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Everything posted by sara416

  1. My brother in law once tried to get a job as a CO. The pay is consistent, and it is a lot for not having to have any education ro special skills. But the thing that got me about it is that you can't have more than something in the neighborhood of 5k in debt. This was in Missouri, so the rules might be different elsewhere. I always wondered what kind of debt they were talking about though. If you have a car payment, you are disqualified? A motgage would certainly disqualify you. If it is unsecured debt like with credit cards, I can see that. But I personally have a mortgage and student loans, so I will be more than 5k in debt forever probably. I also wonder where in AL this is (haven't given it a Goog yet). Some jails are in pretty rural areas and there isn't much of a population so there aren't many people for the jobs. Regardless, she's a monster and needs to be fired immediately.
  2. Super shallow moment here, but I am watching Pearl Islands for the first time. I don't know how I missed this season before, but it is really good. As for the shallow part...Andrew Savage is ridiculously good looking. I would take him over Ozzy any day of the week. Please don't tell me he becomes problematic! I hardly remember him from his time playing the game the second time either. Edit: Looking at dates I figured out that I never watched this season because I got married right in the middle of it and was working two jobs at the time. I had to give up a lot of my TV watching in those days.
  3. I love everything about this post, but the bolded part is so well said. I'm a mental health therapist and this could not be more true. It's such an empathetic way to look at the situation, I love it. Mental health and insurance has gotten a lot better than it used to be thanks to mental health parity acts, but the insurance scam that we live under in this country still makes things out of reach a lot of times. I have a lot of clients fall off my schedule at the beginning of the year when their deductibles re start because they can't afford the payment for their sessions until the deductible runs out, but have such a hard time prioritizing therapy over medical care. And I don't blame them one bit. It sucks to have to say that you are willing to pay for life or death over quality of life care.
  4. My husband and I each have a list of 5 freebies. And two of mine are from reality shows (still very out of reach though). I definitely think that intruder was very real. I think he hurts Randall and he loses conciousness, which is why we have the parts from next week that seem like a dream sequence.
  5. Gripe from an ACTUAL therapist that specializes in children: "Children's Therapist" is a job title at a place of employment. You are NOT a therapist if you are not master's level and licensed. You just aren't. And when you get your degree, it will likely be in social work or counseling. And your license will be and LPC (or some variation) or an LCSW. You aren't a children's therapist. That is not your profession. Stop calling yourself that. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
  6. I havebn't completely finished this series yet (one episode left), but I have to chime in and say how much I HATE that they mashed these two stories together. The books were great, I liked The Likeness better than In The Woods, and I would have loved to see that as a stand alone series. I didn't feel like we got nearly as much time to care about the other housemates with this being so rushed. In the books you really get to know each character and the house itself almost becomes a character. But this was so rushed that I didn't know anything about these people. I was far more invested in Rob's storyline in the show. I have loved almost all of Tana French's books and I love the way that she takes a secondary character from one book and makes them the main character in the next. I think the casting was done well in this series, with the exception of Frank. I might go back and read the first book to read a description of him, but I never imagined him as a skinny younger guy. I pictured him more like O'Kelly.
  7. sara416

