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Everything posted by Vivigirl10

  1. Agreed. The wife would be exhausting to be around. I was just waiting for when she declared the son to be "gifted" too. He was adopted into a home where it sounded like he was very wanted but he was pretty dismissive of his parents. In reality, I think he was probably pretty much a shit growing up. That thought was further confirmed when he voiced his pain at not telling his Dad he was sorry and that he loved him before he died. If his Dad was truly so domineering and unaccepting, why would he have felt that way? Loved when the Mom said, "for a gift, it wasn't very positive" or something to that effect! It was odd that I believe they said the wife and son had supposedly moved out ten or so days before filming....but she walks into HER house and asks, "where do you keep your olive oil" and starts randomly opening cupboards? Wouldn't she know? Same with the friend declaring the house a dump and the bathroom stinky. Hmmmm....wifey must not have been too good of a housekeeper because she had barely just moved out. As referenced in the recap too, why not think schizophrenia before psychic/sensitive? And Lupus-Poopus.
  2. So annoying! And such an obvious bid for air time. Like out of anyone, pipsqueak is going to be the "bouncer" The dinner ambush absolutely had that feeling to me too. Some knew that something was going to go down and others were not informed. Interestingly, I actually thought Cameron was one who appeared to be acting. Speaking of acting, the scene between Thomas and Kathryn in the bedroom was sooooo staged. They haven't given us the usual drama so let's interject some extremely badly acted script to break up the boredom. It was embarrassing to watch. For the Thomas and Kathryn scene and the dinner party fiasco, the cameras would film around the room with this wild, frantic movement as though to indicate how surprising and unexpected this whole turn of events was!
  3. I am soooooo not a Kathryn fan but I almost (ugh) felt sorry for her last night. Thomas got exactly what he wanted, he can "play Daddy" whenever he wants, he has his heir and he can up and leave whenever he wants too. I'm not entirely sure she sees it yet. Sadly, she's playing the part now that she should have after Kensie was born. Remember when she wouldn't even talk to him, or when she did it was full-on attack mode full of bitterness? Now she's all batting eyelashes, head on shoulder, serving up a hot, home cooked meal. Too little, too late, Red. As others have said, on so many fronts, thank God for that nanny. I loved Cameron's Mom for saying that the childless couples she knows are some of the happiest people. I thought it was an honest conversation. I have a Mother who would jump off a cliff before she ever harassed any of her four daughters about having babies. In fact, I think her greatest delight in life would have been if I had not only remained childless, but single too! Some women do in fact see having brains and careers as much as an accomplishment as spitting out babies. Whitney giving out advice about settling down? He is so ridiculous he tends to be my favorite part of any show. Patricia tries to be so quirky/cute with her little party accents, last night it was the chauvinist pigs, before it was the inflatable flamingos. Am I the only one who thinks her ideas tend to be kind of tacky? For portraying herself as such the golden hostesses?
  4. I am in complete agreement. Who could take one glance at that little man and even think for a second that he's straight? What a transparent joke! Loved all the drama on the set of Tara's new "movie". Great 1985 neon slip dress there Tara. If the Lorenzo the basketball player is such a constant cheat, why is homely little Brittish sticking around? Oh, of course! The money, duh! Cody is so simple and completely harmless. Sad to see such an amazing couple on the brink of breaking up over the tragic act of taking selfies. Gack.
  5. I know this was an old episode but I caught the re-run of it last night. She was so definitely mail order or he went on one of those "vacations" where you are promised to meet up to 50 eligible Russian brides. Gack. Whatever agency she came from probably has Luba up on a poster for the most successful match ever. The Realtor asked her what she wanted in a home and she babbled for five minutes about "clear water and blue sky....all the time" and the Realtor just looked at her and said, "I can't control the weather". Ha! There had to be a fifty-something ex-wife somewhere, watching this ready to slit her wrists!
