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Everything posted by EyewatchTV211

  1. I'm one of those weird people who does not have Netflix. But when I googled to see if they had the movie, the site offered me a free month. If it actually works (I had a free month years and years ago, so not sure if it will allow another now), I may go ahead and do it so I can watch the movie a few more times, check out the Netflix Christmas movie, and check out some other stuff I've wanted to see.
  2. They are repeating Crown for Christmas, so I left it on while finishing dinner. One little part that amused me was when Allie and Fergus were pulling up to the castle and Allie thinks the line up of servants is there to greet her, and Fergus says, "Tragically, they're not for you." Or something like that. The tragically part amused me.
  3. I did a search for The Spirit of Christmas on one of the websites that lists the whole holiday schedule, and I don't see it. :-( Guess they aren't re-airing. That's a shame. They are re-playing enough other bad movies several times. And I somehow accidentally deleted it from my DVR even though I was trying to save it from the last time it aired. People are selling DVDs on ebay, but they're still pretty pricy for a TV movie.
  4. I second this. It was nice to have a different storyline from all the other Christmas movies. Also liked that we got a ton of real snow (it was filmed in Massachusetts the year they got nonstop snow), Jen Lilley was really good in it, and the lead guy was good looking if a little awkward. They had great chemistry. On the other side of the snow spectrum, I appreciated that The Spruces and the Pines didn't feel the need to create fake snow. It actually did seem cold - there was steam in some scenes - but probably was filmed last winter when there wasn't much snow. Even in cold parts of the country, it doesn't always snow, and it certainly doesn't time often with Christmas.
  5. The real version sounds WAY better. White chocolate is blasphemy!
  6. Just got to watch it. It was good and entertaining, and I'm certainly sick of a lot of the Christmas formulas. But it really wasn't a Christmas movie. It was a movie that happened to take place at Christmastime. That may have helped for a lot of us in terms of enjoyment, but Freeform could have played that any time of the year and it could have taken place any time of the year and it would have been mostly the same. Kind of funny to see how easy it was for the angels to get into Heaven in the movie - selfishly saving people just to get points - compared to the Good Place
  7. Not that I would ever want to be seen as defending this administration, but I actually saw some data recently somewhere indicating that America has generally (not just recently) done very poorly in recovering from natural disasters compared to other first world countries - we're closer to third world there. I'll try to look out for it again. Though I still wouldn't use the word "botched," because I think the problem has long been partisan politics, not accidental mistakes. Such as the difference in voting for emergency funds between Harvey and Sandy, and the hypocrisy that was highlighted there with the votes of Republicans. Even with an administration in charge when Sandy happened that most of us here would probably consider competent, our politicians were playing political games in Congress. Our government can never just prioritize helping citizens, it seems.
  8. I certainly wouldn't have minded more scenes of overt flirting, in addition to all of the "eye flirting" they were doing across rooms. I loved the movie but definitely would not have complained about more scenes. Haven't read fanfic in forever, but I could go for that, too.
  9. I didn't mind the kid so much, but otherwise I completely agree with this. Just hadn't bothered to post since it seemed this was just another movie where I disagreed with everyone else. I had the same exact thought about how the sister wasn't convinced they should take action in the beginning and then all of the sudden she was the villain later. I haven't finished Mistletoe Inn yet because my family's DVR seemed to mess up the recording and keeps freezing and turning off at the same exact point in the movie (almost as if it was a messed up VCR tape). Will have to try again at the next airing. So far I like it more than I expected to. I also like that they are using a different building for the inn - I'm getting sick of the same exact town locations and the same houses/inns. Another problem with so many movies.
  10. Sadly, yes. Danica mentioned it was 90 degrees when they were filming. They seemed to use some canned shots of the nature scenes, which may have helped - those were beautiful.
  11. Did Andrew Francis lose weight? That was something that distracted me a bit during the movie. He seemed too thin, almost sickly. I don't remember thinking that about him before.
