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Everything posted by drafan

  1. I think Jinger's fugly engagement (reenactment) outfit is the one she was showing off in her "fashion" advice clip. I remember because it's the colors of Thanksgiving dinner. Her fingernails were already French-manicured in anticipation of the ring. The mother and daughter pic? Well, the tops are Nike-ish, they are wearing form-fitting pants, and the shoes are sexy. In other words, they may be normal people. Jinger said this is the one that God has chosen for her??? Really? That's how it works? Then God must really hate Anna.
  2. .......except that they would have to take the time to put on the modesty cami. Every single item of clothing in that clip, both on them and displayed, was what Clinton and Stacy would throw into the barrel with the hanger still attached, for fear they would have to come in contact with it. What person would watch this and copy their "style"? Actually, after seeing that preview, what person would watch this boring-ass show at all?
  3. I scrolled down and jumped out of my skin when I thought she was face-timing Richard Simmons. It's some little J-slave in training , folding laundry while the boys get to play. Jill & Derrick look like they got a bad case of the munchies after smoking some weed. I thought they were eating toy parts.
  4. Aaaaand....(referring to pic above).....the JBoy behind Jana thinks he's funny, JB-style, with his hands making ears, 1950s episode of Leave It To Beaver-style. JB is probably taking the picture and coaching him. Yuk. Yuk. Looks like backwards-hatters have always had their eye on Jessa Blessa. (Couldn't be Ben, he would've been in Kindergarten around the time this pic was taken.) The little girl in the gingham dress looks like a sad baby doll....in fact, I thought it WAS a doll. Jill looks like mini-MEchelle, except that she's mothering kids. Is that Jackson covering his face? This was definitely in his pre-photobomb years. MEchelle looks insanely happy sitting on bleachers....the hot metal must be giving her flashbacks to her cheerleading days.
  5. I have a feeling this will be the story line for a whole season. "Pool House" makes me LOL. I picture Mom Kardashian sweeping out in a caftan, while the K girls sunbathe while boredly stirring Mojitos.
  6. Trust me....no one gets out of Syracuse U without some drinking/partying and some hooking up....those winters are just too long and cold. (Said from direct knowledge.) Jeremy looks cute in some pix, and not so much in others. Jinger is adorable and seems very sweet....I hope this works out for her. I could give a rat's ass about most of the Duggs, but I kinda like Jinger. My grassy knoll theory on Jana is that she had her eye on the Gold Medal of Fundydom, aka Chad Paine, and Erin Bates snagged him, so she's sad and dispirited. And wedding duds from Good Will and Savers? Good on them. Those places are great....I think a lot of the J-girls' better stuff comes from there. (Mustard sweaters come from the 70% off racks at Target. You can get nice cashmere for less at GW.)
  7. Does this mean we can finally scrub his name off the winners plaque for once and for all? Geez...the show had been on for 10 years, and he shopped himself around to all the reality talent shows, so he definitely knew how this goes down. (Although the DNA can't be that swift, considering what he's been named.....maybe he never read the "fine print".) Then he lazy-assed himself to the win, was handed the only AI coronation hit, and feels he isn't expressing his true artistic self ???? I just can't stop being amused.
  8. Haven't watched this show in eons, but have some comments: Robyn is now pretty much the size of the other three, and I mean in her non-pregnant state. They all massacre the English language, but, Meri, now that 2 kids are going into the program, it's Physician Assistant, not Physician's Assistant. Learn to say it. Robyn's two girls have morphed into looking like the other Bio-Brown girls. In that breakfast scene, one of the older girls was absolutely stuffing her face like she lived in a boarding house. Well, wait...... Yay! for the kids for never listening to Cody, and that was probably Take # 74. Little blondie girl talking while in bed....so adorable. Solomon......spoiled much? 'Nuff said. Poor Logan...such a nice guy....I hope he gets to date that girl for as long as he wants, or date some other girl if he feels like it. Robyn's creepy dad lurking around while she's giving birth??? Skeevy to the nth degree.
