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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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An observation:

Watch the opening of the show with a critical eye.  I'm noticing the women in the audience going berserk and their male counterparts just standing there, nearly rolling their eyes or scowling.  Have to wonder what fight these guys lost that they're in the audience because the guys look like their in their own version of hell.

  • Love 5

It really is mind boggling how Dr. Phil thinks it's appropriate to have an episode about a little boy being murdered by his father, followed by a terrible segue into Robin's skin care line. And he does this alllll the time. He thinks he's so insightful with other people's lives, but can't figure out how rude and inappropriate he's being? How has no one told him

  • Love 10

It seems that every day now Phil has the same theme-out of control teens, parents who have no clue how to parent their violent children, other children in the house who are risk, etc, etc, etc. Enough already. Time to retire your show and Plastic Robin’s magic skin care potions. We won’t miss you, Phil but thanks for the memories.

  • Love 4

I saw the out of control teen who was 7 weeks pregnant.  Something was really off with the entire family.

After thinking about it, the dad mentioned something about faith, he was a born again Christian.  He had called the teen a whore multiple times, along with the mother.  Going out on a limb, but could they have been borderline fundies, all suddenly wrapped up in religion, perhaps to hid the fact that their family was so screwed up.  Maybe the daughter didn't go along with the whole deal and was rebelling against everything?  The two other kids that spoke almost looked like Stepford kids.    Could be totally wrong, but the whole family was definitely screwed up.   If your daughter is wanting to have a baby since age 13, you don't think that is a cry for help?  Why in the world did they wait until she's 17 to get help. I guess they'd had her on medication, but clearly that wasn't working; Dad wanted her medicated for whatever reasons.    The girl did emphasize, I never said you were sexual towards me......hmmm.   Maybe she sensed something or she knew he'd made advances to other teens?  Again, something was really off - a lot with the dad, and the entire family.

I hope she went to Texas to be checked out.  If she did, and they found whatever, I'd bet Dr. Phil or those folks would help her.  Doubting that the family will go to counseling.  They think it's only the teen that is messed up.

  • Love 3

so i recently saw a repeat episode from about 4 years ago where the guy thought his wife was poisoning him with borax in his soda pop coke...didn't matter that dr Phil showed him this huge bag of borax and told him it would take THAT much to poison him........dr PHil offered treatment and tests to help him find out was was wrong with him (he was not always like this and  something is definitely wrong with him)


since this was an old episode why wasn;t there something  tagged on the end?? .....so did he go to dr phils drs and get help...I searched the internet and found NOTHING...why can't they update old episodes even if it is just some scroll on the screen

Edited by sue450
dang spelling
  • Love 2
On 10/15/2017 at 2:08 PM, sue450 said:

so i recently saw a repeat episode from about 4 years ago where the guy thought his wife was poisoning him with borax in his soda pop coke...didn't matter that dr Phil showed him this huge bag of borax and told him it would take THAT much to poison him........dr PHil offered treatment and tests to help him find out was was wrong with him (he was not always like this and  something is definitely wrong with him)


since this was an old episode why wasn;t there something  tagged on the end?? .....so did he go to dr phils drs and get help...I searched the internet and found NOTHING...why can't they update old episodes even if it is just some scroll on the screen

This has been a complaint of mine since OWN couldn't get anything else to broadcast for half a day, other than his old shows.  You would think they could spend a couple of bucks doing the updates.  One rarely sees any follow-up stories on his guests, which is a sure sign that little good comes out of his pontificating and publishing.

  • Love 2

Today's episode was another "beautiful" out of control daughter. Unfortunately, it's a two-parter, and based on the preview, tomorrow's episode is where he blames it all on the parents.

I deleted the episode with the 8 year old. I refuse to watch anything about animal abuse. 

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, charmed1 said:

Today's episode was another "beautiful" out of control daughter. Unfortunately, it's a two-parter, and based on the preview, tomorrow's episode is where he blames it all on the parents.

Right? If Phil thinks she’s “beautiful”, he needs a new pair of glasses.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Phoebe70 said:

Yawn...Dr. Phil is boring me.  All his shows center around entitled brats and their enabling parents.  The fact that he rarely does follow-up shows on these guests lead me to believe that his programs don't work. 

