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Everything posted by Vivigirl10

  1. Exactly. And I think the operative words here are "try hard" because that's always how Danielle comes across to me. She seems to have this pretty level-headed side to her but the weird, try hard, loose cannon, desperate side always seems to dominate. Why does she always have to announce when she's had sex? It's gross. Gabby continues to act like a character and never a real person. She obviously thinks this is cute but I fail to see how she can have any friends or how she'll ever meet a guy carrying on with this schtick. There's no way to get to know a person who's acting like a walking caricature every moment. It's exhausting and annoying. Balloon guy looked dirty to me. Totally not getting what the fuss was all about. Gabby probably acted so snotty towards him because she got close enough to get a sniff. Actually - it seems like most everyone who attends their parties is pretty fugly. Anyone ever notice that? This is where West seems way too immature for Ciara. I think the way Ciara looks versus who she is as a person probably makes it really hard for her to meet and connect with the right person. In my opinion, the assumptions that are made about her because of how gorgeous she is are in pretty stark contrast to what her personality actually is. If that makes sense. (But I want to add - I don't think West is doing that to her).
  2. It is such a betrayal! When you love someone, even if you're mad or frustrated with them, it's hard to talk bad about them. I guess at least in my personal experience. I would never want to humiliate or embarrass my husband. This leads me to one of two conclusions that I'm struggling with: either this break-up storyline is planned and totally fake (I don't think the whole relationship was, but that they planned for this to play out this season) or that Lindsay continues to prove herself to be an even shittier person than you thought she was ten seconds ago. The constant badmouthing that they've both been doing this whole season just doesn't sit right. I like Amanda. I like Kyle. I don't think they are right for each other. Were they ever? They clearly want to live their lives in very different ways. Neither seems to want to compromise to meet the other halfway. That can't work. I'm with Amanda in that what good can come out of being a married 40 year old man staying out partying, wasted, with people you may not know, in places you may not know, until 3 or 4 a.m. in the morning? I'm not just talking about cheating. That's just a worrisome scenario. I wanted to take Lindsay's wedding dress and yank it up about five inches on her chest. I'm also confused about the timeline here. She's obviously put on a little weight in the summer footage but in her talking heads she is super skinny. Those have to have been filmed after the fact? How does that work? Has anyone else noticed that? Why is no one watching and posting? This is still one of my favorite shows 😍
  3. I thoroughly enjoyed this! It made me really sad but it was also such a wonderful tale of true friendship. Funny how personalities weather the storm in different ways. I'm sure Fab hardly escaped unscathed, but he kept on moving forward and appears to have such a lovely life now! He seems like a really, sweet man. The clip of him singing at the end was great - his voice sounded really developed and trained! Sadly, I think post-fame Rob would have had difficulty however that would have come about. Even if it happened in the more traditional way; where their music just naturally lost popularity and the crowds dwindled, it seems like he wouldn't have been able to transition out of being famous. That theme of this need for attention was too clear.
  4. The fact that Lala paints herself as an innocent victim can barely be stomached. Anyone can go back and watch her proudly flaunting being Rand's mistress. Now she denies all that? Her complete lack of grace to Ariana when Sandoval is around knowing full well how she'd act if someone dragged Rand out is astounding (as many have noted). Katie and Schwartz's conversation by the pool hurling fashion insults at each other was cute. They were suppressing their laughter and that sure is way more fun to watch than all of the fighting. I'm team Ariana and it's honestly not so much because I like her but because I hate everyone else so much. To see Sandoval, Scheana and Lala get absolutely decimated and butt hurt over her success is worth it. Sandoval's weird expressions: from flat affect, far off gaze to insane, gap toothed smile are tailor made for Instagram parodies and I am loving it. The guy is a living, breathing joke. I feel like many times people have described him as always having held himself as so morally superior to everyone around him and it just makes all of this all the more classic.
  5. I've been meaning to respond to your post since the beginning of the season. I feel duped too. I'm not sure I can take it so far as to say that none of it was real and they planned this right from the start, but man, this season just absolutely reeks of fake to me. I don't care if it's reality t.v., you don't fight and immediately split and bee line in opposite directions to tell whoever crosses your path what just happened. You respect your partner and your relationship that little? You're just flapping your private business all around? Again, I know it's a show and what they kind of have to do but this is excessive. It cannot be real. And I don't care how much the cast may hate both of them, especially Lindsey. It's a very difficult and delicate conversation to have with someone to basically ask them if they think they should call off their wedding. And yet conversations just casually start with....hey Carl.....so, ya think you should call this whole thing off? Yeah, not happening in real life.
