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Everything posted by Vivigirl10

  1. OMG THIS. They chose to do a long shot from outside the bar which highlighted a camera right in the faces of Austen and JT but then the deal goes down and all you get is the jumbling and fumbling shot of the floor......camera goes upright and everything's done and Austen's shirt is unbuttoned?? WTH?? I can't help but like them! JT choosing the right time to tell Taylor he loves her is in the middle of a party in the middle of the day in the middle of a bunch of people. Sure. I am so glad that Shep looked at Dumb Dumb and flat out told her to stop hoping that they're going to get together. And he seems to understand now that even texting is interpreted by her that they are in fact going to get back together. Taylor totally missed Shep's point that he would find a way to accept her dating Austen if that's what she truly wanted and not just if she was doing it to get back at him. Because that's the only reason she would do it. She toys with Austen to make Shep jealous. Austen doesn't have money so Austen isn't going to be a contender. Likewise, if JT had money, suddenly I'm sure she'd find a way to tolerate his annoying ways really, really fast. I think I may have cracked the Austen code. We know he offers nothing besides being tall. But I think he may have one of those personalities where to women, he's like one of the girls. I bet he's a good listener, he's easy to talk to, he feels very engaged with you, you can laugh and joke around.....like you're talking to your best girl friend. I think we've seen glimpses of how he talks to all the gals. It's different than a lot of guys do. So if you have that emotional connection and you happen to find his muppet face attractive, it may be a good combo. Speaking of who didn't get the looks in the family, are they slowly trying to introduce Austen's sister to being a regular on the show? And I feel bad saying that because she always seems very level headed and lovely, so please forgive me sister.
  2. Malia was just gross and such a mean girl. Then at the end tries to spin it to be all - I had your back the whole time!! Shut up. I liked Kory better at the reunion than I ever had because he actually seemed serious and sad about the whole thing. He appeared to be a real person feeling real feelings and not the typical douche he usually is. Not sure about the future of this relationship though.
  3. Olivia and Taylor are both wrong. But we can't move on and just have them avoid each other because that's the point of the show. The whole set-up freakout with Olivia busting into Taylor's room was so weird. The editing was wonky since it looked like after she left, Taylor just calmly continues the conversation with her brother. When Taylor's brother asked her, WWJD? I about fell on the floor. WWJD??? Ummmm.....not date Shep Rose? Not be on a reality show? Basically not live Taylor's life? Again, stop with the holy little girl act. Rod started out as a strong potential character and now he's dropped so low he's been designated as the loser who has to convince JT that he's "vibing" with Taylor and stands a chance at dating her. I don't think you can be cast in a lower part! I actually liked the couples dinner. Madison's husband seems pretty decent. It was just kind of a nice change in storyline to see the two couples together. I never really minded Paige on Summer House so I'm just continually surprised how much she bugs me here. She never threw around this New York schtick on SH (look, I'm wearing pastels! Oh, that's right, because you're from New York and ONLY dress in black, got it.....again). I'm glad Craig feels he's a better person and can stand on his own now regardless because goodness knows, Paige is not going to be there in the future. I wish he'd get out now and save himself the time.
  4. Not only infuriating that Kelly got no jail time but also that Tucker got off with such a light sentence. I lean towards thinking that a jury absolutely would have convicted her. When Kelly was screaming at the detective, "I never lie! I never lie!", I thought listen here you absolute lunatic......you just looked this man dead in the eye two minutes ago and said you don't know who shot your brother: LIE. And then when I froze on the paperwork they showed (for her intake?), her weight was listed as 147. Assuming that came from her and not that they only accidently weighed one of her thighs: LIE. It makes me sad that I don't think this will be the last we've heard of these two. They seem to delight in leaving a path of destruction and making false accusations. They've gotten away with murder. I don't see that behavior not continuing and/or just intensifying.
  5. On a spoof Rodrigues site I follow on Instagram, the comments are leaning towards Renee's haircut being a form of punishment for something. Public humiliation. It that's true, it's absolutely heartbreaking. Unfortunately, it makes sense. It doesn't matter how damaged, ugly, thin, broken, or lackluster a woman's hair is, it is always left alone and worn long. Renee would never choose to cut her hair, nor would Mahmo think it would make her more attractive. I'm concerned.