You read my mind, I was just coming here to write that. Dr. Phil takes extreme pride in showing off in any way he can.. so the fact that he never does follow -ups is a clear indication that the programs and his pearls of wisdom don't help the guests. We all know he'd show off the progress any chance he'd get.

  • Love 2

He was especially nausea inducing today on the second half of the crazy 20 year old girl. He could not have sucked up to her more if he thought he’d get a million dollars for doing so. I’m the only one who understands you, I don’t ask why but why not, I’m your best friend now, I’m the only one of the other 9 therapists who can actually help you, etc, etc, etc. More and more he relies on the TelePrompTer and his cards, staring at someone’s lap instead of looking at her/his eyes, stumbling over his words and repeating himself.  I’m not saying that he has early signs of dementia but all of the above comments, his yelling at his guests and his walking around like a 100 year old man just makes me think it’s time to pull the plug. 

  • Love 3

We actually felt a bit sorry for that girl by the second half of her show. He tries to tease the horrible thing that happened to her, but when it's a female guest then it's either rape or childhood sexual assault/molestation .... which I suppose is actually a subset of rape since it's forced sexual activity. We've made a game of trying to guess where he's going to send his guests for treatment. We both guessed the Lawliss PNP Center yesterday, and we were both wrong of course. Had I really been thinking, I would have guessed Origins instead because the PNP Center doesn't deal with people who have substance abuse issues.

One reason I felt for that girl yesterday is because I understood how she felt when she felt induced to harm herself. I can get stressed and frustrated to the point where my brain physically hurts and it feels like there are a bunch of tiny daggers being driven into my brain. I've learned to manage it without harming myself now, but when I was younger I managed it by harming myself. By comparison, when you're feeling that way, hurting yourself actually feels good. It's definitely a release and I can see where people could become sort of addicted to it. I'm fortunate in that I was always able to reason with myself, even in that state, and didn't hurt myself very often or very badly; I have no physical scars or lasting effects from it.

As for him telling her that he understands while other therapists have not, I actually think it's a fair statement in this case on his part. It seems pretty clear to me that previous therapists have not understood it. That may not be those therapists' faults either. It could simply be that she was unable to accurately articulate what is/was going on with her at those times. Perhaps, especially when she was a young child, her parents failed to give the therapist enough information (or perhaps gave inaccurate information). There are a number of reasons why the previous therapists may not have understood and I don't think he was faulting any of them for it, either; I obviously would not. However, I do think he had some understanding of what is/was going on with her based on the information she and her family provided him before coming to do the taping. Clearly, the girl did not feel previous therapists had helped her, which makes his statement that he believes he can help her where they were unable to also accurate.

I think he yelled at and got in the girl's father's face to demonstrate the absurdity of the father behaving that way, himself. It's a valid and sometimes effective tactic. And who knows why the father chose that response? Maybe it's the only thing he really knew from all those years in the Marines. Perhaps he'd tried a soft approach earlier in the girl's life and it failed, which led him to decide that getting in her face couldn't work any worse. Whatever his reasons, I think he really needed to be on the receiving end of it to fully understand its absurdity.

Anyway, I'm not trying to tell you you're wrong for how you feel about Dr Phil's antics. Just trying to give a different perspective on it. Everything I've thought of could be totally wrong, anyway. There are certainly reasons I have yet to imagine for why all of these people have behaved in the ways they have.

  • Love 4

Ok I never watch this show--not in YEARS.  But yesterday I happened to catch Danielle's episode and it was like looking back in time at myself (except add anorexia).  Victim of assault, psych issues, uber strict parents incapable of anything but yelling, shitty counselors and eventually became a dancer to compensate for my anger. And minus getting arrested, (never have), I did rage and self harm. 

I wanted to reach out and hug this girl. She has to know she's not alone and that she can, someday, be able to cope and live a normal life. She's clearly intelligent and like her, I HATED therapists asking me "well how does that make you feeeel?" Out the door. Paying you big bucks to ask dick questions? Yeah, no. 

I'm glad Danielle was given hope and that her parents learn different ways to communicate with her. I definitely understand how she feels. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, flyingdi said:

I would like to know if anything happened to the piss-poor excuse for cops who had Danielle's case.   The ones who listened to all the lurid details and said, "Sorry not our jurisdiction!"

Probably nothing happened to them. They can murder people in the street and claim they were afraid for their lives, even when said murder victim was running away and was unarmed, and they're given a free pass.

