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Everything posted by Vivigirl10

  1. In the scene with Ronnie and Deborah at the restaurant, it crossed my mind that Ronnie should not trust her. Idiot Deborah has parroted everything ever said about John right back to him. I wouldn't have been surprised if she would've somehow sacrificed one of her children to him, whether unknowingly or not, out of her astounding stupidity. I will never be able to root for her. Whether in the past or even in the present. It's irritating to think that she's profiting today off of the mess she created.
  2. Great post, DianeDobbler. Your thoughts above are spot on. I dated a man who was instantly "in love" and it was an immediate turn-off. I even asked him, "tell me exactly what you like about me"? The answer was laughable. Next. In the show, Veronica appears to live an extremely affluent lifestyle, with the bags, clothes and such. I know she did the brief stint for the plastic surgeon (and maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but the timeline of that employment as illustrated in the show did not align with real life. In the podcast, by the time John showed up, the plastic surgery job was in the past. It's how she knew his scrubs were bogus, right from the start). What does she do for a living? I always assumed she was just supported by Deborah but then with Terra, she seems to support herself. When Terra was showing Deborah the apartment, she was clearly explaining how she would pay for it with her new job. Mom didn't seem to be footing the bill. Not so much in last night's episode but previously, if Dumb Dumb Deborah said, "Mmmmhmmmm.....okay" or "Mmmmmhmmm.....yeah" one more time, I thought I wouldn't be able to continue watching. I didn't remember all the childhood details either. Wonder how much liberty they took? The throwing himself in front of cars was something he definitely did as an adult.
  3. Last night I realized that the show I was thinking of was a ghostly encounters show :-) But I have wanted to comment on The Perfect Murder too! Yes, they seriously must have no budget for actors because they are the worst! There was one episode about a very young couple and the actors they had portraying them were these rough looking 40+ year olds. It was absolutely comical. Like you can't get some age appropriate actors on the cheap?
  4. Death Row Stories is another riveting show to check out. There is also a show on ID that I can never remember the name of, but it's instantly recognizable when it comes on. I always question if not only do they use actors for the reenactment scenes, but it appears they use them to portray the involved parties in the talking heads too! Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I still love to binge watch Forensic Files. Lately I've noticed that the episodes are so old that many now come with an ending screenshot that the convicted criminal has since died behind bars!
  5. I think Stassi's face said it all, without her saying a word! They really need to not even try to make Billie Lee happen this season. She's exposed her truly awful colors on social media. Her talking heads were so heavily filtered all that could show through were the whites of her eyes and her new, big, white chompers! Raquel has obviously over the years trained herself to speak with the idiotic cadence, affect, and vocal fry that she does. And now I'm certain that's just the way it is and there's no undoing it without some serious speech therapy. Girl. Over. Enunciates. Everything. It. Takes. Her. Two. Hours. To. Drag. Out. A. Sentence. "I'm not dumb!" Maybe not, but you sure sound that way. 80's costumes as done by youngsters (although some in this group should be old enough to know better) are so annoying. Everyone didn't run around in neon workout gear with a fanny pack. I'd love to have seen one of them show up in loafers with a nice pilgrim collared sweater.
  6. I cannot watch anything to do with Susan Powell and the aftermath, or the BTK killer. Arias is where she belongs but the fact that Casey Anthony walks the streets, just living her life, makes me see red.
  7. Me too!!! There was something creepy and gross about the husband. The husband in the Rhode Island episode was like some kind of Joey Buttafuoco throwback. I must have missed something....his 2 kids had to go live with their Mother and the other 2 had to share a room because they were turning the barn into extra bedrooms? Huh?? The daughter living with them was too old to have to share a room with her little brother.
  8. Please, don't anyone waste one second thinking that Leida could actually become a doctor. No way, no how. As quoted above, you have to interview extensively for residency. Her crazy would show through way too easily. Not that I believe she even has a degree to begin with!
  9. Me too - "Eric's Face"...dying!!!
  10. Mrs. Hanson, I heard the promo in the background last night too. But please.....can they be new episodes in the OLD format??!!
  11. Exactly. Steep discount OR completely comped. I used to feel bad for Brittany but I don't really anymore. She either knows completely what she's signing up for and she's decided it's worth all the pain and anguish coming her way, or she's just flat out stupid. Add to that the "but we were on a break" hook-up with her ex and I wonder if she's really any better than Jax? The poor babies in waiting..... Her getting those giant boobs was an awful mistake. The boobs make her look larger than she probably really is. I so have no faith that Jax doesn't hound her about her weight and will have a HUGE problem with it as it continues to increase with age, children, etc.
