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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show

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1 hour ago, Lion18 said:

The phone rang so I didn't see

did that girl's dad sexually assault her?  I know he was untestable but was there any closure

Ugh NO and it was so annoying. Even an "after the show" where they told us whether they could retest him successfully would have been nice.

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34 minutes ago, flyingdi said:

What makes a person untestable?

He has diabetic nerve pain that caused too many spikes in the sensors, so they couldn't get a baseline. Tremarco said he didn't want to proceed with the test.

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I've see episodes from this new season having been airing on OWN. I was scrolling through the U-verse guide online and saw the JonBenet episode titles and clicked on a couple of others not related to that and other new episodes were listed too. They were airing yesterday in the afternoon and evening hours. 

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They did a marathon yesterday.  Not sure why - I'm guessing Oprah is running out of stuff to show that costs any money.

I also am seeing with the morning marathon they are starting to show current season programming for one of the episodes.

That said, after the rapper kid's episode from last week, which I didn't get to see on the original showing.  I saw it this morning.  Are they kidding me with this crap cosmetic informerical nonsense on his show?  Is he running out of money too?

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I think it's hilarious that Dr. Shill had the fiancé of Steven Avery on this afternoon to explain how in love they were and why she was marrying him. This morning, Steven Avery announced that he'd broken up with her because she was a gold digger. Way to stay on top of things, Phillip!!!

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Gam2, where did you read that? Not being sarcastic - I'm just curious because that's not the story I read. I read somewhere online that he thought everything was okay and immediately after Dr Phil aired, she "ghosted" on him. He's tried calling and she's blocked his number and the number of all his family members. The article said that his family members didn't like her from the start and thought she was an attention seeking gold digger but Avery thought it was true love or some such nonsense. 

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10 hours ago, AKraven said:

Avery is a sorry, low-down motherfucker, in my opinion.  He once threw a cat into a fire, so he is dead to me.

I  caught a few minutes of Phil's show with the fiancee and I was only half-ass listening to what was being said but I'm pretty sure I heard her say that Avery was just innocently playing 'catch' with the cat and that's how it accidentally 'fell' into the fire.  Oopsy!  Just an unfortunate accident from a friendly game of catch.   Yeah.  No words.

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22 hours ago, Applegirl said:

He's supposed to receive a large settlement from his lawsuit against the state. He was wrongfully convicted of a previous crime.

As mentioned in I think the third episode of Making a Murderer, he settled that lawsuit for $400,000 after being arrested for the murder of Teresa Halbach.

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That woman just wants attention; from being on TV and getting interviewed in the press. No way in hell is she moving in with barely literate, hobbit sized, cat killer Avery. I still think he didn't get a fair trial but as a proud born Sconnie ( from Wisconsin) he is an embarrassment to our state. Phil only had her on because he thinks he is getting some surprise confession from Avery. Phil's ego rules over the show.

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Cabarb, I can't recall specifically where I read that information about Steven Avery but read it on two different sites. One was not just a repeat of the other-they were written by two different people. They must have been mainstream sites because that's all I read. Sorry I can't give you more information.

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5 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

That woman just wants attention; from being on TV and getting interviewed in the press. No way in hell is she moving in with barely literate, hobbit sized, cat killer Avery. I still think he didn't get a fair trial but as a proud born Sconnie ( from Wisconsin) he is an embarrassment to our state. Phil only had her on because he thinks he is getting some surprise confession from Avery. Phil's ego rules over the show.

Yeah, but she is lovely, dumped by her husband, and has found a lifeline in Steven Avery.  Imho, he adores and worships her, has the public on his side, and will get a nice settlement from the state.  Once he starts leaving old tires and rusted cars in HER backyard, game over.  

Sad, really.  She is a lovely woman of a "certain age" who was dumped by her husband.  ? Probably thinks he's a beloved star.....

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21 hours ago, AKraven said:

Uh-huh.  "I'll take Shit That Never Happened for $500, Alex.

Uncanny.  I just posted an Alex Trebek scenario on Judge Judy. 

Yours is much more clever though and I agree with you completely about Avery.  