  6. I agree. I couldn't make it through this episode. They needed to bring the extra girl in for Brandon only. The others did not need a new addition at all. I felt like I had switched the channel and started watching "searching for sister wife". It was just giving a distinctly gross feeling instead of the silly, light-hearted show that it should be. I'm also sick of the guys standing around kicking rocks and saying to each other, "you do any kissin?" For real??!!! These are grown ass men!!
  7. I think this was a total mid-game rules switch because Brandon has two duds. Joy imploded quite dramatically. Even before outing herself as a psychopath, Brandon asked her, "do you have any questions for me, anything you'd like to know?" And she says, "not really, what else would you like to know about me?" Wow. A narcissist too? Time to go bye bye, Joy. Mitchell has a good group to choose from. He does not need to bring another girl back. I'm digging Nathan and Taylor together. They are equal in their awkwardness. The girl they brought back for him seems like she could be a match too but the time has passed. I don't want her to stay. If Ty brings this lady back with him, I wouldn't be surprised if all of his gals walk out. And that's perfectly o.k. They are by far the most mature bunch and aren't going to put up with that. I kind of want to see if happen! I want Brandon to have a match so badly. This chick actually kind of reminded me of Reba personality wise! Yikes! Maybe Reba-lite, minus the crazy. Fingers crossed. He seemed to like her and he obviously has no one at home so it's a no brainer what he's going to do.
  8. I love this too much - HA!! I have a love/hate relationship with Kristen. I also can't decide what kind of Mom she'd be. On one hand, I think she would be super loving and kind. On the other hand, I think she'd drive her daughter to fight another girl and then join in the fight. I crossed the street to avoid Lala and Scheana and they followed me. Ugh. When the wife in the toxic relationship saw her little girl with the bowl of ice cream she started chastising her like a grown adult, "Ummmm....are you going to have lunch first, I hope????". Please stop. You're mad that her Dad got her the ice cream, not her. She's at a party. Leave her alone. Gross. I'm sorry, I have a hard time even looking at Brittney. The fact that she'll address her double chin but not those Franken-tits means that she thinks they look good. Wow. THIS!!! It's not just these two. It's a total trend out there in the world right now, I notice it all the time. "Whenever we first met......" , "Whenever I moved into this house.....", "Whenever I started this job......". It needs to stop!!!
  9. Honestly, I hate them all except for James and Ally, their pets and their little house by the airport. I like this happy James, if he can stay this way. Ally has just enough weird in her to keep me hopeful that she'll veer off in some interesting direction; she has potential beyond her pretty face. Give them a spin-off and ditch the rest of this sad sack crew. They are done, over, and far past their expiration date.
  10. Is anyone planning on watching Happy Valley? Oh Lord, I'll go ahead and admit that I likely will tune in for that first episode to at least check it out. I don't know who anyone is beyond Kristen, Jax and Brittany (and by proxy, Brittany's gay friend). Is there going to be a thread for it? I 100% believe that these two crafted the tired, broken down, wash-rinse-repeat, cheating storyline. Well, let me rephrase that. Not for one minute do I think Jax has remained faithful but I don't think Brittany knows or else she willingly turns a blind eye. This is a storyline to bring attention to their new show. Did anyone see Brittany's "random" parking lot interview that she so graciously and extensively granted to that reporter she just happened to cross paths with? The acting was so bad I couldn't even watch. I don't know Brittany's intentions when she started down this path of reality t.v. and dating Jax. She did seem genuine to me in the beginning, mainly because every cast member really took to her immediately and seemed to honestly like her (and question what the heck she was doing with Jax). But once you join the grift train and you've got no work experience, no education and no employable skills to fall back on.....well, a girl's gotta grift. She's going to do whatever she needs to do to keep the money train going at this point. And that includes humiliating herself for a storyline over and over again apparently. I wonder at what point you start thinking about what that means to your child?