  12. Is anyone watching the new season of Bargain Mansions? Tamara is great to watch....calm and knowledgable and very limited on the drama. Her relationship with her Dad is cute too. I was in Kansas City a few months ago and was only able to locate the address of one of the homes featured on the show but I did drive by. It was beautiful and the surrounding neighborhood was filled with gorgeous old homes. I do have two criticisms on homes from the new season. She whitewashed the exterior of the giant, red brick colonial. I'm a fan of whitewashing in general but I didn't like how it looked! I don't know if there was too much or too little white but I preferred the original brick. Second, on the funny vintage cottage, I would've put the living room into the impressive kitchen space instead. Tamara really seems to excel at pulling together stunning kitchens but this one was unfairly grand in comparison to the rest of the home. The vaulted ceiling and beautiful picture window seemed better suited to a living room. While in turn, the living room made out of the converted garage seemed too small and dark. A cozy kitchen would have been better there. OR, I'm surprised she didn't take down the wall in between the formal sitting/entry way space and make the fireplace a two-sided feature into the living room.
  13. I agree! Olga seems used to having to do things on her own and making her own way. I'm certain she could continue to do so with the baby and be a heck of a lot better off on her own.
  14. I'm having a hard time even watching their scenes. Olga is so sweet and you just want the absolute best for her. When they got home and he's flying off the handle, I actually wished she were alone. I can't imagine how hard it would be to be alone with a newborn, but it would have to be a hell of a lot better than having a psychopath hovering over you. I hope she has someone, if not family, then some friends.
  15. For those of you who are enjoying this but haven't listened to the podcost (or for those who are watching and just watched the Dateline episode too), please, please, listen to the podcost. It is so enthralling but also provides such a deeper level of explanation for everything that is going on. You can already tell this mini-series is going to gloss over some important details. I so agree. I'm even irked that she's getting continued attention (like this series) based on her abhorent actions and decisions. Isn't she almost as criminally negligent as he was when you really think about it? I didn't find Ronnie (Jacquelyn) as ballsy and obnoxious on the podcast as she's being portrayed here. The voices though, wow, they really are that bad.
  16. I feel for Tasha on many levels. First off, her Dad is basically going to kick her out of her home and doesn't seem too worried whether or not she has a place to go (I'm hoping her Mom would be an option?). How scary is that? In my experience, you don't just walk off the street, magically rent an apartment and move in the same day. There are applications, availability issues, etc. She's only 18, what if she doesn't have the funds for a security deposit? So along those same lines, what does Eric's "I'm working on it" really mean in terms of finding a more suitable apartment? Why wouldn't he specify, "I've found a wonderful place and they are processing my application"? Or, "I've put down a security deposit but the apartment won't be vacant for another month". No details. It's because he's done nothing. If the person you loved was moving from another country AND bringing their small child with them (who you hope to adopt), wouldn't you roll out the red carpet for them? Where is the excitement to prepare a home you are proud to share with them? He couldn't find a bed? Bed's are a dime a dozen, cheap, even if you have to buy a used one (not ideal, but if that's your only option). He didn't even have a place for Alessandro to sleep. It boggles the mind. The apartment didn't need to be showy, but it could be clean and well prepared and show some thought/caring/preparation was put into it. Instead Eric's like, "where will you sleep? Eh? Maybe on that pile of clothes in the corner?" I thought her parents actually handled it quite well. Which is another reason to support they just want to get this loon off their hands. I laughed when the Dad walked from place to place and just kept repeating, "Ohhhhh......ohhhh.....ohhhh". Eric was definitely fighting to keep from falling asleep when he was talking to the family. Complete and utter disinterest or drugs???
  17. I'm certain I must have missed this in an early episode but does Olga have any family? She needs more support than what Steven is giving, or able to give.
  18. I know it's been discussed repeatedly but I literally cannot find Derrick's other front tooth in that picture. He has ONE and it's right in the middle. Where is the other? Inquiring minds must know!
  19. There certainly wasn't an ounce of suspense with this episode. "Going nowhere" is absolutely right!! Yes, this lovely farm house and acreage has been in my family for 150 years but, eh, I'm going to let it go in favor of this dumpy McMansion. It made me chuckle that everytime they showed the wife's closet, you could see the 1970's church portrait of his parents (grandparents?) hanging on the wall :-) I will say, it was probably the most lackluster and minimal reveal Hilary's done. Good that she had the fact that they were going nowhere working for her.