And her - a lot of studies about women falling for men in prison.  None of it complimentary.

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The episode with the stripper mom actually did the impossible for me: it made me a little bit sad for the neglectful stripper mom. I agree this woman is not doing a good job with her baby and the grandma is raising him. But I didn't like the snotty sister and mom ganging up on the girl, and I really didn't like the baby daddy calling her a whore and Phil said nothing. I think there are a few different things going on here. Grandma wants custody of the baby, also was dying to meet Dr. Phil. Her motives are not pure here. Sister probably is jealous of her younger and prettier sister. Baby daddy may or may not have paid child support, may or may not have tried to see the baby before getting on TV. In regard to the stripper mom: She needs professional help and parenting classes. However no professional therapist would yell at or make sarcastic comments to someone who says they feel suicidal. I actually felt sorry for her, but she does need intensive help.

I hope the grandma isn't going to use the excuse of the mom going for help to force a custody hearing. I feel most sorry for this little toddler. Sigh. 

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With stripper mom, it was kind of the pot calling the kettle, was it not, what with her multiple chins, yet calling her sister fat and jealous.

She was not attractive in the face to start with and her personality just made her sluglier.


That whole family was a train wreck, though.  "Dad" and goose-necking fiance need to take several damn seats.

Edited by lallalla
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I don't feel that stripper mom is doing the best she can as a mother (a fact that she did admit to), and I know the sister is the one who contacted the show but I didn't care for that mom one bit. She complains about the way stripper mom is but argues with the daughter in front of the kid, all the while claiming the moral high ground talking about her "walk with God and watching Dr Phil."  Yeah she wanted to meet him bad. And I really hated the way she played to the audience. She kept turning her whole entire body just to get them on her side or whatever. I'm glad Dr Phil called her out on it.  

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16 hours ago, ethalfrida said:

The way he says he is a mandated child something or another bugs me. Anyone who works with children is mandated to report suspected child abuse. 

Even lunchroom ladies are mandated reporters. 

There is something definitely wrong about Dr. Phil's self esteem.  People who are secure with themselves have no need, nor do they puff themselves up at the expense of hurting others.  The whole "I'm smarter than you" stuff is an attempt to gain the upper hand when they feel threatened. 

Truth is, the guy is not licensed anymore and I won't go into the reasons why - all that is on the internet. 

If I were him, I'd tone it down a bit because one of these days he's going to act high and mighty to the wrong person and they're going to screw his bald head into the ground like light bulb into a socket.  He's the ultimate definition of a pompous ass.

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3 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

This mom seems like a moron, but this dad needs to stop screaming so fucking much. Seriously, I wish Dr. Phil would just tell him to stop SCREAMING SO MUCH.

Something was off.  Waaaay off with that guy.  Really off.

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On 10/8/2016 at 3:28 PM, AZChristian said:

In at least 18 states, EVERYONE is a mandated reporter.  

Not really.  If Grandma lives in the house and witnesses the abuse that's one thing.  But the word "mandated" has a much higher level of meaning for a therapist, or Dr. Phil, or a teacher even,  than it does for a neighbor.  

Not sure where priests fall on the mandated part though.  Somehow they often seem to be protected by a 'higher power' mandate which is unfortunate.  Hopefully, that distinction has been obliterated by now. 

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I'm not a violent person but I sure had a hankering to bash his face in the pavement. 

I did laugh though when Dr. "I'm a mandated reporter and I've been a jury consultant and I've mediated family issues for the courts and I'm an expert on weight loss and  mysonjay and I have several lucrative businesses and my other son is a rockstar and every female on the face of this planet is jealous of my beautiful wife who does not believe in plastic surgery and who sold more of her products on HSN than any other celebrity in the history of the universe" Phil told him that he's a know it all.

That made me laugh and shout back to the tv (like a fifth grader) that it takes one to know one.

Why do I watch this show? 

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14 minutes ago, LisainCali said:

Not really.  If Grandma lives in the house and witnesses the abuse that's one thing.  But the word "mandated" has a much higher level of meaning for a therapist, or Dr. Phil, or a teacher even,  than it does for a neighbor.  