  11. Every victim is sympathetic to some degree but oh my, this poor guy! He sounded like such an amazing young man, just living his life, on the verge of doing some great things and reaching major goals when he was just snuffed out. Just a helpless bystander to drama he had nothing to do with at all. Those parents took "but he's a good boy" to another level! I'm always sorry when ignorant fools like that are even given camera time to defend their obviously guilty as hell offspring. Their behavior as shown here likely had something to do with their son ending up a psychopath throwing the ultimate temper tantrum when he didn't get what he wanted. Me too! When they both kept repeating, "look at that! Look at that! It's so obviously not the same person!" When anyone with two eyes can see it obviously was the same person. Dennis was pulling faces but I too wish he had just come out and said it.
  12. Yet another odd example of the cameras being conveniently absent from a supposedly life-changing night. It makes NO sense. Even if they had the night off, you're telling me one of the cast wasn't jumping on the horn telling producers to call the cameras out there asap?? Nice guy but why was he so horribly sweaty and disheveled? Even after they got inside it appeared he couldn't get it under control. It made me uncomfortable to watch and it looked like it made Ciera uncomfortable too! It's kind of pitiful to see how quickly Danielle appears eager to jump back into her old role while Lindsey could obviously give two shits. And why did Gabby feel she was in any position to try to foster a truce between Lindsey and Paige? Paige was having none of it. Those two just need to coexist like you would with any co-worker you can't stand. It makes me sad that Gabby has lowered herself to being Lindsey's little "yes" man. Why do these bully/mean girls always have supporters? The cat's out of the bag on Lindsey's game and everyone's over her BS so Gabby's support and having one measly gang member literally means nothing. But the fact that Lindsey has even one person still hanging around her is astounding to me.
  13. OMG Scheana, get a frickin' grip. She is totally insufferable. You have a child and a husband and a life of your own, go focus on all of that. Contrary to how you are trying to commandeer this situation, Sandoval cheated on Ariana, not on YOU. This hysteria is not at all in line with whatever you feel this douchebag has "done" to you. The fact that she turned to Ariana to console her pain made my jaw drop. What an absolute self-centered moron. Lala is now willing to give Tom grace that he made a mistake and he shouldn't be crucified day in and day out. Ok, Lala, now let's secretly switch the name Sandoval with the name Rand.....how do you feel now? Does the sentiment still hold? Can Ariana tell you to give Rand some grace? Talk about a hypocrite. At this point, I'd be excited to watch a show with just James, Ally and Hippie Graham.
  14. I don't understand how the other guys have a pretty nice selection of girls (a good variety of looks, careers, personalities....all in a positive way) and Brandon got stuck with this bunch of odd balls? Annalyse (spelling?) seemed like a nice girl but every time she was interviewed it was obvious she was not a personality match for him. There's the really benign one who had a one-on-one date who looks different every time she's shown. She's a completely different person when she's standing or sitting, or wearing her glasses, and I have no idea what her name could possibly be. And then there's Joy, who is apparently living in the 1970's as a brunette Farrah Fawcett and I'm starting to believe doesn't have 2 brain cells in her head, as beautiful as her hair may be. The one who got kicked off who can go back to the trailer park now and then good ole' stalker, looney tunes, Reba ("a beer" spelled backwards, except it really isn't). Brandon seems like the warmest and nicest of the farmers and I feel really bad that he honestly has never had anyone to choose from from the start.
  15. It's too hard to suspend disbelief for this show. I am struggling to recall this "FIFTY YEARS of being the absolute ride or die best friends with Tom Sandoval" theme that Scheana keeps throwing out every other minute. What?? You mean, he's been your co-worker and best friend's boyfriend, right? Because that is correct. But I don't think anyone has ever seen anything separate from that to indicate this lay down your life friendship with him that she is suddenly intent on portraying. It's highly annoying. If this were real life and she was doing this to her true best friend, Ariana, then Ariana should and would immediately dump her. Also, what is up with Scheana's mouth? Is it just because she is so skinny that her mouth looks disproportionately huge these days? She's doing this thing where she's pulling down her lower lip to expose her bottom teeth. I don't remember her doing all these mouth gymnastics in the past. She's also going to be apparently looking for her third husband in the very near future. Yeah, I guess I'm over it all. And from my above post, just way too much Scheana.
