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Everything posted by Trini

  1. Trini

    S01.E05: Viper

    Preview clips: http://youtu.be/UuhuUFUn_xY http://youtu.be/UiClOEia5E4 http://youtu.be/8Y98Jv_jhlU http://youtu.be/3g6L1nzy44g ------ They may be making Bruce too smart for his age. Did I know anything about offshore corporations when I was in junior high?
  2. Yeah, welcome to TV "platonic" relationships. I've been here before. Either they'll never go there (but the writers have to be committed to it), or they are totally going to go there, but it will take a few seasons of ups and downs. I'm thinking it's the latter for this show.
  3. The only other shows that I know of that deliberately trolled their audiences are Smallville and Supernatural. Hmm... maybe it's a CW symptom.
  4. Another thing I like is the team aspect. Barry has supporting characters that... actually support him.
  5. Loved this! It was a nice unexpected way of showing his powers, and we got some insight on what he's thinking/feeling. What makes this better than Smallville right off the bat is that 1.) everyone is out of high school, so waaaay less teen drama, and 2.) Barry is going headfirst into being a public superhero instead of waffling for like 8 seasons.
  6. Trini

    Cisco Ramon

    Still liking this character/actor and it's great to have someone for comedy relief.
  7. I know little about the Flash (red suit, runs fast; 3 versions??) and nothing about his villains or supporting characters or stories from the comics. But I'm going with Wells being a bad guy. He's mentoring Barry, but clearly he has some probably nefarious plans for him. Also stabbing a guy.
  8. Yeah, that was one idea I had (or a speed-related pun), but I wanted to see if a better quote came up. Well, if enough people like Actionmage's post above, I'll ask to have it changed. (Like as in, click the "Like" button)
  9. So with Felicity working for Ray, I guess there'll be less boob window/party dresses for work?
  10. Yeah, the motorcycle stunts were great. More of that, show.
  11. Trini

    S01.E04: Arkham

    It seems so. The show itself didn't provide another explanation. Well, besides the fact that mob bosses were going to profit off of it, his parents wanted a new, modern facility to "bring hope" to the city (and tear down the old symbol of failure). Can't help with this one....
  12. Just want to touch on two things that I don't think have been mentioned: 1. Way to cross-promote your characters, DC. (Felicity saying Sara was an "Amazonian warrior") 2. I would have liked to see a Single Manly Tear from Oliver. By himself or something. I figure he should get a minute to grieve; and if we didn't get it in this episode, I doubt we'll get it later. ---- Oh, and thanks to whoever pointed out that they put Sara in a fridge. LITERALLY.
  13. Now that you mention it, I wonder why we've never seen shirtless Sam -- he's the one with the body for it.
  14. I recently noticed that in the press releases for the episodes in addition to the respective character names, they have "the future Riddler" and "the Catwoman" listed. Because stuff like that hasn't spelled out enough already. ::eyeroll:: -------- I might not mind a "filler" episode if they can use it to flesh out some of the characters. I feel there is a lack of backstory/context for who some of them are NOW, as opposed to who they will become.
  15. Take what? We've already seen Iron Man and Capt. America in a film together. Bats v. Supes is going to be an event. Also Wonder Woman.
  16. Trini

    S01.E04: Arkham

    I have this same issue with the show, too. Going into this, I thought that they'd be showing how Gotham spiraled downward so far that it would eventually need a masked vigilante to save it. But they're showing that Gotham was already pretty crappy from the start. Yeah, #1 and #3 were the main things I thought of, of how you make money off (corrupted) low-income housing developments. It's not really from the actual rent from tenants.
  17. I'm going to need to see Alfred step up to being Bruce guardian/parental figure rather than clinging to the role of butler. The boy needs guidance/authority in his life!
  18. I'm glad Nate is showing showing up again! Boo-- because of Nell.
  19. I like the actor, and kinda the character, but him literally murdering people left and right is already old. If that's how he's moving up the ranks, who's going to be alive to work for him later?
  20. Dear Diary: Deat-by-cannoli less dramatic than death-by-balloon, but better for stealthiness!
  21. Trini

    S01.E04: Arkham

    I had to go check to see who was the director of this episode; he had a really interesting style of shooting. Lots of close-ups at angles that also highlighted the backgrounds. Nice use of lighting, too. However, there were two scenes that took me out of the episode. The first was Oswald calling Gordon from a payphone that could only be located on a rooftop --payphones are NOT on rooftops! And the second was the downpour happening in full, midday sunlight outside the Mayor's house. (Yes, I know about sunshowers) They could have saved a few bucks; rain wasn't needed in that scene. So Oswald really is going to be killing people each episode; got it, show. I did not need to see someone got impaled in the eye so early in the episode; or you know, EVER. (And it was the councilman's aide/assistant, not his bodyguard.) I'm glad there was no Montoya/Allen/Selina here. They needed to pare down the per episode cast. Now it looks like Jim and Barbara might break up, and I was about to be annoyed at more relationship angst/whatever, but then I thought maybe this is a good thing. The actress hasn't really impressed me , and her character barely has anything to do. I'm impressed that Jim found out out about the Barb/Reneé relationship so soon, though. (I figured they'd drag that out a bit more.) And even though Barbara shared one secret, I agree with Gordon about not telling her about Cobblepot. I think it's more dangerous for her and Gordon if she gets tangled up in the situation. As for Fish, the "two of you fight it out for the one job" thing is straight out of The Dark Knight, isn't it? Yeah, Mooney's this show's version of the Joker (crazy, smart, flamboyant villain). I like her outfits, too; but we may have to disagree about the "not too overt" part. ;-) I don't think it was filler. I think we got one more reason for Bruce to eventually become a vigilante: fulfill his parents legacy. (I may not have phrased that right... it's late) And the plot showed how --in one way at least-- the death of the Waynes could affect the whole city's future. I've always wondered about that. And they this episode also introduced the idea that the Arkham project may be connected to why the Waynes were killed. They need to tone down the violence, though. (Probably not going to happen.)
  22. Trini

    S03.E01: The Calm

    Did anyone catch the name of the store/department where Felicity was working? It was on her shirt, I think.
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