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Everything posted by Vivigirl10

  1. It's amazing how excited she can get over a brown shirt. Wow.
  2. I know it's all part of the show but why-oh-why would any of these people employ a "designer" when their tastes are so completely run of the mill??? Who can't go to Lowe's and pick out some white shaker cabinets and the local kitchen and bath shop and purchase a white countertop? Geesh. It's comical everytime the designer says, "I propose.....", pulls out the same three materials and the owners go ga-ga like they've never seen such originality! If I were to hire a designer, my first question before moving any further would be, "do you ever propose a barn door"? Because if you do, I'm not trusing the design aesthetic of my home to your dim wit.
  3. I was only able to make it a little over halfway through this trainwreck. It's like watching a horror movie through your hands. The level of discomfort in watching these fools is not pleasant! Regarding Hannah's difficulty in opening up and Colton's "patience" in allowing her to do so. What are we talking about here folks, a span of two hours? Wow, Hannah, I'm sorry it's so difficult for you. You know, to take a few hours to be able to unload all of your desperately unattractive confessions onto the dinner table. It must be soooo hard to hold in things for such an unreasonable amount of time. And Colton, what a guy for really putting in the time, the whole two hours, to make this idiot comfortable enough to tell you her dirty secrets. That's some stamina there on both of their parts. So impressive. I don't think Colton knows what autism is. Because he's encountered so many autistic children in the hospital when he's doing his volunteer work. Hmmmm.....maybe he's confusing cancer for autism? You know, it's tricky like that. But I don't think there are a high number of autistic kids just hanging out in a hospital bed. My dream date.....public speaking. Sign me up.
  4. I wonder what the timeline was for Debra's multiple marriages and how they fell in line with her children still being young and in her home? It must have been difficult to have had a revolving door of new "Daddies". I shudder to think that Debra could have been one of those women to allow a child abuser/molester into her home and then side with the man when her children made accusations. Again I'll say, she's mighty lucky her kids seem to have inherited the family forgiveness gene. I think many would have (rightly so) estranged themselves from such a mother.
  5. Or that Grandma Dearest hadn't joined the vigil all while ignoring Terra, because, forgiveness you know.
  6. Loved Florence to Florence as well! How refreshing when she said that the kitchen was too fancy and they weren't fancy people. I was confused by the exterior shots of the farmhouse versus the interior shots. When they toured, they only showed two bedrooms! Once they moved in, they did show a third. But the house not only looked much larger from the outside, it also looked like maybe an original farmhouse was attached to the back of the newer house?
  7. Perhaps one of the worst House Hunters evahhhhh......I wish the realtor would have given her a big old slap across the face at that point. I missed the beginning and only heard "teen girls" and "the business is doing great". No details! Where did Miss Priss get the $$$'s to fund this dream? I'd sure like to know. Maybe she should have used some of these secret funds to fix her missing tooth, bow leg and pigeon toe. Sorry. She deserves the snark.
  8. My hatred of Debra was just solidified and amplified at the end. She is lucky she has such forgiving daughters (and family). I think both girls would be rightly justified to never speak to their idiot Mother again. I know it's by nature that a series like this can't go into every little detail. But I was often left wondering, for those who didn't listen to the podcast before, if John's horrors were truly understood. It seems they glossed over much of what he did to Debra until it was just suddenly, boom, he's a dangerous grifter! Even the final scene with Terra seemed lackluster. And one of the most compelling parts of it was the teenager, fresh from her lifeguarding class, who ran to her aid when no one else would. You'd have no idea of that whole piece from the show.
  9. I'm so glad someone brought this up! My goodness, I've been walking around with that song in my head for a few weeks. They play that commercial on constant rotation. Ugh.
  10. Nasty Dublin complainer: They were in the one backyard (which was lovely) and she's scowling about "what do I have to look at? That neighbors house"?! I loved that the realtor allowed there to be this awkward silence, then he just soldiered on about how beautifully the sun would shine down on the backyard and how great it would be to sit outside and enjoy it. Awwww....such a sweet attempt to keep things positive with such a wet blanket.
  11. How did Drewski land that gorgeous wife?! They were cute and reasonable.
  12. I can't believe I connected this but Hannah's (of the first impression rose) face looked oddly familiar to me. Turns out, she's a model on a clothing site I had just been looking at: reddressboutique.com! Not a fan for some reason of Caelynn, Miss North Caroline. I think her botox and lip injections rival Old Dog Lady's. I looked her up to see what she's all about and her Miss USA platform is about sexual assault awareness and the importance of consent. Seemed pretty ironic when Coltie lunged at her and started sucking her face and all she did was "tee-hee" over it. The other pageant girl is a little over the top and may become annoying, but I felt for her when she walked in the room and Caelynn was sitting there giving her the death stare and she had to explain that she had lost to Caelynn :-( Fast forwarded through every bit of the live crap. Could there possibly be a single person who actually likes that part???
