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Everything posted by sara416

  1. I was too, and I didn't believe a word she said about being passionate about making sure all kids get a quality education or whatever BS she said. Her job is about power and it's very clear. Now, I was wrong about New Orleans Woody, so I am willing to maybe give her a shot, because editing can do a lot of damage, but her tone was not edited and it did not come across as sincere in the least. She's a pain in the ass and even her girlfriends seemed to know that. Also, I was so distracted by her boobs I didn't even see her makeup. Props to Gil for being able to make eye contact with her at all.
  2. That was the first podcast I ever listened to! On another note, I am finally watching Six Feet Under for the first time and Julian appears in two episodes as this young stoner guy. He is super young and has floppy blond hair!
  3. I am liking the podcast as well, but I wish they took more of a recapping stance. I need a reminder of what each of these episodes were.
  4. I'm sorry to go the shallow route here, but why did Lisa only own one shirt?
  5. Well damn. At the end I just had a feeling watching her talk that she wasn't going to stay sober, because something just looked off. She didn't seem like she really believed all the things she was saying about her sobriety and her relationship with her mom...but I didn't expect that gut punch ending. She seemed like she could be a really fun person when she wasn't in her addiction and mental illness. Her poor mother.
  6. Has there actually been anything put out there officially that they broke up? A quick goole search gives me nothing recent.
  7. This was so sad. I'm honestly surprised he is still sober. I could be wrong, but I assume that he refused the follow up interview because he was angry at the show and the people in his life who participated in the intervention. If he is still that angry months later, it doesn't bode well for continued sobriety. Most people at that point can look back and see that this was done to help them. Early on in the show he was even able to say that work was his co-addiction and he went from one to the other. I am glad for him if he is sober, but there were a lot of underlying issues there that he needed to take care of.
  8. I have been wanting to watch old episodes recently and all I can find are seasons 17 and 18 on Peacock. Anyone know where the older seasons are streaming?
  9. After I chimed in here, I went and binged that last season. There's so many issues with it, Mouth being "fat" and that whole story line is probably the lowlight. I still cried during the last episode. I have an almost pavlovian crying response to Gavin DeGraw's "Soldier" because of another association I make with it. But there is something about watching a cast cry knowing that it isn't the characters, it's the actors since this is their final show just makes me weepy. It's ridiculous.
  10. I never watched that, but I know it was done by the same people as Veronic Mars and I LOVED that show. Where is it streaming?
  11. Not that I remember. But I think it is very short. And I still cried like a fool at the last show, because I am a sucker for series finales. I haven't kept up with this OTH rewatch, but let me know what you want to tackle next and maybe I'll hop on.
  12. Yes! The music this season has been extremely good! Maybe it's because I'm the end of GenX/The Oregon Trail Generation/Xennial whatever you want to call it, but this was the music of my youth and it is perfect since they have so many of the players from my youth.
  13. I'm really curious about what they were talking around when they said that she "didn't like the feedback that she was getting". It could be that she wasn't ready to hear that she was not in control of this, it could be that she was told she had to give up more than just using, but the rest of her lifestyle too and she wasn't ready for that. I think another possiblity was that they wanted her to do trauma work and she just wanted to get clean and not think about her trauma. There's no way she could have stayed sober without touching on that though. Trauma literally changes the makeup of your brain, just like druigs do. I didn't feel like her heart was really in it when she said yes, but I was shocked that she came back when she left the first time. Sounds like she started to get something out of it.
  14. I've worked with so many kids who have developmental trauma from being adopted from places like Jake and I just knew that he wasn't going to make it. I knew from the moment his dad said he was "poorly behaved". Ok...behavior serves a purpose. Kids don't misbehave for no reason. He likely has a lot of developmental trauma from the orphanage and then his older sibling abusing him just caused more. This poor kid has been rejected in every way: his birth parents, his adopted siblings, his adopted parents, his political party that he deeply believed in...of course he wants to die. He already feels like he isn't worthy of love. And he couldn't even trust the love from them at the intervention, because it was too little, too late. His skepticism at the rehab really sealed the deal for me. He has no reason to trust anyone, he certainly isn't going to let go and trust the process of getting help. That poor kid.
  15. I'm willing to forgive any continuity errors for the scene with Dan and Becky because holy crap, that was amazing. Dan (the character) has always reminded me a little of my own dad, including in the original Roseanne. Dan is a bit more liberal and accepting than my dad (I can only imagine what would happen if I had a kid who was non-binary since my dad has become uber conservative in his old age) but when he has scenes like this, it really gets me. I remember in the original when he picked up the ringing phone and it was Becky and he just refused to talk and handed the phone off. That would be my dad. As would him calling in the middle of the night and giving me advice about how to weatherproof my windows in lieu of saying I love you. All that being said, I can see him holding on to some resentment for Mark all these years. He had this brilliant daughter that had dreams and goals of being better off than her parents and she ended up where she is. He's not going to blame his own daughter for her choices, he's going to blame the guy who took his first baby away.