  12. I haven't read the book that Danica's new movie is based on, but from a description of the book and some of the reviews, I suspect that's one where I'd prefer the movie. It sounds like the love triangle was more of a true triangle in the book, and I HATE triangles. From what I could tell with the movie, it was always Robert for her character, and she was more flattered/amused by Kip and recognized him for the casual guy that he was. I think we had the drinking game stuff in this thread and not the holiday one....if so, another one to add to the list: drink when people can open their gifts by just pulling off the top instead of needing to tear through wrapping paper first.
  13. I love both movies. I handwave Crown for Christmas somewhat, as I have decided to tell myself that their nighttime ride by horseback lasted for hours (it was still dark when they returned but could still be hours) and they likely talked much of that time. Which would be more talking than anyone in any movie since the movies are all 2 hours total minus commercials! ;) Plus they did a nice job showing each of them watching the other person as they interacted with people around them and did kind or admirable things, in addition to their convos. And Theodora quoting Allie frequently. The quotes showed a bit more about who Allie was as a person, too. Even so, their great chemistry and the whole feel of the movie and other things we've already discussed about CFC are enough for me. I was able to escape to that world and didn't get caught up nitpicking, which I do with a lot of the other lesser movies. Although at the end, I would have preferred if he had said he was falling in love with someone else and not that he WAS in love with someone else, because even if they did have a long convo while riding they still barely knew each other, even just time wise. I know that's a problem for most of these movies, but I was hoping that one would avoid it.
  14. Yeah. I watched the Danica movie first since it started earlier, and I actually really enjoyed that movie except for the usual misunderstanding at the 1 hour 45 minute mark (I wish they'd stop that). Still, it's one I will rewatch. Then, I figured I'd try Christmas Homecoming right after. I wasn't sure if it was because it was later and I was a little more distracted, or if I just wasn't getting into it. If I have the time, I'll give it another try before tomorrow's movies since at least one person has really enjoyed it. I don't have enough space to save it much longer.
  15. If I weren't lactose intolerant, I would be all over this! And they totally should have a movie with this as a theme, but they probably don't do any research to find new ideas.
  16. According to an article I read, WW was done with production before JL started (or something like that - something indicating that JL would have known what the costumes were in WW). I can't find that article now, as it popped up in my phone several days ago related to my previous internet history. Newer articles have replaced it.
  17. I think I'm a little younger than those here. I had brief experience with a typewriter and then word processor as a kid, but computers came about during my childhood. We had typing classes in school back then, and they did teach proper hand formation and typing with the whole hand. We got to a point where we had to show we could type with a box over our hands to show we knew where all of the keys were, which using the right fingers helped with. I also think I highly benefited from growing up when instant messaging was a thing. That was great typing practice! I think it's the biggest thing lacking today, even though computers/laptops are so prevalent. These children do so much of their social interaction on cell phones using texting, so they're using just their thumbs or whatever fingers they "swype" with. My typing skills are super helpful. I wish there was a high paying job just for typing quickly/accurately. I think it is, sadly, my greatest skill in life. And yes - super infuriating that we're allowing the Russians to provide "security" to our embassy. Glad Rachel is bringing attention to the story, as she is doing with so many during this administration.
  18. I couldn't even finish Second Chance Christmas, but I thought A Country Christmas was decent. I have actually liked a couple from Hallmark so far, also.
  19. I could potentially forgive this one if the snow was already on the ground. There are times where it has warmed up a little but there is still some snow left on the ground from a previous big storm, so there may not be steam coming out. But if it's currently snowing and sticking and you know it's freezing or below, that's different. You reminded me of another drink time: Drink if it starts to snow while the couple has their first kiss. Drink for the overall movie if it is snowing everytime they are outside (or show the outside), even if the storyline takes place over several days/weeks.
  20. Same here. I was okay with him switching sides and doing all he did out of love for Lily and rage over her being killed. But he still wasn't a good person. He didn't have to treat Harry so terribly along the way or do a lot of things that he did. So I thought it was way too much that Harry named a son after him and called him one of the best people ever.
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