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Everything posted by Vivigirl10

  1. This is why I have a hard time wrapping myself around the show, the ability to even put together this show, or the willingness of anyone to volunteer to be on this show. I agree, I think the way you look can be helpful or a detriment. I had to try to imagine how I would act if I were put in this situation. I'm certain I'd be a target for sure just because I'm not tough looking at all. The advice seems to be to keep your head down, don't interact and fly under the radar. But wouldn't that make you more noticeable in a way?? I could see being attacked for being "better than" the rest or stuck-up. And I would have had no idea how to handle it. If you avoided the confrontation, apparently you'd be marked as an easy target. I could see Teri (Tami?) running that cell block, she's just got a way about her. I'm not worried about her at all. It was in this episode that the producer woman came in to do interviews for the first timers documentary, correct? That part was absolutely ridiculous and didn't ring true at all. This beautiful young woman just mingling, laughing and flirting like she was at a party? I can't imagine the disgusting things that would have been shouted at her or even worse, what about her safety?? It just didn't make any sense.
  2. The passcode for the alarm system in the house was Adam's birthday and he wrote it down and put it with the key. My thought is that the key is to the house. Now he has the key and passcode to disarm the alarm.....and give it to his "kidnapper"? Just a theory. Yuck me too! Not a good looking girl! And I know her Mom isn't some big time politician, but the daughter seems to be her #1 Political Adviser, PR Rep, Personal Assistant, Media Consultant, etc. etc. What in the world makes her qualified? She's just some creepy, socially awkward, never left home child/adult! I can't stand Nina, anything about her. And are we really supposed to believe that an FBI agent is going to risk everything to cover for some small town cop who was 100% in the wrong??? Not buying it at all. Amen. One of the many things that had me yelling at the t.v. Not to mention how he just quietly crept away from his family on either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. I felt the exact same way....how convenient that every door in a motel was unlocked? What the??? And yet....I continue to watch!
  3. It's really true and I imagine she's gotten a lot of breaks along the way (and will continue to) due to this simple fact. I think the fascination with her will continue because she appears quite glamorous and well dressed. Too bad the outside package is so deceptive! She just recently posted a pic of St. Julien on her instagram. He was a cutie.
  4. I know there's a repetitive formula for all these shows but it seems like this is happening in every. single. episode now. Christina thinks up some revolutionary (not) design idea, which Tarek finds absolutely shocking (!) both stylistically and monetarily. They have a heated debate, he refuses to do it, ultimately says it's okay to do and then comes around in the end to say how much he loves it. Can't they just take the arguing part out? Have him say great! and then move on with the plan. It's an unnecessary detour. The other part of the show that I wish they'd remove completely is the fake open house at the end. What purpose does this serve at all? The "buyer's" are obviously outright told what to say or told to only say positive things (or mention, lightly, a different preference if it was previously a sticking point somewhere in the show). It contributes nothing. And the visitors often seem to me that they are actors desperate to get their mugs on t.v.,or to shove their "cute" kid/family in front of the camera in the hopes of a reality show. Blech. I must be grumpy this morning! Because I do like Christina and Tarek and I love seeing these oddball, dump places turned into gems!
  5. That was filled with so much goodness, I may have to go back and watch it again. I guess I had forgotten how Season 1 just got right down to business. Jax & Stassi were on the rocks right from the start. It was interesting to see how the crew was so stunned at how believable of a liar Jax was. Their behind the scenes insight was really fun to hear. With the Queen Bee treatment Katie gets now, I guess I had forgotten how quickly she turned on and dumped her "best friend" Stassi to go to the dark side and support Jax over the cheating allegations. Tom questioning why he had taken his shirt off for the parking lot fight and subsequent description of his too tight pants was golden. Ariana's proven one thing, girlfriend was true to herself right from the start. What a piece of poop. Jax, Jax, Jax....what the heck has happened to your face????
  6. I think my fav part of the episode were the Jax/Stassi flashbacks! Oh nostalgia! It's hard to even think of the two of them together now. And as stated above, the decline of Jax is remarkable! Great way to sum it up. Yes, there's something about her. She appears all kinds of ditzy, but when pushed, that act seems to drop real quick. There's definitely more to her. I just hope her "eye on the prize" is something far beyond Jax!
  7. As if the hipster beard wasn't enough....let me add this absolutely ridiculous mullet/mohawk combo to the mix! He seemed to think he was quite precious! I missed that these two jokers were in their 30's??? The only reason I gave them the mildest of passes was because I figured they had to be like 23. Saying that the neighbors in the duplex better like their partying? Grow up. And I'm including the realtor in that too.
  8. So happy that people are describing Erika as humorless. I think that's exactly what I've been trying to put my finger on as one of the reasons I don't care for her. This is the other part that confuses me. She is a class A snob and the description above is perfect. But at the same time she is low class, vulgar and trashy. It rubs me the wrong way. Own your classlessness (is that a word?!) and revel in it! Or believe wholeheartedly that you are better than everyone around you! But you can't really play both sides at the same time.