  13. Are the Windy City Rehab episodes new? I've watched her before but I don't think it was on HGTV. Opinion has it that she goes into a beautiful vintage home, like a bull in a china shop, and destroys every bit of original character. I remember one episode in particular where she claimed the house literally fell down while she was remodelling it so boo-hoo, she got to build a shiny new house right on the lot! Fakity fake fake.
  14. Don't mean to be off topic by putting this in the House Hunters thread but they did a string of "how close to the beach" shows last night. There was what appeared to be a young twenty-something ARTIST whose budget was $750,000!!! Excuse me? She teaches painting to students in her home. I guess I better dust off my water colors. Geesh. Similar to the quote above, this had to be a case of trustfunditis!!
  15. In the scene with Ronnie and Deborah at the restaurant, it crossed my mind that Ronnie should not trust her. Idiot Deborah has parroted everything ever said about John right back to him. I wouldn't have been surprised if she would've somehow sacrificed one of her children to him, whether unknowingly or not, out of her astounding stupidity. I will never be able to root for her. Whether in the past or even in the present. It's irritating to think that she's profiting today off of the mess she created.
  16. Great post, DianeDobbler. Your thoughts above are spot on. I dated a man who was instantly "in love" and it was an immediate turn-off. I even asked him, "tell me exactly what you like about me"? The answer was laughable. Next. In the show, Veronica appears to live an extremely affluent lifestyle, with the bags, clothes and such. I know she did the brief stint for the plastic surgeon (and maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but the timeline of that employment as illustrated in the show did not align with real life. In the podcast, by the time John showed up, the plastic surgery job was in the past. It's how she knew his scrubs were bogus, right from the start). What does she do for a living? I always assumed she was just supported by Deborah but then with Terra, she seems to support herself. When Terra was showing Deborah the apartment, she was clearly explaining how she would pay for it with her new job. Mom didn't seem to be footing the bill. Not so much in last night's episode but previously, if Dumb Dumb Deborah said, "Mmmmhmmmm.....okay" or "Mmmmmhmmm.....yeah" one more time, I thought I wouldn't be able to continue watching. I didn't remember all the childhood details either. Wonder how much liberty they took? The throwing himself in front of cars was something he definitely did as an adult.
  17. Last night I realized that the show I was thinking of was a ghostly encounters show :-) But I have wanted to comment on The Perfect Murder too! Yes, they seriously must have no budget for actors because they are the worst! There was one episode about a very young couple and the actors they had portraying them were these rough looking 40+ year olds. It was absolutely comical. Like you can't get some age appropriate actors on the cheap?
  18. Death Row Stories is another riveting show to check out. There is also a show on ID that I can never remember the name of, but it's instantly recognizable when it comes on. I always question if not only do they use actors for the reenactment scenes, but it appears they use them to portray the involved parties in the talking heads too! Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I still love to binge watch Forensic Files. Lately I've noticed that the episodes are so old that many now come with an ending screenshot that the convicted criminal has since died behind bars!
  19. I think Stassi's face said it all, without her saying a word! They really need to not even try to make Billie Lee happen this season. She's exposed her truly awful colors on social media. Her talking heads were so heavily filtered all that could show through were the whites of her eyes and her new, big, white chompers! Raquel has obviously over the years trained herself to speak with the idiotic cadence, affect, and vocal fry that she does. And now I'm certain that's just the way it is and there's no undoing it without some serious speech therapy. Girl. Over. Enunciates. Everything. It. Takes. Her. Two. Hours. To. Drag. Out. A. Sentence. "I'm not dumb!" Maybe not, but you sure sound that way. 80's costumes as done by youngsters (although some in this group should be old enough to know better) are so annoying. Everyone didn't run around in neon workout gear with a fanny pack. I'd love to have seen one of them show up in loafers with a nice pilgrim collared sweater.
  20. I cannot watch anything to do with Susan Powell and the aftermath, or the BTK killer. Arias is where she belongs but the fact that Casey Anthony walks the streets, just living her life, makes me see red.
  21. Me too!!! There was something creepy and gross about the husband. The husband in the Rhode Island episode was like some kind of Joey Buttafuoco throwback. I must have missed something....his 2 kids had to go live with their Mother and the other 2 had to share a room because they were turning the barn into extra bedrooms? Huh?? The daughter living with them was too old to have to share a room with her little brother.
  22. Please, don't anyone waste one second thinking that Leida could actually become a doctor. No way, no how. As quoted above, you have to interview extensively for residency. Her crazy would show through way too easily. Not that I believe she even has a degree to begin with!
  23. Me too - "Eric's Face"...dying!!!
  24. Mrs. Hanson, I heard the promo in the background last night too. But please.....can they be new episodes in the OLD format??!!
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