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RuPaul’s Drag Race UK: Fierceness Across the Pond

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I can't stop thinking about the enchanting picture of tiny Ellie and Bryce in their little Pierrot costumes...

Sad to see Tia go. I really want someone to take her in hand and teach her to walk and stand and pose with confidence and inhabit that beautiful body. It is a shame that that sort of thing cannot always be learned. But what a charming contestant.

Snatch Game was pretty awful. Interesting to see Lawrence fumble. I thought Tia won that lipsync, but it was time to go.


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My thoughts : 

Lawrence Chaney: yeah he messed that up. Miriam Margoyles is hysterically funny in person, and maybe he should have done someone a bit more "straight"

Elie Diamond: I find him really endearing and thought his Vicky Pollard was fun as was his runway. i may have placed him Top 3 

Awhora: His Snatch Game felt very try-hard - was not feeling it. the runway was cool

Tayce: was not familiar with his Snatch character and thought it was dull. The runway was great though

Bimini: Yes she knocked it out of the park. No one else came close this episode. She's a real contender now

Sister Sister: I'd have put her in the bottom. Didn't care for her Snatch and runway was hotch potch

Tia Kofi: I would have kept her safe. Her character was alot more memorable than some of the others and I was fine with the runway concept. I guess Ru's expectations of her were quiet high. Oh well

The lipsync was awful (Touch Me All Night Long is one of my fave songs from that era),  but I guess Lawrence brought more energy and there was no way Ru was sending him home.


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It will be very sad to watch the show without Tia's funny talking heads from now on. I absolutely don't agree with Ru's decision and I don't quite get it. I think Tia has much more to offer overall than other queens like Awhora or Ellie, whom I do love (Ellie, not Awhora), but for sure not more than Tia. She was a really memorable character on the show and had so much airtime, and deservedly so, because she brought something extra that added a lot to each episode. The show will be boring and bland without her! And okay, I do understand her looks were a bit shabbier than the other queens', but as far as charisma, sense of humour and comic timing she was a cut above the rest. I would have definitely put her in the three finalists. Oh well. Not sure who to root for at this point.

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Aw, I'm going to miss Tia. I really loved her talking heads and personality. I wondered sometimes if financially she had a harder time getting decent outfits together, but then Ellie in the drive through did alright lol.

Bimini really stood out in both. She is just stunning in the runway in the same way I find Violet Chachki stunning. Like supermodel face.

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11 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Yesterday someone mentioned Bing Bong (the elephant characater from the Disney movie Inside Out) and my mind immediately sang, "BING BANG BONG!"

I swear to god that song is the gift that keeps giving. Seems to be triggered by absolutely everything I've been seeing and doing for the past 10 days. I need help.

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On 2/11/2021 at 6:36 PM, Pj3422 said:

Is it just me, or does A’Whora look a lot like Adore Delano? 

She does, but apparently she's not happy about it LOL. She said something on Twitter, and then Adore basically said, "There are far worse people you could look like." Haha. Apologies if someone else has already relayed this.

I've been finding myself singing, "Release the beast, Bimini" apropos of nothing on a regular basis for days now. Sigh. I really don't like that both seasons all the queens on the winning girl groups have gotten RuPeter badges. In my head, Bimini deserved a sole win for that challenge. Thank God she finally won this week. There had been far too many weeks of her being passed over, and I had quite enough really. I hope this gives her some momentum and she can make a run at the crown. 

It's so odd. I didn't think much of Bimini on Meet the Queens at all. But once the series proper started, almost instantly I loved her! That usually is not how it works LOL. On the other hand, I loved Awhora on MTQ but then wasn't feeling her at the beginning of the series. Although I have been liking her more of late.

I've been absolutely loving this season, although Snatch Game was easily the weakest episode. I was surprised that most of them seemed to struggle, although Bimini truly handled that character (being American I've no clue who she is) like a champ! The season 1 SG was much better, obviously. A thing I've noticed with DragRace of late is it's wayyyy too overly produced and like it's being made for stupid people. The abundance of music with varying tones to let you know how you're supposed to think about what is being shown. The never-ending reaction shots of Ru and the judges to know how you're supposed to think a queen is performing. It's really so annoying LOL, and also tends to give away who is going to win or wind up in the bottom. I noticed it with Lawrence's Snatch Game character.. They wanted us to think he was doing HORRIBLY, but in reality I thought it wasn't that bad. I thought Ellie was quite good (Little Britain/Vicky Pollard was one of the few references I actually knew), and didn't get enough credit. 

