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Everything posted by Vivigirl10

  1. Chicago episode: Oh dear, little, Stephanie. I hope you didn't give up the lease you had with your three sorority sisters in Lincoln Park because this dude ain't gonna marry you and you're going to need someplace to go back to. I also hope that you weren't actually thinking he was going to take your priority list into consideration for a condo that he's buying and you likely won't be staying in for that long. She had the Duggar gaze of adoration going on big time with him.
  2. I liked this show too! Haven't seen it on in awhile though. I've caught a few episodes of Desert Flippers. He tries too hard to be funny like Chip Gaines and she's sweet as pie but kind of "blah". They are totally inoffensive but don't bring a single new thing to the table. Wouldn't seek out their show but wouldn't change the channel either if I was bored. One of the first flipping shows I can remember watching was "Flip This House" in (I believe) Charleston. There was just something fun about it. I believe they were a legit real estate group who happened to get a t.v. show and not a "show up for ten minutes" kind of fraud. Then they left that group and focused on that God awful Armando and his wife. Completely ruined it for me. There was also that bunch of bro's, one of their names was Than. They were o.k. but the original recipe was still my favorite.
  3. Caught a couple of interesting episodes.....but I never know what is old and what is new (do they even film new?). One was a family who kept horses on their land. The house was pretty cool, but had a strange layout. They listed and moved to a place where they could keep the horses down the street. That was obviously the direction they wanted to go and the motivation for an inevitable move. But I liked seeing what Hilary did with their home. Last night there was a couple where the wife had purchased her Grandmother's home. It looked like Grandma never moved out! The wife was sentimental about the home but then I found it interesting that she was open to a complete gut job where the house no longer even resembled its' original form. That being said, the house that David picked out for them was a complete and utter dud. The most annoying part of the whole thing was I swear the wife had written herself a script before filming and was badly overacting her lines throughout. Such over exaggerated delivery and movements....ugh.
  4. You said everything I was coming here to say! There was something very mean spirited about that guy and she seemed so upbeat and sweet. Plus, their opening story that he was playing the field when they first started dating made him seem even more "yuck". The realtor's hair was a highlight of the episode, ha ha!
  5. I don't have an issue with the hunters looking for specific things in a home either, for some reason what irks me is the "MY" part? Where is my porch, where is my pool, where is my craftsman? It just comes across as so self centered. If you're a single person, go ahead and "MY" away. If you're having to consider the needs of your 15 member blended family or even just your husband, please don't use that word. On a very shallow note, the wife had a very unfortunate skin tone that made her look all one color......or sick. She brightened up a little in the (I think green) sweater she had on at the end. Maybe she's just super affected by the color she's wearing.
  6. Thank you and for everyone else commenting the same thing! I was yelling at the screen, are you not thinking of this easy fix?? Frustrating and stupid episode.
  7. Tootie, thank you so much for posting the pics of the rookies! Amber, Bridget, Lily, Taylor J, Taylor T......WHO??? I never knew there was a Hannah until this episode and even then I was like, "oh, poor girl". But apparently based on the comments regarding her dancing, she's a strong contender! As far as Malena being young and having a ton of time to establish her career, I have a different perspective. I can envision her next interview. HR: "Why did you leave your last position?" Malena: "I tried out for the DCC's." HR: "Oh, you made the team and had to resign?" Malena: "No, I was just auditioning and ultimately didn't make the team, which is why I'm now seeking employment." HR in their head......"if you left that good of a job to go chasing after some pipe dream before it was even secured, you're probably going to do the exact same thing to me. NEXT."
  8. Came here to see if anyone else could confirm this too? I started following her on instagram for the sheer entertainment value and had to almost immediately unfollow. Feeling stabby while perusing insta is not the desired effect!
  9. Thank you for posting this! I'll occasionally watch E! News and was very surprised when I caught her return. I could've sworn there was an E! News forum but for the life of me, I can't find it. I've been very curious to see the feedback. The show was struggling with this rotating crop of absolutely unremarkable female hosts. I was always left wondering how in the world that was the best they could come up with. But bringing G back never crossed my mind. BTW, she looked absolutely terrible. Whoever did her hair obviously chose Crisco as their main styling product.
  10. Agree on all of this. I liked the friend a lot. The realtor seemed like a creep trying to pull a fast one! It was a fun episode to watch.
  11. I had a different take-away from this episode regarding Victoria and Dayton. I feel like they're going to pull a big switcheroo on viewers and shoe-in Victoria is going to be cut and Dayton is going to rise to the top. Sadly, Dayton's a hard edit because despite all the praise, it looked like she fudged every single routine. Not to harp again on the ladies being late to their hair appointments but my goodness, plan to arrive 30 minutes early and sit in the parking lot! Being late because of a 5 minute at most pullover means you were going to be late regardless. Inexcusable. In HR we have a mantra, we aren't able to elect whose absent/tardiness reason is excusable and whose isn't. Tardy is tardy. The opportunity to give an excuse shouldn't have even been given.
  12. Along with her shiplap, I can't believe she didn't throw in a few sliding barn doors! She'd be exactly the type! I wish they'd lowered their budget a bit and instead made the investment to fix her teeth. But then I suppose she wouldn't have been able to show both full uppers and lowers with such an effective grimace.
  13. You just made me crack up! Exactly! I had a terrible feeling for some reason that there was NO schooling for Scarlet? Bet Mom has quite the backstory. Just a feeling I get. (*whisper*....multiple boyfriends) I imagine, very living on a whim without much consideration for her children who have probably just been along for the ride Awkward, odd, little Scarlet. I kept having to remind myself that she was only 12. I would've been pretty enchanted with a balcony at that age too. Some of the things she said honestly made me laugh, others cringe. But to be honest, in real life I bet I'd be able to stand being in the same room with her for all of five minutes.