Not sure where priests fall on the mandated part though.  Somehow they often seem to be protected by a 'higher power' mandate which is unfortunate.  Hopefully, that distinction has been obliterated by now. 

I got my information from a website that specializes in family law.

"Mandatory Reporters

In most states, professions that engage in regular contact with children are listed as mandatory reporters. In at least 18 states, however, there are no listed mandatory reporters – anyone and everyone who knows or suspects that child abuse has occurred is required by law to make a report."

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On 10/8/2016 at 1:49 PM, PsychoKlown said:

Even lunchroom ladies are mandated reporters. 

There is something definitely wrong about Dr. Phil's self esteem.  People who are secure with themselves have no need, nor do they puff themselves up at the expense of hurting others.  The whole "I'm smarter than you" stuff is an attempt to gain the upper hand when they feel threatened. 

Truth is, the guy is not licensed anymore and I won't go into the reasons why - all that is on the internet. 

If I were him, I'd tone it down a bit because one of these days he's going to act high and mighty to the wrong person and they're going to screw his bald head into the ground like light bulb into a socket.  He's the ultimate definition of a pompous ass.

Yeah, but here is the thing.  He is telling his drunk, abusive, neglectful, out of control parents that he MUST report these idiots to authorities.  "Sign here, here and here,".  I am assuming he reports them along with his recommendations and arrangements for therapy, rehab, anger-management, etc.. which keeps them from being prosecuted.  If they stop going to his no-cost but excellent centers, they are turned over to authorities.  

As much as it appears that he is "bragging" about his status as a "mandated reporter", it is really the equivalent of Miranda Warnings.  AND educating his audience that these nut jobs ARE being and watched.  

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The father on today's show was scary.  The courts should have ordered a psych eval for him long ago.  There's a definite case for parental alianation with the older daughter, and she's doing her share to get the little sister on board the hate mom train.  The mother admits she's done a bad job of picking the men in her life, I hope she decides to forego dating altogether until all of her kids are raised. 

I think that woman that was on, what was she again?  Some kind of professional dealing with custody issues?  Anyway, the second she got on stage she left no doubt that she loathed the father.

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13 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

I'm not a violent person but I sure had a hankering to bash his face in the pavement. 

I did laugh though when Dr. "I'm a mandated reporter and I've been a jury consultant and I've mediated family issues for the courts and I'm an expert on weight loss and  mysonjay and I have several lucrative businesses and my other son is a rockstar and every female on the face of this planet is jealous of my beautiful wife who does not believe in plastic surgery and who sold more of her products on HSN than any other celebrity in the history of the universe" Phil told him that he's a know it all.

That made me laugh and shout back to the tv (like a fifth grader) that it takes one to know one.

Why do I watch this show? 

This post made me LOL!  It's so true, haha.

Why do we watch this show?  Well, a house on my street burned down a few years back.  The fire crews came but it was too late.  We all helplessly watched in disbelief as it burned to the ground.  That's pretty much the same thing as why we watch this show.

Edited by Sup wit dat
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Phil acts like he has some real authority over these people but he doesn't. Yes, he could report them, but since he actually did not witness any child abuse or neglect, his report would do nothing that anyone watching the show couldn't do. The mother was mostly quiet, but she obviously has issues which might stem from living with the insane ranting man. I always wonder if these people have jobs and if their employers are watching this. Who would want this ranting man to work for them?

I do wonder about the kids. Something is very wrong with the older girl and it could just be coaching from dad. So, if the mom goes away for an undetermined time, what is stopping the dad from going to court and saying the mother abandoned the kids? Of course she couldn't ask that or Phil would go crazy and scream at her that she doesn't want help. I think Phil doesn't realize the reason many of these people don't go to these 'wonderful' facilities, is that they can't afford it, don't want to leave their kids or can't leave their kids, and they may lose whatever jobs they have. It's easy to say, get another job but for people living paycheck to paycheck, not so simple. The show is going very Jerry Springerish. Phil used to give some advice that people at home could possibly use, but now its just blaming, building himself up and advertising the recovery places. 