  6. I didn't like Dawn the nanny's "mediating". It bugged me as much as her need to wear scrubs and her explaining to T-Rav that Kathryn is so "overwhelmed". The "poor me" routine because she has a baby on the way and another little one at home falls completely flat. Kathryn, this ain't cancer. You weren't struck randomly by some supremely bad luck. Girlfriend, this "overwhelmed" state is 100% your own doing. You made deliberate, thought out choices to end up single with two babies. No pity here. You made this bed, now go lie in it, with all it's dirty, stinky sheets and missing pillows. Boo-hoo. That's exactly what she needs to say! In my experience, if a man seems too fixated on another woman, there's a reason. And it's not a good one. Thank you! Did Craig punch him and they didn't show it? Sudden onset of herpes? I think they've crossed into reality territory where all of this is completely scripted and they are all 100% in on the joke. Whitney included. And I guess I'm in the minority because I would watch The Whitney Show all day. The guy is so over-the-top, completely ridiculous that I find it riveting and fascinating! When I was watching last night, I was struck with the same feeling you get when you are about to finish a book full of characters that you really liked and you know you are going to miss them once you reach the last page. I think we're rapidly closing in on the last chapter. I've enjoyed these fools but I think the show's run out of steam.
  7. I found it interesting when Shep explained he comes from a family of lawyers, notable and otherwise accomplished people. It seemed he said it with a touch of embarrassment, as it relates to his own accomplishments (or lack thereof?). I wonder if he ever does think about his plan for life or maybe he really is as easy-breezy as he appears? I am 100% in the camp that this man should have no expectation placed on him that a wife and family are the only way to "adulthood" and personal satisfaction. He does own his little restaurant/bar. I just wonder if he truly feels he should be doing more? Or that it never crosses his mind! I lived a pretty carefree "single girl in the big city" existence from my early twenties through my early thirties. I never wanted kids, although I did eventually pick up a pretty hot husband! But all along that path, I knew some day I would grow out of that lifestyle and want more, whether it was being a super involved Aunt, to owning my dream home, to finding my Mr. Right. I just wonder if Shep envisions anything different for himself down the road?
  8. This was a good episode. I liked the flashbacks knowing what we know now. Everyone always remembered the disgusted "Ann Taylor" comment but know we have it confirmed the clothes were Kathryn's. He! Thank you for my laugh of the day - love it! That's exactly how I feel about Shelp and Craig needing to be Kathryn's defenders and biggest advocates. In real life, these normal dudes wouldn't touch that drama with a 10 foot pole. Or probably even recognize that it was going on around them. I laughed at Cameron speculating that Landon loooooves her some Shep, complete with outlined heart gesture. That's obviously why she showed up pantless in her pajama top. Too cute for old Shepherd to resist! Except, I guess not?
  9. I also don't understand the turn of events that happened after Jane left FBI dude in the bunker. She told him that Doug was taking her to Canada and she left him supplies to see him through while she was gone. At what point did Adam enter the scene and she flee with him? I'd also like an explanation of what Ben and Doug were talking about on the park bench. And why he subsequently wouldn't identify him in the line up. Also, how the heck was Adam so aware of the fact that Ben was posing as him at home? His first instinct is to threaten Ben and not just be over the moon happy to finally be free and desperate to talk to his family? Nothing would keep him from just heading home and blowing the lid off the whole scenario, even if someone like Jane tipped him off to what was going on. I just can't believe his reaction would be that he would have to hang back in the shadows and get Ben to leave first. Geesh....just run home and see your poor Momma. I loved how so often things conveniently fell into place for Nina.....the remarkably rare dirt from Doug's boots leads her directly to within feet of the cabin where she just so happens to be standing outside when the gun goes off. But then just as easily, she's a complete fool who jumps to incorrect conclusions and has her suspect(s) constantly eluding her.
  10. They cannot leave us hanging! I'm going to need answers!
  11. How is the Indian woman's marriage any more arranged than her first one? Wouldn't this be considered a "love marriage" too? Her inability to talk about her first marriage without getting overwhelmed, sad and teary makes me think she's certainly not in the right emotional place to try again. To start right off giving your groom the side eye and feeling that he may not be trustworthy or that history is going to repeat itself is an awful way to begin a marriage. Does she even like this guy? I don't know, there's a lot of "I HAVE to do this" feeling behind her getting married. Yet she seems convinced it's already not going to work out.
