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Everything posted by sara416

  1. I think Davia is my favorite character on this show. And I think the show strickes a really good balance between making her body image part of the plot and also making her just a human character who is not definied as her body image. So many times shows use a plus sized character to run a plot based entirely around being plus sized. Davia gets really good storylines about this, but she also gets stroylines about normal stuff, like her career, and friendships. She's a good friend, and really cares about her students. And I loved the scene with her and Gael at the end. It was the best of both of them. I am also totally here for Callie getting schooled that she doesn't know everything, and it is possible that a lawyer who has years of experience on her actually knows what she is talking about.
  2. Bolded part is the best description I've read in a long time, and I love that expression. I will be incorproating that into my life, thank you! I do love people like Darrell who can play the game but still have a sense of humor about that. He didn't get all dude bro roid ragey when he lost that first round. Watching older seasons has reminded me of when there were more people like that who could laugh at themselves. Landon is a really good example of that. THere was a challenge outing where he got super drunk and people wrote on him with markers while he was asleep. He was able to laugh about it the next day and it was just so refreshing.
  3. Someone on this writing staff has either been to a lot of therapy or consults with a therapist, because the way Trevor just slid into therapist role and the things he said were incredibly believeable (saying this as an actual therapist). There are some things that absolutely aren't, like accepting the gift from Jill, the office being where it is, and the ridiculous way he acted at the juice shop, but when he gets into the therapist role he does a great job. Even his body language is appropriate.
  4. I've been watching this show since it started and holy shit, this was the biggest mess I have ever seen. I feel like they always give Ken the ones where he has to run after people or handle these insane crises. I don't know if it is because they know he can handle it or it they hate him. I'm sad that Jeff, Candy, and Sylvia aren't around this season. I was cringing during that final phone call with Susan and her mother. When Susan said that she didn't hear any difference with her mom I was really relieved, because I didn't either. She was trying so hard to suck her back in to crazy town. I'm so happy for the way Susan ended that phone call with her mother and I really hope she can keep these boundaries set with her whole family.
  5. I was waiting for him to say, once again, that it was "disrespectful" for him to meet with her. But Chris disappointed me again and didn't say it. Chris, if everyone around you is "disrespectful" to you, do you think it might be you and not them you marble mouthed dolt?
  6. This show is going to wreck me at the end, just like Parenthood, isn't it? Damn you, Fogelman!
  7. I love CT, and for the entire portion of the episode leading up to his changing partners, he totally exemplified why. But dude needs to learn the first rule of holes: when you find yourself in one, stop digging! He was doing great with the bonfire until he tried to overexplain and told Big T she wasn't ready for a final. Ugh...men.
  8. Chris kept saying Paige was disrespectful again last night. He really needs to learn the definition of that word...again. Nothing she said was disrespectful. Maybe a little passive aggressive, but he is the king of disrespectful so he doesn't get to be all butt hurt about her attitude. Pure intentions my ass... Have we discussed the timing of this pregnancy? When people talk about how many weeks pregnant they are, it is measured from the date of a woman's last period. So if she is 6 weeks pregnant, that was the date of her last period, not necessarily the date they had sex. He was defninitely getting with her less than 6 weeks ago. Ass.
  9. Whoever is in charge of casting for this show needs an Emmy. The casting of Randall's three adult daughters is perfection. I could absolutely pick out who each of them were when I first saw them on screen, they look so similar to the actressses playing them now.
  10. I cannot take credit for this. Sarah D. Bunting of this very website used to say it about Brandon Walsh in the Again With This podcast all the time. I've picked it up in my vernacular and I love it.
  11. Paige, you had all my empathy until last night. But you have had sex with him every day without protection? Please get therapy. You have a good job, I'm sure it is covered under your insurance. Hell, I'll help you find someone with a sliding scale! Get help, get some self respect, and then get a relationship. Chris: eat bees.
  12. Didn't he have a history of being picked on when he was a kid and that's why he got so into fitness? Am I remembering that right? Ugh, that incident must have brought up so much crap for him.
  13. Team Erik here. I don't think he did anything wrong in that fight with Chris. He stood up for his wife, and honestly I think he would have done that if he had heard Chris talk to any of the women that way. And when he stood up, it was to LEAVE, not to physically fight with Chris. And hey Chris, in the words of Inigo Montoya, "you keep using that word (disrespectful). I do not think it means what you think it means." Get over yourself Marble Mouth.