  • Love 3

I too felt sorry for Danielle for a host of reasons that you have all mentioned and sincerely hope she’s able to find her way to a happy life. My comment was actually directed at Phil and his ego which seems to grow by leaps and bounds. I guess my patience has worn thin for him particularly since he’s been pimping for plastic Robin’s skincare line and his son’s book publishing business. 

  • Love 1
On 10/13/2017 at 5:51 PM, ClareWalks said:

The 8-year-old hellraiser today was...off. Something was really off about that kid, the way he talked was....OFF. He seemed like he was really messed up from all the meds. I hope he gets the help he needs. I didn't like either parent but that dad was a total douchebag.

Yes..that kid sounded like he could have starred in the Exorcist...his voice was so very creepy. Unless...they were distorting it?!

On 10/13/2017 at 5:51 PM, ClareWalks said:

The 8-year-old hellraiser today was...off. Something was really off about that kid, the way he talked was....OFF. He seemed like he was really messed up from all the meds. I hope he gets the help he needs. I didn't like either parent but that dad was a total douchebag.

Yes..that kid sounded like he could have starred in the Exorcist...his voice was so very creepy. Unless...they were distorting it?!

  • Love 4
On 10/17/2017 at 1:42 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

You read my mind, I was just coming here to write that. Dr. Phil takes extreme pride in showing off in any way he can.. so the fact that he never does follow -ups is a clear indication that the programs and his pearls of wisdom don't help the guests. We all know he'd show off the progress any chance he'd get.

Does anyone remember Wade & Michelle from around 2011 (I think)?? He commited suicide!  The repeat was on OWN today and I did some research and found this article.


Edited by Monie
  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Why no mention that they were on Dr. Phil? And why did Michelle stay with him after all of the trauma? Phil did several shows with them and that guy was scary! I can’t believe she stayed with him after she became convinced that he’d kill her. Weird to say the least. 

Yes...it was beyond weird and creepy. I could not bring myself to watch it today, but was wondering what happened to him! Guess Phil couldn't help him! He was one sick puppy.....very sad!

  • Love 3

Re the show about Danielle.  Did it strike anyone else as strange that Phil kept going on about her having started having issues waaay before what the parents thought at 7.  He kept on about all the stuff she had been through and then glommed onto the fact that she had been raped at 18 and we got to hear her reaction to all that and then he said he understood how she would be traumatized be that and now we are going to solve her problems that stemmed from that.  What the heck had the parents had to deal with since she was 7 (or before, according to Phil)?  What had happened way back then?  He really made me upset today with he posturing and saying his catch phrases over and over again.  I'm not saying why would I watch Dr. Phil, but Why not?

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, marionette said:

Re the show about Danielle.  Did it strike anyone else as strange that Phil kept going on about her having started having issues waaay before what the parents thought at 7.  He kept on about all the stuff she had been through and then glommed onto the fact that she had been raped at 18 and we got to hear her reaction to all that and then he said he understood how she would be traumatized be that and now we are going to solve her problems that stemmed from that.  What the heck had the parents had to deal with since she was 7 (or before, according to Phil)?  What had happened way back then?  He really made me upset today with he posturing and saying his catch phrases over and over again.  I'm not saying why would I watch Dr. Phil, but Why not?

All he really said was that her issues started before she turned seven, and that seven is just when her parents became aware she was having a problem. It's not that anything traumatic happened to her. But it is true that her mental problems would have started before she turned seven. Take my wife, for example; she is dyslexic. It's not like she was suddenly dyslexic when a teacher noticed it and informed her parents. She'd been dyslexic her entire life, but nobody around her recognized the signs and symptoms. So Danielle was most likely exhibiting some signs of being schizophrenic before seven, and her parents figured it out when she complained about voices in her head urging her to kill people.

  • Love 2

I understand what you are saying.  My point was that Dr. Phil turned the whole thing into Danielle being raped and needing help for that.  He subjected her to a lot of time recalling all the trauma of that experience and then spent a lot of time telling her how he totally understood her and sympathized with her because of her rape.  She needed help for that but that is not what caused her problems.  He is getting so full of himself - he is the only one of nine who could possibly help her???  All the shows seem the same now.  These parents actually seemed to want to help her and have tried everything they had access to.  Phil sounding off about ritalin being the cause of so many problems puts the blame on the parents for giving it to her when his colleagues were the ones who prescribed the medication.  The parents were only doing what they were told was best.  Now they feel at fault for giving her the medication that they were told would help.  I think anyone would be at their wit's end after dealing with a child with so many problems for so long.  You just try everything and nothing works and then you come on some tv show and get yelled at and blamed for not doing the right thing.  Well, what was the right thing?

