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Everything posted by Vivigirl10

  1. These two give me such a case of the warm fuzzies that I find I watch more for their interactions than the actual design element! Add Poppy in and it's cuteness overload! Adoring this show.
  2. Quick observations: Austen is adorable. That big rat's nest popping out of the back of Kathryn's hair when she visited JD & Elizabeth was highly distracting. Patricia's caftan had pugs on it!!! Whitney's one liners are so lame that they circle back around and actually become funny.
  3. Even more, why do they keep telling her that she looks really happy? Girl has absolutely no personality and seems completely devoid of emotion, unless she's going off in bat-shit crazy mode on someone. Someone also needs to tell her to stop with the eye rolling that accompanies every single statement she makes.
  4. I'm so glad you noticed this because it unnecessarily bothered me. Why...I needed to know why! I also loved how they showed multiple times the pic of the Mom and the son from like 5 - 7 years ago and he had this a*hole frown on his face. I'm sure Mom picked that particular picture because she thought she looked young and sexy. Gack.
  5. I caught this Austin re-run yesterday and had to go back to look at the comments on it. She also had this way of acting horrified and moving at a snails pace when she was "afraid" to enter a perfectly reasonable room. She also crowed on and on and on about mid-century modern but when she was standing in the middle of a perfectly untouched mid-century kitchen, she was completely disgusted by it and wanted to reno the entire thing. Of course, that's a common complaint around here! I have another pet-peeve. Do all of these hired interior designers come out of the same school or something? They ALL say, "what I propose" as some kind of stupid stock language. It never varies. I also die every time "they propose" something a little wild and crazy and -gasp- it's making the cabinets in the island gray versus white! Oh my!!
  6. I found it ironic that he was so put-off by 80's design when he looked like a he was straight out of central casting for an 1980's beach movie. Taxidermy as a hobby is creepy. It was mentioned he keeps dead raccoons in the freezer. So he's just picking up road kill and not even doing this to preserve people's pets? Isn't that just one sneeze away from serial killer behavior?!
  7. Successful, 20-something, single, men in Chicago can be a particularly special kind of awful, so I was pleasantly surprised that these two were so likeable. The buyer wasn't overly critical and he and his friend could laugh at his lonesome self enjoying time on his balcony. Fun episode!
  8. laredhead, Restored is my new favorite show! Brett is a pleasure to watch AND he's very knowledgeable. I like that he takes the home owners to a grander version of their style of home so they can tell him what the do and don't like about it. There is no repetitive drama for the "story". The only thing that comes close is when the crew makes an unexpected and positive discovery. Very refreshing! Brett gets so excited about the restoration of each home. My two favorite episodes so far were the spanish style home in California and the young widow who was restoring her little bungalow. That one really pulled the heartstrings. Brett seems as invested in bringing these homes back to life as the owners. I feel like I've learned a lot with each episode I've watched.
  9. Simi Valley couple was fascinating. I wanted to reach through the screen and slap the husband silly with his "brat" comment. Yes, indeedy, sweetie. He tinkers on dirt bikes and vehicles and she does marketing for the parents winery. Therefore, I was able to correct every statement they made about "their buying" a house. Uh-hum....."my parents" are buying this house. They were totally bankrolled in every way by his parents. It was odd, after seeing his parents home, that they really weren't overly put-off by the underwhelming homes they looked at. Puzzling.
  10. Interesting new episode last night featuring the Indian couple who had the 1980's house on the pond. He seemed pretty funny and good natured. She didn't show much emotion either way. I actually liked the interesting set-up on their main floor and although Hilary did a fine job with the renovation and modernizing of the fireplace, I would have left it alone. The rooms off of rooms in the upstairs was crazy! I imagine that they didn't have an issue with their young son's bedroom being on the first floor because he stayed in their bed anyway.
  11. I'd take "outdated" appliances and unattractive bathroom lighting ten million times over a roach crawling up the wall. Gross. Can you imagine how many friends of it you'll be seeing once someone actually lives in the condo and has food scraps and garbage around? Agreed. And he was trying too hard to mimic a sitcom character: "zany, gay, next door neighbor"! Too precious!
