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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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6 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

I  thought I saw the mothers arm out of frame when the child fell. I even watched it in slo mo and it really disturbed me. I believe the father said that the belt was effective. Just gross. Hey buddy it's not 1972. They call that child abuse now.  

They called it abuse in 1972, as well. 

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30 minutes ago, wings707 said:

They called it abuse in 1972, as well. 

Makes me wonder how my parents flew so far under the radar for all those years, then. I was born in 1972. My father was in the Air Force until 1977/1978. And they were always abusive with me until around age 20, when I finally fought back. I've always wondered how they got away with it and why nobody else helped protect me.

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It is certainly abuse.No doubt but it wasn't addressed as such back then. At least not in my little town in the midwest. Having the cops and ambulances didn't get much attention. It was rare that someone was carted off. Corporal Punishment was allowed at school as well into the 80's. I certainly think all the behavior is a crime. I didn't mean to insult anyone. I like Mr. Smith had the same WTF why is this cool with everyone and nobody to help me. I was told by my mother that I didn't know what abuse is as she literally backed me into corner digging her nails into my wrists. She expected me to protect her. Even at 8 yrs old I told her what am I supposed to do angry that she didn't protect her children. The jacked up thing is she still holds that belief. 

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My dad was an Army officer in the 50's-70's. He was an company commander, battalion XO and then a battalion commander. I clearly remember times when my mom would wake up my sisters and I to tell us there was a family sleeping in our living room. She always said "Be quiet, be kind and don't ask questions." Sometimes these wives/children would stay with us for several days, eating meals, spending the nights and looking scared. Most of the time the children were much younger than we were so we played with them and took them to the park. At least for my dad, violence and abuse were not tolerated under his command. This always made me supremely sad for these women and children. My parents never told us what happened to them after they left us. 

  • Love 7

MrSmith, thank you for your comments. My parents were strict with us as we were growing up but never mean or hateful. They always wanted the best for us and encouraged our educations, moral behaviour and family closeness. I sometimes resented them when I was growing up because I thought they were too strict and demanding. As I got older and became a parent myself, I truly appreciated everything they taught me and my sisters. After these families would leave our homes, I could see the sadness in both of my parents even at my young age. They have both passed away now but I will always be proud of the people they were, their service to our country and how they both prepared the 3 of us for our lives going forward. God bless them both. 

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We got to watch yesterday's episode last night. I'm mostly of the opinion that their children should be taken from them, their parental rights terminated, and the children should be adopted together by a couple who will love them, take care of them, and treat them well. The father was just a complete and utter jackass for making such blithe and off-handed remarks about his wife dying and how life will be better for everyone when that happens. These people make me wonder when it is that parents stopped teaching children that the only person in your life that you can control is yourself. In my opinion, that is quite possibly the single most important thing you can teach a child. It sets them up for being able to quickly adapt to change and to recognize the things in their lives they have the power to change.

The couple themselves should probably divorce (and probably should have divorced many years ago - like on the order of 15 and 1/2 years ago), but I don't really care what they do with themselves. If they want to lock themselves into a death struggle with each other, whatever; it wouldn't matter. The kids should be taken away, however, and permanently.

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I hope Phil does a follow-up on Kristin and her delusional mother Terese. I know people who are recovering alcoholics, it's a daily struggle but if the person has a good support system, they can stay sober. Terese was trying to be a friend, not a parent....and I didn't hear where Dad was in their lives. I hope this girl can get sober and stay there, before she kills herself.

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That couple from yesterday needs a visit from CPS.  He looks deranged like Charlie Manson. I always wonder how can a person not pick up on the heavy creeper. That was a tough  episode to stick with. From the the looks of the comments I'm not liking today either. I think I'm just over this show. 

Edited by FairyDusted
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I watched the episode with the two wild teens, whose dad was in the military and I liked that the Grandma seemed to be the only one with any sense. I kinda felt that if blondie was going to listen to anyone it would be grandma.

Plus, I felt that if she ever met anyone who was actually in foster care and spouted that nonsense, she would get her ass beat. I imagine kids in actual foster care would appreciate the things that they had.  I feel that both would get a rude awakening when they have to spend a night in jail.

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@tardistravler My parents had foster children while we were growing up. Only one (Ron) actually appreciated what they had while they were living with us, and he was 16 when he came to live with us.

