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Everything posted by EyewatchTV211

  1. Their movie isn't the one airing tonight. Tonight is Summer in the City. So we'll have to wait a little longer to see who she ends up with. It would be a pleasant surprise if they didn't follow the usual pattern of the girls ending up with the carefree guys. In the little previews I've seen, Lucas's character seems to have an actual sense of humor, at least. So maybe he won't be forced to be overly stuffy like some of our other favorites. Interesting that they've snatched up Rachael Leigh Cook.
  2. I've seen a bunch of commercials for the Rachel Leigh Cook movie Summer Love. Looks potentially interesting. There are two love interests. I'm disappointed that my boyfriend Lucas Bryant is playing the seemingly boring business man type versus the other guy being the carefree one. The carefree one always wins the girl in these movies. Hoping I'm wrong.
  3. And the article suggests that the men have been neglected, attention-wise, even when they've "won." That this is the rare sport where the viewing public will always care more about the women, no matter what. Bronze medals are not the same as gold, sorry. Can't really compare.
  4. Rinaldo - it appears yours was not the only generation to learn it that way. I'm a bit younger than you. :-p
  5. I was only taught to put my hand over my heart for the pledge in the public schools, not for the anthem. I'm with others who never knew it was a legit thing - I just assumed some people were doing it wrong and confusing it with the pledge. I work in public schools as well and haven't seen it taught to children to have their hands over their hearts for the anthem.
  6. If the announcers brought it up initially, I wonder if they misspoke and mentioned the wrong swimmer. The article I posted above, and there are others, mentions 3 missed tests for a different swimmer, Lizzie Armistead: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2016/aug/02/lizzie-armistead-olympic-reprieve-questioned-fellow-athletes
  7. I found something regarding a different swimmer: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2016/aug/02/lizzie-armistead-olympic-reprieve-questioned-fellow-athletes
  8. Late on the discussion because I was visiting family when the shows aired and forgot to record. Never is a strong word. The American show Face Off is notorious for contestants helping each other and being friendly every season. Interestingly, while Project Runway is full of catty, dramatic people who also don't want to make friends, people on there have also helped others at times. While I got sick of the show, So You Think You Can Dance always had supportive contestants who were very friendly with each other and had nice camaraderie. Now that I'm thinking about it and writing about all these different shows, it actually seems like most of the talent-related reality shows are pretty friendly EXCEPT cooking/baking-related ones. I wonder why. I think the singing competitions are generally friendly as well. For those fellow lactose intolerant people, since we can take the easy way out (versus using difficult ingredients for a baking competition), I highly recommend Lactaid brand ice cream. There aren't a ton of flavors, but it's the only brand I've enjoyed. They benefit from still using milk but with the enzyme added in, so it tastes like regular ice cream. I guess the other milk substitutes don't do it for me.
  9. I've liked the newer show Stone House Revival. The guy, Jeff, helps families renovate parts of their historic stone homes around Bucks County, PA, where my parents live. I love seeing those beautiful homes and the colonial period is one of my favorite historical time periods, so I really enjoy seeing how he helps homeowners balance the new while respecting and highlighting the old.
  10. Gotta love men's thinking. Who did those farmers think birthed human babies? The men used to be kept out of the labor process. So sad about Dr. Jeff. I haven't watched as many episodes as so many of you, as I happened to catch sad ones with animals and was scared away a bit. But he and all of these vets are great, so definitely sad to hear. Hopefully his treatment will be successful.
  11. I agree, though I did try biscotti from a good, old-fashioned Italian restaurant near me and was pleasantly surprised that I liked it. But I generally prefer my cookies soft and chewy. So when they were criticizing people for that with the arlettes, I figured I would probably like them. When I make my cookies (granted from a store bought mix, not scratch), I try to bake them just enough to be considered cooked but not enough to be crispy.
  12. Just watched on PBS but read this thread. While I don't know the specific laws or terms in England, I'm thinking she could be jailed for theft of the musk (which might not keep her locked up long) and likely attempted assault or reckless endangerment since she set it up for him to at least be injured. Admittedly, I am not an expert, but I don't think it's quite so harmless for the police to let it go.
  13. I thought it was a very good episode. Loved all the stuff with the Culper Ring, Washington, Hamilton, and Andre. Really enjoyed the Ben and Andre carriage scene. Also that they've finally shown some of Ben's intelligence in the last few eps, including figuring out Mrs. Arnold. While Abe and his father have both annoyed me, I did like the resolution of that storyline and Simcoe finally somewhat getting what he deserves. And I loved how they ended the ep with Townsend saying, "Mr. Rivington, I'd like to buy an advertisement." I laughed - it was a nice way to end. It is definitely hard to watch people hang, though. I didn't realize until reading tweets by the writers that Peggy actually did act all crazy when they went to her. I don't think Andre realized Abigail was a spy, ComeWhatMay. I think he just felt she was loyal to him and sad that he was going to be killed. He asked Ben in the carriage who the spy was in NY, though I guess that would be both Townsend and Abigail. I still don't think he really figured it out, but I might have missed something.
