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Everything posted by Vivigirl10

  1. This assessment is spot on! However, I will complain.....I want to see the real estate porn and this show doesn't bring it. I'm currently enjoying Listing Impossible exactly for that reason. If you want the high end homes that should be featured here, check it out! Agreed. I've already commented on his tattoos but with the encroachment into the neck/face area, it's going to a whole other level. Tattoos are pretty universally accepted in today's society, but even for t.v., I don't think that face tattoos are going to fly in general. He may end up tattooing himself right out of a job.
  2. There used to an old joke that eating too much chocolate lead to.......small feet! OMG, how true this joke is when you look at Twit's teeny-tiny tootsies in relation to her overall mass. And for a "dancer", I would think she'd be able to point her toes a little better than that......
  3. Agree with everyone about the Spanx comment. Whitney needs to Spanx her head to keep her gaping pie hole closed. I can't stomach typically more than 5 minutes of this shit show, but I was tuned in for the party. Chase is surrounded by cute friends/acquaintances who are girls. Yes, cuteness is not a marker for a nice person, but are you telling me none of these girls have more to offer than Whitney? Really? This guy has options galore and I refuse to believe that Whit is his choice. I was a single girl until I got married at 42 (met at 40). I had lived the "single girl in the city" life since I was 23. My hopping social life and where I was in my life before I got married was significantly different than my peers who had married, had children and lived in the suburbs. I don't think that still being single and active socially when you are in your upper-30's is at all an indicator of maturity. I didn't think my life was sad, I thought being saddled with 3 kids and a husband you didn't particularly like was - but that was the version being sold of what you "should be" doing by the time you were a certain age. So in general I am quick to give a pass to people who aren't conforming to certain norms by a certain age....THAT BEING SAID.....Whitney is horribly and irredeemably immature. Chase and Ryan, even at their younger ages, are horribly immature. That stupid excuse for a grown up frat party was horribly immature and it was embarrassing to watch. Grow up, Whit.
  4. I started to watch, "A Murder in Mansfield" last night. Got a little bored so I will have to watch the rest of it. But in just looking it up, the documentary was from back in 2017 so I probably missed the original discussion. I was so saddened by how no family members, no one at all really, stepped in to take Collier. Heartbreaking. The principal and her husband really only wanted his sister, but then it's sad in its' own right how she won't connect with him, even as an adult. Makes me wonder how much her adopted family had to do with that? I did feel better after seeing his warm connection to the detective's family and then also that he ended up with what sounded to be a wonderful adoptive family. When he read from his diary about no one wanting him, it was painful. On a very snarky note, I probably wouldn't have been able to be in the same room with him as a 12 year old. Luckily, his adoptive Mom didn't feel the same way...."we just let Collier be Collier". God bless her.
  5. Ariana - if you're bi, depressed, have an ugly vagina and a house that brings you no joy, I would say all of those things add up a need to reevaluate your life.....and probably FI's presence in it. Make up a hot topic du jour and this girl will be its' poster child in a nano second. The conversation that Jax had with Dayna was interesting. Talking about his "type" of girl, who he would hit on, how Dayna isn't up to his standards.....ummm....does he realize his picking up rando girls at the bar days are over? What?!! Oh, just because he's going to be a married man, nothing will change? But of course!! And Jax totally is the type of guy that you would meet and he would have no recollection of it, like he did with Dayna.
  6. I watched an episode of Impossible Listing last night. Commenting here as I don't see a specific thread for it. The focus was on a mansion in Palm Springs that needed to be brought out of the 80's and have the long-grown kids rooms removed. I did like it for the real estate porn! But then the show also seems to focus on the real estate group in typical reality show fashion. The owner, Aaron, seemed to me to want to present himself as some sort of zen master, when in reality he's a drama queen running around like a chicken with his head cut off. He accused one of his other agents, Arvin, of pushing him out of his own deal. It was so glaringly obvious that Arvin thought he was either being helpful or showing Aaron what he was capable of. Arvin was smart enough to grovel and apologize at the feet of Aaron, who then seemed to acknowledge his original intent (like a light bulb went off - duh). I'll watch again for the real estate but have a feeling the "characters" may quickly grow tiresome. Edited to add: I watched another episode and Aaron didn't grate on me as much. Now I'm more worried about the presence of "the Hoff's" daughter...yikes...
  7. Me tooooo 🙂 I don't know how I avoided this show for so long. Erin and Ben are what my husband and I refer to as "throwbacks". Younger people of today who seem better suited for days gone by. Adore them. I may not always totally love Erin's designs, but I greatly appreciate the fact that she takes into consideration the style of the home and specifically, what she thinks the home owners will like. She is not a cookie cutter designer. Love it or List It and Property Brothers may be more splashy with their reveals, but they pretty much all look the same. Erin's designs are thoughtful. Forget about Joanna, who doesn't give a thought to destroying a home's uniqueness in favor of her one note style. Ugh. I thought her decorating in the Church House episode was particularly on point. It was such an interesting mix. Maybe I read her wrong but I thought the wife's reaction was a bit subdued - almost like she wasn't really pleased? She did light up in the girls room, but it didn't match the way she was during the rest of the tour. Did I misread her? The lady with the very limited budget who bought the last remaining building of an old farm.....I wondered if they had moved the house there? It was such a prime spot on that little lake!