The first boy (Chris) my parents fostered was also 16 when he came to live with us. He stayed about 9 months and ran away two or three times in that time. If I recall correctly, he petitioned to be emancipated when he was 17 and it was granted. He went on to become a drug-addicted car thief.

The second boy (Noah) my parents fostered was 15 when he came to live with us. He was with us for a year and, when we went on vacation the first summer he was with us, my parents opted not to take him. So, he went to live in a different foster home while we were gone. And while we were on vacation, he brought some friends to our house, broke in, and took everything of any value: jewelry, electronics, and so on. I don't remember exactly what happened to him, except that he became a criminal.

Ron was the next boy my parents fostered and he stayed with us from 16 to 18. He went on to own his own tree service (nursery, planting, trimming, etc) and has occasionally visited my parents over the years.

The fourth one was Moses. He lived with us from the age of 10 until he was 17 (I moved out of the house before he did). He's now married with three kids and the entire bunch are welfare sponges.

There were other children after that that my parents fostered, but I don't remember names or ages because I had moved out. The last one was a little girl about 6 years old (my parents couldn't foster a little girl while they had boys living at home) and I actually have always felt bad for her. My mother enjoyed dressing her up for a while and doing girly things with her, but eventually the novelty of that wore off and my mother became as strict and intolerant as she ever was. The little girl was sent to a different foster home in less than two years and, while bouncing from home to home sucks, I think that was the best outcome for her.

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@wings707 LOL! Not that I'm aware of. I should add that, overall, I think having foster children was actually a net positive experience for my younger brother and I. And that's in spite of the fact that Noah burglarized our home while we were on vacation. Being exposed to people around your age whose home lives are even worse than yours (most of these boys' parents were either on drugs or treated the prison entrance as a revolving door) helps widen your view of the world. So, I am glad my parents made that decision because it helped to expand the bubble in which I lived.

My older brother was forced out of the house by my parents when he was 17 because he was smoking marijuana (some time in 1983, as his birthday is in November). They forced him to pick an armed service and he chose the Navy. He spent at least 8 years in the Navy. He and I are a lot alike in that putting physical distance between us and the parents was good for us since it enabled us to be who we are and figure out who that is, exactly. Unfortunately (for me), his time in the Navy instilled a love of California, especially the San Diego area. So, I haven't gotten to see him much over the years, as I've been mostly in the midwest. I know he dated a model named Christine for a while. LOL. I remember that because he had her name tattooed on his arm, then the relationship went belly up, and he eventually had to get it covered up before his wife would agree to marry him.

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I always tell my friends the best way to end a relationship is to have it tattooed on. My husband wants to do my name and even after more than 25 years I don't want him to do it. 

Yesterdays show was a bust because the target never showed up. And yipeee! Dr. Phil has a new app for us. Like we want to see his ass in his backyard.

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MrSmith, you're like an onion. Peel one layer, then another, then another and yet there's more. I truly enjoy your posts even though they detail a sad childhood. It does seem to me that you've overcome many of your demons. Your posts have informed, educated and enlightened many of us on this site. I've appreciated your comments on my posts also. Keep talking to us!

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, GiveMeSpace said:

That is pretty harsh right there. Wow.

I don't know what else to call two people who are perfectly capable of working and yet they choose not to. They alternately live with one of their mothers; his mother collects Social Security Disability, and hers is old enough to straight up collect Social Security. And they collect the various benefits available to the poor. He used to work construction, and even used to work at a pizza place (including doing delivery). In fact, for a time he drove short-haul trucking.

I would like to clarify that I do not believe that all people who collect the benefits that are available to the poor are welfare sponges. I've known many who are not; they legitimately were trying to improve their lives and cared deeply enough about their children to go through whatever struggle each day presented them with. I was in college with a couple of women who were getting their education so they could get off state benefits; and they put the effort in and got good grades, in spite of sometimes having sick children, or cars that wouldn't start, and so on. I believe that most people are good and I believe that most people who collect benefits have self-dignity and hate being on those benefits. Maybe I'm optimistic, and if I am, then I would appreciate no one dispelling my illusions.

@Gam2 Thanks. I'm enjoying hearing what other people have to say. So, it's nice to know I'm contributing and not just reaping the benefits.

  • Love 6
44 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

MrSmith, you're like an onion. Peel one layer, then another, then another and yet there's more. I truly enjoy your posts even though they detail a sad childhood. It does seem to me that you've overcome many of your demons. Your posts have informed, educated and enlightened many of us on this site. I've appreciated your comments on my posts also. Keep talking to us!