Poor Tia just didn't have a chance and she had to have known it. Her zero accolades up against LAWRENCE CHENEY and his three RuPeter badges. But like the professional that she is, she stood up there and did the damn song (like you're supposed to). There are no words for how much Ginny's little stunt bothered me. Tia left with so much dignity and respect. And she is truly hilarious; I imagine she'll be pretty successful if things ever open up again. I know so many fans who just love her to death (and maybe even more than is merited to be honest lol).. but it kind of really was her time. Although leaving before Sister? I don't think. Maybe that psychic is an actual person in the UK, but it just seemed like a tired variation of what we've already seen on prior seasons MULTIPLE times before. I was not impressed.

It will be exciting to see how it all finishes. I can't imagine Lawrence not making it to the end, but I'm not quite sure the front-runner thing will wind up playing to his advantage (see Gigi Goode). I think he most likely will make a lovely first runner-up. I low-key expect Tayce to turn into something amazing every week, and it's yet to happen. Maybe it just never will...

Edited by Victim Noises
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S2.E7: I Need a Hero


This week RuPaul challenges the queens to create show stopping superhero outfits. US Drag Race All Star Raven pops in for moral support and TV presenter Maya Jama joins Michelle Visage and Graham Norton on the judging panel as Ru decides which queens should lip sync for their lives.

Original air date: 2/25/21

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Sister Sister used her extra 15 seconds to grab as much fabric-like materials as she could carry (with the intent of not using it all) yet she somehow managed to make the worst outfit on the runway. Everyone else managed to create looks that seemed at least halfway decent for the runway. Lawrence's was the most basic (let's be honest - it was a striped corset with orange pom poms glued on) but even that looked like something you might see for one of the themed runways. Sister's look, on the other hand, looked like exactly what it was - a bunch of unconventional materials slapped together to make an outfit. Not only did it look crafty and homemade, but it wasn't flattering and seemed to make no sense at all.

 Second worst (or tied for worst) was Tayce. I could have lived with that copper scrubbie outfit IF and only if she had made it long enough to be a skirt or dress. Leaving the entire crotch exposed like that was just terrible. I still wouldn't have liked it but at least it would look like a purposefully made outfit.

I know the judges liked the drama of A'Whora's blue Gaga-esque ensemble, but I preferred Ellie's candy themed outfit. She had a complete look from head to toe, complete with multiple accessories.

I was surprised that Bimini's turned out so well. Like Ru, I was aghast at what she originally showed in the workroom. I mean, there isn't really much you can do with a pillowcase and two palm leaves.

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I know the judges liked the drama of A'Whora's blue Gaga-esque ensemble, but I preferred Ellie's candy themed outfit. She had a complete look from head to toe, complete with multiple accessories.

I loved Ellie's look too, but I think A'Whora better fit the "superhero" brief, which is why she won. They both did a great job of construction.

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Yeah that was Sister's time to go. That outfit was a disaster. 

Awhora and Ellie were the correct top two but most of them missed the superhero theme. Awhora deserved her win but am not feeling her (and Tayce) personality wise. Tayce's dress was good on the top but that panty-line destroyed it. 

I'm really rooting for Bimini but I may have put her in the bottom two this week. Either way Sister was going home. 

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I'm bummed that Sister Sister went home because I still don't know why but I liked her a lot. She was funny. Anyway, I felt like there were no more expendable queens even before Tia left (I miss her!), so at this point whoever leaves would be a loss for the show. The only queen I still don't like is Awhora, but her dress tonight was incredible, so it was clear she wouldn't be eliminated.

I would've put Biminy in the bottom, though. Her outfit, with those butt cheek plungers and the oily hair, was a bit tacky. And I can't believe Michelle praised her eyebrows, they were all wobbly!

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6 hours ago, stormy weather said:

I would've put Biminy in the bottom, though. Her outfit, with those butt cheek plungers and the oily hair, was a bit tacky. And I can't believe Michelle praised her eyebrows, they were all wobbly!

I hated the greasy looking hair too. Obviously it was intentional since it was a wig, which kind of made it worse.

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Episode 7:

It's always good to see Raven!

Why oh why can't these queens get it in their heads that Ru wants to see eleganza on the runway with these create your drag challenges?  Tayce should have had a long skirt or made that copper into the top of a full length dress. Plus Raven warned you about those scrubbers cutting up your hands! Why didn't you use a glove to begin with? 

