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Everything posted by Vivigirl10

  1. Yes! The technique used to make the pattern on the floor was interesting! The reaction that the daugher of Tapp18's owner had to seeing Sheryl was sweet, but I highly doubt she would have had any idea of who she was on her own. Sheryl isn't exactly hot with the kids right now. The couple whose home was renovated - were those little boys fosters? What a couple of cuties. Not that it matters at all, I just wondered if they had any current fosters or it was something they planned to do. God Bless anyone who is a foster parent. I liked the Big Fish House family ☺️
  2. I'm perplexed by this as well. He's following Mare around like a little puppy when he was supposed to be the stronger detective who was brought in because she was failing. He seems a bit timid and stumbling. There have been references hoping that this isn't like The Undoing......I'm hoping it's not like Little Fires Everywhere where I absolutely hated EVERY character. Right now the biggest mystery to me to solve is why a woman would name one of her children Kevin and the other Siobhan!
  3. Regarding the house with the major foundation issues, I was sad they removed the arches inside. I know Christina would state they were dated but I saw them more as giving the house character. Which again, Christina can't have. Tarek seems to have so much more personality now and be much more lively than he was when they first came on the scene. I have to attribute this to being free from the anvil around his neck that was named Christina. I'm not a fan AT ALL of kids being added to these types of shows (like the God awful House Hunters Family version....barf), but I don't mind Taylor showing up. She seems like a nice little girl who's just spending time with her Dad. I feel really bad for those kids who have likely been negatively impacted by Christina's relationship decisions.
  4. TLC....please cancel them and put an end to the gravy train. JB, Meechelle, Jessa, Jingle, the whole lot of them are lying liars who lie. This is a total headscratcher because how does lying and being secretive about the truth regarding everything serve Jesus? Is this Christian behavior? Well, I can answer my own question. Lying keeps the money rolling in because it doesn't drive away people who would be disgusted by the truth of what they stand for. I have sympathy for Anna to a point. She is a brainwashed member of a cult. However, look at how many of the most brainwashed have escaped various cults. You see some horror a few too many times and typically a light bulb goes off. Wake up, Anna. It's funny how often someone who never pays for a horrendous crime (OJ, I'm looking at you) always ends up doing themselves in in a different way. Karma and all that, Joshie. I was taught not to take pleasure in someone elses pain but this seems all pretty well deserved for this group of awful, obnoxious people. Grab the popcorn.
  5. The "most dramatic walk-off evah" was so confusing. It was either pre-planned for drama or at the very least, she made the deliberate decision to do that knowing she would be filmed and also understanding it would be shown to the viewing audience. So either way, she was o.k. with it. Who in their right mind would want to be shown acting like a tired toddler? I suffered severe second hand embarrassment for her.
  6. I really enjoyed Cindy's episode. The house that she didn't choose was so weird but Erin's vision seemed like it could have turned into something really special! While I liked Miss Bunny's house better, I almost wanted to see how the second house could have turned out. Loved, loved, loved the foyer and the wallpaper. The kitchen with the new windows was just stunning. Unfortunately, I just can't get on the shiplap bandwagon. Even with it painted I didn't care for it. I "get" it. It's just not my cup of tea. This show gives me the warm and fuzzies. The people and town have the feel of a bygone era. Ben and Erin and their friends are like throw backs. They have talents and passions to share and focus on. I'd be saddened and shocked to find Ben walking around with his face in his phone all the time, for example!
  7. I was clicking through the channels this weekend and swore the featured couple hadn't even won the lottery but instead had received a "settlement" of some kind? Wow.....isn't that spreading the criteria of the show a bit thin? Either stick to the premise or change the title. And while they're at it, change the host too. I miss the old David and have difficulty digesting this new incarnation.
  8. Interesting to hear that they have new episodes of Sell This House. I've been catching the original episodes on a channel that seems to be showing a lot of throw-back series, like Nanny 911 (I'll have to pay attention to what the channel is called). I had forgotten how Roger loved to pick shocking paint colors. In one episode he painted this God awful paneling a booger green color. I can't imagine that simply taking the paneling down would have been that much of a cost (it ran around the room like wainscotting). Instead, they called attention to it and not only was it ugly, it was in horrible shape. In another episode, he painted an entire Boston condo purple and lilac. That's going to appeal to the general public? Sometimes it's so stupid to watch it hurts. But for some reason, I've always found the show entertaining!