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, marionette said:

I understand what you are saying.  My point was that Dr. Phil turned the whole thing into Danielle being raped and needing help for that.  He subjected her to a lot of time recalling all the trauma of that experience and then spent a lot of time telling her how he totally understood her and sympathized with her because of her rape.  She needed help for that but that is not what caused her problems.  He is getting so full of himself - he is the only one of nine who could possibly help her???  All the shows seem the same now.  These parents actually seemed to want to help her and have tried everything they had access to.  Phil sounding off about ritalin being the cause of so many problems puts the blame on the parents for giving it to her when his colleagues were the ones who prescribed the medication.  The parents were only doing what they were told was best.  Now they feel at fault for giving her the medication that they were told would help.  I think anyone would be at their wit's end after dealing with a child with so many problems for so long.  You just try everything and nothing works and then you come on some tv show and get yelled at and blamed for not doing the right thing.  Well, what was the right thing?

He is always blaming the parents ....then he also ALWAYS brings up the subject of how he and Plastica raised their wonderful sons!  UGH!

  • Love 1

At the end of the monster-in-law episode they shilled for some Robin thing again, I turned it off partway through but I got to the point where Robin claims that she takes such good care of her skin and she looks so great because she stays out of the sun and exfoliates. Lady, only half of your mouth can move at this point, you've had so much damn surgery. It ain't sunscreen and scrub that makes you look like that. It's facelifts and fillers.

  • Love 11

I am watching the 2nd Danielle episode....Phil is such a jerk to the parents....but all nicey nice to Danielle. The parents were doing the best they could with what they had!   Phil was all apologetic to Danielle about how she was treated but I did not hear him say to the parents that he was sorry for what they went through! I am so at the end of my time watching this arrogant knuckle head and his fame seeking family!

  • Love 2

It is amazing how relieved he always looks when he gets the "show" out of the way and he can do what he really wants which is to hobnob with his advertising buddies or shill for his family and friends.  What a piece of work!  Some poor soul gathers up their courage to bare their secrets on tv and then gets the same old platitudes and cliches and then gets hustled off the stage so phil can gleefully give away his plastic wife's miracle products.  Hubby commented the other day that she is so skinny, Phil actually put his fingers around her arm with room to spare.  She is wasting away and the good doctor is more concerned with how few wrinkles she has?  How vain and shallow are you really?

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, marionette said:

It is amazing how relieved he always looks when he gets the "show" out of the way and he can do what he really wants which is to hobnob with his advertising buddies or shill for his family and friends.  What a piece of work!  Some poor soul gathers up their courage to bare their secrets on tv and then gets the same old platitudes and cliches and then gets hustled off the stage so phil can gleefully give away his plastic wife's miracle products.  Hubby commented the other day that she is so skinny, Phil actually put his fingers around her arm with room to spare.  She is wasting away and the good doctor is more concerned with how few wrinkles she has?  How vain and shallow are you really?

ugh..I hate when he says "When we come back I am going to add some verbs into my sentences" ....shut up Phil!!!

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

Just watching the multi-parter with Wade and Michelle; he had anger issues and PTSD, and told her he had raped and murdered people.  Just out of curiosity, I googled to see if there were any updates.  Sadly, he chose "suicide by cop" about two years ago.

I posted this yesterday -   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3308495/Family-gifted-service-dog-Honor-PTSD-Army-veteran-killed-police-standoff.html

It is always sad when the people who sacrificed for our country are suffering from mental health issues and decide to end it. But I don't like it when suicidal people draw unwitting others into their plans like this. I know, he couldn't help it, he wasn't thinking clearly, but I just feel terrible for the officers who were put at risk, and now have to live with the guilt of having to shoot/kill this man. It reminds me of a local guy who decided he wanted to kill himself, so he crashed his car at 65 MPH into another vehicle, and everyone died EXCEPT HIM. 

