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Everything posted by Browncoat

  1. Instaget FJ for me tonight, and darn Ryan again for denying me an asterisk! But thank goodness he made it impossible for Ben to win. He irked me from the beginning. So many TS! I got Zane, Annie, Colson, shrinking violet, schlemiel and schlimazel, noshing, solitary, and I Wanna Dance With Somebody Who Loves Me. I did have to look up how to spell schlemiel and schlimazel -- I never would have gotten them right if I'd had to write them! Alex did sound better today.
  2. And then there's all the clean-up and possibly prep for the next day in the restaurant business, and the time that takes can vary wildly.
  3. I picked up A Promised Land at the bookstore yesterday. I'll start it as soon as I've finished my library books, so sometime this week.
  4. Oh yeah. Duh. You'd think I'd remember that for the five minutes between watching it and posting here.
  5. I would go see the true originals in the theater. Not so much the tinkered-with versions.
  6. I enjoyed this episode a lot! Though I will agree that "Grogu" will take some getting used to. I would love to have been in on that conversation between him and Ahsoka. Very Marie Antoinette of Elspeth, there, living in luxury while all around her appear to be starving. I am glad that Grogu and Mando stayed together, but it might have been nice if Ahsoka could have come along. I guess she needs to stay and protect the village?
  7. I think it was, and two of the contestants inexplicably answered some version of Sam I Am.
  8. Most of them don't bother me, like the random addition of creatures and people, but there are two in the original that almost make me angry. One, obviously, is Han shooting Greedo, but the other is the ridiculous bit of CGI Jabba chatting with Han -- was it in the hangar with the Millennium Falcon? I've only seen it once or twice (despite having seen the original movie about a hundred times), and I've tried to erase it from my brain. It detracts from the effect puppet Jabba has later -- puppet Jabba is menacing and disgusting. CGI Jabba is flat and idiotic. And I will always have a soft spot in my heart for "Yub Nub".
  9. I also went to the end of the alphabet and said Zimbabwe. The geography of Africa is only slightly more challenging to me than the geography of Eastern Europe. Too many changes since I learned it all back in middle school! I did, however, get the TS of Madam, I'm Adam, Orly and Charles De Gaulle, Toni Morrison, heat shield, and UFO. Kit Carson! Too bad I couldn't remember the other guy's name....
  10. Just so long as it's not an evil plushie like Lotso from Toy Story 3.
  11. Oh, Alex, you got me again with your Thanksgiving message at the top of the show. And again with how raspy his voice is. I got FJ. It was the first thing that came to mind, so I was absolutely certain I was incorrect. Completely gobsmacked that I was right! I also got Manet, Kennebunkport, and fetlock. And thought of our horse people here when the fetlock clue came up. I should have known The Last Dance, but I said The Big Dance instead. Boo, hiss.
  12. I'm watching now, and it's okay? I guess? I am skipping a lot of the songs-on-floats, but that's normal for me. I am enjoying the performances, but I miss the marching bands. Love the FDNY bagpipes and drums, though!
  13. I give Chee major props for her communication skills in the food delivery challenge. She went about it in just the right way -- telling the operator what she was seeing instead of just relying on him to tell her what she should be seeing. And no, the blondes were not the most competent of racers, although bad taxi luck really did them in more than once, but they didn't deserve to be targeted the way they were simply because they weren't in the mine at the same time as the Mine 5. I refuse to watch shows like Survivor or Big Brother because of the Mean Girl cliques that form. I don't watch TAR to see a popularity contest. The double yield was ridiculous. I recognize it as a valid part of the game, but at that point (and even before that!), it was just piling on. I would have had a hard time not taking in personally, both during the race, and even now. Maybe more now, after seeing all the shenanigans that I wouldn't have been aware of during the actual running of the race. I admire the blondes for not doing so, and for remaining upbeat -- even in their talking heads, even when we all knew their elimination was a foregone conclusion. If and when the race returns, I really hope they can do something to prevent these ridiculous alliances.
  14. I am not loving this season, and it is entirely due to this stupid alliance bullshit. I hate all the people for yielding the blondes, but mostly I hate Will and James. They are little weasels. The blondes still have a great attitude though.
  15. I pre-called Cher when I saw the category, and fortunately, decided to stick with her. Darn you, Ryan, for denying me an asterisk! For TS, I got Beat the Clock, charts, contour lines, League of Women Voters, slainte, Steve McQueen, and bottoms up. Spellcheck does not like slainte at all! Fun story -- on my trip to Antartica, one of the other guests asked the ship's captain to show her on the map where we were. He replied, "I do not know what this map is you speak of, but I will gladly show you on the chart."
  16. I pre-called "Galaxy Quest" for Historical Documents.
  17. Surprise instaguess for FJ last night. It was the only thing I could think of, but I was sure I was wrong. I should have gotten Limerick -- I know what style poem that was, but I was looking for something that rhymed. The only TS I got was pronto. So (heh), if Kit Carson is our mascot, should "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" be our official song? I laughed so hard at that clue that I missed the next one and had to rewind.
  18. That is high on my list -- I'm planning on buying the hardcover soon.
  19. They lost me when they decided to flavor them with almond. Well, that and the price.
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