  12. Thank you!! It was almost like the lightbulb of "running the bourbon" division just went off as soon as he entered the room and not a minute before. If he was that excited and passionate about it, do a little research or take advantage of the fact that a friend of yours is an expert in the field! His pouting was only outdone by his girlfriend's near tears over the matter. JD had every right to not involve Craig in this side of the business. And he explained it to Craig in a very mature, matter-of-fact way, I thought. Oh Elizabeth, far too classy and kind for this show. Kathryn never really did offer a reasonable explanation for cutting her off and throwing the tantrum over Elizabeth daring to go near Kensie at the polo match. Kathryn certainly needs a kind, mature, Mother role model like Elizabeth in her life. But I don't know if it's worth the risk for Elizabeth. Yikes. Danni seems like such a great girl, even despite the noted stink face. Two things about her time on screen: when she walked in, I think it was Whitney (?), grabbed her waist and made a shocked statement, "you're soooo skinny"! And she is and I hope she's healthy. Second, when JD proposed she run the bourbon division, she made such a face and said to him, "JD, you know why I had to get out!" I hope that didn't indicate a drinking problem?? Anyone else catch that?
  13. Happy you brought this up. The conversation Ben and Willa had was short and established nothing. But Willa's taken it, without question, and run with Ben being Adam's murderer. It's so stupid.....like much of this show. I can't continue to watch the Agent Clements plot line. Geesh, put the poor guy out of his misery. I knew one way or another, he'd end up with no thumb(s) but wouldn't be any closer to freedom. When Nina dropped her cap under the table, as she was bending down I said to my husband, "oh look, here's some dirt from Pocky's shoe that will be so rare and specific that it will lead me to the exact plot of land that his cabin fortress is located on!" This show alternates between making things so ridiculously easy and ridiculously hard. I don't get it. I was cheering when the skate boarding kid had on Pocky's jacket. Anything that makes her look like a fool pleases me! Even if you take away the pedophile part, it looks like Hank was still an odd duck. Wondering why he went off his injections? I guess I was the only one who hated the Willa/Danny scene where she came out. Once again, something so totally out of line with the character they've established her to be. That cold witch would never participate in such a conversation. I don't think she's even come out to herself yet.
  14. Agreed. If anyone follows her Instagram, her leg humpers are constantly declaring, "you're such an amazing Mother!" whenever she posts a pic of the kids. What do people base this "Amazing Mother" title on? Loose cannons with quick tempers generally don't exclude people in their life from their wrath....children included. Unstable is unstable. Peeking into a crib while wearing a gorgeous white dress in the morning sunshine does not a good Mother make. I'm not saying that the show really documents her mothering skills, good or bad. But one major illustration of her parenting was freaking out and throwing a fit at the polo match, right in front of her toddler daughter, then tossing her in the back of a car with a nanny to be driven off. Doesn't leave you with a very good feeling.
  15. She also doesn't confirm who the dude in the picture is. I think this reeks of a 13 year old girls attempt to make someone jealous (or "show" the general population). Not buying he's a boyfriend and certainly not that she's engaged. Am I wrong to think that it might not be that easy to make a great catch when you're a 24 year old, single mother of 2? With a shitload of drama constantly swirling around you? Can't think of too many reasonable men who would willingly choose that. Isn't the purpose of a fake to convincingly present the bag as the real thing? The problem here is that anyone who has even the most minimal knowledge of fashion knows that this D-list, reality "star", isn't going to be able to get her hands on one. Why not just buy a beautiful, leather bag or more attainable name brand, if she's interested? Rather than lugging around an obvious fake? I loved Craig's enthusiasm for roller skating and how it seemed to irritate Shep! Landon...you're an idiot and the party fell so flat I can't believe anyone even stayed. Her talking heads were rude and condescending. She just needs to keep her mouth shut. Danni is a level-headed, sweet person. Wish we'd see more of her. Whitney on the phone with the "girlfriend" was cringe worthy! I 100% agree with you. Like he even cared. At all.
