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Everything posted by EyewatchTV211

  1. That was funny to me. But I was actually surprised that he even knows what "phobic" means. Guess he isn't quite as dumb as I thought.
  2. According to what I heard on the podcast for these eps, it won't be a love triangle. The female writers apparently argued that they never fought over guys with their friends in real life and triangles are unrealistic. So that is why the show has not gone there besides the quick tiptoes towards a triangle (or square) in season 1 that never really turned into that.
  3. Reading the article about the Hallmark opposition to interracial couples, I found this quote interesting: "It’s just common knowledge that Hallmark expects people of the same ethnicities to be coupled,” said one insider. You can definitely see this. I had watched Truly, Madly, Sweetly the night it aired (before reading this article) and already thought to myself how "coincidental" that one lead had an African American friend/co-worker and the other lead had an African American co-worker and they happened to meet and a pairing was highly suggested (her asking him what superpower he would choose). Obviously this could happen in real life, but it's in so many of their movies that the "sidekicks" happen to be A.A. and end up interested in each other that it is clearly the preference. This is on top of how obviously the leads up until this point have always been white or passed as white (Meghan Markle or Alexa PenaVega). And now they will finally have A.A. leads for Christmas but all paired with other A.A.
  4. I saw this on the Yankees' twitter account. I like some of the clothing.
  5. That was BSB's original sound when they were big in Europe before making it in the US. When 'N Sync was put together, their shared higher ups decided that 'N Sync should focus on that sound and BSB should focus more on the love ballads. But the groups still were offered some of the same songs, I remember.
  6. I don't know any of the details about why dog food is bad for cats or cat food is bad for dogs. But I do know that it isn't the taurine. Dog food does have taurine and some brands add additional taurine because it helps with heart health. It has come up a lot with the recent news out of the FDA that certain ingredients in dog food may be causing heart issues in dogs. Some of that is apparently attributed to not enough taurine, but supposedly with these ingredients it is happening even in dogs who have adequate taurine. I know the brand of dog food I use does add additional taurine.
  7. Don't you know that Sam is the best ever? As someone said on twitter-"Did you see Sam with the four interceptions? The punt return? Kid was all over the field." He can do EVERYTHING! Yes, I'm being sarcastic (just in case it isn't clear to someone).
  8. I agree with others that the ending was rushed and undeserved on Sierra's part. The level of catfishing was terrible and what she did to Veronica was terrible. I might have forgiven the former more easily, but I think the movie didn't give us enough deeper bonding between Sienna and Jamey to help me buy their supposedly amazing connection. I guess we can assume better conversations occurred off screen if we want to, but the ones on-screen were typical superficial get-to-know-you stuff. This was one of the areas where To All the Boys I Loved Before did a better job. I guess it helped that those characters could relate due to parent circumstances, but they really dug a bit deeper there and really listened to each other and gave good advice. Maybe this movie was hurt somewhat by splitting time developing Sienna/Jamey and Sienna/Veronica. Sienna/Veronica was a bit more successful, which is why it sucked that Sienna was so quick to get revenge. I didn't feel like we got to know Jamey much besides the forced examples of what a great guy he was, and I didn't get to know Sienna much either besides her being very smart.
  9. Here's a brief clip of him and Joe giving the good news to Michael. https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/stolen-ruby-slippers-from-the-wizard-of-oz-found-by-fbi-13-years-later-1312863299899?v=railb&
  10. I think my favorite ad is the magazines with storylines on baby plastic surgery mishaps. I listen to the intro and ending of the podcasts everytime even though they are the same (Michael/Janet and Michael/Bad Janet) because I still love them and love hearing the sounds of the show. But one little nitpick with the ending - would Bad Janet say "please subscribe?" The please seems too good.
  11. I could totally be remembering wrong (I'm not known for my memory), but I think they dealt with this on The Zoo. I think they caught it early with the elephant there and were treating it.
  12. At the start of the movie, I was startled to hear her speaking voice because it was very different from Jessica's and a little off-putting. It makes sense that she would exaggerate the voice on the show to fit her character and maybe to seem a little older since Randall is older and she is playing a mother to 3 children. I guess her real voice is higher. But after the initial surprise of her sounding different and thinking about it in the early scenes, I got used to her voice and stopped thinking of her as Jessica. Hopefully you will, too. I enjoyed the movie.
