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Everything posted by Vivigirl10

  1. I thought it was a tattoo covered by make-up. Was she a "friend of"? I need details from anyone who has them! Thank you! Dad should have been more worried about Sean having a child than getting married. Megan may think it's important to be married to her baby-Daddy, for the sake of her child. Making it more than just a "piece of paper". I also think that she would sign a pre-nup. I think we can mark "successful model" off that list. So with the other two, she made all that money? She and Prince Charming are an absolute train wreck to watch. As much of a dolt as I think he is, I thought it was extremely hurtful when she bit the pearls to see if they were real. I know she was joking but it was poor form. On the other hand, as another poster mentioned, loser lives at home! He should have a bit more money for a gift!
  2. So bad! She seemed like kind of a know-it-all for some reason. I don't even remember her dancing...just commenting on everything. Two things I wanted to say but thought I'd get shot down for it: Agree with both!!
  3. Relieved I'm not the only one who's not on the Kat fan train. Yuck, enough. She doesn't strike me as a team member kind of girl. She's out for #1. Others also picked up on Lily's "edge". I remember her cut last year, and finding it surprising, but I don't really remember much about her otherwise. She seems bitter and snotty. On the couch with the others who were auditioning again, she gave me mean girl vibes. Can Melana please leave? Please? Her issues haven't gone away, nothing has changed. Meredith is such a pretty dancer. I swear, she's the first one highlighted who has ever been shown actually turning out. Then Kelli had to go and say....pretty ballet feet don't matter, I'm just going to cover them up with boots. And I guess that's all I'll ever need to know! Love the addition of Charm. There are some interesting candidates here to watch!
  4. Maybe they give a tract, kill the person, and if they watch the soul rise to Heaven, they can count them as "saved"?
  5. Thank you to the person who took the time to post those covers. They evoke such memories and feelings! Kind of like listening to a meaningful song from your past. I tuned in late last night and missed the beginning so I decided record and watch the whole thing later. I was watching trying to figure out who this benign, plain, light-haired girl was. The horror when I realized it was Heaven! I'm only taking comfort in the fact that everyone here is just as outraged. Her hair is sooo meaningful. Everyone has a different vision of what the actual human Heaven would look like. But the one thing everyone envisions the same is her hair. Because it's just a fact and so much of the story is tied up in it. And in her beauty. Who in the world did the casting? Did they even read the book? Did they want to try something "new and different"? Infuriating.
  6. The houses in the Costa Rica episode were really fun to see. So beautiful. The wife was like a walking version of a very crispy, grilled chicken leg after you've eaten all the meat off of it. But come to find out, while she was very type A, she wasn't annoying. It was an overall pretty easy to watch episode, in my opinion.
  7. I think she was trying to hide her horrible, skin-damaged, chicken neck. In reality, they had to be the grandparents of their little boy, right? They grated on me for no particular reason. More like the type that thinks they have this big group of friends but in reality, no one likes them. Maybe it was a subtle arrogance? And her remodel that she kept crowing about seemed to consist of an excessive use of shiplap. So original. Yawn.
  8. The discussion regarding Jinger's potential enlightenment (either having happened or will down the road) is very interesting to read and think about. These girls are sold a dream their entire lives of "prince charming". For Jinger, it happened! Everything that was promised to her has come to fruition (and in reality, far, far more). She was rescued by prince charming (I'm saying in her opinion, not the general opinion!) who now takes care of her every need. As additional bonuses, she gets to live in an urban environment, color her hair, wear trendy clothes and NOT have a million babies. This will only encourage Jinger to become more devoted to the ways of thinking she was taught and raised with because, hey, it really does work! For the majority, (Jill, I'm looking at you), it's a complete failure and these poor women find themselves enslaved to a bigger asshole than their father. These are the ones who I think have a chance of being enlightened. They were sold the dream and the reality is not what they were promised. Now, you still have to have a brain to put this all together and many, like Jill, won't be able to. But there have to be some cases in which the light bulb goes off! (Ugh...but then there's the example of Anna. Can the light bulb ever go off???) I do also wonder, is there an alternative, second "dream" that is sold that we are unaware of? Was Jana's promise that she would find fulfillment in forever being the stay at home daughter? I think Jinger's very, very happy and I don't think there's any deep soul searching going on with her that for any reason she shouldn't be.