  9. Watched what I believe was the pilot of Farmhouse Fixer last night on HGTV. I loved seeing Jon Knight! He seems so likeable with a great personality. I will definitely tune in again. I'd like to see more examples of what his designer does before I form an opinion on her work. I did not like that she painted the staircase entirely one color. I liked the color and a majority would likely have been fine, but it needed a little something else. Maybe I was surprised that the color extended to the entire exposed wall of the staircase. Jon's secret project of the chicken coop complete with chicken wallpaper was so adorable! I did wonder about the longevity of wallpaper in that environment? Overall, seems like a fun show. I have to admit, I'm not at all a fan of the overdone, modern farmhouse style of decorating. I'd be curious how someone would grade the result that is a fan. I also missed the very beginning when they knocked down an entire portion of the house and a barn. It sounded like there were some major structural issues so I'm hoping that was the case and not just an excuse to build new.
  10. I loved that too on all counts. The couple seemed like nice people. Me either. I can appreciate them and I do enjoy the sentimentality of lives lived in them before, but I wouldn't particularly want to live in one. The Tudor home was beautiful and it had great light. But in the end, something was lacking. Maybe a coziness? It seemed too bland, too barren? Nicole hasn't been on my screen in a while. I had forgotten how badly she suffers from a syndrome my friends and I have dubbed "so lil', so cute". In fact, she may be an originator of the afflication. The desperate need for a petite woman to show off at any given moment how "so lil' and so cute" she is. Exhausting. It doesn't seem to bother men though - ha! My husband commented while watching that he thought she was good looking. I informed him how bat shit crazy she is with the men in her life. Enjoyed going down memory lane rereading some of the funny comments on this thread in the past!
  11. Off topic, so I'm sorry, but Colleenna, please know that you inspired someone today - ME! Thank you!
  12. I watched the final scenes like they were a comedy. Der der der.....here comes Adam going to meet his future bestest Father-In-Law evah!! Aww shucks, Pop, give me a hug! Sorry I killed your son.....giggle giggle. Then we have Michael, fighting with the doormen to no avail. So he starts trying to fling open a set of doors two inches away. One of the bouncers, embarrassed at the sight, shakes his head...."they're locked, sir". That was like something straight out of SNL! The prosecutor, dragging around that dead rat on her head, was so aggressive and wholly unlikeable, I can see her swinging the jury in the oppostie direction. Loved Lee's sudden burst of inspiration to run over to the jail, gain access to the exact cell where the murder happened, and brilliantly discover the door locks when shut.....all in the final moments of trial. Honestly, I didn't think that was as much of a nail in the coffin as they made it out to be. Carlo could have said he misremembered and in the trauma of the moment, he assumed he was trapped. Or some other BS. Everyone else has already highlighted all of the pointless storylines that went nowhere, so I will just say that I completely concur.
  13. OMG - I watched the Fitty Smallz Muffin Top video and then there's also another one about big butts that she's in too? I never feel bad for Twit. I felt such second hand embarassment for her watching those videos that I think I'm still cringing. Does she honestly not realize that she was the absolute laughing stock? She was the fat lady at the circus? Wow. I'm sad because she must have thought the videos were like a celebration of her and they most certainly aren't. She looks horrifyingly big in them too. Fetish videos would be a better choice. The people watching those would find her attractive. The people watching the Fitty Smallz videos are going to do nothing but laugh at her.
  14. With the level of stupidity being shown, Adam will probaby accept a dinner invitation and bring Michael along. Egads. Any other kid would run in the opposite direction of the sister of the person he murdered. But Adam? Let's date! The only satisfying ending at this point is a four way shoot out with Michael, Adam, Baxter and Carlo. And they all end up dead.