  9. Here's my thing about the woman who was accompanied by Tyler Perry.......you know Tyler, but you also know mother f*ing PRINCE (!)??? Prince is known for his protegees. All that tells me is she's not that good and she's too darn old. If Prince can't make it happen, or doesn't want to make it happen, for you (either by himself or through a connection), there's absolutely nothing that The Voice is going to do for you. I'm new to The Voice (started watching with Gwen) and haven't watched a season with Christina in it. This has totally changed my opinion of her! She can joke and have fun, comes across as smart and caring, and most importantly, I don't feel like she makes it all about her. I guess that was my biggest surprise. I thought the ego would get in the way. I've never denied the girl has pipes, but I may be a new fan!
  10. Things that bugged me: Pedo killer is freed and immediately goes to the food court in a crowded mall for a piece of pizza? Huh? Don't you think he'd be laying low or even running the heck away from that town? "I want a big piece! With lots of frosting!" Ugh. There were a few moments, and this was one, when the character acted or was treated like someone much younger. The way the family was with him at the fair, giving piggy back rides and such, seemed better fitted for a 4 or 5 year old. The whole "red dragon who breathed fire and looked right at me" was ridiculous. I understand the stunted emotional growth issue, but would a 19 year old really describe a factory smoke stack in that fashion? Wouldn't he have the ability to actually describe it as it was? Speaking that metaphorically, I had guessed he was looking out at the neon sign of a Chinese restaurant, my husband had guessed it was a tattoo on the kidnappers body. Whatever, he was grown enough to say he looked out the window and saw a friggin' smoke stack.
  11. I thought the same thing!! The way she was lugging around that purse, I half expected her to open her wallet and hand them each a few bits of change. Eh, I'm not so hard on Katie about letting Stassi back in a bit. I've been there and know many others that have been too. You have a friend who was like a sister who ultimately does you wrong in some way. But to forgive feels better. And sometimes you just miss the person! The key is, the friendship typically changes in some way forever, and you always keep one eye open as to not be wronged again. We'll see what happens moving forward but I'll cut Katie some slack. Kristen gets so darn excited about everything I don't know whether it's slightly endearing or just plain insane? Everything is THE GREATEST! I feel like she'd go into a scuzzy hotel room and find some hobo dude sitting in there offering her a swig of his hooch and it would be described as "heaven on earth" with "the hottest guy ever who treats me with such respect"!
  12. Am I the only one who doesn't buy into this whole shiplap excitement? I think it was the house of the couple who had the daughters at Baylor that had almost entirely shiplap on the walls? It might be a fun accent around a fireplace or something. But room after room of the stuff makes me feel like you painted the walls of an abandoned shack and are going to try to live in it. Yuck.
  13. I liked the Nashville couple last night who were musicians. A complete opposite of the traditional House Hunters entitled young couple, I kept wanting these two to ask for MORE than what they were seeing! The first two houses were pretty bare-bones (some spots even a little gross) and yet they were thrilled with and excited about what they saw. The first home was my least favorite but they made it look absolutely adorable with their decorating.
  14. I'll admit I don't know anything about the Faroe Islands so I must ask....what would a young couple have to DO there? Yes, the landscape was beautiful and the little homes were quaint. But they're coming from Grand Rapids, a city with a lot going on....restaurants, cultural events, nightlife. Frankly, I thought the guy had a bit of "what have I gotten myself into" look about him!
  15. Regarding the episode in Denver last night....I can't even snark about the young woman who was so emaciated she looked like a little 12 year old boy. Paired with her gym obsession and then repeated comments about pancakes (girlfriend hadn't been within sniffing distance of one for at least 15 years, I'm quite certain), there appeared to be an issue there. Plus, she was so darned snippy, condescending and miserable. The whole thing seemed so sad! Then at the end, there was a montage of this formerly awkward couple, laughing, smiling and appearing to have a great time with each other! Color me confused! Why couldn't they have shown them in that light during the house hunt???
  16. She was really grating and I'd like to know what she did in HR with a personality like that. I'll plead ignorance that I don't really know what being a "grocery store manager" means....maybe it's an amazing, high paying job. But I kept envisioning that she wanted a "yes" man and a sperm donor, and he wanted someone to pay his way out of his basement apartment. It was a win/win situation for each of them!
  17. Has anyone seen LaLa routinely modeling for Zulily? Makes me laugh every time she pops up.
  18. I started to ponder something last night. Has Ashley considered how the ramifications of her behavior may follow her after the show is over? Or....will there not be any? What I was thinking about was if I was sick in the hospital and Ashley walked in and introduced herself as my nurse. Would this silly reality show be enough for me to send her away and ask for a replacement? I have complete and total hate for the Robot, but I'm not sure. Maybe leaning towards thinking that I actually would?! How would others react? Or maybe I'm getting ahead of myself......will this affect her ability to get a nursing job right away? Would HR just laugh at her and say a huge "NO WAY"?
