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Everything posted by EyewatchTV211

  1. Not referencing anything about this video, as I haven't watched it yet. But in general, regarding the complaints of many of the trump/Republican supporters who don't like the liberal "elite" looking down at them - sorry, but if you want others to stop treating you like you are stupid, stop being actually stupid. Learn actual facts and pay attention to policies that will help/harm you instead of believing what these jerks with power make up on the spot. #sorrymaybealittlenotsorry
  2. This article was just posted by my teacher colleague on facebook. It pinpoints several of the issues I have with the teacher hate in this country and touches on the charter problem a little: http://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/stop-humiliating-teachers
  3. Nope - he can't shake the reality show stuff. Just read he will continue to be executive producer of the new Celebrity Apprentice. Another interesting position for a president....I'm sure there will be no other benefits to him at all.
  4. http://digg.com/video/dog-tackling-kid?utm_source=digg&utm_medium=twitter and
  5. https://twitter.com/SoVeryAwkward/status/806546873632882688 Sorry for the double post Puppy viciously attacks balloon https://twitter.com/SoVeryAwkward/status/806349317766266880
  6. But what would have been an effective way to go after them? Dem policies are already much more beneficial for that demographic, which they don't know/don't really care about. I read that Hillary should have emphasized her blue collar roots more. That is a possibility I guess. But dems need to be careful not to go too hard for that group at the expense of their other supporters who should only be growing in number due to demographics. The electoral college is a real problem.
  7. Dems stepping up wouldn't have done shit. This election was NOT about policy for trump's voters. Though I really want them to step it up now to fight back against all of trump's and his people's upcoming awful acts.
  8. Did she fully quit her job or did she just not take the promotion? I agree that it would be nice for her to show she could be a nice Senior VP, but maybe she was afraid of the corruption of power once she saw it was potentially within her, like Dumbledore not wanting to be Minister of Magic. :)
  9. That's true, but the games are played on the field now. I just know how the sportsmedia keeps repeating how the committee emphasizes "resume" as their main data point with other things more supportive. So if their wins are against teams who weren't great, their resume isn't super strong. Yet they also apparently allow for improvement as the season progresses. So yes, PSU had 2 losses, but they haven't lost since September 24th, I believe. They got back a lot of players who were injured then, although I know the committee doesn't care about decimated teams and how that impacts. But this is a very different team from the one who got smashed by Michigan early. Towards the end, PSU smashed Iowa, only for Iowa to beat Michigan the following week (albeit in a close one). Again, I'm not under any illusions that they'll actually pick Penn State. I've heard the numerous arguments against them. I just don't think Washington should be considered a shoo-in either. Really, Alabama should be the only easy decision.
  10. I've pretty much accepted that Penn State won't be chosen for the playoff, so I'm very happy for the team and this unexpected season with a young group. I am excited for next year. But WA's case isn't super strong either, considering their out of conference schedule was so weak.
  11. Considering the earlier discussion about the economy, this is interesting: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/12/02/in-nearly-every-swing-state-voters-preferred-hillary-clinton-on-the-economy/?utm_term=.83d198f1e8c5
  12. https://twitter.com/SoVeryAwkward/status/805125519025065986
  13. There was an interesting thread on twitter by someone who seemed knowledgeable (forget who) regarding how those two things are actually very much linked. That there is evidence that when people feel threatened regarding their social issues (or feel like outsiders have taken over), they feel worse about the economy. And similarly, when people feel badly about the economy, they are more likely to have negative opinions and have more blame on the "outsiders," etc. There was a poll taken relatively soon after the election where either Trump voters or some similar group rated better feelings about the current economic climate. This despite the fact that President Obama is still in charge and nothing significant has changed since the election EXCEPT that these people probably feel better knowing Trump will be president and that those other social issues will be taken care of in ways they feel good about. Hopefully I am summarizing this accurately, but I think this was the gist of it. It seems to make strange sense regarding that population of our country who looks to everything besides facts.
  14. ETA: This is not my own personal photo. I didn't realize it would actually look that way when I copied it here. Just want to make that clear. I only have a dog, and she is a 16 lb. fluffy mutt.
  15. If anyone wants a recount in Florida, there's a grassroots movement going on for it https://protectourelections.nationbuilder.com/florida_recount And a list of companies who have blacklisted Breitbart https://twitter.com/slpng_giants/status/804506359706202112
  16. https://twitter.com/SoVeryAwkward/status/804506437145731072 and kitten and puppy are buddies http://digg.com/video/kitten-puppy-friends-dawwwww?utm_source=digg&utm_medium=twitter
  17. Where do I sign up for the newsletter exactly? Do I email him? Sorry - I looked him up on twitter quickly and looked at some posts but don't see anything about the newsletter.
  18. So I only saw this headline on my phone earlier - I didn't get a chance to read the article at work and it is gone now (from this google feed my phone does). Did Anderson Cooper actually question Elizabeth Warren on the evidence to back up her statements about Bannon being a white supremacist?
  19. I thought I read that they were expecting Hillary's final vote total to be similar to Obama's 2012 election results.
  20. Well, this is one thing I've wanted to hear. I hope other Dems listen and follow suit: https://www.thenation.com/article/elizabeth-warren-proposes-to-strengthen-democratic-spines-with-a-powerful-new-tool-math/
  21. Are there any phone calls we should still be making? If so, to whom and about what? I've been avoiding twitter for a bit again, as it was getting to be too much. But I still want to take whatever action I can.
  22. The time travel one was Journey Back to Christmas. Did you see the one from Lifetime last year, The Spirit of Christmas? That had a fantasy/paranormal storyline as well. I enjoyed that one, and I also appreciated that it was filmed in Massachusetts or that area during the nonstop snow a couple of years ago, so you get real snow and cold to enjoy.
  23. Why are none of the major Dems drawing attention to the coming Louisiana runoff? That seems so important and I've only heard about it from random people on twitter. I don't understand how the Dems act so stupidly so often instead of acting in their best interests.
  24. I had seen that. Rich coming from people who actually voted for their ridiculous outcome. An oldie but a goodie: https://twitter.com/SoVeryAwkward/status/802694445824999424
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