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Everything posted by EyewatchTV211

  1. I love Ever After also. I was visiting my aunt and uncle who have Showtime, and while they were out I saw that the end of Ever After was showing. I watched it even though there was only like 15 minutes left to the movie. I watch it pretty much every time it is on TV, even though I own the DVD. I also watched The Incredible Jessica James while visiting, since they have Netflix. It was cute - I enjoyed it.
  2. I have now also seen them at CVS and Wegmans. It seems to be in a large variety of stores. Maybe your mom pretended she didn't see them to keep you from buying "junk." ;)
  3. Considering that petit four is French, how do they define it?
  4. I actually had a similar thought. While she did a lot of work for the peacock overall and showed a lot of good skills, I thought she did the least with the actual marzipan. She just had to cut out that same shape with the cookie cutter thing she had a million times and layer them on. So I wasn't as impressed as I might have been, although I agree that the final effect was more of a showstopper than the others.
  5. The actor, Samuel Roukin, in a USA Today interview -"I asked the question — at the very beginning when we shot the pilot: What would it be like if he were, in manner, the gentlest, nicest person you’ve ever met?" he recalls, adding that he even came up with a new, softer, higher-pitched voice for the character the day of the first table read. "What would that be like if we coupled that with the things that he does and says? And it took us down a really interesting road."
  6. I know this was posted quite awhile back, but I'm just reading now. I think I know which episode you are talking about. Someone had posted after you thinking it was the 3 siblings as adults who killed people, but I don't think you meant that one. Were you thinking of the one where it showed them as actual little kids playing around in the forest and near water, along with the "dorky" kid? And while showing off, the one kid held the dorky kid under water and it seemed like he killed him. So they threw him down a well? I think that's what happened. That one really creeped me out. I didn't like it. It left a really bad taste with me. I think that was Midsomer Murders. I could be confusing it since I watch all of these PBS mysteries. I'm definitely not on the new eps yet. I've bee watching on the PBS/WETA channels in the DC area. I could rent DVDs from the library, but I like having all of these shows that air occasionally to have things to watch throughout the year. I feel like if I watch them all quickly on DVD, I won't have things to watch when my other shows are off. I guess I might have to eventually if it seems like I won't get to see all of the episodes considering how many seasons this show has had.
  7. I'm pretty sure I read or heard her interviewed where she said she purposely hasn't taken roles in things that could make her a HUGE movie star because she doesn't want the kind of life where she can't go to the supermarket without getting recognized. She's aiming for the mid-level celebrity where people won't necessarily recognize her. She seems to be succeeding with her choices. @jeansheridan After initially not being sure about The Good Place, I eventually began to love the show and think it's really great. It is definitely more than okay. The critics generally seemed to agree, with some feeling the show was snubbed by the Emmy voters.
  8. I had googled it earlier and noticed that none of the pictures showed nuts on the outside the way they had it on the show. I'm not a fan of nuts, so that's what turned me off after the initial yummy of meringue. I thought I saw a few people pre-rolling their roulades.
  9. You beat me to it. While I have tried to suspend disbelief with many of the changes the show has made, and while I do want this Simcoe to get what he's owed (though wish he did sooner and quickly), I'm mad that the person they chose to be the main character/spy (Abe) is currently doing NOTHING related to spying for the cause and is instead trying to kill a foe in a storyline not at all based on history. In addition to doing nothing, his lack of interest is also compromising other people. I know the Arnold kidnapping plot failed in reality, but I wish the show had it fail for the real reasons and not because Abe screwed it up in his revenge plot. Abe's storyline is the worst part for me.
  10. When they described the Marjolaine to the bakers before us TV viewers got to see what it looked like, it sounded a little (very little) like one of my favorite desserts from a French/Belgium bakery somewhat near me in DC., Marveilleux. I'm having an issue attaching pictures here for some reason, but these are links to what the dessert looks like on the inside and out. Inside Glimpse and Chocolate Marveilleux There are different flavors, but my favorite is dark chocolate. They all are layered with meringue and cream. It's probably more that I wanted it to be close since I love them so much, and now I'm wanting to go get one. It seems like with this season's showstoppers, the bakers have created their "showstopper" aspect primarily from props and at the same time, the show has given less opportunities for the actual baking to visually wow based on the assignments. Candice has used props the most, but it seems to be common this season in general. While there were props used in the past at times (Ian [I think] and his chocolate well), there seemed to be more done with the actual bakes and their visual presentations.