  6. I loathe that kind of behavior. Malia, you've known him for about two weeks and like it or not, Sam's been with him for eight months. Stop trying to exert some kind of dominance over her by showing what? That you have a closer relationship to him then she does? Ugh. Also, Cory? Knock it off. Sam's face looked different to me but maybe it was just her make-up. Do we think that she really knew what Casey said about her and that explained all the "extraness" between the two of them? I don't know. I've seen girls just act that way before in an exercise of faux bonding. Did the episode end with Sam asking Cory if she's his girlfriend or did I fall asleep and miss the answer? With this snoozefest I honestly don't know. 😆
  7. Watching Leah on Impact Nightline. It's really hard to have sympathy for someone who tells you that they wanted to kill themselves because they were so abused by their employer but every time their employer asked them back to work for them......they willingly went because cha-ching. Really???
  8. I keep going back to this. She's contractually obligated I'm sure to show up and participate in this stupid shit show, all while still being in the middle of grieving. That's why I'll give her a bit of a pass. OMG, all of that dramatic music they were playing while flashing those lame headlines was making me irrationally angry. You're exactly right, this is NOT even close to Scandoval level and they are doing everything to try to pump it up to be. Taylor, sit down and shut up you big dummy. If you truly want to be Olivia's friend, you may have to apologize to her for the rest of your life. And Craig spoke the bare truth which you absolutely didn't want to hear and you 100% won't abide by: you have to give up Austen if you want to be friends with Olivia. You are also the wrongdoer in this situation and nobody is going to take your side, nor should they. Shep talks to Taylor like she's his daughter. Gross. I look at them and can't believe they were ever a couple. Ravenel 2.0 indeed. I'm actually not minding this new version of Madison but she needs to back off hard and fast from whatever she's doing to her face. She looks awful. She's going down a slippery slope. JT - no matter how much grandstanding you do on her behalf, Taylor is NEVER going to fall for you little man. I want to go to Jamaica now!
  9. Anyone who was willing to lay their life down to defend Lindsay is not mentally o.k. Danielle is not right in the head. I don't know......I found Kory's parents to be cooler and better looking than he'll ever be!! Listen, if we've moved to where the viewing audience is supposed to be invested in pregnancy storylines, I think we've jumped the shark. And I say this as someone who likes Amanda. I really hope they know as soon as she gets pregnant, they've effectively axed themselves from reality t.v. I have no interest in seeing Summer or Winter House, small children edition. Whatever that costume day name on the slopes was that they kept referring to, I didn't see a single other skier dressed up.
  10. I guess I'm surprised at all the shock and indignation at Gerry being a man ho and jerk to date. What kind of person would go on a reality show to begin with? Certainly not a quiet man of integrity. Come on. I mean that for the ladies too. A fame whore is going to have something juicy to dig up in the past. I didn't date him. I don't really care what he did to be honest. And also - the man didn't kill anyone as far as we know!! Faith and Ellen were rolling their eyes, thrashing around and falling off their chairs in reaction to every little thing Gerry and Theresa said. Saint Joan of the Plastic Face had to reach over and steady both of them. These aren't normal people who are going to seek out love on a reality show. And I say that as someone who liked Ellen. Gerry breaking up with Leslie was one of the most uncomfortable things I've ever watched on t.v. I had to look away for parts of it. Almost like it shouldn't have been shown. She seemed to have forgotten along that way that this was a game. Gerry too. I guess he thought maybe the "second runner up" just wouldn't like him as much and he'd get off easy?
