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Everything posted by EyewatchTV211

  1. I read in one of the articles that Kristen videotaped the other castmembers' reactions when they found out the twist. I'd LOVE to see this.
  2. I see. I doubt he was content with it. But yes, he seems like the type who would not be able to stop himself from having what he wants.
  3. I think locks of hair were actually a "thing" around this time period.
  4. I thought Chris and Daniel were in their modern clothing originally (I remember thinking that would make them even more obvious) and then in the following scene they were dressed appropriately, so I figured they had gotten era appropriate clothing somewhere in between. I otherwise agree about the show. It had its moments, but there were also many I disliked. Not sure I'll be able to stick with the show, but I will give it a few more episodes.
  5. Oh. I had assumed Love Blossoms WAS part of the Valentine's Day event. Now I'm trying to remember other individual movies from last year. Oh well. I'll just be happy to have something new after a few weeks with nothing.
  6. I've been seeing previews for Campfire Kiss with Danica McKellar and Paul Greene. Looking forward to seeing the two of them. However, I'm confused about what this movie is part of. The Valentine's Day movies are clearly over, but they are advertising spring fling as starting April 1st. It isn't a mystery movie. Campfire Kiss is airing March 18th. I wonder what the plan was for the movie.
  7. Has the second episode of The Zoo already aired? I went to set up my DVR to record tomorrow, and it is saying it is episode 3. Did they show the first 2 episodes back-to-back last time and I didn't realize?
  8. I guess I'm just a history geek, then. While I enjoy Josh's personality, I'm always disappointed to see the Game Show/Extreme Moments/Unseen Footage episodes because I'd rather see a new investigation into a myth/legend/historical event or figure.
  9. If it's a rom-com and not a mystery, I guess it's based on this possibly? http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29342078-truly-madly-sweetly
  10. Maybe Hawaa has it right after all, considering these looks http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/doughnut-dress-fashion-week_us_58ab0cd5e4b07602ad569b53?vxzuardh5srurqkt9
  11. Sadly, yes http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2015/04/02/dog-breeds-1915-vs-2015.aspx I think someone originally posted this same link after last year's event.
  12. I can attest to the first part of this. I wanted to return or exchange food for a different reason, and the person gave me a refund and told me to donate the food to a shelter. The 2nd part I have not experienced myself yet (thankfully - my girl is only 5), but I read about it somewhere else.
  13. Agree with your first line. And so happy to see the correct usage of "couldn't care less," so thank you for that. :-)
  14. I don't think the show itself is long and drawn out. He follows multiple leads throughout the episodes that I think fill them out pretty well. The problem is the million commercials make it drag out. I think the show would work better airing without commercials like the BBC shows, but unfortunately that is not how we roll here in the USA. I'll have to seek out Destination Truth. I don't think I've ever seen that show, but after googling it, it sounds like another one that I would like.
  15. I should admit in advance that I haven't read any of the books or seen any of the movies. But I seem to have this fascination with reading what people think about pop culture like this, the Bachelor, etc. Anyway, I love Matt Bomer and was a huge fan of White Collar. Based on what I've read, he did sound like he would be perfect (although a little older). So I felt the need to google some pictures of him again. So pretty. I do watch a lot of the Hallmark movies and am a fan of Eric Johnson as well. Wish he'd be in more stuff that I watch.
  16. I was trying to give this group of kids a chance, especially after I was surprisingly impressed with the dessert imposters. But I have to agree with everyone here that in every other episode, these kids on the whole have been unimpressive. They do not show any particular baking/decorating talents and should be doing much better on these simple challenges. This season has been highly disappointing.
  17. Thanks for this! I have looked for a board on the show before but wasn't at the point of making one myself. He's definitely a fun and interesting guy.
  18. I think she made similar comments when she was invited to tour a prison where the inmates trained shelter dogs. One of the inmates was working with a dog that sounded like it had that mental anguish, and the inmate was the only one the dog responded well to.
  19. "Not all mail makes it to its intended recipient, so what happens to undeliverable mail? Several postal workers work as detectives to track down the people who never got letters and packages that were sent to them. The workers head out of their office to deliver mail that can save lives, solve crimes, reunite old loves and change futures. The group includes leader and charming postal detective Oliver O'Toole, technophile Shane McInerney, free-spirited Rita Haywith, and master researcher Norman Dorman. Together, they work to get the mail to its destination, and although late, in some respects it often gets there at just the right time." The first movie I absolutely LOVED. It went on to become a TV show for awhile, with 1 hour eps. Then it went back to being movies that aired less frequently. They're enjoyable, but the first is still my favorite.
  20. Whether this will convince anyone will remain to be seen: http://ew.com/movies/2017/02/03/dogs-purpose-video-investigation Also, depending on where in the country you live, heartworm prevention.
  21. I think this is a key point in why Chidi and Tahani are in the Bad Place, although many here don't think they are bad enough for that. If we can believe Janet, and it seems like we can......., a lot of people that we would consider amazingly good are in the Bad Place. Very few of the best are in the Good Place. Which again really fits with how none of these characters could have been in the Good Place. None of them are to the level of some of the greats Janet mentioned didn't make it.
  22. I read an interview with Schur where he says season 2 will be completely different. So maybe they'll find a way to avoid the Groundhog Day thing. I enjoyed these two episodes and am eager for the show to come back (hopefully).
  23. Yes. And many of the foods looked very close to what they were impersonating.
  24. I've agreed with everyone here that this season's kids so far have not seemed as talented as those in the past two seasons. However, I will say that tonight, I think this might have been the strongest overall performance with disguising desserts as savory foods (I'm blanking on what they call it at the moment).
  25. Yes, that was the other series. I need to go back and see which book I got up to. I don't think I've read all of the available ones yet. Meanwhile, I found the description for the Fixer Upper that went along with the movie. As usual, they change up a lot of stuff, and we can tell from the description alone http://katecarlisle.com/this-old-homicide.php Who knows how much more was changed from the actual content of the book?
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