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Everything posted by Vivigirl10

  1. I was also puzzled by the snark between the two friends over who would get the master bedroom. When they were completely remodeling that shack, why didn't they take advantage of the opportunity to create two equal size bedrooms? Missed the opening of the show. Was the one woman's vintage clothing business really just a re-sale shop for horrible, dated, patterned, blazers?
  2. I liked your whole post but specifically agree with the above comment. Why is no one telling this girl to move on! Her biggest weapon could always have been acting like she didn't care what happened to old T-Rav (probably would have had him eating out of her hand back in the day). Instead, she continues to take the victim harpy route. Besides her last name, Kathryn never had anything going for her beyond her beautiful looks. I thought she may still snag a rich one at a young age, but this new look isn't going to lend itself to the kind of man she'd want to land. I think the future holds more babies by a variety of men, and no marriage certificate to speak of. No judgment, that's just obviously not what she's desired.
  3. This 100%! I was so excited to see Stanley's collection and then was completely underwhelmed! Anthony fully deserved to win. I too absolutely adored his personality, kindness to others, gratitude and sense of humor. This was a feel good show, sorry it is over now.
  4. Scheana is a "simple girl". Yeah, whatever. Only when it comes to speaking to her level of intelligence. Why not compliment Lala on the pretty bouquet and say how nice that was of her boyfriend? Nooo....she has to instead talk about how above it all she is. Girl makes my blood boil. Frankly, I see sending flowers as a form of being affectionate. Lala's boyfriend wasn't there with her but wanted her to obviously know he was thinking of her. How nice is that? It's not about the "gift", it's about the thought behind it. Scheana acts the exact way a young, teenaged girl would act. Except she's in her 30's. She's a complete embarrassment but what makes her even harder to tolerate is she's so stupid she can't even see how much she's embarrassing herself.
  5. I've been waiting to see if anyone would comment on the family with the 5 kids whose existing home was destroyed by a flood/rain storm?? I really felt for them but wanted more backstory. Their home had two bedrooms, two of the children shared a room with the parents and three boys shared the other bedroom (although one boy preferred to sleep on the couch). They seemed practically destitute yet at one point it was mentioned that the Dad had a job. What else did I miss? The problem I had was that they won 1 million but the budget for their house was like $650,000! And they were looking at some beautiful, large homes! Why oh why, if you were that poor to begin with, would you not save some of that money for simply living off of? It seemed like a very foolish choice to spend that much on a home.
  6. Watching the beloved re-runs this weekend and I caught a gem from one of the ladies. They did a close-up of the really pretty centerpiece and one of the attendee brides scrunches up her nose in disgust and does a voiceover: "she had a few roses with just a bunch of carnations". Mind you, they weren't carnations at all but beautiful hydrangeas. I love it when they try to diss and end up making themselves look like an idiot instead!
  7. Thanks for confirming she was either a doctor or in her residency. She seemed so immature and babyish, certainly not presenting the way you hope a doctor would! The voice....oh my. Guess Peds and working with kids would be the best fit for her but her demeanor certainly wouldn’t make me feel confident in her skills.
  8. Count me in with those who are saddened that the show is ruined with this new format. And are we to believe that they were able to identify enough friendship foursomes, getting married at the exact same time, all with wildly different "themes", to support this? I'm having flashbacks to Toddlers & Tiara's when they destroyed that gem when they changed to the team format.
  9. Can someone confirm for me, on last nights episode with the couple moving to Texas (he wanted a room to play with his "band"/ over emphasis on Christmas decorations), did I hear correctly that the wife was a doctor?
  10. Barn doors make me irrationally stabby. I don't like the idea of putting trendy/fad elements in home and barn doors are most certainly a passing fad. Are we moving in the direction of clothing, where people in the past used to have a few good items but now you can have a closet full of junk from Old Navy? Are home interiors going to be disposable in the near future so we can keep up with trends? I'm starting to wonder. I too love Bargain Mansions! The houses that Tamara picks are beautiful. I agree that her drama element, while present, is very low. I also actually like that she seems to do one interesting thing per episode, such as taking her old windows to be turned into a countertop. Which I thought were really pretty, by the way! I'm a fan of wallpaper, but sometimes I do think she picks some odd designs on that front.