Lawrence Cheyney also needed a full garment.  I'm sure Ru is tired of the queens shaking their junk in his face.

Sister Sister has been a bit full of themselves this whole season, so I'm happy to see them sashay away.  They looked like the werk room threw up on them, honestly.

A'Whora fit the theme the best. I gagged when she walked out! This might be our winner...

Edited by Stardancer Supreme
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After binge watching two seasons of the Drag Race UK, I must say I'm very disappointed.  I can't believe that these folks have the nerve to call themselves 'drag queens'.  "Basic' doesn't even begin to describe these queens.  It's like they haven't got the slightest idea what 'glamour' is.  The most 'glamourous' queens on this show would be laughed out of the werkroom in LA on the first day.  Is this the same country that produced Alexander McQueen and John Galliano?  That probably explains why they both headed out and designed for French houses.

Maybe it's because they don't have the tradition of drag-balls that Americans have.  I'm not familiar with the drag scene in England but it looks like these queens just slap some makeup on, put on a dress and go down to the pub to tell a few jokes.  Do they have pageants or drag balls?

A lot of people think that the UK is so classy because they have the royal family, but has anyone really taken a close look at them?  Some of the frumpiest people on the planet.  Poor Katie Cambridge was pathetic until Meghan showed up and made her step up her game.  Princess Margaret was the 'glamourous' one and Jackie Kennedy could out-glamour Mags in her sleep.

I couldn't believe the finale of the first season.  It looked like two of those queens had raided Queen Elizabeth's closet.  They were dressed like senior citizens.  The show clearly tried to step it's game up by picking a younger and more diverse group of queens but still.  Joe Black, who is supposedly some sort of drag legend in England, wore a Tudor frock to represent the Brighton Pavilion!  I was laughing my ass off.  This so-called 'legend' didn't know that the Brighton Pavilion was built during the REGENCY.  And then they had the nerve to bring that fool back. 

I don't blame Ru for going off on those sad-sacks.  They had had SEVEN MONTHS to pull their shit together, to maybe pick up a fashion magazine or LEARN TO SEW.  And what happens?  The 'legend' BRAGS about getting her dress at H&M.  Ru showed a lot more patience than I would have.  I would have caught the first thing smoking back to the States.

I can imagine that there are drag mothers in the US who wish they could get their hands on Tia or Tayce or even A'Whora (on a good day) and make something out of them.  Those girls think that all they have to do is be 'pretty'.  Well, they ain't that pretty.  And Wesley Snipes, who is an attractive man but an unfortunate looking woman, looked better than any of these queens in 'To Wong Foo...'  Forty-nine year old Tamika, recovering from colon cancer and wearing a colostomy bag would wipe the floor with the 'prettiest' one of this sad lot.

I can understand why these queens are competing for badges and a trip to Hollywood.  There's no way any of them deserve a REAL prize.

Edited by mightysparrow
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7 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

After binge watching two seasons of the Drag Race UK, I must say I'm very disappointed.  I can't believe that these folks have the nerve to call themselves 'drag queens'.  "Basic' doesn't even begin to describe these queens.  It's like they haven't got the slightest idea what 'glamour' is.  The most 'glamourous' queens on this show would be laughed out of the werkroom in LA on the first day. 

Amen. Truly glamorous and unique queens like Elliott and Kandy Muse would surely be horrified to be in the same room as such horrendous "contenders" as Tayce, Bimini, and Lawrence Chaney. How dare the UK queens exhibit charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent when the show is about USAmerican 'glamour'!!!

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1 hour ago, Aerobicidal said:

Amen. Truly glamorous and unique queens like Elliott and Kandy Muse would surely be horrified to be in the same room as such horrendous "contenders" as Tayce, Bimini, and Lawrence Chaney. How dare the UK queens exhibit charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent when the show is about USAmerican 'glamour'!!!

Kandy Muse should consider immigrating.  She'd actually stand a chance of looking good.

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@mightysparrow - I understand your criticism - but there is more to drag than "Glamour". It is a very limiting viewpoint. Comparing Season 13 of regular Drag Race and UK Season 2  IMHO - there is much more personality and charm with the UK queens and I find that far more entertainting than polished lewks alone. Balls and pageants are not the basis of British drag = theatre and pantomime is.  