  16. I thought this was one of the best episodes I remember watching of this show in a really, really long time. But barely any of us here commenting?? West seems fun and easy to talk to but yeah, his looks certainly aren't my cup of tea. The moustache is not helping the situation at all. I also have a hard time believing that a girl as gorgeous as Ciara is going to walk around with that dude on her arm? Maybe I'll be wrong. Jesse has TOTAL cartoon face! He's like a walking caricature! The cancer reveal was shocking though and I think he'll be someone at least interesting to watch (unlike the bores we've been subjected to in recent seasons). I think despite however they may look, so far they both seem like good additions. Such classic Lindsay behavior on full display. She's such a loathsome human being. I don't even know how a person that toxic would go about working on themselves. She seems incapable of any self-reflection or accountability. I just pray we get this woman to menopause before she procreates. Kyle and Amanda would both be so much better off with other people. I sometimes wonder if they plan and do this for a storyline but then who would ever make their marriage look that bad on purpose? Is it worth a paycheck? You couldn't pick something else? I watched a little bit of WWHL and Danielle is right back to defending Lindsay? Anyone know their current status? Sometimes I lean towards liking Danielle and then I can never quite get on board. Something's just not quite right with that girl.
  17. This is like a book where I'm just flipping through the pages to skip to the good stuff - the ending! Bring it!
  18. This was riveting, devastating and horrifying. Sadly, I think this is one reason why the documentary was so good. She wasn't believable or likeable. Watching her talking head, I felt like I was watching a badly acted drama, not a real documentary. When she was describing that the kidnapper insisted the second rape appear consensual, I was absolutely convinced she was involved with him romantically and not knowing he had filmed her, this was going to be her excuse for why it didn't appear to be a rape. I feel bad about all of that. Poor, poor woman. Shows like this (and many a Dateline episode) chill me to the bone. You get one or two rabid, dumb cops like a dog with a bone and they are just not going to let go. When "Colonel Mustard" (as my husband and I nicknamed him) was sitting across from Aaron, it was obvious who was far superior intellectually. And yet Aaron had no power. Good Bless that feisty little cop who broke the case. I honestly feared that even with the overwhelming evidence shoved in their face, the Vallejo PD was still going to turn a blind eye. I'm a little surprised that Denise and Aaron are married. They didn't seem that strong to begin with. I hope it wasn't a relationship born out of and built on trauma. Aaron still seems kind of shell shocked. I wish them the best.
  19. Watching all the old seasons I have a theory: like it or not, Jax was the number one guy in the group and because of this, Sandoval was 100% kept in his place. Once Jax was removed, Sandoval grew and morphed into the epic, super-sized, overinflated douche canoe that we are so lucky to be blessed with today. I think Sandoval was always frustrated and angry by being kept "down" by Jax. You can literally see it in the early seasons. He knew if he behaved in the ways he does now, Jax's mocking and torment would have been so relentless, Sandoval would've been crushed. So he laid low. Until recent times. Sandoval always felt he never got the admiration, respect and attention that he so righteously deserved for being such a superior and upstanding human. He's been such an insufferable little prick since day one.
  20. It was odd how briefly it was mentioned that I wonder if maybe Taylor requested it not be talked about in depth?
  21. I'll just come out and say it, I just didn't find Corey likeable. I'm not taking away what a devastating and terrible thing she has lived through. She is correct with what she stated: your life can literally be taken away from you in the blink of an eye. I feel for her. I didn't find her likeable but I also don't think she had anything to do with the murder. It took me a while to come to that conclusion. How often to we hear the cops talking about someone not acting as you would "expect" them to? Or overreacting or underreacting? I too thought her stammering and hyperventilating seemed like a really, really bad acting job. Almost laughably bad. I immediately thought she was guilty. Turns out I was wrong. You can see how often that a conclusion is jumped to based on behavior. The son was over a year old when he was adopted. I wonder what his life was like in the orphanage prior to adoption? Maybe he had an attachment disorder? That daughter-in-law will find another schmuck down the road and tell them, I did this once and got away with it, we can do it again. Scary stuff.