  16. Re: the bolded part I'm a therapist who works with people with trauma and I think the mild reaction to the kidnapping is her dissociating. It's a coping skill. I think the trauma of the rape was compounded by her mother's reaction, which may have been more a trauma for her. She's been self medicating since then and I don't know if she was even able to feel the impact of the kidnapping because of all the drugs she was pushing into herself. I do agree that she seemed to really like her addiction and I was surprised she even went to treatment.
  17. Maybe we didn't see the whole thing, but she was talking about being so excited to see her daughter and then she barely acknowledged her when she walked into the barn at the rehab. Something seemed off with her bond with her daughter. And that mom goes into the hall of fame for worst moms on Intervention. I feel like she was reslly detatched from everyone as well. Maybe it's a cultural thing, or that she didn't speak English, but I wonder if she has some trauma history of her own.
  18. Arissa was always really thin, I remember thinking that she, Trishelle, and Irulan all wieghed a collective 100 lbs on the first Vegas season. But Arissa looks so unhealthy now. I really try not to comment on people's appearances, but yikes. I gasped when I saw her because she looks scary. I hope she's okay.
  19. Interesting bottle episode. Some parts were actually pretty funny, I think Callie an Gael actually pulled off the comedica aspect pretty well. Callie whispering "come here you little trash panda" or whatever the line was said actually made me laugh. I continue to really like Davia and I am glad she is moving on from Dennis, even though I really like him as a character too. He has stuff to work on. Is he on another show or something? Does anyone know if he is actually ever coming back?
  20. I've worked in foster care and that system for a long time and there is absolutely some information missing about what happened to her son. I'm sure it was cut down for time, but there are so many things that have to happen for her to have her son removed permanently and placed for adoption. It can take years, even in the worst cases. The initial plan when a child is taken into care is always reunification. You have to fail at that before they change the permenancy plan. Information was definitely missing there. @tljgator, I would love a show like that as well. That outreach seems like a great organization and the tunnel world is indeed fascinating. Despite Amanda living in a tunnel and being on drugs, her little home with the shutters was actually well cared for, as much as a tunnel home made of boxes can be. Those outreach people seemed really great, I'm going to have to look more into that organization. She should never go back to Vegas. Ever. She looked great at the end of treatment and I hope she stays on that path because she looked not only physically healthier, but so much happier and freer as well. I really did not like that interventionist and I hope we don't see much more of him. He was arrogant and seemed to care more about bragging about his accomplishments than helping the addict and the family. He wasn't touting his own sobriety, he was touting his business abilty. And we all know that treatment is not 100% effective for everyone all the time, so out of those many people he treated, not all of them remained sober. He seems to think that he was the perfect treatment center. Maybe I'm wrong, but his attitude really rubbed me the wrong way.
  21. @Devvie She called the "bloggers" disrespectful. These people really need a thesaurus.
  22. There's the use of disrespectful that I've been waiting for! Chris said it a bunch in a FB post about the incident too that I saw on the MAFSfan Instagram story shortly after it aired. That whole family really likes the use of that word.
  23. Never mind, I wrote this post twice and was all kinds of wrong both time. This show went on way longer than I thought it did!
  24. I'm currently bwtween houses (cold out old one and waiting for the new one to get finished being built). I'm staying at an AirBnB which is the basement of an older couple, it's nicer than that sounds. I sit down Monday night and get all settled to watch the new Intervention and all of a suddent the TV turns off because the couple upstairs is recording two things at one time and I cannot watch anything other than those two recordings. Can I watch this streaming somewhere? I think I have the A&E app on my fire stick, which I have to figure out how to get in their tv. This is going to be a frustrating 6 weeks, being at the mercy of someone else's television schedule and not having a DVR of my own.
  25. I think Davia is my favorite character on this show. And I think the show strickes a really good balance between making her body image part of the plot and also making her just a human character who is not definied as her body image. So many times shows use a plus sized character to run a plot based entirely around being plus sized. Davia gets really good storylines about this, but she also gets stroylines about normal stuff, like her career, and friendships. She's a good friend, and really cares about her students. And I loved the scene with her and Gael at the end. It was the best of both of them. I am also totally here for Callie getting schooled that she doesn't know everything, and it is possible that a lawyer who has years of experience on her actually knows what she is talking about.
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