  8. I would recommend watching it. I thought it was well done. Agreed! Girlfriend was going to hang on tooth and nail for her payday, regardless of how bleak things were looking. That was my biggest question after the Netflix series - did she end up with any money? Was there anything left?
  9. I watched an episode last night of 20/20 or Dateline (never can keep track of which one it actually is) about the disappearance of Sabrina Aisenberg. I've seen shows on the case before. Mom wakes up and the garage and laundry room doors are open and the 5 month old baby is missing from her crib. Police insist the parents killed her, they insist it was a kidnapping. Last nights show really opened up how absolutely determined the police were, at any cost (even to the point of framing!), to have the parents held responsible for her murder. An absolute nightmare. And then the interviewer had the nerve to ask the parents, "why get a lawyer if you are innocent"? Are you kidding me?! I lean towards the side of believing the parents. That being said, I remember the criticism of the Mom in the television plea that the baby be returned. Very cold, very calm. Although, I can understand her explanation of being just totally in shock. It's not that that bothers me. It's that after the interview and after the parents were caught laughing with officers on tape, the Mom went completely overboard and would sob and wail in every subsequent public appearance. That seemed fake! There was just something unfortunately unlikeable about the couple. But that doesn't make them guilty.
  10. Brittney's "tacky" wedding dress looked like a slip she pulled out from a wedding dress and not a dress at all. I think within the criteria of what they were trying to do, Lala's dress was the best. Speaking of....Lala's lips/face were truly horrifying in the boat conversation with Kristen. OMG. Stop with the injections. That paired with her horrible make-up choices has ruined a once pretty girl. With all the sweet memories/flashbacks of Jax's time living in Miami, all I could think of was wasn't that where we have confirmed he was basically a gay escort? And then became the sugar baby of a wealthy older dude? The one they resurrected a few seasons ago and who said he would always love Jax. Oh Brittney, glad you think it's so cute to hear stories about young, naive little Jason. That girl has got some rough life waiting just ahead of her. But she knows what she's signed up for so no pity here.
  11. When Scheana was grilling Max about the status of his relationship with Dayna, oh how I wish he would have responded, "that's really none of your business". He just fed her ammunition. And this little boy, gremlin looking douche is the hottest thing in town? Same for waiter Brett. Really? Gross. I'm sorry, I truly know he is an absolute horrible excuse for a human being, but sometimes I just can't help but love Jax. He is unapologetically himself. When Danica walked up, I thought in looking at her face front on that we had another Billie on our hands. Ooof. From her side angle, she looks like Jessa Duggar if she were released into the modern world. Dumb girls are sadly hard to tolerate. Girls who purposefully act dumb are even worse. Not sure which Charli is but she's one for sure. Someone needs to give Sandoval a visual lesson; the amount this is "your bar" is the equivalent of one piece of tile from the public bathroom. I was cheering out loud when passive little Schwartzy told him square on, "don't be condescending to me". Shout it from the rooftops, Schwartz! Thank you! Staffing had nothing to do with Stassi, you idiot! Had to quote this because it gave me such a chuckle 🙂 Absolutely. None of them have one single marketable skill to move forward with.
  12. I've never been able to pin down how I feel about Beau. I lean towards the negative mainly because of what we saw of his Mother. That self-help type seems that she would make her child believe he was veryyyyy special and could walk on water. So he gives me that vibe, I guess. To be honest, I've never understood these men who become attached to drama whore/attention getters like Stassi. Wouldn't it be exhausting to have to hang on their every word and constantly reinforce how "cute" their obnoxious behavior is? And yet, it seems like every one of these women/children I've known has had some loser dude ready to do her bidding.
  13. Yes, and then let's add that they claim that they are the 20th and 21st children of the Duggars, secret products of Jim Boobs affairs. They can try to infiltrate the family and gain acceptance!
  14. Wow - I think the house is gorgeous too! Definitely prefer it to the McMansions the others have boughten (see what I did there?). 🙂
  15. Lonely women/single Moms: for the love of God, once and for all, he doesn't really work for the FBI!!! Evil Lives Here was a hard one. Scott Kimball murdered Lori McLeod's daughter and she sooooo blamed herself. It's hard to see someone bear the brunt of that pain, even more so as she was fighting terminal cancer. But the signs were flashing in neon in front of her face and she chose to repeatedly ignore them and accept the all encompassing "he works for the FBI" excuse. You can say this is what happens when a woman puts having a man in front of their own child, but her grief and guilt were so palpable it was hard to watch.
  16. Agreed! And I was of course joking when I said Jessica was in her 50's but I was implying that she has a pretty haggard face for a young woman.