  22. As others have called out, Rodrigo being concerned about how his hair looked all season while sporting a ratty ass rug obviously from the 1995 Raquel Welch Church Lady wig collection was a classic for sure. I also love how a dude who couldn't find the time to interject two words the entire season shows up as a subject matter expert on the reunion and runs his mouth off. Shut up, Rodrigo. Someone finally said it (who? Andy?) - why can't Taylor speak for herself? Why do all these men jump to speak on her behalf while she sits there like a two year old with wide eyes, sucking her thumb and clutching her blankie? And when she's called out on it, she responds, "I'm not very good at these things". Good Lord. What is it with this girl? I mean, we've asked the same about Austen. She's average pretty, clearly of limited intelligence, no proof of any personality at all, no sense of humor, no discernable talent or skill, no real job (puh-leese let's not even entertain schlepping Day Chaser), easily manipulated, a liar, not a good friend, gets walked all over......I could go on and on. But we've got these guys lining up for her. Every time JT professes his love, Taylor looks like she's going to barf. And I'm still not sure he gets it. And Shep needs to go back to acting school. I'm trying to figure out what the angle here is because him being in love with Taylor is 100% NOT it. I don't know if they're trying to carve out a storyline for next season or if he feels he owes it to her to make her appear respected by him. But the guy has been galivanting all over the world hooking up with other women without a care in the world. The way he chooses and enjoys living his life. He is not sitting around lamenting the one who (didn't) got away). Instead of stupid Craig saying, "they're gonna get married!!" I wish someone would have spit out their drink and yelled, "Shep, are you kidding me???" Because come on. They've backed themselves into a corner here without a major overhaul. Olivia came right out and said there is no resurrecting her friendship with Taylor. Shep is changing his partying ways. Craig has settled down. Austen is trying to reform himself. Madison is a homebody wife trying to get pregnant. There's nothing left to work with that will fit the shows narrative. They've put the nail in their own coffin.
  23. Sadly, knowing that the brother died of an overdose and Taylor lives a life of questionable morals and being an outed liar, makes you kind of wonder about this family? They seem now to hide behind a "what would Jesus do" religious façade, while living lives behind the scenes that don't match that at all. Not a "practice what you preach" bunch apparently. (Of course adding that many wonderful, good people are addicted to drugs, I understand this. Just pointing out there is more going on behind the scenes with this particular family then how they present themselves).
  24. So many WTH moments, I'm just shaking my head. Austen is right. JT appears to be obsessed with him. It's truly weird. Shep obviously tried to do Taylor some kind of solid by telling the bold faced lie that upon reflection he should have married her. The absolute ridiculousness of that coming out of his mouth, I can't even stomach it. I'm serious, I feel like he told her ahead of time he was going to make these declarations of undying love because he feels like he owes her something for tossing her aside. It lends her some kind of legitimacy that he feels he needs to give to her. And then him stammering and stuttering (this is Shep, the most well spoken man probably on any reality show), acting almost all "awww shucks" to make his lame declaration about needing to sober up. But not too much. Just a little. He should have dated Scheana Shay who also subscribed to her addict husband being able to partake "just a little" when they went out. You know, for funsies. I can't stand Olivia or Taylor at this point but I have to say I rooted for Olivia when Taylor snipped her little Bible quote about forgiveness with her church lady pursed lips and Olivia about lost it. "Just say it - you've been dying to say it!". Exactly. Taylor looked like far more of an idiot for doing that than she made Olivia look, in my opinion. Craig came off looking like a superstar. Go Craig....slow clap for you, my friend! Leva said that Whitney's girlfriend showed her the text and everyone about fell off their respective couches: "Whitney has a girlfriend"??? That old vampire is just waiting out of respect for Pat to kick off so he can come out of the closet. Can we please stop playing this tired game that he's some kind of ladies man? Remember, Leva and Venita were brought in originally to be main characters and for the first time in Bravo history, I think they listened to the viewers. That season when they were introduced was horrid. Their lecturing and "educating" everyone around them was too much to digest. They sucked all the fun out of the show and they were demoted. Venita has been great with her current level of participation. Maybe they should give her a second chance to see if she'd be more palatable now. Leva just still seems way too high and mighty but I also think being on the show doesn't really matter that much to her. Wow - I think watching this really ticked me off 😆
  25. Yep. 100% co-sign this too. Like Starlight925 said as well, this is totally the reason he even stayed with her so long. I'm sorry she's taken it all to mean something different. Covid was pure luck for Taylor. She literally had him on "lockdown".
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