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Oh My God.  An in-denial mom who only wants money and is PROUD of her skeletal daughters, a boyfriend who "doesn't judge them" and the dad who wants to take off their bedroom doors and keep tabs on them.  Sorry, I vote for dad!

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They need to take these girls away from their mother and her DUH boyfriend.  Dad is a much better parent, even if he hasn't been allowed to see them.  When did mom GET this "boyfriend" anyway?  A year ago, when their anorexia blossomed?

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1 hour ago, Brattinella said:

They need to take these girls away from their mother and her DUH boyfriend.  Dad is a much better parent, even if he hasn't been allowed to see them.  When did mom GET this "boyfriend" anyway?  A year ago, when their anorexia blossomed?

Well said. 

My husband came home and asked why I watching on tv what I live five days a week.  I have a client who is anorexic but the real issue is dealing with her grandmother who has primary custody.   You cannot believe how complicated it is and all the nuances and laws you have to follow.  Phil McGraw is doing a disservice to the twins parading them on stage like they're some prized livestock at the county fair. 

Dad was okay.  I think he has a chance.  Mom?  She's looking for a gig on the Real Housewives franchise.  And her boyfriend looks like he talks tough but when confronted backs down immediately.  Am I wrong or did he look a lot younger than her?  Or is it just that she has such an active social life the tire marks are showing on her face?  I kept running into the kitchen so if it was mentioned I might have missed it.

Robin's husband really dressed the mom down with her requests for money.  Too much so.  Make your point McGraw then move on.  Talk about beating a dead horse.  He just goes on and on and on....a lot like this post.

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Wow I am watching the story of Brooke Shield's stalker.  I've never seen this stuff before, no wonder he was put in jail!  He blames HER for his sister's death "unequivocally"!  WOW.  This man needs to be on meds and/or in an institution, he truly believes his delusion and can't be swayed.  This is a horrible story, poor Brooke.

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2 hours ago, Brattinella said:

Wow I am watching the story of Brooke Shield's stalker.  I've never seen this stuff before, no wonder he was put in jail!  He blames HER for his sister's death "unequivocally"!  WOW.  This man needs to be on meds and/or in an institution, he truly believes his delusion and can't be swayed.  This is a horrible story, poor Brooke.

I had never heard about this guy before.  Yikes!!!  Him blaming Brooke for his sister's death is scary shit.   His references to Rebecca Shaffer were also scary as hell.  The fact that he has such access to her home, her family and she herself must make her jump at every little sound. I hope she has good security. 

I agree, poor Brooke.   This guy is crazy, it sounds like he went from being obsessed and "in love" with her to hating her.  I don't know which one is more scary. 

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Did you all catch how McGraw slipped in there about his stalker?  Tough guy he is.

He's super-duper protected and so is his beautiful plastic-free wife Robin, his sons (including and not limited to Mysonjay) and his grandchildren.

Oh and yeah, if anyone touches his wife..........

We have this saying at work "he didn't get first choice of crayons" meaning that as a child he/she didn't get to pick first and now must be sure that everyone in the room (and in this case teevee land) know that not only does he now get first choice in picking crayons - he owns the whole damn box.

Sound familiar to anyone?

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2 minutes ago, Sup wit dat said:

I always chuckle when Dr. Phil says he's going to put some verbs in his sentences.  I doubt half his guests know what verbs are.

I think you're right because (to quote Dr. Phil) a lot of them seem to have fallen out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.  

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I haven't watched the show in a while but saw the one yesterday about Mom and Sister taking care of grandkids while the other Sister (children's mother) runs after a homeless jobless loser druggie boyfriend who's living in her car. 

They spent 45 min outlining their problems, then Dr. Phil spent all of 20 seconds on his verbs. After the commercial break, he has another guest on to talk about diabetes.

I was like, what the hell just happened?! Where's all the help and advice for the hot mess we just spent 45 minutes on? He totally glossed over these people's problems. They needed a way more comprehensive solution than what he provided with their myriad issues, many of which he never even addressed.

Dr. Phil has really gone downhill.

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