  11. Whitney's ridiculous behavior was the best part of this boring episode. Too much of him is too much, but sometimes, you need more! Oh yes, Paige, the next great fashionista of our time was unable to make the trip. With her high demand in the realm of haute couture, she just couldn't be pulled away from her next Amazon drop of cheap ass, fugly clothes from China. Olivia showed more fun and personality this episode than she has during her entire time on this show combined. Was she drunk? Can she drink more of whatever that was at all times moving forward? Can she give some to Taylor? Great point - cracking up 😂
  12. I completely know what you're talking about, I caught it too. I don't know what was originally said but Kory said, "there's the door" and pointed at it for her to leave. Completely dismissed her. So condescending and rude. He obviously deemed her not on his level and it made me hate him even more. The girl looked like a young, straight Melissa Etheridge. Danielle's the worst. First her weird obsession with Lindsey and now her weird obsession with Alex. If I were him, I'd just stick out the two weeks with her at this point and not make any waves. It's not worth the risk!
  13. He didn't meet the height requirement. Was Craig wasted out of his mind before they even got to dinner? Did anyone else notice when he and Shep were talking on the couch how his glass would go from full to empty, to in his hand to not there? Terrible editing. Rodrigo seems totally fine and inoffensive but I guess I've completely missed what everyone else has picked up. All this love and obsession over him! I think I've heard the guy maybe say two complete sentences and make a few faces? Certainly not enough for me to form an opinion. Boring, waste of an episode.
  14. So I have to say, I didn't know who half of these people were going into this season (I don't watch BD anymore, never watched Family Karma or Martha's Vineyard). It seems pretty obvious that some of these people crossed paths once, took a picture, and then they flash it on screen with, "here I am with my insta new BFF"! Whatever. But....oddly enough they seem to be meshing well and are a pretty fun group to watch?? Color me surprised!! His outfit above? OMG. I bet he is fun and easy to be around but what a giant cheeseball. Can you get any cornier and cheesier than this doufus? Who would ever take this dude seriously, let alone think he's good looking? I am forever puzzled. He's just....gross. I don't know Katie Flood and she seems like a perfectly nice and pleasant girl so please don't come at me but something about her makes me think she's stinky. Like the kind of girl who smells like she comes from a house where there's always a lot of cooking going on, you know? Just musty. 😆 Schwartz always looks dirty and unkempt so maybe they are a perfect match. He's looking old and washed up these days. Plus, he pretty much revealed his true personality last season on VPR. His "awe shucks" routine needs to fall by the wayside. I know Amanda has been sick but can she wash her hair? Can someone send her a good clarifying shampoo? I'm sure Danielle's going for a storyline and screentime but girlfriend basically just had sex on camera. What's she thinking?? Yuck. Yeah, so in summary, there are basically a lot of dirty, gross people on this show and I feel like I need a shower now!
  15. Sorry this isn't very detailed and maybe someone would like to go back and do a deeper dive but Olivia posted some pictures on Instagram and it appears she may have a new man. Madison was making comments with a "wink wink nod nod" that indicates she knows who it is although Olivia wasn't saying (although she did comment that he's not from Charleston). The funny thing was the pics were from some kind of group trip and friggin' Austen was there. The comments were hilarious. Let's just say I was surprised how maybe the masses have finally turned against this loser? I guess I always thought there were enough dumb girls still lining up for him.
  16. In doing some quick online research, I was super disappointed to find out that it appears the group is as strong as ever. Even more horrifying is that Shaleia and Jeff had their baby. I can't believe Child Protective Services wouldn't be called in to monitor them based off of this documentary and their statements about how the baby would be raised. Absolutely disgusting. There were some pretty darned likeable people that got wrapped up in this mess. It's so sad to think about what must have been lacking inside of them that needed to be filled.
  17. SO. MUCH. THIS. I'm glad to see so many people are in agreement about these two. Maybe they've just been so pretty their whole lives they never had to develop a personality. Snooze fests, the both of them. Plus Taylor is just a dummy. Totally random but is Taylor actively choosing not to spay her dog? Did she just forget and the poor thing went into heat? Another reason I just can't with her. I'm curious too - other than the lifestyle that her parents provide to her that allows her to live in a million + dollar beach house and drive a Mercedes. Craig with his white picket fence and kids timeline made me sad. Please move on from Paige. She isn't going to give it to you, Craigy. This show is purely hate-watch material at this point 😆
  18. I feel like you're the first to say this and thank you. I agree. Joan was perfectly fine but goodness, I too am mystified by all the fuss being made over her! In my opinion she was pretty blah with limited personality. Kathy had an entirely new face and it was creepy!!! You summed it up. An excess of plastic surgery as you get older never results in looking younger, you just look.....odd. Is looking like an alien who isn't fooling anyone seriously better than just looking old? To me, the show hasn't been about Gerry. He's been like an uninteresting side character. I loved the fun of the ladies living in the house and their relationships! That was the best part! I really could care less about the remainder of the show. That being said, I think they are doing some shady editing work to make Leslie look like the obvious choice. Which is pretty scary to think that Theresa is going to end up the "winner". But again, do we really care?? Ha! Also, Ellen has my vote for Golden Bachelorette.
