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Everything posted by EyewatchTV211

  1. You beat me to posting it. I was waiting for a commercial during my show to watch the video announcement you posted and make sure that wasn't the news before I posted. :P
  2. I'm probably going to be the only one who likes this commercial, but I keep laughing at it. They have played it repeatedly during the college football game that I've been watching. It's pretty simple, but they sell it.
  3. Agree with all this and Agree with all this. As you said, @CHIBURBSMAMA, her commenting that she didn't want a pet but a dog to do things for her. In that case, you don't get a dog. You get one of those claw things they sell on TV that can pick stuff up anywhere, even in tight spaces. You get a good security system and/or robot/camera to check the rooms. And you see a therapist. A dog is a living, breathing thing with emotions and his/her own needs. The woman claimed to also want the love of the dog, but she didn't seem to really put in the work on her end regarding the bonding and care. A service dog isn't just a robot who helps but has no needs of its own. Related to care - it even looked like Weston was overdue for a grooming at the end there. Her talks to the camera (forget what those are called) from the start were concerning. And @SRTOUCH, fit probably was a problem. And that goes back to my earlier comment about the show focusing too much on meeting the human's needs related to their disabilities and not enough on an overall match. So they found a dog they thought could pick stuff up and search the house, etc. But do they do any sort of information-seeking related to what the person is looking for in a dog personality-wise and as a companion? They should be asking about preferences with activity level, level up grooming needs, etc. I also hope Weston got his forever home. Hopefully they did a better job putting in the effort to match him with the new family, even if Weston wasn't able to meet the family ahead of time (since Laura was picking him up from the woman's house to then bring to the new family). The other two dogs went to people who knew them pretty well from working with the show, so I'm hopeful that they have their forever homes now.
  4. I think this was only true back in the Michael Kors days. From what I've noticed (though I admittedly haven't watched all recent seasons after some frustrations with the show) with the new mix of judges, they send home the worst look now.
  5. I did hear Shawn say she wasn't going to change it, but I've seen some reality show contestants say things like that but ultimately give in. That's why I wasn't sure. If she did keep it a jumpsuit, I agree that she was silly considering that was definitely a design that could be a 2 piece.
  6. Responding to this one since it is the most recent. Do we know for sure that Shawn's final product was a jumpsuit and not a top and pants? Admittedly, I wasn't paying full attention to the workroom stuff. It didn't look like a jumpsuit, so I wondered if maybe she did end up changing it and that's why she didn't get dinged on the runway...
  7. When I saw previews for Rescue Dog to Superdog, I knew it would be my type of show. And I have generally enjoyed it. However, I have become a bit disillusioned after checking their website for updates on the pairings after the episodes. As someone who works with a rescue group, the dogs are the priority, so we are nitpicky about who we adopt to even if they generally seem like lovely people who would make good owners and there's just one little red flag. I think the show is focused on the humans and finding people to help and not enough on ensuring a permanent home for the dogs. 2 of the pairings featured are no longer together (actually 2 from the same episode). While we can't predict all situations that will lead to a dog being returned, at least 1 of these (potentially both) were things that could have been avoided in their screening process. 1 was the older military vet with nightmares and I believe was in a wheelchair who had an unstable home situation. He returned the dog due to the instability of his living situation, which he figured wasn't fair to the dog. Totally understandable decision, but that was an issue while they were filming (and probably before) and probably should have ruled him out as a candidate from the start. It's a nice idea to want to help him and give him a service dog, but now the dog needed a new home and he ended up without a service dog anyway. The other was the young guy who was deaf. He ended up taking a new job that required significant travel shortly after the show and also returned the dog since it would be unfair for the dog. This was less predictable, though still an issue my rescue tries to get an idea of in our application process (asking about likelihood of new jobs soon, providing specific examples of give back reasons and seeing which people say yes to). LUCKILY, two behind-the-scenes crew from the show ended up adopting the two dogs themselves, so they didn't have to go back to a shelter. But disappointing. I don't know why Animal Planet ever got rid of a similar show that I LOVED Underdog to Wonderdog. That seemed like a more thorough process, and it was nice that it took place in the NY area. So many of these dog training ish shows are in CA (okay, not so many - this one and Brandon's Lucky Dog).
  8. Meanwhile, I looked up her boyfriend, and I'm shocked that he's younger than her. He looks way older than he actually is and not in a good way. That, or he photographs terribly.