  9. First of all, the title of this episode makes me picture a mass of Israelis storming the coast to view a large sturgeon that happened to swim the Mediterranean and beach itself near Tel Aviv. Sad to admit, I flicked past this a few times and did watch a bit. My thoughts: Can Jana talk about anything else but "little ones". That should be the drinking game cue phrase. I think Jill and Derick are a couple of scraggly hippies who are as happy as pigs in shit doing whatever it is they're doing. Jill probably had a miscarriage and that was their big crisis a while back. Maybe they're 'saving' that info for next season. Nobody is courting. Nobody. Izzy 'kisses' because he's probably getting hugged and kissed a lot by the people of CA. Actually quite refreshing to see. If he were living in AR, that would have to be sucked right out of him ASAP, as he perfects his toddler side hug. Jill and Jessa are married and are moms???? Really? Jill and Jessa think they are saving the world by talking about adoption 24/7, and are smug enough to believe they would be the best thing that ever happened to any unfortunate kid in SA. That will be the next race...to see who can adopt first. Sick. Jessa was OK with touchy-feely Josh, but devastated by his porn addiction, which is none of her business. At. All. That's about all I could stomach. Cousin Amy is starting to look intriguing.
  10. I'm not watching this, but from the previews (which are constant and sickening), JB is getting his wish....people believing that somebody is courting....he knows that's the stuff that ratings are made of. I actually feel sorry for Jinger. This ^^^^^ is funny. That seems to be the whole take-away from this show. Kinda sad, really. Still not gonna watch it tho....can piece enough together from the previews on TLC and the snark here to know it would bore me to tears.
  11. In that zip-lining pic of Mullet, I can see part of her knee, the complete outline of her butt, and a peek of an armpit. Highly defrauding, I would say. In the snorkeling pic....is that pasty JB or pasty Josh? ....that has to be the worst idea ever...it would take two or three of those floats to hold him up with the wet heavyweight denim and knit. And I'm sure he (whichever one it is) can't swim.
  12. Those A-line dress / cardigan / twirl curl get-ups are even worse from behind. (in pic up there ^^^^^) No wonder Joy wants nothing to do with any of it. Smart(er) J'Slave, that one. And why is a MadMen-era flight attendant giving them seating instructions? Repeat after me: There is NO courting going on. No potential. No anything. It's all a big JB ratings tease-fest.
  13. Nah. JB was probably right off-camera coaching that for cliffhanger suspense. I was expecting F***MeBaby heels for all their talk. Those were 1975 Teacher Wedges. Next episode: Chicken of the Sea discussion, with Bin playing the Jessica Simpson role. Does Joy even know that the most uncomfortable item of clothing on earth is a stiff denim skirt with a non-forgiving waistband?
  14. Saw the end of this.......those "Girls Night Out to a Fancy Restaurant" get-ups......the cardigans over round-neck dresses, the brown wedge-heel sandals, the curly-twirly hair......had to LOL...it was all teacher-got-up-late wear at it's very best. Was this clubbing, Fundy-style? Anna is still all hung up on courtships, marriages, babies, huh? They are so incredibly boring. And I watched for about 3 minutes!
  15. Was thinking about AI yesterday, and a thought popped into my head.....too bad Glee isn't on anymore. Dalton would've been perfect for that show. He would've arrived with a fan base and built a new one around Glee. He would've been adorable!! Oh well........
  16. This ^^^^^made me laugh so hard. I was picturing a giant blender....throw in those 5 WGWGs , whirl it on high, and pour out 5 glasses of a drink called the "Perry Como". I forgot that JLo's ass was her claim to fame back in the day. With the Kardashian fat butts all over the place, JLo's is downright petite. But it is a dancing ass, so there's that. I guess. I'm going to be sad after the holidays. Every year, when the winter doldrums hit, I say "Wait! Idol will be on soon!" Over the past few years, there have been fewer people to discuss AI with, but at least it was still there. And after last night, it hit me how many careers were launched from this thing. Heck, even the judges have been getting career reboots. I hope we can still come on here and discuss past (they will all be past) contestants. We can, right? The current S15 Top 10? They really got screwed over...no awesome finale like the old days and no summer tour. I'm not even sure I saw them all last night. As for that Jax video....I kinda got a kick out of it....and I don't even like Jax. ETA:: Looked like Reuben finally got that sweat under control! And didn't Clay once have a long thin face with sticky-outty ears?
