen's side. I also think he was so layered in his relationship with April and that feels like it's missing - I want to see more sides of him now that he's a regular.

Agree 100%

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22 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Qadri has never, ever been portrayed as a complete Meredith acolyte, so this storyline felt completely ridiculous and, I guess, a convenient way to get the actress off the show?  Maybe?  It was so over the top, but I absolutely laughed when Bailey summarily fired her.  I mean, mouthing off to your superior like that about firing your heretofore unacknowledged idol with absolute cause?  No, honey.

However, Bailey's vendetta against Deluca is really shitty.  She's punishing him because he's Meredith's boyfriend, so I don't mind that he's acting huffily towards and about her; in this particular schoolyard fight, Bailey started it and has been acting like a total bitch, so fuck her.

On a related note: OK, Qadri mouths off to Bailey once and gets fired for it, yet Contacts fucks up YET AGAIN and suffers no actual consequences again, some more?  Are they fucking kidding me with this?  Bull.  Shit.  Is it possible to be internally hypocritical?  Because that's what this show is.  Contacts is, as always, the fucking worst.

I admit, I also laughed every time Koracik fucked with Owen.  He's having a ridiculous tantrum, but I sort of found it funny this episode because he was enjoying it so much and because...well, Owen deserves to be shat upon at all times.  So does Teddy, for that matter.

Maggie, girl, you make it so hard.  Jackson's such a dick, but you make it so.  damn.  hard.

Richard, you've been such a whiny hypocrite, and I kind of totally hate you; however, you're married to possibly the world's most entitled, awful asshole, so get it with Jasmine Guy.

Amelia and Linc are easily the best things about this season.  They're so wonderful together.

Yes to everything here. But especially about Quadri. Glasses has fucked up multiple times yet he's not fired? Bailey firing her just looks like she's throwing a tantrum too. 

11 hours ago, AzraeltheCat said:

This!!! Actually everything in Lady Calypso's post captures my feelings so I don't need to repeat. [And I can't believe I'm liking Amelia now when I previously hated her.  I think it's Owen -- I seem to hate anyone that is involved with him, he makes them awful].   

The other annoying thing was the Korean/American "love story." Besides the plot holes others noted, I'm always a little annoyed at the "she/he was my first true love" when neither of the people speak a word of the other's language.  I'm sorry, that may be a strong attraction or some sort of connection that could lead to love- but not love yet.  The fact that Bertie bought vegetables from her every week but couldn't actually communicate with her [how did he ask her to meet him at the train station and go to America with him?] does not equal love.  In my opinion anyway, but maybe I'm just a big ole cynic. 😆

He said they communicated by a dictionary.

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21 hours ago, sadie said:

I might be in the minority but every time I see Meredith and Deluca I’m just taken right out of the moment. She is 20 years his senior (she’s 50 to his 30), is this Pompeo’s attempt at seeming younger because, while she is a gorgeous woman, she looks ridiculous hanging out with this young guy. He seems out of place and it bugs. And just now rich white doctor Meredith is just realizing that for many people, a medical problem can mean bankruptcy, she never realized that the poor often get short shrifted when it comes to medical care before now? I mean, really?? It just makes her look dumb. 

Is Meredith gorgeous?  I mean I think she has a pretty smile and sometimes looks better than other time but I don’t think she is a beauty and doesn’t have much of a figure.  That’s just my opinion.  Yes and she does seem a lot older but I think she plays a character much younger then she is.  

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On 10/11/2019 at 5:35 AM, Lady Calypso said:

 Hi Casey Parker! Bye Casey Parker! Hope you come back soon, because you're still the best intern.

His side-eye to Maggie when she was monologuing about her personal life during the angiogram was priceless.

On 10/11/2019 at 6:34 AM, statsgirl said:

If Quadri has any sense, she'll hire a labor lawyer and be back at work by the end of the week.  It was immature to say what she did but it's not grounds for terminstion.

It absolutely is grounds for termination especially in an at-will employment state like WA, where you don't even need "grounds" to terminate someone. When someone who is very junior and doesn't have much clout mouths off to their boss how they don't want to work at their job unless X condition is met, they are asking to get fired.

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I have never heard of an at-willI. state before (and I'm pretty shocked).  I looked it up  and found


If you have a written employment contract promising you job security, you are not an at-will employee. Washington also recognizes employment contracts based on statements in an employee handbook or oral promises by the employer that indicate a promise of continued employment.

I think Qaadri 'has a case because

  • I'm pretty sure that interns and residents in WA have a contract (they do where I live as well as a union) simply because a residency is a multi-year commitment with responsibilities on both sides. Because there are so few residency positions,if you lose one, you can't just go out and find another so it should follow that there is a contract.
  • Qaadri told Bailey that she accepted the position at GSMH in order to work with Meredith and now Meredith is fired. The story that others will take away is that Qaadri wanted to work with Meredith, Meredith got fired and when she spoke to her surgical chief about the situation, Bailey fired her.
  • Teaching hospitals want the best of the best residents to come to them.  As soon as the fourth years hear that not only is Meredith not there any more, they run the risk of being fired at the chief's whim. they're not going to risk going to Grey-Sloan.
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How is a nobody like Qadri in position to demand anything? She didn't come to work with Meredith Grey, she came to work at GSMH. You don't want to work unless Meredith Grey is there? Fine, you don't have to, just like Bailey said. Also, I'm sure her prospective employers will be thrilled to find out she's prone to hysterical outbursts when she doesn't get things her own way. Have fun working at a free local clinic, gurl. 