  20. I too felt that she's more "free" in prison! BusyOctober - word to your entire post! Gypsy's voice especially was God awful. However, did you notice in her current interview it had lowered about 10 octaves? It was definitely accentuated to play into her feeble and babyish image. Absolutely horrifying. I have to wonder if any of those doctors have been investigated post reveal? As far as The Disappearance of Phoenix Colden, did anyone think she may have committed suicide? Was that control freak Mother ever investigated? I was really relieved that they finally had a meeting with the St. Louis PD who was actively involved in the case. For the whole first half, I felt it was presented that the police had done absolutely ZERO investigation of this case. For example, when Mother presented the bag that contained the contents found in Phoenix's car, they completely made it appear that they were the first to stumble upon the bill revealing that she had a second cell phone. No, PD was well aware of that as it was shown later. The reporter lady seems prone to overplaying/overdramatizing every little thing. The retired policeman just seems a little slow on the draw. I was confused about one part that I must have misunderstood. I thought they said that the parents had moved out of the home and neighborhood that they were living in when Phoenix disappeared. But then the Mother said that they have never taken down the Christmas tree and it and the presents remain where they did when Phoenix left, waiting for her to return. Did they take everything to the new house and just put it up again? Just a little thing but it bothered me. They kept showing the outside of the old house too throughout the show, whenever they visited the parents, which seems odd if they weren't there anymore? Phoenix seemed like a really good girl who became lost in life. I'm not entirely convinced that she got caught up in drugs or prostitution and that's what led to her demise. I felt so bad for her former best friend. Watching that video of your friend who has been missing for years must have been extremely hard. I haven't watched the second episode yet so I'm looking forward to it.
  21. I agree. Especially now that they have another little one on the way. How could the wife not see that lovely, bright, basement room as a necessity with a smallish upstairs? After all the wailing about a fear of water in the basement, and then actually finding what appeared to be water damage on the ceiling, and then......nothing??? No follow-up? Huh. All her over the top dramatics were, I fear, an attempt to be cute. "Soccer hallway". Guess we've heard it all now?
  22. I paused when she was giving the tour. The room with the "ceiling painted like a church" looked like a straight up thrift shop in the background. There were racks and racks of clothing and even a display mannequin all dressed up in the center of it! This is supposed to be her "house"??? Why would a clothing store be stuck in the middle of your living room? I'm giving the side eye at her having completed medical school. Even if she did, I'm certain that her lack of professionalism/maturity alone would preclude her from being a doctor in the US. It's like she's stunted emotionally and acts like a perpetual 5 year old. Something's not right here at all. Unlike some of the other foreign women who don't seem to get what they're signing up for, I don't feel sympathetic at all for Leida. In fact, I kind of like that 65 year old Eric is buying this bag of rotten goods.
  23. I think we've been conditioned by teen movies to believe the geeky, awkward guy is ALWAYS a 100% romantic, sweetheart once any girl takes the time to get to know him. In reality, some of them are just cheap dicks, like Colt, who don't give a damn about anyone's feelings. If he just literally didn't have a clue about flowers (for one example) being a very nice, welcoming gesture, he would have jumped at the chance to make it right when Larissa pointed out the vending machine roses. But no, losing $20 meant more than making her feel better and he wasn't afraid to say it. Not saying she's any peach. On this show, I often wonder why the foreign partner is so blind to the fact that they've been stuck with an absolute loser and chalk it up to some sort of cultural barrier. But I got to thinking about Larissa, who seems sharp.....she's never encountered a Brazilian loser/geek? I'm certain she has and wouldn't give them a second look. There's no wool being pulled over her eyes because she's foreign. Being in the USA must be reward enough.
  24. Watched a rerun last night (sorry, don't know the title) where the most notable bride who may jog your memory was "Chancy", a former cheerleader whose entrance included her squad. There was also a Peruvian bride. The winner was Chantall who had a vintage theme. I'm sure Chantall's husband was a lovely man and he did nothing to disprove that thought, but you could not deny that the guy was heavvvvy. I mean, like ready for my 600 pound life. She was probably a size 4 at tops. Unusual to see such a sizable difference between the two. Then my husband and I started to speculate that she was a stripper who found her sugar daddy!! Reading too much into it? Probably. I'd just like to know their backstory.
  25. I follow some stuff about the gang on Instagram. It's fascinating to see Jax and Brittney's posts. If you didn't know better, you would think he was the most amazing, super awesome, loving, supportive fiance that ever fiance'd. It's hilarious and yet infuriating at the same time. I can't wait for the next season when you see in real time what an absolute asshole he's still being to her while she continues to sit there and take it (or wait, blow up, leave, and then come right back). Hope it's all worth it for a free Kyle Chan ring! Stassi's new boyfriend loooooooves to mug for the camera. The jury's still out on whether it's cute or just annoying.
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