  13. I bought him as a teenage boy more than I bought Janel Parrish being 18. Which I guess should be the case since he's closer to the character's age than she is, if I read correctly. I liked that there seemed to be decent diversity in the background actors at the school, too. I was trying to pay attention to that. It reminded me more of my high school than a lot of these other movies have.
  14. He wrote it in highlighter one time? I noticed the writing was different when it was shown like 3 times but don't remember a highlighter. The first time, when he was actually writing it, it looked like he was using a pen but making a million lines to make it super thick. Then it was magically thin when they showed the final contract but in weird, bumpy writing. Then when she tears it up later, it's in nicer handwriting but still just one line of ink.
  15. Or just post your thoughts i the general Romantic Comedies thread if you don't want to start a whole new one.
  16. I think the Entertainment Weekly reviewer mentioned Mark Ruffalo. I also got some vibes of Matthew Lawrence.
  17. Hopefully he continues to improve now that he's getting the chance to play in games.
  18. Hopefully they find a way. My dog's items of choice to chew on were the coffee table legs, the legs attached to the underside of my bed, and in certain circumstances the wooden frame of my bedroom door in my apartment that I didn't own. Not stuff I could take away and redirect her to other things, and she didn't seem to notice bad taste with any of the bitter sprays. Guess I'm lucky it wasn't large objects that she could swallow and could get caught, though I guess I'm also lucky little shards of wood didn't do anything to her. Thankfully, she just grew out of it.
  19. I'm not a pro baker, but I have heard that about the fondant from these other shows, like KBC. What struck me was that I don't know they can consider what they do cupcakes as opposed to just mini-cakes. Yes, they made realistic objects that were smaller than the businesses who make large cakes that look like objects. But I even checked (one definition, granted) and cupcake is: "a small cake baked in a cup-shaped container and typically iced." I wasn't a fan of the show due to the personalities, but on DC cupcakes, when they made large displays and fancy things, they did use actual cupcakes and used coloring and design on the tops or with how they arranged the cupcakes to make the amazing displays. That makes more sense to me as cupcakes. Back to this show - I was glad they did eclairs and not cake. I hope they mix up the types of baking more again this season. Last season was not very diverse. I also agree with those wishing that they didn't limit the time quite so much and definitely wish they didn't have the stupid twists. I watch this show to see talented kid bakers. I don't want them to struggle to show their talents.
  20. I watched the two episodes that came after since nothing else was on.
  21. Tragically, they did not. I just read today about how Pierce Brosnan sings in the new one.
  22. I agree with so much that everyone here has said. Most of the finale was satisfying to me, even though I agree some members of the cluster were sidelined a bit (Capheus, Lito). Yet the only thing I selfishly wanted that we didn't get was one scene of Kala and Wolfgang making love in person, just the two of them, to really see the impact of their connection. Like others have said, Will and Riley had a sweet connection but maybe not the same white hot sexual chemistry as Kala and Wolfgang. The threesome, morphing into the orgy, didn't allow it to be seen so much. What's funny is I didn't really think I'd buy their interest in each other initially. They probably would have gotten together in person if there were more seasons, and it likely would have been as part of infidelity (at least initially) like they initially planned when they wanted to meet in another country. This likelihood makes it even weirder for me to have wanted it. I'm usually super against cheating and prefer that characters get out of a relationship first. All this to say - Tina and Max had amazing chemistry and I wasn't fully satisfied on that end.
  23. Just started watching this now. Regarding Kala bleeding, I was assuming that she accidentally cut herself in reality. She was doing stuff with drinks and glasses when Sun was hanged and knocked them all to the floor as she fell. So I think it is coincidental that she was bleeding and not a direct result of their abilities.
  24. It was surprising that the leads had the chemistry that they did considering that they didn't get to do much to build it. They weren't a new couple getting to do new cutesy things together. And while they were an established couple, outside of the few times he gave in to his feelings and tucked her hair behind her ear, he otherwise kept a lot of distance since he was expecting their relationship to be finished. So there weren't even many cute couple moments. They still managed to save the kiss until the very end, too, not even allowing it when he put the engagement ring back on her. The chemistry and the other positive aspects you mentioned definitely made me like the movie more than I felt like I should have considering the main plot and so much else that was still wrong with it.
  25. It looked like they were about to offer Bobo's owner some sort of plan when she explained that her mother was paying for her. Meanwhile, is it awful for me to say that she probably should have stopped at Planned Parenthood a long time ago as well? She has that little money in the bank and is about to have a baby???? I know there is a fiance, but that wasn't what helped her with the vet bill.
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