Yeah, like she said @MrSmith!  :^D

Edited by wings707
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2 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Shawna the abuser was an appalling, violent, out of control beast.  Sometimes Dr $hil, instead of sending these people to a bogus program, should actually just call CPS and have the kids taken away.

I completely agree.  Sh**tyShawna reminds me of my ex-sister-in-law (wife's brother's ex-wife):  verbal abuse toward my two nieces, some physical abuse, some drug and alcohol use in the presence of my nieces, schlepping off domestic tasks - including feeding, bathing, and dressing the younger children - onto my older niece.  (There were younger half-siblings from a subsequent relationship.)  The difference between Sh**tyShawna's situation and my ex-SIL's, though, is that whereas JackassJames high-tailed it 1,600 miles away for a job and left the family behind, my BIL documented the abuse, went to court, and got full custody of his daughters.

Shame on JackassJames for effectively abandoning his daughters like that.  Shame on him for being abusive to his wife who, being excessively stupid, cowardly, and arrogant, didn't respond in the right way to being abused but rather retaliated against the one person who was powerless, the daughter. 

Shame on $hill for not reporting these two boils on the collective ass of humanity to CPS.  There's nothing that says he can't do both:  offer them therapy at Onsite or whatever the name of the place is that he's pimping today and at the same time file a report.  In fact, given the smirking throughout by Sh**tyShawna, I'm guessing she's not going to take the therapy very seriously.  Why should she?  She's just skated by with no real consequences.  Maybe she'd take it a little more seriously if her kids were taken away and demonstrating a positive therapeutic outcome were one of the many boxes she was required to check off in order to get them back.

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I didn't watch the episode with having given up on Dr. Phil lately, BUT he has led me to believe that he is a mandatory reporter in the past. Is that no longer the case since he has given up his license? Do the children no longer deserve to be free of abusive parents? Did these therapeutic places finally get positive reviews? 

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Watched the show about Therese and Kristen (the drunk).  Couldn't figure out the point of it all with Kristen not showing up.  Then Phil started his self-promotion again and I said "uh-huh".  I did not like that he tried to belittle the sister into appearing when she felt uncomfortable by saying that she was not supporting her sister - what sister?  How is he going to chase Kristen down to the ends of the earth when she is an adult and clearly is not interested in participating.  Family can be very supportive and nothing comes of it.  Now that he has had to come up with some new gadget to transition the patients into society, it is apparent that that was not being done before.  So what good has he been doing all these years of sticking people in these programs (sometimes threatening them with jailtime if they don't go).  It seems to me that this didn't have a chance of working if you don't have a follow-up plan. 

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28 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Oh, you're probably right about that. Although, we're really not missing anything anymore, are we? What a shit show this has become. 

LOL word. It's at the point where I delete most of them about 10 minutes in, because it's not interesting whatsoever. But I read y'all's comments and get the gist!

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On 3/14/2017 at 5:04 PM, FairyDusted said:

That couple from yesterday needs a visit from CPS.  He looks deranged like Charlie Manson. I always wonder how can a person not pick up on the heavy creeper. That was a tough  episode to stick with. From the the looks of the comments I'm not liking today either. I think I'm just over this show. 

It's people like this couple that end up in news stories like this:


I could see the couple on Dr. Phil ending up like this.....and it's always the kids who suffer :(

Ps The 7 kids in this story escaped, and are OK, including the newborn

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4 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

It's people like this couple that end up in news stories like this:


I could see the couple on Dr. Phil ending up like this.....and it's always the kids who suffer :(

Ps The 7 kids in this story escaped, and are OK, including the newborn

And this sadly happens more than we probably know about. SAD! Thanks for the link @ChiCricket!

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18 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Bo showed up baked to well-done, his brain was functioning at a quarter speed of normal.

I agree, but even at 1/4-speed BitchBoyBo was still able to say that, of course he didn't mean to run over the man in the street, as though his being too plastered to form intent somehow makes it OK!

In the same vein, I marked out when $hill called out MorphineMom for saying that the car "wound up getting totaled", like it magically totaled itself, instead of BitchBoyBo doing it.  (I know that this week's episodes have been reruns, but it still seems like $hill has been a little less likely the last couple of months to let slide some stupid things that guests say and a little more likely to call them out for it.)