  19. Hey - maybe Olivia just got back from sleep-away camp and she had to write her name inside all of her underwear?! And that's what the girl saw! I mean, wouldn't that be just as believable as any of the rest of the absolute BS they're trying to feed us??
  20. You beat me to it! Where were the cameras for this Netflix and chill session with the perfect ending shot of the bra left on the ottoman? Austen couldn't even think fast enough to make up what movie they watched. Craig had to feed him a line. My favorite part of the episode was seeing Taylor's absolutely adorable Grandparents!! How gorgeous is her Grandmother? Well, that and Craig's stupid Panda theory.....which even he couldn't keep a straight face about! Pretty sad when Grandparents and Pandas are the best part of a show about a group of friends in Charleston.
  21. Taylor's life being lead by Jesus is something that she has personally shared, it isn't a storyline or anything that is being told to us. It comes out of her own mouth. I don't know if I've picked it up on social media, I thought she was quite clear about it on the show too. Not sure what her particular brand of religion is though.
  22. Never been a Madison fan AT ALL but girlfriend is just trying to do them all a service, play a part and save this sinking ship. I also don't think the point is to slut shame Taylor but just to question her hypocrisy and ask....who are you really?? She does in fact portray herself as one thing but her actions tell a different story. And I didn't have a problem with someone finally calling her on the carpet for it. Also not a Leva fan but I appreciated her highlighting that the guys in this group definitely treat some women one way and some women another. It is completely a Virgin/Whore mentality and it's gross. This sums everything up nicely.
  23. I'm really let down by the final three. I feel like there was a fun, varied group of ladies to start with and this is who we're left with? I'm not cheering for any of them. May after the home town dates I'll finally be able to tell the difference between Leslie and Faith. Maybe Gerry doesn't know either and that's why he had to keep both of them! Gerry IS a drip with a Kermit voice! And while we have gotten to know the ladies, we haven't gotten to know much about him. But maybe the show has been more fun that way to be honest!
  24. There were two examples that I absolutely couldn't forget of her hard hitting questions. Both to Heidi's friend. Friend: "Nick and Heidi were talking about starting a family, Heidi was very excited about that." Reporter: "Did Heidi want to be a Mother?" Friend: "No, she hated children and had already had her tubes tied secretly." I MEAN COME ON!!! Was there any alternative answer other than "YES"???? Example 2: Friend: "I was amazed at the number of people that turned out for Heidi's funeral." Reporter: "Were you amazed when you saw the number of people that were there?" I mean just STOP. Knew he was guilty right then. I actually thought it was an interesting episode, even knowing that Nick did it. I also was shocked at his friends still defending him and also found Rachel to be a weirdo.
  25. Nice rundown, Slowpoked!!! I wonder what Austen's seemingly nice parents think of their absolute loser of a son? This is a total aside but wowza - looks like they did a major retirement upgrade there!!! I think most people do the opposite? Their old house was certainly pretty and nice and they have always appeared "comfortable" if you will, but these new digs tell an entirely different story. Maybe Austen is closer to Shep territory than was previously thought. Something about Venita is so forced. And I actually don't think she means to intentionally be that way. She just kind of bulldozes headfirst into everything. And hey Leva, if you're so close to Olivia why don't you host the group over at your big ass house? That was so weird. Can we take a moment to fondly remember how Venita treated Olivia when she came on the scene and what she so kindly accused her of being? When Olivia was walking up the steps to go see her non-friends, you could practically read the disclaimer: "contractually obligated visit". This whole episode was gross.
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