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Everything posted by Browncoat

  1. I'm glad they took Caucasus away from him -- what he said was cacausus, which is all kinds of wrong. Also, when she lived in the dugout, her name was just Laura Ingalls, but I guess that's too nitpicky. I did not get FJ -- I said ultrasound. But I did get pip, Arctic, Hawthorne, wormwood, and Dog Star. I'm a little jealous of the guy who drove the Zamboni!
  2. Big fat nopity nope nope to Katie Couric. She’s not a nice person — very rude to people at Virginia Tech after the mass shooting there.
  3. Instaget FJ for me tonight. It came to me so quickly that I thought for sure it was wrong! But I couldn’t think of anything else, so I stuck with it. I also got the TS of Wicked, Marley & Me, one-man band, and Carrie Ann and Spanish Moss.
  4. Please, god (or whoever high atop the thing), not Steve Harvey. He'd ruin the show for sure.
  5. Well, in theory, they could go with Alex's suggestion of Betty White. She's not too busy, is she?
  6. I did not get FJ, though I should have. Instead of the nine muses, I somehow got stuck on furies. No idea if there are nine of those! I did get Arctic Ocean and stingray, though. And it does not hurt my feelings in the slightest that we have a new champ. Oh, but that opening, and the card at the end? Slayed me.
  7. Oh, that opening slayed me. I was okay until he broke and sniffled, and then the darkening of the set? I was done for. I think it's going to be more difficult to watch the next few weeks than I thought it would be.
  8. Or maybe, like me, there is just not enough room in her mouth for all her teeth. I even had four (well, eight, if you count wisdom teeth, too) removed, and they still won't all fit and be perfectly straight.
  9. For all that we made fun of his accents, and pronunciations (genre, anyone?), and his occasional obvious sexism, he really was very very good at his job. And a cultural icon. I'll miss him.
  10. According to the TMZ article about him, the last taping day was Oct 29, and he taped enough to last until Christmas.
  11. The TMZ article said he'd taped enough to last until Dec. 25 -- his last day taping was Oct 29, according to that article.
  12. I'll buy that. I was appalled that The Child was taking the eggs, too, and couldn't figure out quite why. It probably would be different if they were fertilized, but I know people who own chickens (hens and roosters), and probably do eat fertilized eggs (before development begins). That doesn't seem to bother me, either. Or could it be because Frog Lady is a sentient being? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm trying to figure out why it matters to us (myself included!).
  13. The Child ate the eggs of the Frog Lady and of the spiders. What makes that different than my having an omelet or an egg and cheese biscuit from Hardee's? I eat eggs at least once or twice a week. Was it just because the Frog Lady was right there? Was it because those particular eggs were the last of her family line? She didn't say they were the last of her species, just the last of her family line. Eating the spider egg was definitely bad -- it caused the rest to hatch and mama spider to go all Aragog on our heroes. (Yep, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was on TV yesterday -- way way way too many spiders for one weekend!)
  14. Why did it have to be spiders? I hate spiders! So creepy, and so terribly many of them! Despite the spiders, I enjoyed the episode. I don't know if Mando needs to feed the Child more food, or just more appropriate food. Yoda didn't like Luke's "food" either.
  15. I'm going to miss this show! I haven't laughed so much in a long time. Just hearing Terry laugh makes me laugh, and then Zurie face-planting in the cake about killed me. Loved Rachel and Connor pranking Terry with the engagement ring, too. I never in a million years thought I might want to go to Paris, Texas, but they made it look really appealing!
  16. In Virginia, at least, Taliaferro is pronounced as Tolliver.
  17. One of the local radio stations started playing Christmas music today. Not just a song here and there, but 24/7. Today. November freaking 7. It's peevy enough when they start the Friday before Thanksgiving, but this is ridiculous!
  18. They're called toss-ups. The contestants buzz in to answer instead of spinning and/or wasting their money on vowels.
  19. Also voting for Christoph Waltz.
  20. 3/5 this week, plus one asterisk for today.
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