    Fix The Show

    I've been watching older seasons on Hulu, and I agree with so much of what was said previously. Remove the HIIs that are played at every damn tribal. Having one every once in a while makes it novel and unexpected. I'd love to see them searching for them just to find out that there is only one per season per camp or something like that. Also, the challenges. There used to be so many more that were simple to set up and assemble, but needed a lot of logic and strategy to win. This sets you up for having a bigger variety of winners, not just someone who can swim and do a puzzle. One of the challenges in Australia was literally the "dot game" where you make boxes and put your initials in it and whoever has the most at the end wins. This was actually way more entertaining to watch. And another challenge they had was eliminating each other by breaking plates with each others names on it with macadamia nuts on a slingshot. So simple, but it was great to see them stategizing about who to try to eliminate first and trash talking each other in a good natured way. Granted, this season in general was great because almost everyone really liked each other and were pretty decent human beings, so that might have something to do with it. But these giant obstacle courses in the water with a puzzle at the end are honestly boring because they are all the same.
  8. I have a vague memory of the China season being the season where they all showed up for what they were told was going to be a photo shoot and then whicksed off immediately to the game, so all they had was what was on their person, even if it was inappropriate. I don't know when they started pre-selecting the colors though. I just found all of the old seasons on Hulu so I am going through a rewatch and there are so many things that are better in those first few seasons, clothing being one of them.
  9. Is this woman hosting an actual cartoon character? What the hell? I think I might be too old for this crap. I didn't finidh watching the whole thing, I might later because it's still on my DVR, but I just can't stand these reunions going in the direction of everyone just yelling at each other the whole time about nonesense. I actually thought the exchange between Wes and Johnny was funny, because it seems pretty clear to me that both of them put on a show for the show but are possibly not horrible people in ther real lives. Neither one of them seemed to take themselves too seriously.
  10. I knew I wanted Janet to win, but I didn't realize how much until she was voted out. If I were on the jury I would have voted for Noura, just out of spite and to annoy the boys.
  11. This is what bothered me the most. Jeff seemed to be very forthcoming at first when he said to go ahead and say what she wanted to say, even if it included railing on him. But then he got defensive, not just of himself, but of the other players. Kellee didn't get to really be heard when this all went down, let her be heard now! I understand she was nervous and part of his job as host is to move things along, but he could have done it a different way. I also noticed the "men and women working diligently" but what I also noticed was that I believe he said "WOMEN and men..." noting women first. It was almost too obvious of a mention just so he could claim he gets women and understands that there are women out there too. Please. I just didn't buy his sincerity.
  12. All of this is because the revival was supposed to be Season 7. All of Rory's characteristics, the cloundering, the not having money, the directionlessness, are all totally appropriate for a 23 year old. But they are not appropriate for someone in their 30s. But because ASP didn't get her season 7, they just made the revival the same as it would have been.
  13. I'm 5 min in to a random rewatch of season 2. Holy crap, they used to have to hike 5 miles to their camp at the start of the season! This is so strange to watch them have to actually navigate to their camp. It's strange for a number of reasons, but now it seems they just try to starve them instead of what they used to do. I completely forgot what this show used to be like.
  14. Count me in as shocked that Kirk Cameron agreed to go on this show. Especially since he acknowledged his role as a teen hearthrob! There's so many things that have happened on this show that Kirk Cameron, religious zealot, disagrees with! Wondering if he is pretty despreate for relevance at this point or if he has loosened up a little.
  15. It is about privilege. It's about the privilige that you and I and other white people have had of seeing ourselves in the media being able to wear many hats and do many things. POC have not had access to this same thing. Missy did not attribute her skill or attributes to her race. She pointed out that she and Aaron won idols AND they are people of color. Which it important for people to see that it is possible for POC to excell at things and are not always the losers on this show.
  16. I could find data on the under or misrepresentation of POC on television, if you would like. I know it's there, but I don't have research or numbers in my head. I'll come back after work to provide it if you would like. There's more than anectdotal evidence out there.
  17. Of course it doesn't mean that all black/white people are good/bad/whatever. But MIssy said it well when she said representation matters. As white people, we have spent our entire lives seeing people in the media, fictional characters or not, played in a positive AND negative light. But for a long time, African Americans were not even in the media, and even now have a tendency to be shown in a negative or derogatory way. Of course, there are examples of positive people of color on television. But anecdotal evidence is not statistically sound proof of anything. It matters when people see people that look like them in the media, especially young people. *I'm just a white person, recognizing my own priviliege in this situation. I'm sure there are others that could explain it better*
  18. Yep, all of this. I am pissed at Missy for the way she handled the Dan/Kellee thing and am was more than happy to see her go. However, she made valid and accurate points. Both of those things can be true: she can be unlikeable AND make good points about race and gender in these competitions. She's not wrong.
  19. Of course it was. Which demonstrates precisely why women or people being bullied or abused in any way struggle with speaking up about it. Because the perpetrator always knows who did it. I was in a workplace bullying situation several years ago. It was bad. I cried at my desk several times a week for months before I finally got the hell out of there. I tried to talk with my supervisor about it but she was worthless and said it sounded like a personal issue. I could have gone up the ladder, but no way. I knew what would happen would be some generic meeting about how we all need to treat each other with respect, but the bullies would have known who said something and my life would have been even more miserable there.
  20. I'll echo what so many others of you have said and repeat it. Fuck you, Dan. Fuck you, Missy. Fuck you, Elizabeth. Kellee flat out said that she was scared to say something because of what happens to women in the real world when they speak up. Then what happens? She gets voted out after bringing up how uncomfortable she is. Fuck all of you who voted for her. And all the men at tribal "if this was happening, I would have known it". Fuck you too. I've never cried over Survivor before and I never would have thought that this stupid show would bring me to tears. But was rage crying more than once during this episode. Cheers to Jeff for "Dan. I'll never let it go." Take them all down, Janet.
  21. Changing the sheets, both fitted and top sheet, was my biggest first world problem while my husband was deployed. It was the most annoying task to do by myself that I was used to having someone do with me. It wasn't the same, obviously, but I felt Rebecca's frustration when that sheet just popped off the side. I remember the first time doing that alone and I was still pretty emotional about the deployment so it made me tear up.
  22. Most of the time, yes, this is true. BB is my shitshow garbage viewing for the summer. But Kaycee does not fit that mold, which is a big part of the reason she won. People didn't hate her. Unlike Josh, who only one because people hated the guy he was against (rightfully so, he was obnoxious).
  23. I really liked her on BB and think she will absolutely be there to compete. I don't want this show to poison her and make her some terrible drama queen! Bayleigh and Swaggy...ugh. Please go home soon. And by soon, I mean immediately.
  24. When Kal Penn's character comes bursting into his sister's apartment after he first meets the group, his sister is reading a website on her tablet. 99% sure that it was these forums. Maybe someone more tech savvy than me could go back and get a screen grab of it!
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