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Everything posted by EyewatchTV211

  1. Yeah. Not new information if that concerns you. More someone pointing something out that hadn't quite occurred to me yet.
  2. Just saw something that really scared me. Won't post here and give others anxiety. But quick, someone post lots of cute animal stuff.
  3. More information on how to contact various representatives. Unfortunately, it sounds like your comment will not be considered if you do not give your address. They require proof that you are a constituent, according to this person (have to click to read the rest of her posts):
  4. I think Khizr Khan needs to offer a class to the Republicans on the contents of the Constitution. Clearly, they do not know and/or do not care what it says. I will now call them the Unconstitutional Party. Their love of the 2nd Amendment does not count since historians are pretty clear that it was not intended as followed today, thanks to some of our late-ish 20th century supreme court decisions and the backing of the NRA. Speaking of the NRA, I occasionally have to drive by their building in northern Virginia and it sickens/angers me every time. ETA: This is in response to the Iowa congressman's proposed legislation.
  5. Senator Graham somewhat doing the right thing, although he only mentions punishing Putin. But it's a start? http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/trailguide/la-na-trailguide-updates-gop-sen-lindsey-graham-wants-congress-1479254194-htmlstory.html
  6. Apparently 1.1 million people were denied the ability to vote. Of course no one cares and the media is barely reporting on it, because we all know by now that the Constitution does not matter. http://www.thelondoneconomic.com/uncategorised/donald-trump-was-right-the-election-was-rigged-in-his-favour/15/11/ Don't trust nice people:
  7. When I sign petitions through the white house, it always makes me confirm my signature. Maybe when you vote, you should have to do some sort of confirmation later or get like a "receipt" thanking you for voting for _______________. So we can make sure Russians didn't change our votes.
  8. Great article. Best analysis of the situation yet: https://medium.com/@SnoozeInBrief/an-analysis-of-donald-trumps-election-win-and-the-prospects-for-his-presidency-f6a87eef6d70#.e5nhsns3x
  9. Eek, sorry. I'm one of the dummies John Oliver complained about! :-( It does sound real, though. This is spot on. https://twitter.com/GeorgeTakei/status/798255233268846593
  10. Another Hitler-era similarity: https://twitter.com/jfagone/status/796924223528861697 And more loveliness from Pence: https://twitter.com/MrJamesonNeat/status/797895314539585537
  11. Wow. A woman's email to an elector in Texas and his asshole response: https://twitter.com/hannahmosk/status/797993743567581186
  12. Regarding the first - cause they zipped right by each terrible thing Trump said or did but spent forever and ever on Hillary's emails. And/or the things he said or did were things people agreed with or saw as normal male behavior (despite the horror most of us felt) while "emails" were seen as something fitting a corrupt, elite politician above everyone else. Regarding the second - he isn't saying it because he doesn't feel that way.
  13. F*** Paul Ryan http://www.rawstory.com/2016/11/americans-are-terrified-jake-tapper-makes-paul-ryan-answer-for-wave-pro-trump-hate-crimes/
  14. Completely agree, and I don't fully blame Comey. The media is very much to blame. Including how they handled the Comey letter. But between Comey and Weiner, Comey is the one who created the problem. And it was a combination of Comey and the media that I blame for flipping the group of voters who voted for Obama that voted for Trump this time (which The Atlantic reported happened). They created the reason for these people to find Hillary the greater evil between her and Trump.
  15. Nah, I still blame it on Comey. Yes, Weiner's an ass and deserves a lot of shit from a lot of people. But Comey had no good reason to put out that letter about investigating.
  16. You can come the day after inauguration and participation in the Million Women March protest.
  17. If anyone wants another TV show to watch right now, ION also runs marathons of Leverage on Sundays. Sorry I forgot to post about it earlier, although there are still a few more eps tonight. The show is about a team of men and women who used to be criminals (hacker, thief, grifter, etc.) who now use their skills to help screw over evil people/companies/groups and help innocent people. We need a group like that right now. The writers actually used real life events that they researched as storylines, which is a little scary. But at least on the show they always get it in the end.
  18. Yeah, I'm not having faith in the Constitution protecting us. The "normal" GOP has already ignored the Constitution in not hearing President Obama's supreme court nomination. There were no consequences there. Some article I read made a good point - forget which one it was. It gave examples of how we have good general laws in the Constitution but we don't actually have more specific laws backing those up for protection. We've just always had good faith and assumed the good will of our leaders. The example she (I think she) gave was the First Amendment and freedom of the press. How technically we can't get rid of all of the press. Yet there's nothing to stop Trump from blocking access to the White House and certain other situations where press is normally allowed. And yes, @Danny Franks, I have seen things written that picked up on Trump's global conspiracy crap as being the usual anti-semitic verbiage. I'm feeling worse and worse. Which in some ways, I think is good. I want to continue to be horrified. We can't allow ourselves to normalize this like the media wants and has in history with others. And more fun - "Trump White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon refers to women as "Dykes" in radio interview." And https://twitter.com/yashar/status/797941364637855745/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc^tfw
  19. I don't know if I'm imagining things or if Hallmark listened to feedback like some we gave here last year. I feel like the old movies they are repeating are more varied than last year. I'm not seeing the same ones over and over and over and over. I have been catching a lot of different ones that I have enjoyed at different times. There is still some repeating but does not seem as much.
  20. Not reassuring. Chosen as chief strategist and senior counselor More reassuring map
  21. Not surprising to any of us, but :sigh: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/states-new-voting-restrictions-flip-trump-article-1.2866395?utm_content=buffereb48e&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=NYDailyNewsTw And Trump is back to his usual antics already. Again, not that I'm surprised he isn't going to suddenly act more like a human being now that he has "won." ETA: In response to @dcalley, yes, that is who I got it from. And I also don't like making calls. I will have to try to get over that anxiety once I determine what I want to say.
  22. In Virginia, we have paper ballots. Agree that it is crazy how different it is in each state and how we use systems that are highly problematic. Voting by mail sounds great. Though it sounds like there were issues with that in FL, with a huge amount reportedly "never received" that were in fact returned, including the 3 family members of the person I know. I'm with Bernie's repeated comments on this - if you have to cheat, you shouldn't be in politics. We try to teacher children that cheating is wrong and then you have the leaders of our country engaging in it proudly. As promised, a picture of my own dog, Lilly. Right now I wish I could be oblivious to all election stuff like my dog.
  23. So this is not super recent, but I don't understand how more attention wasn't given to this either. http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2016/09/28/ten-state-election-databases-hacked.html?via=desktop&source=copyurl The government agencies KNOW Russia has attempted or successfully hacked states' election vendors or other election-related systems. 3 states that ended up being key (one being Florida) were successfully hacked. At the time, the states were told to watch for suspicious activity hinting at actual influence but most believed it "only" impacted registration information, which sounds bad to me. Shouldn't we be doing something to investigate/assure ourselves that actual results weren't impacted? And this fits with what that person's sister was saying. All of this on top of voter suppression. I need to head out to lunch with some friends, but I plan on posting a picture of my own adorable pup later (yes, I'm biased). :-)
  24. I haven't gotten caught up on posts yet, but I wanted to comment on the map similarly first. It was also posted on twitter and Joy Reid responded helpfully that most of that red is empty land. As Danny Franks said, much of it is sparsely populated. So that map isn't very representative or useful.
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