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I'm not a fan of Sister Sister but come on, she slayed that lip sync compared to Tayce's piss poor effort! I know both girl's outfits were hideous, but seriously, why lip sync when Ru has obviously made her mind up beforehand who she's keeping in the competition.

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I liked that everyone's comedy set was given a little room to breathe, rather than edited to within an inch of its life as often happens on these shows.  Some were obviously better than others, but everyone made me laugh at least once, and I felt I could get a real sense of how things flowed.

I was dying to know what exactly A'whora and her grandmother had in common.  I found an uncensored clip and am pleased I got the gist.  It was pretty vulgar, not entirely to my taste, but I didn't think it was way over the line.  The rest of the sets weren't pure and wholesome.  A good chunk of, for instance, Ellie's was shouting about dick in a low voice, so...

The drama over the running order was just a little over-egged.  I'm sure everyone's nerves are frayed, and maybe the producers even suggested that be played up, but I don't find that kind of petty conflict interesting.  We all know that's the way it goes, deal with it and do your best.  Prove the ones who thought you wouldn't rise to the challenge wrong!

Dusty Springfield for the lip-sync?  I was tickled pink!  They both did well, but I agree that Tayce won it.  She really captured the song's emotion for me with a lot of energy even when she wasn't moving as much.  This has been a really great season and I'm sorry to see it winding down, but excited to see who will come out on top.

Finally, I enjoy different aspects of the UK and US shows.  UK drag's sense of humor really works for me.  I think the US show doesn't reflect most US drag anyway.  It's a very slick designer-driven affair highlighting personalities who are marketable in a certain way, and who sometimes take out mortgages to pay someone to make what they wear.

I enjoy the looks but I have just as much appreciation for queens who offer a charismatic performance at a bar or club (remember those?) even if their outfit doesn't look like it was made by a couturier with references to two others.  For sure if I got as worked up about it all as some folks, I would take a large glass of water and a nap.  Yikes!

Edited by 853fisher
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I agree that Tayce was better in the lip sync, but both were good & it would have been a good time for a double shantay, especially as I think Ellie should have been in the bottom instead based on what we saw. I thought Tayce did well! It's hard to know how A'Whora did with all the bleep-outs, but I found Ellie's kind of forced & uncomfortable (not because it was racy but because it was all a little awkward). I don't know why she won the mini challenge either, although I don't have any strong feelings about who should have. It seemed more a case of she's due for a win and let's see what she does with it. Then again, results often seem a bit arbitrary.

Edited by akr
typed sashay, meant shantay - I was tired.
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S2.E8: Stoned on the Runway


This week the queens face one of their toughest challenge yet as they are asked to write and perform their own comedy stand up routines. Comedy legend Dawn French joins Michelle Visage and Alan Carr on the judging panel as another queen takes her leave.

Mini Challenge: The Masc 4 Masc Singer
Maxi Challenge: Stand-Up Challenge
Runway Theme: Stoned On The Runway

Original air date: 3/4/21

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12 hours ago, 853fisher said:

The drama over the running order was just a little over-egged.  I'm sure everyone's nerves are frayed, and maybe the producers even suggested that be played up, but I don't find that kind of petty conflict interesting

I agree, it went on for too long. I can see A' Whora being a bitch, but not Lawrence. It seemed dragged out.

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I loved Ellie's glam rock character. The comedy show was enjoyably awful. Tayce won that lipsync fair and square. Goodbye A'Whora. Won't miss that 80's confessional outfit. As ever, Bimini! Just brilliant.

Great top four. It's gone so fast. Everything about this season is so much more vivid and engaging than season 13, the neverending story. 

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Boy, you'd think Ellie ordered a hit on the queens the way Lawrence and A'Whora went on about it. 

A'Whora's nastiness to a queen finally boomeranged though. She started the episode telling Ellie she was next to go. Then she laughed that Ellie finally had a win, but too bad it doesn't mean anything.  Then she found that that mini challenge win meant she was going first in the stand up challenge, and suddenly it meant everything.

Edited by 7-Zark-7
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The running order drama felt soooo fake. I'm not sure what they expected Ellie to do, pick herself to go first? No one wants to go first, that's quite obvious, but someone has to do it and I don't blame her for choosing the person who has been slagging her off from day one. And I'm sorry to say I'm not surprised Lawrence sided with Awhora and attacked Ellie too. Awhora is evil incarnate but Lawrence has also been showing a mean streak lately, and her stand-up wasn't that funny. Everyone keeps saying Lawrence is a comedy queen but I actually think she just has funny comebacks, 'cause so far she bombed every proper comedy challenge (remember the snatch game?) 