  15. Has anyone watched "One Week to Sell" on HGTV? I half watched one episode and another one in its' entirety. I probably should try again before forming too much of an opinion. Something about the designer, Taylor, rubbed me the wrong way. I was surprised to read that she and her friend/cohort graduated High School in 2001. I would have pegged her to be a 24 year old know-it-all right out of college with her liberal arts degree. Not a woman in her upper thirties. She just seemed way too pleased with herself. She also seemed to like to show all her little minoins running around how fabulous and knowledgeable she was. As with most of these shows, her choices were hit or miss. Yes, she did have some wins and nice ideas/improvements. Others appeared a little bit "lipstick on a pig". For example, putting thin, stick-on linoleum squares over an existing kitchen floor and insisting on calling them "tiles". She was also way too hyped about the salvaged pieces of furniture she redid. One was a buffet type table she supposedly found on the curb. Pretty lines, good shape. She slapped some white paint on it, called it "custom" and presented it as the most original thing ever created. In another house, she painted her childhood dresser teal and acted like she was gifting the new owners some family jewel.
  16. I think this show is where the House Hunters rejects land. Last night they had former couples commenting on the current couples' house hunt. Why? It served no purpose. "Callhercallhercallher" was on with her husband. I had forgotten how much I hated that commercial! However, I don't think she was that bad in her actual episode and she wasn't bothersome with her background commentary either. I almost feel bad for her that she's tied to that terrible clip! Exactly! My husband and I relocated to the St. Louis suburbs for his job and we rented a house at first. We were lucky to have some advice given to us for what areas to look in by his co-workers. But we were still pretty blind. Easy to make a mistake in this area and end up being stuck in a house for the foreseeable future. We were very lucky in that we ended up loving our neighborhood and eventually bought a home just a few streets away.
  17. Has anyone seen an Athleta catalogue recently? Wow. They are apparently fully on the fat acceptance, "you can be fat and healthy train", by the looks of their super obese models. I'm not sure why a purveyor of fitness clothing would go this route. Unless, like Whitney, the super obese find that they can't wear regular clothes comfortably so they move over into the athleisure wear side of things. I'm sorry that I don't find cottage cheese thighs the size of Texas crammed into leggings and forced into a temporary yoga pose to be that inspiring.
  18. I wonder how Claire "nurses" her baby boy. Most of us would hold a hand or give a hug....they aren't allowed to touch. Beyond that, this family doesn't offer physical affection to one another (see Jessa's treatment of Jill during the Sex Pest interview.....cold, cold, cold). I guess a banner is good substitute?
  19. I'm so glad this was one of the first comments as it was a stand-out moment for me too. Leva: "I'm so offended by their chauvinistic crap!" Also Leva: "Act like gentleman and come take my bags!!" Leva needs to get her stories straight in her own mind before she opens up her ginormous yapper. Next up, Bravo needs to welcome a new trans member to the group who can immediately begin a hate campaign against Leva's seemingly overused need to divide everyone and everything up into the "girls" and "boys" group. Did anyone see me waving from the tarmac as Pringle's brat kids flew off into the sunset? Hope you never grace another t.v. screen again!
  20. Wow - is no one really watching this? I tuned in probably for less than 5 minutes right before a reveal. I didn't know what the concept was so it didn't hold my attention. The hosts seemed like they were part of a bad SNL parody of House Hunters. The girl did everything but tap dance and start jazz hands because her blue shoes matched the color of the front door. He was so excited about this fact I thought he may pee his pants. A minute or two was all it took for me to need to change the channel. Based on the lack of comments in the thread, I'm not so sure I need to give it another chance??
  21. My rescued dogs and cats have all been of the "fall out of the sky and into my lap" sort, but if she adopted Neeshi, I'm assuming she likely would have been able to interact with her prior to committing? If so, I'm really surprised that Neeshi's low-key personality would have appealed to Twit. I would imagine Twit's perfect dog would hump everything in sight, smell butts, not be house trained, have greasy hair, a bad case of gas and eat every scrap it could find. Neeshi is far too pretty and polite, God bless her.
  22. I'm not excited about the return. I'll check it out for sure but I'm not optimistic. I've repeatedly heard the show now referred to as "tone deaf" when put in the context of today's times. I'm assuming they will want to update it somehow to make it current and fitting for the issues of today. But once you shift the whole nature of a story, it no longer is what it once was. And at that point I say, why not just create a whole new show and leave the old one untouched? You can't resent the show for having been a representation of a different time. I wish they would have just left it alone.