  14. I tweeted this question to Alexander Rose last night - "Did Ben let Arnold escape or was he already too far anyway, and he just shot at him to send a message?" His response - "He tried his best to hit or wing him but Arnold was slightly out of range. That's my view, anyway." Clearly, the show didn't do a good job making this scene clear to us viewers.
  15. They aren't necessarily creative commercials, but cute dogs are always enough for me. And I enjoy the dogs hiding or making the usual dog messes but being too cute to be mad at: Heartgard and Nexgard
  16. I agree with you, kirinan. I have seen David Sutcliffe in other things and like him. I did not like Vanessa Marcil in this at all. She's familiar to me, so I must have seen her before. I just really didn't like her acting in the role at all. Some of it may have been how the character was written, but I think someone else could have made the character more likable. Unfortunately, this movie is going to be a quick delete for me on the DVR. It is unfortunate, as the scenery was beautiful.
  17. It's not the same, and that isn't even how the colonies defeated the English in the first place. We barely won. Just having guns didn't give us the win. It would not even be the same as people claiming they need guns to protect themselves from our own government. Guns can't exactly compete with missiles, bombs, and other more advanced weaponry that I'm sure I do not even know about.
  18. I think Philomena and Rogers met informally when Andre was both dating Philomena and working with Rogers as the then-head of the Queen's Rangers. I generally liked the episode. But why would Abigail have any sort of loyalty to Anna at this point over Andre? The English freed her from slavery and Andre has treated her well, whereas Anna owned her...I know Anna took care of Cicero briefly, but so what? Andre brought them back together. I guess Abigail's quick statement about life decisions was supposed to explain it, but it wasn't sufficient explanation for me.
  19. An older movie that I enjoyed on Hallmark that I haven't seen discussed here at all is How To Fall In Love with Eric Mabius. While it had a little of the usual makeover of a "nerdy" character, the makeover wasn't what led to the love. I appreciated the movie as someone who is socially anxious and extremely awkward around the opposite sex myself, just like Eric's character didn't magically attract women just because he looked more handsome. He still didn't know what to do to attract women. It was really nice watching the main would-be couple learn more about each other and admire each other's skills and interests and personalities. I felt like their chemistry grew as the movie went on due to those things.
  20. My question is why the other team wasn't assigned to POTUS if they were already working in the area, as opposed to our team in NY? Is it as simple as our team being THE team and original recipe, so they are just more trusted to handle having the POTUS as their number?
  21. I know he actually existed. I was referring to the showrunners enjoying the character they had created (at this point loosely based on an actual person) and the actor's portrayal. That's why I used the word "character." ETA: Oops, realized you probably were not referring to my post. I did refer to him as a character as well as a real person, but I see someone else also referred to him as a character.
  22. Agree with almost everything in this post. Meanwhile, they totally could kill off Simcoe even though the real one lives and If I remember right, the writers actually had planned to kill him off after the first episode but ended up loving the character. As long as they don't plan on another show about the show can really do whatever it wants without mention of later impact on other countries. So I kind of wish they would at this point. I enjoyed him for awhile but at this point he's overkill. It's sad that the show is so loosely based on reality that one of the biggest continuous sources of drama regarding the spying surrounds a man that wouldn't really have been hanging around like this.
  23. Funny, I had a similar reaction. I wasn't liking the movie early on but it snuck up on me, and I enjoyed it. Their chemistry grew nicely as the movie progressed. Yet I also had many issues with it. I guess them having the wedding "fixed" the situation, because you do pay for your own wedding anyway. So she isn't having to pay for someone else. And Ben must have contributed as well once he became the groom? Don't remember them mentioning parents and they did not show anyone who looked like parents. Good thing Ben worked with them on making the wedding affordable. I haven't been married myself or helped anyone with a wedding, but aren't there also protections that established wedding planners have? At least down payments on stuff for precisely this sort of reason... I wish more of the movie focused on them working well together and finding ways to balance romance and budget and not quite so much back and forth between friend, enemy, friend, enemy, friend again.
  24. I think it was both complaints together that people had a problem with. Not enough scenes to justify what some saw as a permanent union being promised already at the end. I wouldn't have complained for more scenes of them together. They were trying to balance her growing relationship with both the King and the princess, so it made it a little more difficult. But I appreciated that they also had a bunch of moments where they learned more about each other just from observation, even if it was not always from direct interaction. Those things along with the immediate chemistry put aside the concerns for me.
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