  14. I am so torn over Darlie. There's the physical evidence but then I just cannot wrap myself around her killing her children. I know that women do, but what was her motivation? I'm stuck firmly in the middle. It's an uncomfortable case for sure.
  15. OMG, younger sister! She even phrased it, "IF I ever come to visit". It may have not even been a regularly occurring thing and yet you are fully expecting to have a say in what place your sister chooses? I thought the buyer sister was fine but it was just a stupid episode overall to have her choose a place that didn't fulfill a single thing on her wish list (except laundry). Young people who want to live downtown Chicago, live downtown, period (or near west/near north neighborhoods). There's no consideration of some fringe edge neighborhood or suburb. City people also don't complain about places being small. It's a given. And then of course there was the convenient seller who just happened to want to leave a few carefully selected furnishings for her to include in her offer. Do the House Hunter Gods really think viewers are that stupid?? Never heard of someone who liked a former occupants used shower curtain so much that they had to have it. Wonder why she didn't just find a place in downtown Evanston since the whole living in the city thing was obviously just a farce.
  16. I didn't understand this either. How did this episode come to be? Was he in escrow and something happened? The 19 year old daughter was pretty and boy oh boy, did she know it. I'm assuming she was a college student or would not be living there full-time with her Dad? And yet she expected the Master or most fabulous room in every house. Her comments were worse than the brats on House Hunters Family edition. Very focused on room size, natural light and kitchen upgrades. Get off my screen you special snowflake. You lofty opinions shouldn't matter.
  17. Sugar baby was a trip for sure. My favorite part was how she kept going on about luxury cars being gifted to her, Ferrari's etc., then in the clip of her exiting said luxury car, it was like some busted up 1990's Pontiac Fiero! Aghhhhh! I'm sorry, I found Joey fascinating. Like a miniature Malibu Ken doll that had come to life. I wanted to study his little, plastic doll face and wig, and then watch flashback footage of him in the disco in the 1970's.
  18. Great post! I will say it's laziness combined with some distorted ego. These ugly fools think they "deserve" some hot young thing. I also think there's a hero complex at play that they rescued someone from dire circumstances. Because they are that much of a man. The other interesting thing is how a woman's good looks immediately are the equivalent to the following traits: she is sweet and different from American women. Never that she may be smart, or funny, or a hard worker, etc. She's just always so darn sweet with a perfect temperament. And they are always able to discern this "sweetness" without ever having spent any time with the person. But ya know, pretty = sweet.
  19. Do we have actual confirmation that she is pregnant??? What about if they were secretly married? I shouldn't care one way or another but Pole makes my blood boil like no one else on t.v. He should live in darkness in his Mother's basement for the rest of his existence.
  20. Has anyone read the comments on her instagram post (specifically, the apology letter, but really all posts in general too). OMG....girl has so many leghumpers it is over the top. A ton of cheerleaders and supporters. Who are these insane people? And why????? Honestly, who cares enough about her one way or the other?! She is 100% angling for her own spot on the show, sans Thomas.
  21. He looked like he was wearing a mask. Or else he really was Barry Manilow! I was cringing when Gina's stupid, brat kids were crawling up the fences around the animal cages at the zoo.
  22. Barely a DCC episode goes by without me thinking about this exact episode! It's the perfect example of being "trained" to be all flash but having no foundation. Thank you for mentioning it! I've always been confused about the expected outcome for a competition trained or pom trained dancer. Do you think any of them ever try to pursue say, joining a recognized ballet company, only to find out that not only are they not trained at all but have developed so many bad habits that by that point, there is no undoing the damage? Would they be able to join the Rockettes? It seems through the popularity of competitive dance, everyone thinks their daughter is ready for a professional dance career. And I just wonder, after all that time and money, is there anything there that they could even put to use - beyond becoming a professional cheerleader? (I'm speaking dance-wise, of course. I understand the takeaways of building confidence, dedication, teamwork, etc.) I hope that makes sense.
  23. Can I like your post 1,000+ times?!! This is my issue too. I'm a snob about competition studios, I'll admit it. It's all about tricks and flash and no technique. Sometimes I get so irritated with the dancing on the show that I have to remind myself....ain't nobody on here auditioning for ABT! It's a completely different style and that's exactly what they're going for. So I have to just settle down and enjoy :-) Ugh. I was a sucker for Paris. She won't go far in the competition, but how cool that she was featured on a t.v. show pursuing something that she had made a goal?! Isn't that something to be proud of in and of itself? Pretty neat to me.
  24. How do you all remember names so well?? I'm going to have to start taking notes during the episodes! Oh, did anyone catch that Dayton has been dancing since she was two? I almost missed her saying it. So I'm really happy she repeated it ten more times. What I took away from that fun fact is that dancing your whole life doesn't mean you come out of it a strong dancer. Yuck, not impressed one bit with her "skill". She's dull. Melissa's new hair is fine but the whole look, complete with choker, has her channeling Tiffany Amber Thiessen in the 90's.
  25. Why oh why, is right!! She looked like Hannibal Lecter. LOVE THIS!! Count me in with those who need to turn the channel when the screaming kids come on. Not "cute" or "funny". Please stop. A poster commented way up thread about the Chicago stroller Moms. Not only will they push you off the sidewalk, they use those strollers like virtual weapons in stores. It is beyond annoying. I actually thought Shannon looked good spanx-free in the hot tub! Way better than when she was all stuffed in them! She may be like me.....spanx actually makes me look fatter. It's like it squeezes you out in different and all wrong directions. I've never been able to get them to work.
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