  23. So many good points already made here! This group of women is so completely unlikeable (barring Taylor), I don't know how the show can go on. Sing it sister!! It happened like three times and each time it was annoying. Although, she's obviously auditioning for a permanent position so I guess it's what has to occur. She is nasty and mean tempered. I think Pringle's catching on. Oh, and for those of you enamored by her dress (Cover-up? Nightgown?), it's all over the place in the boutiques on Poshmark for $50. I am as far from a Kathryn fan as you can get but my hatred for this coven overrides even that. They absolutely ambushed her. She didn't know which way they were coming from and further, they were insisting this all play out in a public arena for everyone's enjoyment and demanding it occur at that very moment. It was gross. I completely understand her confusion. Again, Danni's inability to get a grip and pull herself together made her argument with Kathryn completely ineffective. I would've walked away if I were Kathryn too. Craig inserts himself in the most annoying ways possible and often makes no sense but what he also said about Danni was true. Her reactions are off-kilter and overly emotional. And perhaps she hasn't been right since her engagement ended. But I also suspect this is kind of just how she is. I have a great friend and we share about the same age gap as Danni and Kathryn, with me being the older of the two. When she would act immature and idiotic when she was quite young, I always said I wouldn't have been able to tolerate it if I had been her same age. But I had the luxury of patience and understanding with the age that I was. Plus, we have a truly enjoyable and two way friendship. Why Danni gets so darn overworked about Kathryn is a complete head scratcher. We also know that Kathryn is a true friend to no one but herself. Danni either needs to brush her antics off and continue being her friend or end the friendship because she gets nothing out of it. It's not worth the emotional episodes it seems to set-off in Danni. Leva strikes me as a mean girl and a bully. She just wants to hide behind this "I am woman hear me roar" facade.
  24. Sweet little Harper was the hands down highlight of this episode. What an articulate cutie-pie. The second highlight was Bab's crocheted lemonade cover with beads to weigh it down. I need one. OMG. Disgusting. I also love how edumacated she is about all things related to Covid safety and how she slams Ryan for his (assumed only) flagrant disregard of guidelines BUT going for out for a tattoo is apparently a necessity during quarantine. Oh and by the way, what a stupid tattoo. If my boyfriend got up from our meal together to make and serve Jaba The Twit a salad in bed, you bet I'd be pretty pissed off too. Again, the whole premise of this show is an absolute joke. Twit is the sad definition of a "loser". So the fact that we are to believe she has all these friends who are desperate to be in her company is too hard to swallow. Adults with their own lives to live don't have time for this waste of space. Oh, and nice "workout". I did a really hard workout today too when I walked from my house to my car in the garage. I had to bend to sit down in the seat too. I'll be sore for three days! But it felt really good!
  25. Parents opinions about their children are generally pretty useless. In this case, you have the Mom's of the two who are accused. The young man's Mom was going all "Momma Bear" about the situation. Together, you hear them sing the praises of their perfect offspring. All you had to do was look at and listen to the daughter/girlfriend to tell something was clearly off there. But the victim's parents can be just as unreliable, although it's harder to think that way. Christian may not have been suicidal but he could have been a little unhinged in his relationship and could have put a gun to his head for the purpose of being dramatic. His parents may not have ever seen that side of him. Overall, I think something fishy went down because of the credit union withdrawal, for sure. This must have been an oldie because it was on 48 Hours/ID, but did anyone catch "Reuschel vs. Reuschel"? I'd never heard of this case before! It left me stumped. A rich married couple, a huge knife fight, wife ends up almost dead, but you really don't know who was truly the aggressor! The wife had been arrested for dometic violence in the past. She seemed like a kook and the husband appeared stable. But then his story of the attack really didn't make much sense when he described them laying bloody in the bed after the first go-round of stabbing, discussing for hours their plans for their next trip. What??? But one of the biggest highlights was the husband's daughter and her "we went over the budget by $150,000" wedding. She had the absolute worst case of vocal fry I have ever heard. Paired with the fact that it took her about a minute to get every. single. word. out. What a piece of work! It was a fascinating case.
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