  9. Agree with this. In individual challenges, we haven't seen this level of helping all throughout the challenge. The twins have each admitted to different personal strengths. So if they are each utilizing their strengths in each of their garments, you have the significant benefit of two people working on one garment. If the work is actually close to 50% each per garment, that is really something. ETA: I'm not predicting this as the "cheating" scandal. I'm just commenting in general that I think it's iffy. I haven't even seen the preview with Tim Gunn getting upset about some sort of cheating.
  10. Not surprised they aren't anywhere on the Billboard charts considering I haven't heard them on any radio stations. I don't know if payola is still a thing, and I don't know what legally needs to be done to get radio stations to start playing their songs. I think that's an important way to get exposure - hearing the actual music and getting out there to people who might not just tune in to the television media shows to see some unfamiliar group of boys. The only boyband I have heard on the radio in recent years is One Direction. I haven't heard Simon Cowell's group either (besides "Radio" Disney which apparently is barely radio anymore). And I know I read in an interview from at least one of the BSB what I had already suspected, that they were definitely being kept off of radio play even when they were putting out new music. Yet Britney puts out any new music and they jump to play her (at least initially - her last single wasn't very good and didn't last long).
  11. I'm guessing the US airing of the show cut something since none of us understand the references to a baby or pregnancy. Seems like kind of a big thing to cut out.
  12. Mine, too! I still use an iPod to play in my car, particularly on long rides. I'll sometimes skip other songs that I'm not in the mood for, but I always play that one. Love it. I was sad they didn't last long.
  13. Aw, they didn't include my backup boyband from back in the day. BSB was my #1, but I allowed myself to enjoy BBMak. Does anyone remember them? Did anyone see BSB on CMT Crossroads with Florida Georgia Line? I enjoyed it. It was nice to see some other BSB performances besides "Everybody," since they've been doing the latter everywhere lately as part of their comeback.
  14. I guess it could be said that it was a shirt dress, and Tom Cruise danced in a shirt in Risky Business, so dance? But yeah, otherwise it didn't really scream dancing.
  15. Agree here. I actually thought Margarita's was in the bottom, although I knew none of the bottom looks could have been on top. But I thought it was too literal costume/dance outfit, just like Kentaro's. And also didn't care for Batani's, probably because I didn't like the print. Maybe with a different print I would have liked it more.
  16. You are me! I also saw the show and never made the connection. And I'm usually excellent at recognizing faces - and either figuring out where else I have seen them or googling if necessary. His face didn't set off my usual alarm for some reason. Interesting.
  17. Are you a school psychologist? Or some other kind of psychologist? Just curious. :-)
  18. I just watched the live performance again. Jaden was such a good sport, and probably these guys are all truly friends with each other as well, which helps! He was so into the song on the side and was cheering so hard for them at the end. And Sergio got to wear full length pants!
  19. I forgot about them, though interestingly they are both of mixed heritage, not fully Asian (with all the DNA stuff now, I guess we really all are). Did any Asians make it far on Idol? I didn't watch that show. I do remember that one guy who was famous for being so terrible. I'd also be curious to know the demographic of just the viewers, which may be slightly different from the voters. I watched but didn't vote.
  20. I don't know of any current female Asians who are prominent. You mentioned Glee. At the time, there was Charice Pempengco, who blew me away vocally. But Charice is now Jake Zyrus, so I don't know of any other successful females. I was even more saddened by Jaden not making it when I saw the video of him dancing to BSB while they were rehearsing. He was excellent and super enthusiastic - others have said he'd be a great soloist, but it made me wonder if he really did want to be in a boyband specifically.
  21. The bit of talk about the group's diversity that I have seen is interesting. Not so much here, as I know we're trying to avoid too much controversy in this discussion about a fun, light summer show. Obviously, none of the African American contestants made it (which I was upset about, as I preferred both Jaden and Marcus over certain others....), but 3 of their members are Latino/Hispanic if I'm correct. Everyone talks about Sergio as the token one, but aren't Drew and Chance also? Maybe it isn't the best way to judge, but their last names are Ramos and Perez. So just 2 traditionally white/non-Hispanic (as forms say) members in a boyband is a little different, besides past bands that were all from a certain background besides white (Boyz II Men, Menudo). Watching a lot of these singing reality shows, it seems like the biggest lack is actually Asian singers. I've seen a lot of comments about the show The Voice and how the few times they've had Asian contestants, they've been montaged and eventually not chosen. Anyway, not trying to stir up controversy or anything.
  22. AJ and Kevin actually did a little light rapping in the early days, too - I think it may have been more on their songs released in Europe that were not released here. Like the song "Get Down."
  23. I would have tried (eastern time zone), but it appears that my ABC has chosen to air a pre-season football game instead. Looks like they are playing the episode Saturday at 1 PM. :-(
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