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Everything posted by EyewatchTV211

  1. For the Thomas Beaudoin fans, it looks like one of his movies made for one of those other movie providers will be airing this Sunday at 7 on UP TV. Love's Last Resort.
  2. For the Thomas Beaudoin fans, it looks like one of his movies made for one of those other movie providers will be airing this Sunday at 7 on UP TV. Love's Last Resort.
  3. I watched Betting on the Bride, and holy crap. Either the script writer got away with submitting nearly identical scripts to both Hallmark and UP TV with minor detail changes or one script writer copied the writer of A Bride for Christmas, changed some details, and submitted it to a different network. No way it was an accident. The plot was EXACTLY the same, down to all of the different twists and turns of the relationship. I am kind of shocked. This one just didn't have the benefit of Andrew Walker and Arielle Krebel. To clarify - this is not the usual similar storylines that all of these movies have since the channels allow for little creativity. This is identical. So spoiler alert if you watched A Bride for Christmas, you now know exactly how Betting on the Bride goes.
  4. True. I finished Betting on the Bride, and holy crap. Either the script writer got away with submitting nearly identical scripts to both Hallmark and UP TV with minor detail changes or one script writer copied the writer of A Bride for Christmas, changed some details, and submitted it to a different network. No way it was an accident. The plot was EXACTLY the same, down to all of the different twists and turns of the relationship. I am kind of shocked. This one just didn't have the benefit of Andrew Walker and Arielle Krebel. ETA: Just wanted to also clarify - this is not the usual similar storylines that all of these movies have since the channels allow for little creativity. This is identical. So spoiler alert if you watched A Bride for Christmas, you now know exactly how Betting on the Bride goes.
  5. I saw that one. It was okay, but another one where she's engaged when she meets someone else. I wish there weren't so many of those. The good thing was the guy was actually upset when she broke it off. It otherwise had some of the same drawbacks, though. I just started watching another UP TV movie, Betting on the Bride. So far, it's almost the exact same movie as A Bride for Christmas without the Christmas aspect. Very, very similar, though. Almost a copy. I'm curious how the rest of the movie will go...
  6. LOL. This comparison sounds like the ones Craig Ferguson used to always do on his late night show. I've been reminiscing about him lately.
  7. I agree. It's too bad, because I even liked the lead actor guy better than I thought I would from pictures and the brief previews. But they just made the Americans look so bad. Like when Sarah decided to take a nap before dinner - who doesn't set an alarm on your phone when you know you have to be up at a certain time? At least have her set an alarm and then be so tired that it doesn't wake her. Though I guess the palace staff would hear and come wake her and she would make it to dinner on time, so no manufactured drama.
  8. I'm a fellow Pepsi person. Prefer both Pepsi and Diet Pepsi over any Coke. If I HAVE to, Diet Coke tastes better than regular. But I have to ask at restaurants which product they have so I know what to order. I seem to also like most of the same sports teams as you. I'm somewhat of a casual fan of most, so haven't felt super comfortable posting much in the sports boards. But I thought I'd back you up on the Pepsi. :)
  9. Jim explained on twitter why they didn't remove the pups and hand raise in response to someone's angry tweet to him about it:
  10. Agree. I looked him up afterwards and was also surprised that he was from NY. Also agree about the beautiful settings. With this movie and the other recent royal movie, Royal Matchmaker, there was a lot that I really enjoyed. They both had the potential to be favorites if they didn't squeeze in some of the common Hallmark tropes, including many already mentioned. One biggie that I wish they would address is allowing for longer timelines for these couples to get to know each other. There's plenty of ways to show time passing and hinting at people getting to know each other. Like in one of their older movies with Hallmark staple Lacey Chabert - Elevator Girl - where she and the lead dated like a real couple. It was even worse in this one since Susannah had JUST broken up with the boyfriend she was expecting to marry. Yet I found both movies to be watchable and will probably rewatch now that I've moved and have a mostly empty DVR. :-( I'm missing some of my actual movie favorites.
  11. One less discussed benefit to whatever team drafts Barkley. They don't need to worry about that sort of foolishness with him. As Kim Jones said, he's low risk, high reward.
  12. This is a pet peeve of mine on EVERY show that has police. Most of them modern ones.
  13. Like many others, I enjoyed the Hunky Highlander or whatever we decided to call him. I'd be fine with Mrs. Skerritt getting together with Francatelli, but I was not disappointed when the Hunky Highlander made his moves. I wonder if I can find that other show that he was on for a time. He needs to get cast in some other show on a consistent basis besides Lifetime's usual silliness with the Prince Harry/Meghan Markle romance.
  14. I really liked last night's movie, Cooking with Love. It is one of my favorites in awhile. So that means everyone else probably disliked it.
  15. Not sure if it was similar to what happened in You've Got Mail or those other movies, but the misunderstanding in this one bugged me more than usual. There should not have even been a misunderstanding with the storyline, and I was hoping there wouldn't be. Lacey's character should not have been mad at Seth for buying her dad's vineyard when 1. She knew all along that's why he was there; 2. She never told anyone (besides her friend kind of) she had any thoughts about running the vineyard herself; 3. Her Dad wanted to tell her the news. It was her own fault for not speaking up, even if she wasn't fully sure yet that she wanted to do it. So anyway, yeah, that bugged me. I wish these writers wouldn't insist on the "misunderstandings." Some movies I enjoy up until that point and it ruins it or almost ruins it for me.
  16. Exactly. A lot of art is abstract, including the ones they showed. I didn't hear anything about it having to be concrete or realistic portrayals of something. Too bad the girls didn't think to describe it as an abstract doughnut.
  17. A series that I like with a different career for the female lead is the Bibliophile Mystery series. She is a bookbinder specializing in rare book restoration. It's different and I find it interesting.
  18. I won't say this show is realistic in every way, as none of these medical shows seem to be (or really any show about any profession, I find). However, doctors like Dr. Bell apparently do exist in high frequency. The idea for the show came from a book written by a a real life John Hopkins surgeon. I forget the original article where I saw it mentioned, but this article references it as well: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the-tv-series-hospital-ceos-dont-want-you-to-see_us_5a5f7e57e4b01203d809778d Specific relevant section: I guess we shouldn't really be surprised with what goes on in the country today, seeing what incompetence has been allowed to continue and even lead in various sectors - won't bother going into specifics and risk any sort of political territory.
  19. I was thinking the same thing. He was also the friend in Love on the Sidelines who initially showed interest in the lead female before ending up with the male lead's sister. I've liked him and would like him as lead.
  20. A different dog, that I don't think was shown in the previews, didn't make it though. So it wasn't all happy news this ep. I'm glad they don't reveal that sort of news from the vet's office, though. For some reason when it is a little more removed, like we hear about it on the phone with visuals of the rescue in the background, it isn't as hard to take as I expect it to be. Although I am still sad, of course.
  21. I don't really have an opinion about her personally one way or the other. I'm a newer viewer of the show, although I have probably seen most eps. through repeats now. But I don't follow them on social media at all and haven't gone back to everything here. I just enjoy (mostly) the show when I can see amazing dogs get homes and I appreciate what they are trying to do with the parolees.
  22. She talked about it in the beginning, so you must have tuned in right after. It was the first situation you described - as soon as his work-release program was completed he stopped showing up.
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