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Everything posted by Trini

  1. The article refers to a TV show, but I putting it here since the issue is more of a Hollywood thing: "Painting down." AKA using makeup on a (most likely, white) stunt person to match the race of the (darker-skinned/ethnic) actor. The issue is that there are enough ethnically/racially diverse stunt performers available nowadays so that casting/stunt coordinators should hire them, instead of painting down a white stunt performer. I'd never been aware of this issue before, but thinking about it, it makes sense that something like this would be going on in Hollywood. The article uses the term "blackface", but I wouldn't go so far. It's a completely different intent.
  2. I'm still interested, and I'm willing to ride out the bumpiness to find out who the killer is; but the constant red herrings might be a problem.
  3. From SyFy's press release (via The Futon Critic):
  4. Team Felicity/Barry! It'd be long distance, but they could make it work. :)
  5. Trini

    S03.E01: The Calm

    The makeup they put around his eyes doesn't match the color of his mask. I don't know what the best solution would be, tough.
  6. Trini

    Cisco Ramon

    He looks so young, and it's weirding me out a little that resembles Taylor Lautner. But anyway, I like his enthusiasm!
  7. Okay, thanks. It's from comics; I wasn't sure if it was from another TV show.
  8. Ehh -- now those gifs are reminding me again of the ridiculous sister-swapping, and how Felicity deserves better.
  9. Can someone explain this term and its history? It seems to be overused.
  10. The only storyline I care about is Yasumoto's -- more of him, please. And I can only hope they drop the robo-kid story. (I know it's unlikely.)
  11. Really? I know there are laces, but that's not the same. (Now I gotta find a reference pic...) And they don't have to lose the pants; just incorporate the fishnet somewhere.
  12. To ease the pain, I'll touch on something shallow: So, in the next version of the Black Canary costume, I hope they incorporate the fishnets that is one of the defining features.
  13. I'm like only halfway invested in this show, but even I'm upset with killing off Sara. Same thing happened when they killed off (in a horrific manner) the female love interest on Prison Break. The producers were bragging about how they killed her "awesomely", while being completely tone-deaf to how much the character was liked. (They eventually backtracked and brought back the character.) Do TPTB really not realize no one wants to see great character horribly murdered?? It's ridiculous. They brought in this awesome, heroic (well, she worked with the good guys) character that was well-recieved; she wasn't even around that long, and they kill her off. This also reminds of Person of Interest, in which they killed off a female character who got replaced by another. At least Carter had an exit arc and went out like a Boss.
  14. Trini

    S01.E04: Arkham

    Preview clips: http://youtu.be/0puAYEWcjsU http://youtu.be/sU6MjVUPxUA http://youtu.be/mnoNOdV-9TU
  15. From TVLine's Ask Ausiello: Love interest?? Nooooooooooo!
  16. Give Callen a first name. I know they've slowly revealed info about his past over the years, but it's Season 6 now; it's about time. Cut Deeks' hair. Give Eric more to do, and/or get him out the office more. He's one of my favorites, but he hardly gets to do anything. Stop with the flirting/whatever stuff between Nell and Eric. I get enough of that crap with Kensi and Deeks. Please vary the characters' clothes. I don't understand why they're always wearing the same things (just in different colors). Seriously, what does the 'G' stand for?!
  17. Wow, I don't think I've ever seen Chris O'Donnell with that much hair AND a beard! I wonder if there's a plot reason for that. (Um, if there is, don't spoil!) Sam is Callen's dog (dawg?)-- hee! Didn't realize this was going to be a two-parter; seems kind of early in the season for that.
  18. Well, I hope that apartment set isn't going to be the only place we see Barb. So she's hiding a drug habit and a lesbian relationship. I do like that she's Jim's sounding board; I hope she gets more to do eventually.
  19. Is Oswald going to murder several people every episode? Because I'm already tired of that. Surprised he made himself known so soon.(This is more about the writing than the character.) There are too many regulars. They're going to have to decide that not everyone has to be in every episode. More thoughts later.
  20. http://youtu.be/XeRhCk7t3uk http://youtu.be/WB_YmJkI-Tw
  21. Richard Kind has been in a ton of things, but I know him mainly from Spin City, so it's amusing to me that he managed to get "promoted" from working for the Mayor to being the Mayor.
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