  14. I truly could watch TJ laugh at these people forever. Trivia is my favorite challenge of the season because of how much TJ enjoys it. I was also a week behind so I watched my recording from last week just before this episode and got to watch TJ cackle at Josh for being such a tool. It was a good night, tv wise.
  15. I didn't mind the way they jumped in either. I think it was a legitimate question to ask if it was his! Those two were coming from somewhere having a great time, because this is their honeymoon and they should be! They walked in an heard news that was just a mood killer. Were they a little over the top? Maybe. But Chris lost his rights to be offended by anything they say because he is a horrible human and did some shitty things. And this is only episode 3.
  16. I was thinking the same. I've been calling him MarbleMouth.
  17. I've given two Cameos. You get to type in what you want the person to say or a little about the person you are sending it to. Both the people I got them for absolutely loved them. One was for my husband for our anniversary and one was for a friend who was just going through a rough time. They are personalized and I, personally, think it's a great concept. My friend said she has watched hers several times when she is having a rough day and it completely cheers her up. The prices are funny though, I would NEVER pay that much for Johnny and you would have to pay me to get a Cameo from Kenny. Look up Charlie Sheen sometime. He really thinks a lot of himself.
  18. I'm not going to add anything about Chris, the walking personailty disorder, because everything has pretty much been said. Can we NEVER AGAIN use the phrase "he/she checks all my boxes"? It's gross and weird.
  19. Season 6 and 7 are probably the only ones I haven't see a million times, so I think I'll jump in on a more structured rewatch with you guys now. I remember the Clay and Quinn storyline similarly, that it started out strong but then became just so insufferably cheesy.
  20. That always bothered me! I think writing in a little brother for him must have been an afterthought, because that was just terrible. From what his little brother was like after he was killed, they clearly had a really good relationship, so why was he making Jamie into his little mascot?
  21. I think it's successful for her, and pretty stable considering the shit show that the other girls turned out to be. I really thought she'd just be holding on to Adam forever and find herself in another abusive relationship that she couldn't get out of. I don't think living a fairly calm life in some rural area is anything to dismiss. It seems like she got what she wanted as far as a family and stability.
  22. I mean, we'll never really know, unfortunately. I don't think she was correctly taught how to be a human. There are some really sweet interactions on film between her and Jace, and I think she would make an okay aunt. But I think her human emotion skills were just never developed because of her upbringing. I don't tihnk you are being a contrarian asshole, I just happen to be softer toward people in general, probably more often than I should be. I'm a therapist and I just see the potential in people more often than not. There really was a turning point with her though. Obviously we don't have any concrete evidence of anything before she was 16, but if someone could have gotten her away from the shitshow she was in, I still believe things could have been different. She reminds me a little of one of my good friends in high school. in some ways and some of the kiddos I have worked with over the years. Obviously, YMMV. On another note, watching these early seasons makes me remember that I though of all people, Chelsea was the last one I would expect to get her life together as much as she did.
  23. She didn't tell it all to Hai until the last few years of her life though. She spent a lot of time holding that in. Shame can do terrible things to a person. I'm glad you feel settled and loved. I'm speaking from the point of what research and my experience with clients and a few friends have taught me, and not from lived experience as someone who is adopted. I didn't mean to step on toes at all.
  24. I feel like a lot of the complaints I'm reading about this episode and the logistics of things is based on what we know NOW, in 2021. Things were very different in 1980. Drugs, adoption, prison reform...nothing was the same as it is now. I'm a therapist who has worked extensively with the adoption population and there were some things in this episode that I absolutely loved that they got so right. Adopted kids need to know their birth story. The brain will make up stories and fill in the blanks if we don't know all the answers. And for kids who don't know their origin, they will make up anything to keep from feeling lost. It completely makes sense that Randall feels lighter and happier after learning his story. It also completely makes sense to me that his mother would have so much self hatred that she wouldn't even try to find her son. She was a drug addict who felt immense guilt and shame for her actions. And without the proper help (something other than lake scream therapy, because that's not a thing) she likely just shut it away and never dealt with it. I want to know more about her parents. DId she really just go to her aunt's house and no one ever contacted them and she never ran into them? And did we ever get an explanation of why her parents and aunt were estranged? The way Randall (Sterling) just cries with huge tears running down his face without any sort of dramatics is amazing. The restrained sobbing is just like a gut punch. But the scene at the end with his ghost mom in the lake was a little too much, and I give this show a lot of leeway.
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