  9. Oh, Megan's engaged to Donny Osmond? That's sweet 🙂 Seriously though, he looked cute in some pictures, weird in real life, like a 12 year old in one talking head and a 50 year old in another.
  10. The Dutch Colonial restoration was great, as usual. Although, all the joys of rehabbing the home are the central focus of this show, I just absolutely love the owners and extra people that are involved too! How do they find such gosh-darn wholesome and wonderful people? Is it a requirement that you are an exceptional person if you like to salvage old homes? I think Brett is a special soul and all around good guy, but I typically like the rest of the people featured as well. The older folks are especially touching, like the Mother in the Dutch Colonial episode. This show leaves me all warm and fuzzy feeling. It's not like anything else on t.v.
  11. Oh come on, this show isn't crappy it's craptastic! I'm in! 37? Hoo-hoo-hoo-ha-ha-ha! In her 50's is definitely more like it. Her face is literally built of plastic. And what is up with her hair? It's like frosted gray/lilac on top? Briana didn't bother me as much as I imagined she would. I kind of felt for her when she said she didn't even know what to wear to dinner. She at least has some self awareness. Her toothless Mom was pretty entertaining. I'm certain it was completely scripted/staged but that ugly beast going after her at the restaurant was ridiculous. I'm sorry but Gentille's boyfriend has to be brain damaged in some way, correct? Something's not right there and I feel bad about it. I don't care about Rosie and wonky-eye. I wasn't impressed by his house or his loft. They most definitely met on a sugar baby website or she sold her v-card. Gross. She's trying to put on some coy, Cher of the 1970's, act/look.
  12. The fact that TLC money is going into these idiots pockets probably makes me more upset than I should be!!
  13. I'd like to know who at HGTV deemed a solo Christina show a good idea? I mean, does this woman have a single fan? At most, it seems there are a few people who tolerate her or "don't mind" her. But were fans knocking at HGTV's door demanding more Christina??!! Maybe they gave it to us as a gift of snark. I sincerely believe someone has given her some personality coaching. On Flip or Flop, she was completely flat. The biggest emotion she showed was mild irritation. She's a snot. Here she's trying too hard to be Miss Peppy and is super excitable. You can tell it's not genuine. For a laugh, go back and watch the earliest episodes to see how physically she's transformed herself.
  14. Agreed - I liked her! Thank you! He was giving Chelsea the total up and down look. He was practically drooling. Gross. Yes! I kept wishing someone would tell her to go back to whatever Aerosmith concert she stumbled out of. She looked like such a try-hard. I don't mind Eliza. I'd be interested to see more of her at the hotel (which did look a bit shabby?). For Real Housewives of New York fans, I'd like to get Eliza's Mom and Dale in the same room and see who would come out alive. My biggest criticism of Eliza was how she handled Ashley at the party. First, she should have immediately gotten up and greeted her and had her join her table. Instead, she just kept glancing over at her like she too was avoiding the crazy. Then, (although she did question it, but ultimately didn't do it) she should have told Ashley to leave. That it was a mistake to have invited her. But alas, this is a show and the drama needed to ensue. Exactly. I kept yelling at the screen for them to just turn their backs and excuse themselves from her presence, but that wouldn't be good for t.v.
  15. My first thought was that Naomie wouldn't tolerate a cheater, but she put up with a lot of crap from Craig before they parted ways. Anyone know how long they were together? I don't get the Metul love......especially the over the top behavior from Cam. I don't think it has to be orders from Metul that have Naomie not wanting to go on the trip with Craig. I do think it's a disrespectful thing to do. However, it's also her job, so let's be honest, it's not a real situation. I'm very "whatever" about her. But I could definitely see her being a stereotypical, 20-something, know-it-all. And that bugs.
  16. Brittany's dress was awful. Like Pnina Tornai completely forgot about her order and ran it off the sewing machine at 3 a.m. the morning of the wedding. It just doesn't look very polished and none of the components go with one another. I'm actually surprised she didn't go for more of a "princess" ballgown....big enough to rival a gypsy gown that couldn't fit down the aisle. I used to feel bad for Brittany but now I don't. She's a willing participant in this mess.
  17. Las Vegas: The husband talked and acted like Dave Chappelle playing a character. I truly believe that no one wants to go to any of their parties!!