  19. Oh my gosh the Arlington, Texas couple was like watching a pair of babies. Soooooo young. Did they ever mention what (if anything other than Mommy/Daddy supported lifestyles) either did for a living? When she graduated and was living in the house alone, did he have to contribute to the mortgage? Way too little info. She was polite enough for a friggin' little girl who's shopping for way too grand of a home, but I had trouble digesting her educating the viewers on 1960's style and what was "outdated". Baby girl, a house built in 2015 would be too outdated for you. He struck me as the son of a business owner who would come in and start bossing people around who had worked there for 25 years. Something very "know it all" about him. Did they withhold the information that one of them was a Dugger? The Mom is already pushing grandkids and they aren't even married yet? Why are they play acting like a couple at the very least a decade older than themselves? Why skip over all the fun? Yes, something can be said for having to live in a less than perfect apartment/home for your first dwelling. It makes you appreciate everything so much more that you attain through hard work and time.
  20. I'm fairly certain it was an episode of Hawaii Life that I saw awhile back (but there are so many copy-cats now!). It was a young woman who was basically unemployed....she practiced some sort of "fire arts" entertainment that you see at concerts. While she wasn't looking at anything fancy, i still wanted the backstory as to how she could afford ANYTHING at all?! She had a scruffy looking boyfriend tagging along with her. All I could think was that she was parent-financed living the life of a bohemian/hippy with a nice secret bank account.
  21. This is exactly what is going to happen (related to David texting another woman). Followed immediately by some surprise revelation that she was going to tell David that she loved him that very day! And now she is devastated! Wait for it.......
  22. Boring. I was kind of at least still rooting for David, but I'm giving him the side eye now. In the knees to knees exercise, once again he goes on all glowingly about the Robot. How she's taken the time to listen and learn his story. David, really??? It just makes you lose all respect for the guy. Get up and walk out. It seriously makes me wonder if she said that she'd stay with him, but would continue acting just as she is, that he would gladly keep on keeping on. This is a bad look for David. He's so in love with the idea of being in love, that it doesn't even matter who it is. I dated a guy like that once and it drove me insane. He was so "in love" and yet I knew he honestly didn't know a single thing about me. I finally asked him to tell me, with specifics, what he liked about me? He gave some generic response that could be applied to absolutely anyone. It was done....he so just wanted to be with someone, it made no difference whether it was me or the next girl. Those guys are the worst. David is one of those guys.
  23. I was disappointed in the reno of the beautiful 1950's ranch (with the peacock door). I would die for that house! Christina has great taste and I 100% believe she knows what appeals to the masses but I feel she falls short when it comes to specialty homes. She's kind of a one trick pony and I don't think she's trained the way an interior designer would be to have a broad range of style. I was saddened by the fact that they stripped that house of all it's mid-century great character and turned it into a cookie-cutter McMansion replica on the inside. Those floors (rustic) were HORRIBLE for that home. The bathroom was really pretty but I felt overall liked they sucked the soul out of the place.
  24. Thank you! Neil irritated the crap out of me this episode with his behavior. I can't believe it but Sam even managed to make Ashley look good. I guess I'm of the opinion that there has to be some spark of attraction when you meet someone if it's ever going to become romantic. Even people that start out as just friends, for a variety of reasons, usually have some jokey sort of flirtation going on. The fact that the experts are still telling Ashley that she needs to give it more time for her attraction to grow is complete and utter BS. This girl isn't just not attracted to David. She actively HATES him. And that's the part that I simply don't get and I can only attribute to her thinking soooooo highly of herself that this poor guy shouldn't think he even has the right to be in her holy presence. Perfect example here. That kind of cruel behavior, showing complete disgust, far exceeds simply not being attracted to someone. I think Ashley appears physically ugly to many because she's such a loathsome human on the inside that it's manifested itself in how you see her outward appearance. Think about it, if she was good natured, smiling, laughing and fun, it would completely change her appearance and she could be cute. I had fun this episode playing into the theory that Ashley is a robot. If you take every word she says as that of a Roomba with a human form, it really makes perfect sense! "I think about how a good wife should act.....bleep burp bleep"......
  25. I hope this is the right place to post.....did anyone see Nancy's update to Making a Murderer, promising all this evidence that the documentary withheld and proving Steven's guilt? What an absolute waste of time! She only managed to re-show portions of the documentary (completely out of context) and produce Donny Wahlberg as some sort of "expert" on the case? Huh? Plus Steven's ex-girlfriend, Jodi, a known jailbird and alcoholic. Nancy succeeded in making herself look like an absolute fool.....yet again.
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