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17 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Teaching hospitals want the best of the best residents to come to them.  As soon as the fourth years hear that not only is Meredith not there any more, they run the risk of being fired at the chief's whim. they're not going to risk going to Grey-Sloan.

If someone is going to second-guess working for a company that might consider firing them if they got in their supervisor's face and screamed at them in the hallway, they're going to have a hard time finding a job anywhere.

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Did anyone else notice that at the start of the episode, Zola was «sipping» from a juice pouch, but didn’t use the straw? It was clearly visible on the front of the pouch. Such a rookie mistake, and irritated the hell out of me 😂

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Like many of you, I was pissed that Koracick was looking like a clown with Owen. Then I realized I was just jealous because I would like to be able to shoo Owen off my screen the moment he appears. Where can I get *my* restraining order, show?

So IMO, Koracick is performing a valuable service. And hopefully Owen will take a very long paternity leave, like in five seasons' worth. God, I can't stand the guy.

Re DeLuca and Meredith: Has Meredith ever been with anyone with so-so looks? I'm rewatching and so far only in the third season, where we've seen Meredith with Derek and Chris O'Donnell (veterinarian who got away) and some one-night stands. 

I ask because I'm wondering if they would NOT consider Koracick for Meredith because they don't think he's a "classic" handsome guy. I'm being careful here because I love Greg Germann and I would love to see him with Meredith--but it's like the idea isn't being entertained.

I just can't see why else she and DeLuca would be together, aside from his looks. There's no there there.

32 minutes ago, Flynn said:

Did anyone else notice that at the start of the episode, Zola was «sipping» from a juice pouch, but didn’t use the straw? It was clearly visible on the front of the pouch. Such a rookie mistake, and irritated the hell out of me 😂

Maybe they were afraid of the anti-plastic straw lobby?

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On 10/12/2019 at 8:16 PM, statsgirl said:

I have never heard of an at-willI. state before (and I'm pretty shocked).  I looked it up  and found


If you have a written employment contract promising you job security, you are not an at-will employee. Washington also recognizes employment contracts based on statements in an employee handbook or oral promises by the employer that indicate a promise of continued employment.

In the broadest terms, at-will employment means your employer can fire you for any reason, or no reason at all -- as long as it isn't discriminatory. The implied contract at-will states sort of remove the "no reason at all" stipulation. They can fire employees for "just cause," as opposed to just firing them because they don't like them, or because they're bored and felt like firing somebody just because they could. (Which in other states, they could, because they don't need a reason to fire someone.) But in implied-contract at will employment, the employer could or should only fire someone as long as there is a reason (and a reasonable one at that) to justify it.

Flagrant insubordination such as yelling at your manager in the workplace would probably qualify as just cause.

Frankly, even if Qadri hadn't rudely yelled at Bailey in the hallway, seemingly oblivious that she's talking to her damn boss, what she was yelling about was more than enough reason to kick her to the curb anyway. If you go to your boss and say (or yell) that you only came to her workplace -- that she herself shed countless amounts of blood, sweat and tears over the years before finally making it to the top -- because you wanted to work this one person and now that that person is gone there's nothing left for you here ... do you really expect to still have a job?

Edited by Chicken Wing
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2 hours ago, WendyM said:

I ask because I'm wondering if they would NOT consider Koracick for Meredith because they don't think he's a "classic" handsome guy. 

I'm 100% sure that's exactly the reason and why I never expected them to go there at all. 

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On 10/14/2019 at 1:14 PM, Chicken Wing said:

But in implied-contract at will employment, the employer could or should only fire someone as long as there is a reason (and a reasonable one at that) to justify it.

Flagrant insubordination such as yelling at your manager in the workplace would probably qualify as just cause.

It might. But it should have gone through HR, not Bailey suddenly deciding to fire a second year resident.

Unlike some of the other residents, Qaadri has never nearly killed a patient or had another major medical mistake. Firing her should have been handled through proper channels.

On 10/14/2019 at 1:14 PM, Chicken Wing said:

what she was yelling about was more than enough reason to kick her to the curb anyway

People pick graduate schools based on who is teaching/running a lab, I think that ambitious medical students might as well so firing the reason she came to the hospital, it makes sense that she is upset.

So I'm a top medical student and I'm picking a residency. I have the choice between SGMH, Cedars-Sinai, Hopkins and the Mayo Clinic. Because I'm that good. Then I hear that SGMH not only fired Avery Award winner Meredith Grey suddenly but two other surgeons and then a second year resident for no medical reason which makes me feel vulnerable. I'm going to wonder what's going on there. I'll take my choices somewhere else.