  18. Well, I think I've been a pretty loyal watcher but count me in with those who are getting bored. These people are phoning it in and picking up the paycheck. There doesn't seem to be anything natural about their interactions anymore. Like they all know what time to show up for filming, get it over with and go their separate ways. Even if Madison's absolutely made-up, lame excuse was true and her friend orchestrated all of it, SHE should still apologize. So stupid. I continue to be perplexed by this relationship. It seems to consist of Kathryn being an asshole and Danni running intervention against her foes and then building her back up again. Are we to believe they go shopping, have a girls night, watch movies...whatever "best friends" should be doing? I don't see it at all. When the boys were fighting around the campfire, there was all this overly dramatic music playing over everything. Like that was supposed to create excitement and drama. Nah. Fail. Does anyone else think Eliza and her boyfriend thought months ago about maybe perhaps taking a trip with their friends. Maybe they never even got to the discussion stage. But now they were 100% ticketed and booked on the flight that crashed and had the closest near death experience evahhhhh? Sorry to be doubtful. I just wonder about the realness of the actual situation.
  19. Thank you for pointing the way to the Bali bashing party - I'll have to check it out! At the end, she was literally standing on the balcony of a hotel or castle sized home. All for $200k? Gee, thanks Daddy!! Barf.
  20. Absolutely! I tried to find out information online if they were suing, but couldn't find any evidence of it. Very baffling. The dorm situation upset me as well. Back in the dark ages when I lived in the dorm, it was like Fort Knox. Complete with "night security", where you had to produce your ID to even get to the stairway. I remember another case where a very mature/adult student (probably 25+) was allowed to live in the dorm and he ultimately had full access to kill a student there. I think it brought to light that many dorms did not have age restrictions in place. In Lauren's case, the fact that this criminal, practically middle-aged man, was able to live among students as young as 18 years old is chilling. I can't believe some astute dorm dweller didn't blow the whistle on the fact that he appeared to be living there unauthorized. No shred of victim blaming here but I would really like to know more about this relationship. I know the murderer (what was his name?) said he was a master manipulator. I must have missed the very beginning....he wasn't a student was he? How did he present himself to Lauren where this cute, socially active, athletic, young woman would even give him a second glance? He was twice her age (admittedly, lying about that fact), physically intimidating and "creeped" other young women out (as her friends attested to). Infuriating case, all the way around.
  21. What is up with that? It's very annoying and stupid. Like Austen. You summed this up so perfectly. It is totally perplexing! It appears to be a completely one sided "friendship" with Danni being some sort of guard dog to Kathryn. Why this loyalty? Does Kathryn have something on her? I like Cam but it's not like she's bravely opening up the "being a Mom is hard" conversation. This isn't the 1960's (70's?) when women started to feel that they could whisper about the reality of motherhood and not feel that they had to always pretend everything was perfect. Maybe it's because I see it on her Instagram too. This "Mom Life" schtick is growing old. While you don't have to lie and hide behind a façade of perfection, sometimes keeping a bit of your business to yourself is admirable (Amy Schumer, I'm looking at you - gack).
  22. Is there a single attractive one in the bunch? We're supposed to believe that holier than thou Vinny is going to lower himself to being with a bottom of the barrel reality show contestant? I about choked when Pauly said it was important that a girl be down to earth. Oh, down to earth like Aubrey O'Day, Pauly? I only hope he said that because he learned his lesson.
  23. Agreed about the bringing the dog into the house. No, no, no. A few positives though: I absolutely did crack up when Calvin was doing all those happy, spastic circles in the one bedroom! And the husband's basement bar at the end did look pretty cool with all the shelving. Heaven forbid they ever have a baby. Calvin will be lost.
  24. Watching this show I have often pondered this exact point! I regularly worry that the extra 20 or so pounds I carry will push me into diabetes, stroke or heart attack territory. And then someone like Jeanne just continues soldiering on?!! I guess it really is pretty remarkable what the human body can tolerate. Although, it certainly can't go on forever.
  25. I just watched Demon House. It was enjoyable to watch as a total parody. Pretty laughable actually. Absolutely. This was either a pretty smart money-grab for the family or there was an environmental factor (like black mold) in the house that made them delusional. Gary is such a beat down, hopeless, place. They should have kept the house in tact and turned it into a ghosthunting destination.
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