  11. “Under the Desert Sky”: Toni’s parents were the perfect example of why murderers parents should not be interviewed and are completely useless contributors. “My angel of perfection daughter could NEVER do such a thing. She was only driven to it by the big, bad, boyfriend!” If she was in an abusive relationship and felt her life was in danger (and you are confirming that you knew that), tell me why oh why would you allow the abuser to live with you in your home??? And get engaged to your high school aged daughter??? I think Toni and Kody were equally guilty and I agree with Mickie's Mom that they will never provide the reason why they did it. Toni was obviously no innocent who was taken along for the ride. Mickie's sisters confirmed it with their own first hand accounts of Toni’s behavior towards Mickie. I also can’t help but think that a devote Morman (as Toni was painted to be) would rather risk sacrificing her own life then to kill another with her own hands in such a God awful manner. Hey Keith.....referring to Toni even once as a “beauty queen” was five million times too many. Can we talk hairstyles? Glad Toni was given the opportunity to put so much effort into her tv debut with her fancy braid/bun combo. And her Mother’s initial Jerry curl and subsequent shocked-porcupine cut at the end were just stunningly beautiful. Gack!!!
  12. I tuned into the first episode because I was intrigued about what the house looked like pre-reno. I only half watched from there and then paid attention again at the reveal of the finished first floor rooms. I may have missed some things but it sounded like the recurring excuse for removing original items from the house will be, “it couldn’t be repaired/salvaged.” But the real reason is they simply didn’t like the style and don’t want to catch flack for it. For example, the staircase dowels. Also, I was very surprised they removed the top half of the fireplace. Does anyone have an eye for whether or not that looked to be original? Did they cop to the fact that the house was not “untouched since the 1920’s”? Because some of that wallpaper and carpet would give that statement away in a heartbeat. Wonder why the girlfriends are finally being revealed now after keeping them hidden for all these years? People are so over the moon about these guys, I would think it may cause some lost viewers. Ha! I thought the house was absolutely gorgeous and I liked the decorating in the office and living room. I’ll be curious to see how it progresses!
  13. What a hypocrite. Every single thing he just accused Chris of, he himself is 100% just as guilty of. He's probably even scarier than Chris because he doesn't see any of these disgusting behaviors in his own self. In his years working on high profile cases involving sex crimes against children, he obviously picked up a trick or two. Pervert, you're with a barely legal girl. I also love that despite the fact that he labels Chris a monster, the only option he had for Abby's own safety was to send her to stay at his condo. Huh???
  14. Read the People magazine article on her current custody battle. Did she have any kind of relationship with the father of her youngest? They didn't delve into it and it almost sounds like she barely knew him. She wanted to completely raise the baby on her own and was "surprised" when he asserted his own parental rights. Really??? Good for him for wanting to be involved. She's completely using the breast feeding issue as a block to allowing the man to rightfully spend time with his child. She's a kook.
  15. I started out thinking the Salem house hunter was going to drive me bonkers but then she never really did. I kept picturing her as a 50 year old, hair dyed bright red, running around in a flowing caftan. She just struck me as a bit eccentric! The friend schlupped around like a little old lady, clutching her pocket book. They were an odd pair but funny to watch.
  16. I thought "Obnoxious Copenhagen Dude-Bro" crossed the line and went beyond your typical douche. Did anyone else think he had the potential to be scary?? Yikes, I thought he snapped at the realtor a few times in a way that gave a glimpse at a temper or the ability to be really demeaning. I couldn't wait to read the comments here!
  17. Youresourban, I want to like your post 1,000 times! "Hi, I'm Phoebe. I've never left my bed at home but I'm completely comfortable ruling over this drug fueled orgy while commanding the attention of the hottest guy at the party. Oh, and I never shower and just peed my pants an hour ago. But aren't I sexy?" Cora's almost just as ridiculous. What kind of imbecile is she? Does she have no gut feeling, no inner voice telling her to get the hell out and away from these people? I'm just left shaking my head.
  18. Jillybean, I am totally with you regarding the theory that Laci confronted the burglars. She appeared to be a smart girl, she wouldn't have put herself in such an unsafe situation by herself. Nope. Didn't happen. Quite honestly, I could have cared less about a timeline. At what exact time she went missing doesn't matter. She did and she ended up dead in the bay. This whole show was absolutely ridiculous, but a particular favorite part of mine was when it was presented as completely impossible that Scott did the internet searches himself to cover his tracks. Excuse me??? Anyone who watches any type of true crime tv knows what a common and deliberate tactic this is. Yet they were throwing their hands up, "I mean, who would ever do such a thing"??!!! I can't shake the memory of an article I read back during the time of the case (in something like Glamour) written by a sibling of Scott's who he stayed with after the murder. Her point of view was the utter horror of how he acted and her realization that he was in fact guilty. He was staying up over her garage or something. Yet here, his siblings were such staunch (and blind) supporters. Were there siblings that weren't shown? Someone mentioned upthread a step-sister? Anyone remember anything like this?