  17. LOL. That was like ordering a Mexican omelet with serrano chili peppers and instead you get a bowl of lukewarm oatmeal. ((Apologies to David Cook though....he might have been been able to save it had it been a solo.)) Old judge Kara...everybody forgot about her and so why was she there? Taylor still has the most fun of anybody anywhere. I will never waver from that belief. Constantine is aging backwards. Where are the Claymates at this point in time? I was OK with the results. I kinda hate the "I'm doing this for my kid." stuff. It implies "Doing it for the money." Not "Doing it for the love of music." Oh well.............it's OK to think that, but just STFU. (Many contestants have spouted that over the years, so it's not new....but it always comes off as pathetic).
  18. Did I hear it right...did Kelly say she made that denim top from a pair of jeans??? If so......extra points for that. Adam?? British?? Nah, his teeth are too nice.
  19. I really did enjoy this and agree it could've been longer. Some observations: Kelly really was the 'girl next door'. Only watched the finale in S1, so never really saw her journey. Seemed 25 years younger than she is now. Carrie was a goobery milkmaid. Lover her answer when Ryan asked her about seeing stars in LA. Nobody had more fun on this show in the history of ever than Taylor Hicks. Seriously. Kat McPhee never smiled for the duration of her season. It seems like the "Big" personalities rarely win.......only Kelly, Fantasia, Taylor, and Caleb. The other 10 are fairly mousy. By this formula, Trent should win S15. "Big" personalities can do well without winning......JHud, Adam, Kellie P, Constantine. Bo Bice!!!!! Yes! Awwww...Ellen. Missing: Shioban, Krystal, David A, Blake, Kellie P, HeeJun, Sanjaya, Angie, Clark, Lazaro, James. Why?? Ryan was so young and cute back in S1.
  20. Just whizzed by a few minutes of this...please tell me that wasn't yet another freakin' BABY SHOWER, complete with GAMES !!!! Good lord, do these people do anything else? I'm beginning to think that baby showers are their main means of socialization. Gross. So Joy is a "Party Planner" now? I thought she was a "Car Detailer". And did she say they sucked the tom-boy (ie. fun) out of her and she's happy about that development, cuz now she's a "Party Planner" with that Mullet-wannabee. There are no words. That pregnant chick was having a pedi done by a MAN who was not the man God chose for her. Is that allowed? Ben looks thinner. Did I see a preview that he's an aspiring rapper now? That hat has been doing promos for months, so ...yeah. One can watch this whole thing by just seeing previews. JD is such a lady-killer. Hold me back. So much acne. The mind. It boggles.
  21. Was she actually in the bottom two? Didn't Seacrest say , "In no special order"? I may have to rewatch.
  22. Just stop into Kohls on a weekday afternoon and you will hear that schlocky "Home" song on the Muzak playlist. ((Truthful. Not snark.)) Oh, good god......did Adam Lambert cancel at the last second, and our eyes and ears are going to assaulted by this?
  23. OMG...this made me LOL so hard. I was also picturing the big shoulder pads that went with that "Shy Di" look. So no P2 on the finale??? Total SCORE!!! Was not looking forward to watching him shuffle, mumble, and wince.
  24. I just have to jump in here and defend Kat McPhee...she's from Los Angeles, for God's sake!!!!! I honestly don't think anyone in LA is going to lose their shit over another aspiring star wanna-be. It's kinda not fair, because, historically, the Idols coming from the little podunk towns around the country are the biggest thing that ever happened there. I think Adam Lambert had the same reception (either LA or San Diego)...there certainly weren't any decked-out diners or granny salons. JLo seat-jumping and almost collapsing the springs in her chair during "Dancing in the Dark" was pitiful. Really. Yeah, that Borcheeta guy is creepy, but so was Iovine. Maybe they know their stuff behind the scenes. Ya got me. Dalton is reaching Constantine-levels of eye-fuckery. Trent is ....well, I just don't know.....I guess he can sing, just not my style at all. LaPorsha is boring me with all those runs. She's also heading for some serious health issues (not unlike the Velvet Teddy Bear, who ended up on Biggest Loser). Please, show, have a decent parade of past Idols up your sleeve for next week.
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