  17. I'm still watching but agree with the above. There's one particularly ridiculous commentator (woman with colored hair) who has apparently personally experienced, seen, been involved in, every type of paranormal activity that has ever been documented. The videos are fun to watch but most of them cannot be trusted or verified and would be so easy to create. The poltergeist hauntings being filmed in a home for example. Not buying it. There was an interesting one where people came upon a tree in the woods that had a huge gash in it so that the tree trunk was internally filled with fire. It was so obvious that it had been struck by lightening, but the commentators spent entirely too much time talking about this could NOT have happened but much more likely the tree was a portal to the fires of hell. Sure.
  18. I fast forwarded and probably watched about 10 minutes total. I haven't watched in forever but like others, enjoy coming her for the snark. So I thought I'd give it a chance. Couldn't do it. The absolute fakeness over this group of characters (oh sorry, "friends") being so completely absorbed and wrapped up in the life of an obese, self-centered, woman without any semblance of a life, is a difficult premise to buy into. This show takes NOTHING, absolutely nothing, and makes an entire storyline out of it. How is this on t.v.? Just as realistic would be Whitney going to put gas in her car and everyone being in a giant kerfluffle about it. Why did she choose that gas station when she could go to the one closer to her house? Did she really put in regular and not premium gas? Did you see that hot guy drooling over her when she got out of the car? What if Whit spills some gas on her shoes? Egads! I'm so concerned! Let's all meet for a walk to discuss this hot and all-consuming topic!! Jessica has to be like 50 years old, right? And I mean that as no insult to good looking 50 year olds.
  19. Totally agree except for I loathe Sandoval more than Schwartzie. Sandoval is the most self- important person I think I've ever seen. He is so impressed with himself. I can't even imagine the level his self-importance reaches when he's in "his" bar. Ugh. On top of it, dude has absolutely no sense of humor. Others have mentioned it too but the most shocking thing of this episode for me was Peter's appearance. I couldn't figure out if it was steroids, he's gotten fat or he's transitioning? His boobs were as big as Britt's. Where do we know Max from? All I keep thinking was that he may have been on Lindsay Lohan's reality show but I don't want to take the time to look it up. Scheana and Lala's faces are borderline horrifying. How about their commercial? Scheana....please never attempt to dance again. Or sing for that matter. Lisa blowing smoke up Lala's ass was embarrassing. She's a low rent ho who's secured a temporary benefactor, Lisa. Call it for what it is.
  20. I think while we are quick to criticize Jill, people are more than eager to praise her. Good choice, Jill, the new cut looks wonderful! I'm sure that was a big step and not easy to do, for so many reasons.
  21. Hans Holzer apparently was dubbed the first ghost hunter. For some reason, I can't seem to watch an entire episode but it appears he taped his investigations and also used a psychic who could channel spirits and have them speak through her. That is absolutely the creepiest part to me! The whispery way she speaks and what she says. Who knows how legit it all was. It could have just been a great parlour trick. I wish more people were watching, I'd love to hear feedback. Unlike when Amy from Dead Files does her walk, nothing is removed from the location ahead of time. For instance, the modern day psychic in HF did a walk through a museum and it was very clear that educational placards were all over the walls. You're telling me she didn't peek? They always have Holzer's daughter at the table when they are initially reviewing the case. A nice touch, but the poor thing is such an awful actress with reading her lines. It's so awkward.
  22. Such a good rerun last night of the Egyptian bride, an Italian bride, the Thai bride (I remember her name was Deedee) and the backyard bride. Egyptian bride was sooooo rude in her comments. One of the worst. She absolutely ripped apart backyard bride's reception and gave her an overall score of 2. Granted, yes, that wedding left a lot to be desired but I don't think I've ever seen anyone go as low as a 2! 4 usually seems to be the lowest the ladies will go. She also criticized the other dresses. The other girls seemed so pleasant and I absolutely loved that they gave Egyptian bride the 4th place ranking AND gave her stupid "princess" dress only a 9! Awesome revenge!
  23. I have to think there is an element of "in your face" and "you WILL accept us" that drives this kind of unfortunate display. A person of a more normal size can still be an attention seeker of course, but the motivation is likely different.
  24. I love your point so much. So very true. Look at the picture of Twit above in the black outfit. She is skinny filtered within an inch of her life. She looks positively average sized. And we certainly know that reality is far from that truth. Nat must be sharing some pro tips with her. She "doesn't know winter" even though the others in the background are bundled up for it. Well, I guess a 200 pound blubber coat does keep you warm! I adore your repeated use of "pannus" in your post. My sister, who is a nurse, taught me this term years ago. And using it instead of words like "tummy" or "paunch" just really drives home what it is: a big, ugly, fat, ol' stomach. And Twit has one like no other. Pannus, pannus, pannus! In that horrifying red lingerie pic, I am amazed at how sickled Twit's pointed footsie is. But who am I to question such a classical trained and talented dancer such as her?
  25. I think Jill is presenting herself as the biggest sinner you can possibly be......she seems to think she IS God. She obviously is able to identify and condemn a sinner from a mile away. Shouldn't you leave that up to to the real God? Isn't it his job to do that on judgment day? Shouldn't she be praying for sinners and letting God handle the rest as he sees fit? Seems to me she's either decided she's God or God isn't doing a good enough job in her opinion and she needs to step in. Wow. Does the husband speak? By his looks, I'd be surprised if he could muster a grunt.
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