I know, this is Grey's Anatomy and Bailey can do no wrong. But I don't have to agree with it

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It would have been fine if Quadri wanted to "take her talents" elsewhere because Meredith got fired, but it's never a good idea to yell at your boss.  Usually, your ass will get fired. 

Most of the time I haven't been a fan of Bailey's but in this instance, I think she was right.  

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Meredith is not unattractive but she looks every bit her age. Seeing her with deluca really just emphasizes how she is no longer a young ingenue. It’s hard to ignore the very large age difference when they are side by side. 
I never liked Maggie with Jackson and find Maggie annoying. However I am feeling bad for her having to see Jackson fawn all over the new girl so fast after the breakup.
Amelia and Linc are the only interesting couple at this point. 

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Deluca and Meredith are so ridiculous. There is also no chemistry between them. I’m gonna watch this show to the bitter end but I am FF a lot.

I also don’t buy Deluca being some hot shot now. So idiotic.

Another idiotic thing is Koracik bring that upset about Teddy that he’s going so far with the Owen torture. She’s not that great. They are ruining him as a character.

Love Lincoln.

Cheating SL with Richard? How original.

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I don't know if Richard will/might cheat with Gemma. My first thought, about him going down the wrong path or whatever with her, was the two of them might fall off the wagon together.

20 hours ago, Ohwell said:

It would have been fine if Quadri wanted to "take her talents" elsewhere because Meredith got fired, but it's never a good idea to yell at your boss.  Usually, your ass will get fired. 

Most of the time I haven't been a fan of Bailey's but in this instance, I think she was right.  

Yes, this. If Qadri feels gypped because her idol, whom she came here in the first place to work for, is now gone and now there's nothing great about this place anymore, fine. Understandable. But if you flat-out tell your manager something to the effect of "There's no reason for me to be here anymore" or worse, yell at them, you're going to be sent packing. You're basically begging them to fire you at that point.

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On 10/14/2019 at 9:39 AM, WendyM said:

I just can't see why else she and DeLuca would be together, aside from his looks. There's no there there.

Beside the fact the IMO Deluca looks a lot like Derek -- I fanwank that he's hung like a horse and good in bed---- plus Mere is an experienced woman who knows a few tricks to keep him happy enough that he's not looking around.

It's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

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I don’t care that much about the age difference between Meredith and Deluca because whatever ppl like what they like but it’s just the fact that they imo have no chemistry at all. It’s awkward watching them try to be sexy with each other and I just don’t buy that they love each other. Also they are trying to rewrite Deluca into some hotshot. He sucks.

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38 minutes ago, Marley said:

I don’t care that much about the age difference between Meredith and Deluca because whatever ppl like what they like but it’s just the fact that they imo have no chemistry at all. It’s awkward watching them try to be sexy with each other and I just don’t buy that they love each other. Also they are trying to rewrite Deluca into some hotshot. He sucks.

I guess chemistry is subjective? Because I think they are cute together.

Not anything like Patrick and Ellen had (they were sizzling hot together) mind you-- but they come across to me as two people having fun together.

I don't necessarily have to have couples be "in love" --- just hanging out and having sex is also fun. Especially when you are an older woman with a younger man.

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2 hours ago, taanja said:

I guess chemistry is subjective? Because I think they are cute together.

Not anything like Patrick and Ellen had (they were sizzling hot together) mind you-- but they come across to me as two people having fun together.

I don't necessarily have to have couples be "in love" --- just hanging out and having sex is also fun. Especially when you are an older woman with a younger man.

I agree, chemistry is totally subjective and the writing and acting of it all definitely affects it. 

like I don’t ship Meredith and Deluca but I can admit they have a fun easy vibe. Who knows what krista and co have in mind cause I get the vibe of “we like each other but it’s not that serious” but I see the seeds of “serious” all over the place. 

also I hate that this show changed deluca to fit him better with Meredith. It doesn’t come off confident like Derek, it comes off smug as hell and it’s annoying when his only accomplishment is sleeping with Meredith grey. 

merder on the other hand, I didn’t ship them either but from moment one I felt their chemistry and definitely “GOT” why they were so popular and how this show just skyrocketed off their relationship. It was true lightening in a bottle. 

Edited by moonorchid
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If they were writing Meredith and Deluca as fun and easy then yea I wouldn’t mind it but to me that’s not how they are writing it. They tried doing this big grabs gesture of him going to prison for her and they gave both said I love you. He hangs with her kids I think and seems to always be there. So I don’t get a fun easy vibe lol.

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I think the whole Pac North storyline has a lot of potential - especially if more GS doctors move over there. 

I like the idea of Meredith trying to help all of the workers on the crew. I understand while privilege but I still like shining a light there. 

While they probably wrote the Qadri storyline in such a way as to allow the actress to exit, I can relate to a med student choosing a certain hospital because an award-winning surgeon practiced there. I agree with the poster above who said that the recent departures of major physicians - especially Meredith - will hurt its recruiting program for many reasons. 

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