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

It is always sad when the people who sacrificed for our country are suffering from mental health issues and decide to end it. But I don't like it when suicidal people draw unwitting others into their plans like this. I know, he couldn't help it, he wasn't thinking clearly, but I just feel terrible for the officers who were put at risk, and now have to live with the guilt of having to shoot/kill this man. It reminds me of a local guy who decided he wanted to kill himself, so he crashed his car at 65 MPH into another vehicle, and everyone died EXCEPT HIM. 

Oh my gosh...that is so very sad!!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Monie said:

Sorry  - I didn't see your post.  We're in the process of moving,  so I haven't taken the time to read all the links.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Monie said:

and Jack did nothing wrong!  But I can't believe he let that Wade continue to be so mean to Jack......

Not sure I agree. Jack said, YOU are the cause of all your problems, Wade. Not a great thing to yell at someone in front of Dr Phil. Jack is usually so calm that it surprised me to hear him say that.

On 10/15/2017 at 0:08 PM, sue450 said:

so i recently saw a repeat episode from about 4 years ago where the guy thought his wife was poisoning him with borax in his soda pop coke...didn't matter that dr Phil showed him this huge bag of borax and told him it would take THAT much to poison him........dr PHil offered treatment and tests to help him find out was was wrong with him (he was not always like this and  something is definitely wrong with him)


since this was an old episode why wasn;t there something  tagged on the end?? .....so did he go to dr phils drs and get help...I searched the internet and found NOTHING...why can't they update old episodes even if it is just some scroll on the screen

I remember that episode.  That guy was crazy and I would love to know what he is doing today!   Even one sentence saying he is still nuts would work for me.  LOL! 

 The show would have to get the clients permission to post an update, I would think and many may not want any more exposure.   But my educated guess is that many do not have success is the reason.  For example, Phil loves to send people to Origins.  It is a drug and alcohol rehab that uses the AA model.  That does not work for most people.  And why he sent Danielle (girl with braces) there is a mystery.   Yes she was using pot, and booze to self medicate but there was a lot more going on with her than possible addiction.  

On 10/19/2017 at 8:33 AM, Monie said:

I am watching the 2nd Danielle episode....Phil is such a jerk to the parents....but all nicey nice to Danielle. The parents were doing the best they could with what they had!   Phil was all apologetic to Danielle about how she was treated but I did not hear him say to the parents that he was sorry for what they went through! I am so at the end of my time watching this arrogant knuckle head and his fame seeking family!

The parents poured a lot of fuel on the fire that is Danielle and often sparked it. Danielle needed someone to be nice to her. I can very much relate to Danielle, minus the drug use (and I was anorexic). I'd been through numerous psychologists and therapists, all shit. My parents didn't know what to do with me, all they could do was yell and force me to see BS therapists who didn't truly understand. 

To know that someone really hears you, really listens and isn't going to send you away with a bunch of pills is EVERYTHING. Danielle basically gave up; I know just how she feels. And I still don't have the best relationship with my parents, they can be volatile and triggering but don't seem to want to put in the introspection I have. 

I hope Danielle knows things can get better for her. Myself, I moved on to a career in public safety. I've dealt with people like Danielle and hope I've given them some peace of mind---some of us truly care and have been there. 

  • Love 5
On 10/16/2017 at 6:15 PM, Intocats said:

Right? If Phil thinks she’s “beautiful”, he needs a new pair of glasses.

Just watched the second episode of “Danielle”. I thought it was disingenuous of Phil to present her as the entitled brat from hell on the first episode — then reveal that she is a sexual assault victim in the second episode. I do feel bad for Danielle and hope she gets the help she needs. She has clearly been suffering for a long time (even before the assault) and she hasn’t gotten proper treatment. (And no, I don’t believe for a second that Phil is the “only one” to help her). 

Danielle’s dad was clueless; her mother seemed well-meaning but clueless — her father’s girlfriend was the one to contact the Dr. Phil show. Was I projecting, or did the girlfriend (who moved to the US from the Netherlands) look like she was ready to hop the next flight back to Europe?

The follow up that I’d most like to see is the original Dr. Phil family. Marty, Erin, Alex and Kathryn. What a bunch of f-ups especially Alex. How many out-of-wedlock children did she end up having? How many did Kathryn end up having? Are Marty and Erin still together? Is Alex still using drugs? Guess that truck Phil gave her didn’t change her at all.

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