  11. It might also be popular. I went to Target one day and they didn't have it. My friend wanted to go in the following day, and I looked just for the heck of it and that day they had more bags. I'll have to look out for it in other stores just to see who else carries it.
  12. I've gotten them at Target and also a supermarket near me called Giant. I wonder why you're having trouble finding them. I also like them a lot.
  13. I guess the show is trying to keep some historical accuracy, because the new unknown character is the man who truly was assigned to the task of kidnapping Arnold. Someone here actually mentioned his name in an earlier episode thread before he turned up on the show, assuming that Abe was just taking on his storyline.
  14. Many have asked the same question, but it makes sense to me. They're probably afraid Simcoe will send people to kill her and their son now that he knows Abe is Culper, It's certainly a reasonable assumption considering show-Simcoe's history.
  15. If it has been 50 years, you need to go back! LOL. You can even take ice cream back home with you - they ask you how far a trip you have and pack it with enough dry ice to get you back with the ice cream intact. Cool story about Lewistown - I did a practicum there. I actually looked at UM College Park for undergrad at the same time I was looking at Penn State, and of course they offered free ice cream to try. I didn't think UM's ice cream was as good. The chocolate wasn't chocolate-y enough, I remember. I may be somewhat biased now, but I think Penn State's ice cream is recognized more in national ice cream rankings than the other college creameries.
  16. I guess there are no former or current Penn Staters who have visited this thread. Their ice cream is AMAZING! Ben and Jerry actually learned to make ice cream by taking Penn State's course years ago. It was very dangerous living there with the creamery right on campus, although I was able to avoid temptation more than others because I am lactose intolerant and can only have a little at a time. They don't serve all flavors all the time, but they have a large selection that they switch in and out throughout the year. There is something for everyone - plain flavors, flavors with a lot of add-ins. I've inherited the chocolate gene from my father's side, so I like almost every chocolate flavor, but they have gotten me into some others as well. It wasn't available often, but I loved the Pumpkin Pie ice cream which had actual pie pieces in it. Also one called Russ Digs Roseberry, which is strawberry ice cream, black raspberry sauce, red raspberry sauce, and dark chocolate flakes. I don't usually love the fruity ones, but that one is a surprising favorite. The old site allowed for easier scanning of all of the flavor options, but in case anyone is curious: http://creamery.psu.edu/ice-cream/flavors.html And their story: http://creamery.psu.edu/our-story Though it looks like they don't have as many flavors as I remember. Oh well.
  17. Some of those kids could feasibly go to the public school, though probably not the son of a very famous movie star if it's highly known he's his son due to potential security issues/fan-created distractions. But if the public school is in a good school district, plenty of high profile people send their kids. I used to work in a public high school where one parent was a congressman and most of the other parents were bigwigs in some way - lawyers, doctors, diplomats, psychologists, major tech people. It was my first year working professionally (outside of internship) and I had to interact with the parents pretty consistently, and I was always feeling very intimidated and stressed out. But we definitely had students at the opposite end as well. A wide variety of neighborhoods tend to come together into one large area high school. One of my current schools, also public, is nowhere near that level now, but we still had grandchildren of a supreme court justice and one of my colleagues has relations of a very big political figure.
  18. Since I'm somewhat trying to avoid work, I searched out a video for you. I saw a slightly different preview on TV, but they still show that part here: http://www.eonline.com/news/866589/hometown-homicide-bryan-s-mom-threatens-to-kill-rachel-on-the-bachelorette
  19. Has anyone seen the preview where his mom says something along the lines of, "If he's happy, I'm happy. If not, I'll kill you?" Fun times!
  20. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/wonder-woman-box-office-superhero-movies-1020621
  21. I loved Lucy with Robert Todd Lincoln. Too bad that couldn't have gone on for a few more eps. Or maybe I just liked Robert, regardless.
  22. Not really a spoiler - more a possibility raised by someone at ABC. Interestingly, she doesn't think Peter or Bryan would make good Bachelors for similar reasons others have stated here. http://www.tvguide.com/news/the-bachelor-ben-higgins-round-two/
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