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Everything posted by Trini

  1. From the Episode 2 thread: I figure as long as the show avoids any direct reference to things from the 2000's and beyond, it should keep that feeling of 'vaguely in the past, yet kind of in the present'. I mean, Batman's age is usually mid-thirties, and Bruce is twelve in Gotham, so let's say, the show is set 20 years in the "past". In 1994, we had cell phones and the internet, for instance. I choose to look at the show as set in the present; but if anyone sees it as set in the past, that works, too. So far, they've been good about not doing anything to specifically date the show. However, the 1980's police cars is one thing that has bugged me.
  2. Answering in the Other Versions of Batman thread.
  3. Just a reminder that Fox is re-airing episodes on Fridays at 9pm.
  4. I couldn't tell you any details, but I remember watching the original Flash series as a kid. I like Grant and how he's playing Barry Allen from what I've seen on Arrow. Looks like they're going all out with the superhero stuff (costumes, effects, etc.) and I hope it lives up to the hype.
  5. Clip time! http://youtu.be/RYIf8Vpr4Tg http://youtu.be/VW07l0amgjc
  6. I been trying to figure out who this actor reminds me of, and I finally realized, he kinda looks like a muppet.
  7. I can't recall a time in my life where I've sat on the hood of a car. Leaned against the side, yes; but taking a seat on the hood? No.
  8. I've never heard of Broadchurch, but this looks like it's going to be a riveting mystery.
  9. Short video about Montoya and Allen.
  10. It came up in the Episode 2 thread that DC is probably involved with the writing of the show, and this article about DC's push into TV confirms it. And casting news! Not sure if it's a spoiler.
  11. Re-watching this show decades later, I see that it had it fair share of 90's-flavored cheese, but I still think it holds up well. The hotness of Dean Cain, and the chemistry between him and Teri Hatcher cover a multitude of sins. I always liked how L&C showed Superman/Clark as a real person. I do wonder about how the show was initially pitched/created. Framing it as a romantic comedy was a really new way to present Superman. It worked, obviously, but I don't think it had been done before.
  12. I agree; they're being too on-the-nose with some of the characters. And it's unnecessary; we get it. The viewers who are already into Batman mythology will pick up the subtle hints. And the rest of the viewers* who are not familiar with the mythology just need to know who the characters are here and now, instead of who they'll be in the (far) future. *(The majority)
  13. One problem I have with that theory is that Oswald is too low-level to be able to order a hit on anyone, especially the Waynes.
  14. "Farewell, Yolanda." -- Because even though I don't watch this show, I keep hearing about this scene. ::shrug::
  15. This is always the problem with bringing parents back from the dead. ALWAYS. Undead Parent looks like (or is) a complete uncaring jerk who abandoned his/her family; usually with the excuse that it was for the child's protection -- even though the abandonment messes the child up.
  16. After some quick googling, no, there's no joke about his name. His comic version is supposed to be descended from a high society family.
  17. Heh-- I'm not going to get into what happened to The Mentalist, but Heller has said that at least first season of Gotham is mapped out. And what makes this different from the typical procedural, is that there is an eventual endpoint (Batman). Also I expect that there's a consultant from DC Entertainment nearby to help him stick with some version of the mythology. I totally understand the concerns, though.
  18. I don't think so. Although, it would make sense that both might have a few things in common, since both shows draw story ideas from the comics universe. Also, I read on another forum that there was a Green Arrow easter egg in the episode: a quick shot of the Queen Consolidated logo on a building. ----------- I keep coming back to the silly, "no psychiatrists" line. Really, Alfred? Not even some faith-based grief counseling, or something?
  19. Actually I meant, has Abe ever been married? Does he have his own children/grandchildren?
  20. About the overgrown vines case; what kind of compensation was she expecting?? Is there a dollar value for plants overgrown on someone else's property?? The lady with 8 kids is one of those times where I felt the less I know, the better. Both sides seemed sketchy.
  21. I'm happy that Henry didn't die yet again, but this show just isn't holding my interest. I do wonder if Abe has his own family?
  22. I know this series is all about backstory, but I really need more backstory on the characters that are here now. Most importantly, Det. Gordon and Alfred.
  23. I thought this was linked here, but it wasn't : EW interview with Bruno Heller about developing the series.
  24. Fish: "I swear, Butch, on my sainted mother's grave, someday soon I am going to kill that old man with my bare hands and my teeth!"
  25. I don't know about warmth and goodwill, but she definitely has manners, and wants to show how classy she is.
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