  12. It's not like she was moving from a 4 bedroom house in the Midwest and was experiencing sticker shock. Lady should have known what to expect! Plus, it was just her. Those homes were all a fine size for one person without even any pets! The brother was just as bad. The Gothic comment had me rolling. The other curiosity was how baffled and offended they were by the picture window in the one home because it didn't open. They've never seen that before? She was completely annoyed and rightly so! The buyer was being so unreasonable with her expectations. I thought her sister was a good voice of reason too.
  13. I'm so glad you brought this up because I haven't seen it discussed in any other thread. Tiffany's story was absolutely heartbreaking and I can't believe the father hadn't killed the girls at some point. I wonder if the CPS visit was accurately portrayed because I would hope they wouldn't have the suspected abuser present when the children were being questioned. But who knows? What a relief that her aunt believed what she was saying. I guess I was left wanting more though. After all that, how is Tiffany today? Is she married, does she work, have kids? I wanted to know that she was doing o.k.
  14. I thought all three homes in the Northampton episode were lackluster and blah. I was happy to see they had already made some changes to the bathroom in the house they chose and the basement will be incredible when it's finished! That looked really nice.
  15. Ashamed to admit it but I do too. It casts a different light on the episodes. For example, Scheana and Stassi have taken a number of trips together and always look like they're having a ton of fun. Doesn't jive at all with what we're shown in the series. Kristen has cast her hook into a storyline to buy herself more airtime. Good for her though, it's what we want to see! Ugh, I just can't with Carter. He's a newbie to the group trying to insert himself into something that has nothing to do with him. Exactly as stated above, his going along with Kristen to antagonize James? I don't know any dude who would not shut that down, let alone partake and encourage it. He's looking to be the next cast member. Jax in the bathroom trying to work himself in and out of his lady garments was classic! Peter is just too cute. The swamp guide bringing the gator into the boat was absolutely inexcusable!
  16. She did! Ha - exactly! Does she have nothing else in her life that she can lay claim to? Volunteer? Etsy artist? Socialite? Make something up for goodness sake before you go on national t.v. and broadcast that you're a do nothing! The husband mugged for the camera A LOT.
  17. OMG, thank you!! I think one presented her baby and it had two names....one being Honeysuckle. How hippy-chic. Did I imagine that? Sums them up perfectly.
  18. I adore the hashtags. What a couple of liars. The cats out of the bag and your livelihood is done. Move on.
  19. Correct. I think you CAN have it both ways: the cops planted evidence AND Steven did murder Teresa. They knew he did it but were going to do their best to 100% ensure a conviction.
  20. I understand that teasing banter is a way to show endearment for some couples, but the one guy in Baltimore's constant put-down "humor" towards his partner was off putting. The guy couldn't have a single opinion on anything without the other making fun of it. Shut up.
  21. This is such a silly little thing but I can't stand the TLC promo commercials where Whitney spins/dances off on the side. Is that seriously the best move of hers they could catch on camera?? It's so sloppy and pointless, it rubs me the wrong way every time I have to watch it!
  22. Caught some of the Season 1 marathon. Seeing Heather was like visiting with an old friend! She made that season. An absolute classic. I mean really. And Jess was mothering the two drunks, taking care of them in the obvious hope that Bret noticed (he did). Wonder what happened to her? Heather had all the food boxed up to take back to her room!
  23. I am irrationally bothered by them still being on t.v. It's really silly, I know, but I change the channel now!
  24. Totally agree. I'm just not impressed with the show. My favorite part is probably being able to see the interior of where they're investigating, especially the homes. I haven't seen much "real" happen here. Everything they document seems to be via a paranormal device. And I don't understand how those devices can be scientifically proven at all to be actually working. So what's left? Lots of overreacting to knocking and small noises. I've lived in an old house and let me tell you, it just happens. It's not a ghost. I believe in hauntings and I believe in residual feelings left behind from former occupants. But like the poster above said, I think any ghost would remain quiet just to spite this circus!
  25. I'm on Cristina's side. Lindsay is a big old B. I also appreciated Kyle for observing how badly Lindsay and Everett were ganging up on her. I couldn't stand Kyle in real life but he does make for some amusing t.v. The twins don't bother me as much as I thought they would. When they're talking to each other, again, it's kind of amusing. Everett walks around with this perpetual, instagram ready, duckface. Every time I look at him I think he's doing some bad Keanu Reeves impression.
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