  16. My least favorite episode so far. Based on the previews this is 100% what is going to happen. He knows that Ben won't ID him so he turned himself in. If you throw out a witness ID, what do they really have on him? I absolutely loved Claire letting Nina have it in the interrogation room. But Nina's response? A self-satisfied smug grin? My hate knows no bounds for this fool. What redeeming qualities does this character have? I'm starting to wonder if she's a psychopath herself.....she is clearly incapable of feeling any remorse. Or she's such a narcissist she doesn't believe she can do wrong? She put Hank in jail for 10 years yet taunts him to his face (no remorse/not wrong). She kills the man in the hotel room in cold blood (no remorse/not wrong). She further damages an already devastated family by having an affair with the Father (no remorse/not wrong). Is there more???
  17. I'll take it ten-steps further.....Jennifer is constantly stirring shit up with Kathryn to keep her faaaaaar away from Thomas because she wants him for herself! Eleven steps further? Do we yet know who the father of Jennifer's baby is? Hmmmmmmm? I can't stand Landon just like everybody else but I got her eye-rolling over the hysterics of "Kathryn could have DIED"! It's very teenage girl, attention seeking gossip. Granted, it was Jennifer who said it, not Kathryn. I don't think Craig would be at the top of the phone chain like he was if she truly had been in a life or death situation. When Patricia moves it looks to me like she's a 100 hundred year old woman. So stiff and slow!
  18. The Bridey/Willa/Danny love triangle is gross and stupid at the same time. I'm happy the FBI agent is still alive. Why does Nina have access to watch Ben's therapy sessions? No patient confidentiality? Huh? As with most things in this show, how convenient that the front door was slightly ajar allowing Pock face to just waltz right in! Wonder what he said (or did?) to Ben.
  19. I watched an old 20/20 last night and I hope I'm remembering correctly that it was on ID. Wow - the ending was so shocking! Bill Macumber was wrongly accused of killing two teens in the desert and thanks to advocacy groups and the hard work of one of his sons, he was freed. You just were so rooting for this guy. He was a model prisoner, starting up a chapter of the Jaycees for the inmates, teaching others and re-invigorating the prisoner rodeo show. The episode ended and there was an epilogue put up saying that after his release, Bill molested two young family members and was back in jail! The Sheriff's department stated that they still believed he was innocent of the murders. Did anyone catch this or see it previously?
  20. Her little pity-party just shows her complete lack of self awareness. I didn't feel at all sorry for her. Act like a civilized human being and not some finger waving, neck bobbing, screaming, mental patient and maybe people will feel more comfortable having you around. I think T-Rav's exact concern over money is that is won't be used on the children, but rather for bags, gowns, booze and who knows what else, by their greedy Momma. Probably a legit concern. I think the show always tries to throw a glimmer of hope at viewers that Kathryn is actually this bright, witty, funny girl who speaks honestly. But's it like it never can really come together. She continually comes across as glum, humorless, self-centered and sour. I think that's the real girl right there. The idea of Kathryn moving into her own home is just stupid. If she can't afford a nanny, who's going to be responsible for TWO babies when she needs her frequent slumber parties and subsequent heart to heart morning chats with BFF Jennifer? She is in by far the best situation right now: rent free living and no cost childcare as provided by her parents. All the complaining over what she doesn't have has gotten real old. Can't she open her eyes and see what she DOES have? Does she even understand that there are single Mothers in the world who are in terrible, dire situations trying to keep their heads above water with children to feed and take care of? Her attitude is disgusting. Be thankful for once. Express thankfulness over one single thing. She's not worrying where her next meal is coming from or trying to put a roof over her head. I'm sure many would be willing to swap shoes with her in a heartbeat. Boo-hoo. I wish I could be "poor" like Landon. Just sayin'.