I'm also disappointed that Bimini and Tayce said nothing in Ellie's defense and left her to fend for herself. She's only 21, come on. If you see something, say something!

Anyway, I would've loved to see what Sister Sister or Tia would have done with this challenge. I miss them both.

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Enjoyable episode but yeah that order drama was draaaggged out too much. 

Team Ellie here - girl did what she had to do. And that was the correct bottom two. I saw Awhora's uncensored version - still not that funny and Tayce was just incoherent. 

The other 3 all had good storytelling and the runway was quite even. 

Looks like it's going to be Bimini vs Lawrence for the top spot and I won't mind if either wins. I wonder how far down the line a UK or International All Stars is ?!

Edited by Wonderlad71
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I could not believe how long A'Whora and Lawrence went on and on about Ellie SABOTAGING them with the performance order. First of all, you know that if either of them had won the challenge, they would have used the performance order to their advantage too so they are being complete hypocrites. But secondly, there are only X amount of spots. Someone has to go first. Someone has to go last. There is no getting around the fact that every time slot has to be used. She didn't have the option of NOT letting someone go first. Did they really think she should bite the bullet and give herself the worst spot? Because you know neither of them would have done that if they had won the mini challenge.

Tayce has been kind of a shady bitch so I was surprised that she was the one who ended up being so easy breezy about the whole thing by saying that it's game, Ellie won the right to choose the lineup, and to just be funny.

Bimini was the obvious winner of the challenge. She was the only one who was super comfortable onstage and funny. Everyone else struggled or was flatout unfunny.

Tayce definitely won the LSFYL though. I thought that was a nice straightforward interpretation of the song. I like when the show takes a break from the pop/club songs and gives them a song that doesn't invite death drops and other tricks.

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S2.E8 BeastEnders


The queens' acting skills are put to the test as they star in a new soap opera: `BeastEnders'. To help them with their roles, `EastEnders' legend Natalie Cassidy, also known as Sonia, gives the girls a soap-acting masterclass, whilst Michelle Visage and Graham Norton and an extra special guest judge join RuPaul to deliberate on the fate of the remaining queens.

Original air date: 3/11/21

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41 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

To help them with their roles, `EastEnders' legend Natalie Cassidy, also known as Sonia, gives the girls a soap-acting masterclass

Part of me really hopes that this is going to be a Joey Tribbiani acting for soap operas class complete with "smell the fart" tips.

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When Lawrence was having trouble with the script [and the ongoing grudge with Ellie] I was sure the episode was building to a Scottish lip sync showdown, so points for zagging when I thought the zig was so obvious.

The letters from their Mums was a lovely touch.


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6 hours ago, MsJamieDornan said:

They all acted the heck out of that challenge ! I dont think there was a clear winner from just that.

And the runways were all good too.  

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I thought they were all pretty evenly matched in the challenge and on the runway. I agreed with Michelle that Ellie had the best acting of the four, but I think she got penalized because she wasn't screaming at the top of her lungs every time she had a line.

I think Ellie got dinged partly because she looked like a panto dame rather than a drag version of a panto dame. And if we're judging based on runway looks, I'm okay with Tayce being in the bottom as well since that was just a leotard with wings.

If we're judging based on track records, who would you rather have in the finale: someone who has never won a challenge or someone who has been in the bottom four times?

Ellie's runway makeup was fucking gorgeous. Every time they did a closeup of her face during judging, I was so impressed with how beautiful her makeup was.

The LSFYL was pretty even too but that's because neither of them did that great. My absolute favorite moment of the lip sync was when the camera cut to Mickaaaaaaaaaay at the judging table.

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I found the acting challenge to be laborious but they all gave it their all so well done.

Looks like it's going to be a clear win for Bimini and we get Lawrence back at some point for an All Stars.

I'm really rooting for Elie as she's the underdog as far as the fans go - quite talented for someone so young.

Tayce was great in the challenge but yeah that runway was not dame enough.

They both did not seem to click with the lipsync song. ( I prefer the Bananarama version) but Elie may have been more pop - so was not sure what to expect . Like Holland (and regular US) they are doing a final four so was not too surprised at the non -elimination.

Edited by Wonderlad71
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