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Everything posted by sara416

  1. I have so many questions about Talia too. I get why she didn't want to participate in the documentary, but there was so much I wondered about, like where she was while all of this was happening. I know they briefly mention that she goes back to live on campus after she and her boyfriend break up, but then what? Is she ever around again? Are they still all friends? Does she know how fucked up her dad is? So....many...questions!
  2. Third. He said after the thing with Alexis's dog that Mya had bitten a dog once before. This dog needs a muzzle and clearly needs to not be around other dogs. Training didn't work because she bit another dog there too. So I guess next time with be the FOURTH time.
  3. Oh yeah, that guy. They kept emphasizing that she said it was okay if he smoked "occasionally" but he seemed to be doing it constantly. And they just kept saying "smoking" but it was most definitely weed. It's definitely a hard line and ridiculous to think you could pair a guy who wakes and bakes with someone who doesn't do it at all.
  4. I know the other people you are talking about, but who had a drug problem?
  5. I know we didn't see everything, but it really isn't that hard to make a blanket statment to everyone, not just your wife, and say "Listen, I've been working a lot, production is a lot, and I don't have the mental bandwidth to do everything with a smile on my face right now so give me some grace please". Most people would respect that and Miguel just needed to communicate that and people wouldn't have been thinking he was an ass for no reason. I have to give a ton of credit to Mitch for laughing during Krysten's impersonation of him, as well as to her for letting him know he could tell her if she goes to far. That scene was really charming to watch him have a sense of humor about himself for once. I think he takes himself too seriously much of the time and that was so good to see.
  6. sara416

    S43.E01: Livin

    It was the overalls that gave her the Punky Brewster vibe.
  7. I'm far to old to be as excited as I am about this reboot.
  8. The indicated Amara was truthful when she said her relative was not a reality TV star, but Whoopi is on the View. That's could be considered reality TV, right? It's a talk show, but it isn't a scripted series.
  9. I fell down some listicle rabbit hole for BB and am watching season 5, which I never watched when it first aired. First off, the way they talk about LGBTQ people and the things that they say in front of Will about gay people makes me realize that even though we aren't perfect, we as a society have come SO FAR in regards to our attitudes and views. Cowboy literally did not know the difference between gay men and drag queens. Yikes. I'm also so glad I was married before 2005, because if the standard of men was like all those dude bros, I would have considered joining a convent. Double yikes. I am appalled at the Cowboy/Nakomis thing. I know it was controversial back then, and this is probably coming from my point of view as a therapist, but that whole thing could have gone so wrong. The amount of real trauma that they could have inflicted on those two is enormous. Both of them were able to handle it well, and maybe they were just shell shocked, but those propducers were messing with people's lives in a whole new way. I felt icky watching that.
  10. Hydraulics made me think Coolio. Am I old or does that make sense to anyone else? I don't get any of the other clues, and I thought we would get more from Dominique when she said "eulogy" referred to her but we didn't. I'll have to go back to last week and see what was in the boxes and how they could relate.
  11. This makes me think they are a big fat NO on decision day.
  12. I'm still hesitant about Mitch, he seems like a spoiled brat (a male version of Myrla without the expensive tastes). However, I will say that I get what he means about liking women when they are not all dolled up. I had a male friend in college who used to say that the most attractive a girl could ever look to him is wearing their glasses (if normally a contacts wearer), hair pulled up, and wearing sweats and no makeup. I thought he was nuts but he explained that to him, that meant that they were totally comfortable with him and didn't feel like they needed to be anything other than themselves. I think it's kind of sweet and I get the intention. I do agree though, that his expectations should be a little different on the freaking wedding day. It's traditionally a dressy and somewhat fancy occasion. If he dated and found his own bride they could have their super minimal beach wedding or whatever. But that's not what he signed up for so he needs to chill.
  13. Maybe I'm a traditionalist, or it's the GenX/Elder millenial in me, but all of thise tuxes with the printed colorful jackets make me think of Will Smith in the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. It's seriously allI can see when they choose these jackets. It's been happening for the past few seasons.
  14. I'll check it out, thanks! Abott Elementary is hands down the best new show I've seen in a long time and I find Ava hysterical.
  15. Yes. I've been married 18 years and in no way do I feel like my husband's parole officer. It's such a stereotype and pisses me off. A healthy marriage does not actually involving knowing where your spous is at every given moment and having to ask permission to do everything. That attitude about marriage likely contributes to why they fail.
  16. I'm getting Jenelle James vibes from Alexis. Or maybe just her Abbot Elementary character Ava. I haven't seen JJ in anything else so I don't know how close her mannerisms are to her character. It's not a bad thing necessarily, just noticeable. And Nate looked like Pharell in that hat at the bacehlor party.
  17. I mean, some of it really is almost that bad. Yikes.
  18. I binged a bunch of episodes on HBO Max and now I have falled down a rabbit hole watching the original series Degrassi Jr High and Degrassi High. I know this was a kids show but WOW, this acting was really bad!
  19. Screw that, Beth for President! I like that this show went out on a quiet note, rather than making all of us into a sobbing mess. I found myself bittersweetly smiling when it ended. I loved what Jack said to Rebecca about being there. Maybe it's because the news was so heavy today and I couldn't stand the thought of another episode like last week, but I appreciated the way this show went out.
  20. I think that's a pretty high bar!
  21. The middle paragraph on page 8 of the rebuttal from the feds is truly a thing of beauty.
  22. I was a Lindsey defender this season because I saw such a good person in there that I hoped that a lot of therapy would dig out, but after her display during this reunion, I'm done defending her. She was AWFUL. So much passive aggression and condescension! That dress is a great color on her, but it can't hide the inside ugly.
  23. One Easter Egg I didn't notice last night but read about this morning (and I can't remember where!) was that little Jack's red boots were on a shelf behind Miguel! I read this this morning and teared up again. I can't believe I didn't notice this! My theory on why MIguel got less time than everyone else was because the train was moving faster as it went on. The nurse mentioned that everything was moving quickly, and I believe William said something about the train moving fast now as well. She spent more time in the beginning with people and the visits at the end were more rushed, they were walking faster through the train and there wasn't time to stop.
  24. I know everyone is different, but I come from a big Irish Catholic extended family. I didn't know wakes were supposed to be sad until well into my teen years. There was always laughter and joking and food. There are no rules with grief.
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