  21. Ha, ha - exactly!!! She routinely shows off a Birkin in her Instagram account pics and if Chanel isn't comping bags you can sure as hell bet that Hermes isn't. If she bought that thing, they start at around $12,000 and go upwards of $100,000! Is that coming from her Southern Charm paycheck??? Although, her yoga pants do come from Target so maybe she saves the difference from not shopping at Lululemon!
  22. Oh, Thomas. How far you've come from once being thought of as the charming and intriguing gentleman of Season 1. I seriously think the booze has gone to his brain. He seems unstable and creepy. While Kathryn is a wreck too, at least when the children are with her (as other posters pointed out), her parents are probably primarily responsible for their care. Although, they did raise Kathryn too so who knows how great of an influence they are. At the least I hope they're responsible and kind. But I would be seriously concerned about T-Rav being able to safely care for two small children. He's probably drunk most of the time and unstable when sober. But: Thank God for the Nanny! When T-Rav sat down with Kathryn at the party, the first thing he said was, "is that a new bag"? She grabbed it and moved it to the other side of the chair and said it wasn't. I cannot imagine what a tense topic finances are between these two. I think he wants to keep a roof over the kids heads and give them whatever they need, but Kathryn is not to gain anything extra from it for her own lifestyle: bags, clothes, make-up, etc. Maybe when he sees the scene of her make-up less, he'll rethink it and give her a generous stipend! I always liked JD's wife and how she stays above the fray. She's been kind and almost motherly to Kathryn before and I was sorry to hear her say that Kathryn won't take her calls. Kathryn could use someone like her in her corner. Agreed. Nothing new there, she was an absolute bone last season. And I've always liked how she presents herself so it's worrisome. I too want the skinny on Jennifer's baby Daddy. Anyone know the scoop? Whitney has soooooo had his eyelids done!! Hello! Who's wide awake?!!
  23. If Ariana continues with the eye-rolling, the side effect will be she will completely lose her chin into her neck, never to be seen again. Not a good look cool girl. FI Tom is soooooo tiresome. He's one of those unfortunate people who thinks (like his counterpart) for some reason that he is the smartest one in the room, but probably is one of the dumbest. Stassi's smart. She can hold her own. Regarding the boobs, she had explained at one point the whole routine she had to go through to bind and hoist those things and admitted they were huge and saggy. Not surprised she reduced and lifted. They all seem to love Brittany. I do think she comes across as ditzy but then can snap a girdle when the time is right. Maybe that's her secret success (for the time being) with Jax? On her Instagram and Snapchat, she was posting all these pics of her time with Jax in MI with his family. It was cute. I just can't imagine that this won't have a terrible ending for her.
  24. I love everyone vocalizing the same annoyances and unbelievable tidbits! It makes me feel less stabby and gets you to just laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. Especially riding her bike in a skirt that barely covered her lady bits..... Nina has shown herself time and time to be absolutely inept and yet she continues to work this case. Claire knows about the affair on top of everything else and yet here is this Barney Fife continually standing in the middle of her living room. Tell me, wouldn't Claire have had the right to insist that this homewrecking-innocent-man-jailing-look-the-other-way-murderer be removed from the case (like eons ago)? Is she the only cop in town? I just don't understand. I suppose Nina's constant pursed lips and furrowed brow indicate that we should simply be buying into her unproven brilliance. Can someone help me understand - is this town supposed to be small or citified? Because the conflicting evidence is driving me bonkers. It's painted as hokey BFE but it has a bustling newspaper/newsroom, a constant camp of roving reporters, and a Mother who calls to remind the family of Adams baseball game because...she has no idea in this small town that the kid has been kidnapped??? So which is it - big or small???
  25. If Tami takes Barbra under her wing, then Barbra should be moved to another pod. She won't have an authentic experience because Tami would be anyone's ideal protector. Barbra signed up for this, she should have to make her own way. It smells of producer manipulation to me. Because I am highly doubtful that little Barbra would make it one day, let alone 60, in that hell hole.
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