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Everything posted by EyewatchTV211

  1. Also some pretty scenery. I've wanted to read the books as well. I have read a similar series by the same author, but it seems like all the libraries like to carry different series or something. So when I searched for the Fixer Upper series I couldn't find it.
  2. A lot of people have posted their favorite parts/quotes from the episode. One I loved was how casually Michael said, "I'm gonna go murder Janet and I'll be right back." And also the back and forth with Michael sending Janet away and Jason calling her back.
  3. It's all Valerie's fault for admitting how much she loves lemon! I am sick of it, too, especially since I don't even like lemon in real life myself. They need to announce some new flavor that they like.
  4. A place to go to make sure Drumpf's words are investigated fully:
  5. Yes, the food stamp fraud study being reported by Fox News is false. The USDA denies existence of their supposed study: ETA: There's more if you click on it. I seem to have issues with embedding pictures/media lately.
  6. Same. I've been saying that I don't really want to "celebrate" it. It's almost more appropriate to hold a funeral-type event, saying goodbye to American life as we know it.
  7. One choir member has resigned http://ew.com/music/2016/12/30/trump-inauguration-mormon-tabernacle-choir/
  8. As someone already referenced - they BOTH had to be male. Hillary had to be perfect in every possible way or she'd be criticized and she still "lost."
  9. I totally agree that whatever can be done should. Like @Bastet, this issue is one that really continues to get to me. Regardless of whether or not trump was fairly elected, the supreme court pick should never have been his. And even if the electoral count went to him, the GOP/McCarthy kept saying the supreme court pick should come from the "people's choice," which still isn't trump. Maybe Hillary should actually get to make the pick, then!
  10. I thought I read that a recess appointment cannot actually be done, despite what many are hoping for.
  11. Thanks to climate change (amazing to witness the obvious proof of its existence), it wouldn't really be a "freak day." I've been a little further north in PA visiting family but live in northern VA, and my phone weather app shared that it was a high of 68 on Tuesday. Last winter was very warm overall, with a few polar vortex cold days sprinkled in (along with the one quick/crazy blizzard that was followed by 50 degree weather the next day), and this winter appears to be following in the same path. So he may not have an excuse for his most supporters ever to not show up.
  12. I think the two skating movies have started to become confused here. Didn't someone say the 25 y.o. is in the Winterfest movie with Andrew Walker that hasn't been out yet? It isn't the one with the former hockey player who has Mom very involved, etc. That was the Christmas movie on Up or whatever. But yes, 25 is generally old for ice skating. I guess we can pretend it's inspired by Michelle Kwan, since she tried to stick around as long as she could aiming for that gold. The preview for the movie makes it sound like the character had pretty much "retired" that but Andrew Walker's character still sees potential in her and convinces her to come back with him as coach.
  13. https://twitter.com/SoVeryAwkward/status/813928514223280128 My computer seems to be embedding only half of all things on this site now for some reason, so posting the actual link again.
  14. Edited to try the link instead of embedding since it was only showing the top half. Yes, this video has been around awhile. I came across it again. It's another cute video to cheer us up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG4CEr2aiSg
  15. One positive. I believe someone posted awhile back with the number to call and leave feedback for President Obama requesting that he dismantle the NSEERS (Bush's Muslim and Arab registration). His administration has done so, thankfully.
  16. I don't know. I was reading all the craziness before the election, and I don't remember seeing it. Not sure how viral it got.
  17. ETA: Click to see this short thread (3 posts). Important info. But this was why my mother and I had honorary danishes after we visited the Holocaust museum - they seemed to be the only country that did not give in in some way or actively do wrong. Too bad they now have a bad record on immigration and diversity issues. Hopefully this message continues to get spread. It is what many here have been saying http://time.com/4608547/donald-trump-republicans-no-mandate/
  18. Ha. I was thinking the same thing, as I also downloaded the add-on. I wish they'd mix it up between puppies and kittens, though, as I'm a dog person. But still pretty great.
  19. Some good points, and what we need to remind the democratic politicians of https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/dec/07/liberalism-austria-clinton-us-populist?CMP=share_btn_tw
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