  19. Resorting to duct tape seemed pretty excessive compared to the level of her problem. Wouldn't a good bra have sufficed? I'm betting that nose job girl will think her tip is too long and her nose is too big down the road. I'd love to know the true age of Frenchy's friend. In her 50's? Probably not, but all the surgery makes her look it. I can't imagine any reason that the paparazzi would want to take her picture.
  20. Windy City Flip has to be one of the most annoying shows I've watched on hgtv. Why not call this episode exactly what it was: buy a lot with a tear down on it and build a brand new home? Alison starts off lecturing about restoring vintage homes and preserving history and ends up destroying an old house. Oh sorry, she reused some bricks and brought an unrelated door and fireplace into a new build. I'm not buying for one second that not one inch of the house was salvageable and it ended up crumbling. Even at the end, she's talking to the new owners about preserving the feel of the original house through a tile style. And they show before and after pics of the old rooms against the new house. What??? The only reason I'd watch again is to see if this is her formula. This was the biggest stretch to fit the popular format of flipping shows I've seen.
  21. Been binge watching the old episodes and count me in on wanting this show back! But with one caveat.....keep the format the same. I could see them adding some new twist that would ruin the whole thing. It's just so perfect the straightforward way it is. This is a random observation but I cringe when the brides receive the card that says where their honeymoon is. So many of these seemingly intelligent and well spoken women can't read worth a darn!
  22. Watched the update as well. I don't mean to come off as heartless but Bodhi appears so disturbed, does he even benefit from being home? Would he perhaps even be better off in a facility of some sort with trained caregivers who are there to do a job? His parents live like animals all to benefit him, when I'm not sure he's even benefiting? What kind of quality of life is this for any of them? The one caregiver they had helping was so severely anorexic I'm not sure how she could even physically be helpful in restraining Bodhi. Again, he must be a better person than I am because I do not understand the motivations of a person who would willingly interject themselves into this shit show.
  23. Very well put! If Naomi has chosen to still stay with Craig at this point, she could have at least mustered up a "good job". That perpetual smug look is a cross between confusion, trying to poop really hard and smelling something bad. And I can't stand it. AGREED! This girl wants to be taken care of, not take care of herself (or her children for that matter). While in her pre-rehab days, Kathryn could yell, scream, and insult with the best of them. Rehab seems to have removed her ability to speak? She can mumble about three connected words while showing her classic stink face. I don't know how that could carry over into any type of job. What is seriously missing from Kathryn is any type of true emotion regarding her children. When she read the letter from Thomas with Elizabeth, wouldn't a feeling person have expressed some joy over being able to spend time with her baby? To see her little girl? There is just nothing there at all. That speaks volumes about her character. Her constantly mumbling to everyone about "how happy" she is should be saved until she is once again involved in her childrens' lives. Maybe she's happy without the responsibility?
  24. I just moved further south and out of MI and everyone I speak to here notes my accent. It's getting to be embarrassing because I do not hear it at all and how can you change the way you talk? Wah! However, I hope that I do not share the TONE of the Grand Rapids woman. It was nails on a chalkboard! I was excited that I actually know the East Grand Rapids home that the couple looked at (looked like the Brady Bunch house to me)! East GR is pricey but has an outstanding school system. Very nice place to live. The fact that the husband was disappointed that the house didn't have neighbors was 100% fabrication for the storyline. That house is smack dab in the middle of a full-on neighborhood. It just sits on a corner lot and has a big yard. Awww...thank you mojito! I really appreciate all that you said. And I will try the "Montana" line, that's great.
  25. THANK YOU! If that meeting with Jennifer was an example of how she asks for forgiveness, I'd continue to stay far, far away. I can't quite put my finger on what it is about Chelsea that bugs. She seems a bit rough around the edges. But I'm wondering if she's the type of gal who shoves down a guy's throat how cool, laid-back and not into commitment she is, and then becomes the worst type of stalker/stage five clinger. I'm starting to think Patricia can't move. She can only sink back into a couch, propped up by pillows and sip a drink. It's weird because her face looks young (good doctoring) but her movements (or non-movements) are that of a 100 year old.
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