Overall, I just noped the f out to this whole episode.  Not a good time to elicit sympathy from me for a drunk driver.  My 15-year-old niece's boyfriend was killed by a drunk driver two nights ago, and my niece is so distraught that she had to be admitted to the hospital on suicide watch last night.  So right now I'm thinking that a bullet to the head might be more appropriate therapy for BitchBoyBo than wherever $hill is sending him.

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Holy Cow. Did anyone else see that whack job on today? I think her name was Kaden or something like that. I don't even have words for her or Matthew being fooled by her nonsense. I do think the doc showed a lot of restraint when she was spouting off on her insane theories. I hope he offered her the same help he offered Matthew after the show. She needs it a lot more than he does!

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On 3/16/2017 at 7:02 PM, ChiCricket said:

It's people like this couple that end up in news stories like this:


I could see the couple on Dr. Phil ending up like this.....and it's always the kids who suffer :(

Ps The 7 kids in this story escaped, and are OK, including the newborn

This story is so sad, the baby being rescued happened two towns over from me. So glad all of the children made it out safely. I don't understand how Dr. Phil doesn't just call CPS and have them waiting for some of these parents at the door. 

Kaden from today's show was just a shit ton of crazy. It amazes me how people come on this show and think they are going to get away with some of the lies and crazy stories they have. 

Edited by carpedi7
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8 hours ago, carpedi7 said:

I don't understand how Dr. Phil doesn't just call CPS and have them waiting for some of these parents at the door. 

EXACTLY!!  He is always spouting off how he is a mandated reporter, and how he has worked with the courts for years, blah-di-blah-da.  Instead of giving these loser parents/step-parents/husbands/wives/grandparents/BF or GF's his puffed up resume along with a lecture about what <<could>> happen if he took his responsibility seriously, he shuttles these asshole abusers off to a free stay at his buddies' very expensive rehab resort.  And since we rarely see any follow up shows of successful recoveries, I'm guessing more times than not, the brief stay did not have lasting long term effects.

I know the social services systems are broken and over taxed.  I would hate for kids to be taken from one hell hole to another by going into foster care.  However, if CPS could at least be alerted to problems in these homes, maybe another set of eyes on the case could help?  I certainly don't have a fix but I am almost as tired hearing $hill say "mandated reporter" as I am of seeing his over botoxed frail bird wife telling me about her skincare regime.

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It might be a case of Phil not having seen with his own eyes what happened, but is just going on the word of guests, maybe? I think if he could call CPS and make something happen, he would. And I agree that followup is needed so we know if his "cure" helped or did nothing at all. Todd Herzog is the only person he's had on for followups, mainly because the poor guy can't stop drinking.

Wow, I'm the first to comment on today's episode about the woman held in sexual slavery?  I believe her.  There was a story on ID Discovery on Vanity Fair Confidential last night about the same topic and it's prevalence in Houston.  

This is so creepy and awful, and I'm glad it is FINALLY getting some attention.  

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I watched in horror yesterday, it is almost beyond belief to me that there are enough wealthy people so sick and twisted to treat humans this way and keep this market alive.  My God, it just boggles my mind, I really have no words.  How can this be???  How many people interacted with this one woman alone in her lifetime that KNEW she was a captive and yet took advantage of her and let it continue without any conscience?  There must be an obscene amount of money involved for this to continue because I just can't imagine how much it would take to silence that many people.  It truly makes me sick. 

I'm wondering if there will be any follow-up or additional shows on this story.  I would like to know how she removed herself from this machine.  That poor woman (and how many more like her?) will never know a normal life.  I hate to say it but it's too bad that she wasn't successful in her suicide attempts because she is living dead already.  I can't imagine any amount of therapy that could fix this. 

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Shocking.   I want to know how she escaped the man who owned her and managed to get on TV with her story.  Surely she has been or will be approached to give details to FBI so they can try to catch him and free women in his control.  Probably impossible now since he will have fled to a country with no extradition.  

@suzeecat 100% agree. My wife and I were beyond words watching yesterday's episode. It's a good thing I don't travel in the circles of people who abused this woman because being exposed to it would have irretrievably offended my sense of justice and fairness, as well as my humanity, and I don't think I would have been able to refrain from engaging in Punisher-style reprisals against everyone involved. And in such a scenario, once I got to her parents .... well, let's just say I'd take my time with them.

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